Read The Mystery of Margorie Walker Page 2

1.The Maiden’s Death


  “Grab her out and throw her into the dungeon!”

  The fierce shocking roars echoed in the long vacant hallway. A new maid dropped the plate in her hand and the glass shattered into pieces. The housekeeper, a rather plump but wicked woman, caught the poor astonished maid. Next, the room was filled with whipping noise, beyond that was the little girl’s whimpers.

  “Please, have mercy! You know I would never betray you, Earl.”

  The pleading voice spread along the corridors and down to the ground floor. The young butler flicked his eyes to a corner of the hall but did not speak. The other servants dared not to stop what they were doing, fearing a similar fate as the maid’s.

  Within seconds, the whimpers from the kitchen stopped. The maid, covered with bruises and her dress stained with red, was dragged out by two huge men. Unconscious. Wounded. Dead.

  At the exact same time, another young lady was being captured and grabbed out of Earl’s room. Her face had turned red from all the smacking. Every inch taken gave her a burning pain. Each part of her body ached. Almost beaten to death, she was no longer capable of crying. Three broken bones. One twisted ankle. More than fifty cuts. Following would be more horrifying torture.

  She was thrown into the dungeon. The door shut behind her as she landed onto the bench with a creaking noise from the fractured bone. She moaned in agony.

  What had she done to deserve this? No one could answer her. Neither could she. This was a madhouse. A living hell. Once people got in, they never got out. Everyone realized that but still, many were forced to stay. She pondered for a long moment, wondering what would be her end. The bench she was resting on had once been stained with another girl’s blood. The spot had long turned yellow-brown. The metal surface was icy cold, just like the surrounding environment. Numerous girls had perished here but in various ways of death. And she knew she would be the next victim.

  She was doomed to die and all she could do was to pray to be murdered in a less painful way. She might plead but her husband would not spare her, she was sure. He was not like any other men. In fact, he was barely a man yet. To be more specific, he was an eighteen-year-old boy, a devil in a child form.

  Thinking back about how she entered this house, she began to sob. Not a single bit of her parts felt comfortable in this house. Not from the day she came. Not until then.

  There was something she would definitely wish before her death- to be innocent till the very end.

  Two years ago, she was nowhere to be seen in this house, indeed. She was living far away in an abandoned village with her family. The life was hard, but she did not mind a bit. At least, she was not humiliated, abused and frightened. Her father passed away when she was five. Together with her widowed mother sister Margorie and old granny, she managed and looked after a small farm. Sometimes, they sold wheat and corns. The other days when harvest was not satisfactory, the family left to the town for work. Yes, the town. That was exactly where the dark fate started to cast a spell on her.

  It was in the bakery where she encountered the devil. She was fourteen years old then, a fine young lady to be honest. When she first arrived in the town, plenty of young men were caught in her beauty. She possessed this long wavy blonde hair, tied into two neat plaits. She had an oval face with a pair of bright, striking hazel eyes. Her elegance charmed every single man that walked by. Her smile would almost strike a man’s heart. Yet, no one was able to get her for in her eyes, men were something she never dreamt of or yearned for. When she was small and her father was alive, she always witnessed the terrible pain her mother was suffering from the marriage. From then on, she realized one very significant thing. In a society where women stood no chance against men and where women were meant to be less superior, the only way to stay unharmed was to have nothing to do with men. Certainly, that was impossible. One day, in the future, she would also be one of the women living under men’s shadows. She would get married and taken. It was a social norm. It was just a matter of time when it happened and a matter of luck if she could find one boy who truly loved her.

  Day and night, she devoted herself to work, to earn sufficient to maintain the living. Some time ago, her mother was getting weaker and weaker. With an aggravating health condition, she could no longer work with her. Her sister was still too young to take up any jobs which made the entire family rely solely on her. She would not complain though since she would rather prefer working to marrying a wealthy man. Even for a poor girl like her, she had dreams. Fantasy, as they called it. She dreamt about being free. And the freedom she wanted was to smile with no regrets and to live under the sun. With money, she would be set free from work but she might regret with the choice she made. To her, marriage was an intimidating thing. The thing she dreaded most.

  One fine muggy day, someone entered the bakery. At that time, she worked as a maid there. The shopkeeper was a rude, unfriendly lady who frequently slapped her whenever she made a mistake. As usual, she tried her best to be polite and to welcome the customer. She bowed and then looked up. Their eyes met. It was a boy dressed in awfully deluxe clothes. He was holding a cane in his hand. Behind him stood a man in black, apparently his servant or butler. For a second, she did not know what to say for it was the first time she met such a noble customer. The town was not rich itself, mostly filled with middle-class. She took a glimpse outside the window and there stood a carriage. She deemed this young man had to be on his way travelling.

  “Good evening, miss.” The boy smiled at her. She could swear somewhere in her heart melted. She had never taken any liking towards boys but just this once, something about this gorgeous boy stunned her.

  She was speechless. The boy’s smile faded and asked if she was alright. She could only nod and still no words came out of her mouth.

  “Do you not speak?” He asked.

  “Well…” She stammered, her heart beating fast.

  Something was wrong. It was as if he was taking control over her. In no time, the shopkeeper rushed out and smacked her for her inability to help the customer. She fell onto the ground whining. Just then, when she thought she was helplessly embarrassed, the boy offered his hand to her and helped her up. He shot an indignant stare at the shopkeeper, who did not quite understand why a noble would be so nice to a filthy maid. After some time, he led her out of the bakery.

  She lost her job. She was no longer a maid. In return, she was taken- by the mysterious boy.

  His name was no ordinary. Lucifer Beaumont. Most people referred to him as Earl Beaumont. He was a descendant of a local noble family, the only son of Earl Mulo Beaumont, who had a rather influential reputation over the community. Everyone knew the post the Beaumont stood in the kingdom. The highly respected nobility, the renowned servant of the king and the wealthy landlord of the district.

  She could not see why he took interest on her. Perhaps he wanted her for entertainment, an instantaneous pleasure or worse, a disposable toy. The boy was well-known for his generosity. He liked to donate things to the poor and sympathize with the homeless. Outside, he was adored by many. Yet, on the inside, he was no angel at all.

  He had a special authority, the power to obtain whatever he wanted, including her. The first time she saw him, she admitted she was charmed, and completely lured. He possessed this dreadfully gorgeous face, stuck with blonde hair, hazel eyes and fair skin. There was not a single flaw in his appearance, fashion and etiquette. He was- the perfect guy every girl would ever dream of being with. And among thousands or millions, he had chosen her especially. To lead her to her doom.

  The first week she spent with him was probably the most amazing and beautiful time in her entire life. He knew clearly how to make her happy. He sent her gifts, led her to every exciting place that she might find happiness and treated her like the most significant person in his eyes. She was utterly dazed by his disguised act. He was, all in all, terribly gentle, charming and amiable. He even cared for her sick mother and little siste
r. When she walked in her new exquisite dress, every other town girl stared with jealousy. When one day she walked back to the bakery she used to work in, she almost burst out laughing as she saw the shopkeeper’s face. There, suddenly becoming all town people’s centre of attention, she stood proud and vain. She loved the feeling of being admired. She indulged in the feeling of drawing attention. She had never felt this way before and he, the one whom she falsely regarded as her true savior, was who gave her this ability to enjoy real joy of life.

  She fell for him. Deeply and horribly. He courted her, never giving up or letting go. Once, she had believed there was no such thing as true love or happy marriage. After her meeting with him, she changed. It was as if out of sudden, she was sent to the wondrous heaven. It’s just she never expected one day she would be damned back to hell.

  “Rubia, would you kindly consider the possibility of us being together?” One day, Lucifer said to her, in a soft mild voice.


  “Like forever and more.” He smiled.

  “Well, perhaps it’s a good idea.” Her eyes met his. At that moment, she was flooded with so much joy that she did not quite notice behind those sparkling eyes of his lay an underlying evil plan. She had not an idea she had made the most unpardonable mistake going to live with him.

  “Will you marry me?”


  And so, they married. What followed the marriage was something she had never anticipated. He lied to her. He did not take her family with them but instead abandoned them. She remembered kneeling in front of him and pleading him nights after nights, but not a singer drop of tear she shed reached his poisonous heart. He was not what he seemed, or rather, pretended. Once she stepped into his frighteningly enormous grand mansion, he transformed into a vicious brutal creature. His smile showed his intentions. His eyes revealed his plan. His hands were her prison. He claimed that he loved her but the way he did was like keeping a pet in a cage, never letting it out. What scared her more was that she was not the first he loved. He had brought back several girls before her, to the very same house. However, none of them survived. And what it meant by surviving was being able to please him. They all just vanished in a blink of an eye. She did a little bit of investigation but soon she gave up because it frightened her. She so much did not want to accidentally wander into a locked room where she found all the corpses of the previous girls he had finished. When his love for her disappeared, she would no longer be the spoiled little pet of his but his prey. And he had no mercy on his prey.

  Her crime now was having attempted to escape from him. After two years of suffering, she had decided to bet on her fate. Yet, she fell into a trap. There was another man in the house who was half responsible for her present situation. He seemed so kind and considerate but was actually a very loyal servant. The butler had led her to that room on purpose. That day, she found out something she had refused to confront for a long time- the death of her companions.

  It turned out that the Beaumonts were devoted followers of cult. As he was brought up, Lucifer was taught by his grandfather not to trust anyone easily. When someone denied his power, refused to obey him, they were doomed to be sacrifices.

  His first wife rejected him, refusing to let him touch her after realizing his true characters. She paid her price. She was thrown into the dungeon, starved for three days before meeting her execution. Back to his bedroom, she was tied by iron handcuffs, her body stretched to a point she could feel acute pain all over. She was beaten and whipped. Eventually, he pulled out a dagger, sliced open her body from throat to bottom and took out her organs one by one. All the time, she whined and cried when she remained conscious. Her death was a painful scene as he did not merely torture by cutting her but draining blood out of her body. Her dehydrated corpse was hung in a spare room somewhere in the mansion. Even then, her expression before she lost her last breath remained. It was a twisted face filled with grudge.

  His second wife was submissive little sheep. She obeyed him and did as told. Yet, she was accused of never being able to smile in front of him. The fact was, the girl never did know how to smile. Poor little thing, she was brought up in an orphan. Having suffered for half of her life and continuing to do so after getting married to him, she was again, thrown into the dungeon, starved for three days before being murdered. This time, she was tied by ropes to a bed. She lay flatly as the knife started sketching her glamorous face. Torn and hurt, she whimpered and howled. He hated the sound, so he cut out her bladder and stuffed it right into her mouth. She cried no more but her lungs remained moving. He smiled an evil grin. Then, he slaughtered her body with no mercy; sucking every single drop of blood he could possible draw from her veins and arteries.

  His third wife was an innocent maid employed in the mansion. Her crime was being way too clumsy. He did not like the sound of breaking glass and the sight of soup accidentally pouring over his shirt. He wanted more manners from her, so he decided to teach her a lesson. She was thrown into the dungeon, starved for three days before being tormented. She was not tied nor hung. He stuck a metal hallow rod right to her throat. Using it as a straw, he sucked the blood from her veins. She struggled, fought and tried in any way she could possibly break free. Still, in the end, she was suffocated. Dead.

  Was he a vampire? Rubia did not know. After discovering that special room, she tried to make a run but failed. Her escape did not work. She was now sitting in the cold damp dungeon, the same way the other girls had been. She remembered he once mentioned to her that he had an unusual frenzy for something. Maybe he was meaning the frenzy for blood. Did he like blood that much? Why would he want it so much?

  And then, it struck her. Of course, he did so for his own benefit. Everything was about the cult.

  “There’s a myth. After one drinks blood from three innocent girls, he can become a true powerful dominator.”

  But why would he need her when he had already taken three innocent lives prior? She hoped it was all a joke, a nightmare which one day she would wake up from.

  Soon, she knew she would end up like the others. Dead and never found.

  The door of the dungeon swung open. She automatically jumped to her fear. He came in, with his usual cunning smile. She was dragged out of the place, pulled upstairs and thrown into another room. The room was so dark that she could not see anything. A second later, hundreds of candles lit up. She was tied to a metal bed. She kicked and struggled but she stood no chance.

  “Three preys and one sacrifice.” He muttered. “These are all I need to become the real undefeatable.”

  “Do you know why I have chosen you to be the special one?” He asked, running his hand over her long curly hair. She was shivering so badly that she had long forgotten how to shake her head.

  “Because I love you.” He grinned. “When the ceremony is done, we will become one. You will live inside me and together, we will possess the greatest powers of all.”

  It was crazy. Everything was crazy. Tears trickled down her face. She could not stop crying anymore. She recalled her memory as a little ordinary girl before she arrived at this mansion. Somehow, she felt guilty. Very guilty. Why?

  Oh, there it was. The sad piece of memory flashed in her head. She was standing on the farm, with Margorie.

  “Please, you mustn’t go, Rubia.” Her dear little sister had told her. “He isn’t what you think. He charms you with money and jewelry. You love him because he’s given you a feeling you have never had. You love being adored and rich. That’s the common trap set up for many girls. He’s got something evil in him. If you go with him, you won’t be happy.”

  Margorie had always loathed Lucifer ever since the first day they met. He treated her well but she was always furious and irritated when he was around. She had not been quite normal either. When she was small, she used to claim she could see things. What exactly she was referring to Rubia had no idea, for she had never paid much attention to her.

  “I can sense who the good g
uy is.” She once told her. “And who the bad guy is.

  “Don’t be silly. Lucifer is good enough.” Was Rubia’s reply.

  Now, she understood why Margorie cried to her death trying to avoid her getting married to Lucifer. The little girl must have seen through his intentions long ago. She knew Rubia was in danger and had been trying to help, but Rubia did not listen. She abandoned her family and went away with the bad guy.

  “Your sister was quite an obstacle to begin with.” Lucifer said. “I don’t know how she knows everything. Guess she’s a little bit retarded. But you are foolish enough to be deceived when there’s someone so clever beside you. You denied her presence. You ignored her advice. And you paid the price of her death.”

  Rubia could not believe her ears. He had killed her sister. After taking her with him, he had ordered someone to poison her mother and accuse Margorie of being a “witch”. The girl was burnt alive in front of everyone. Her body was buried in flame, heated until only bones remained.

  Now, Lucifer had taken out his dagger, aiming at her heart. She screamed and struggled with all her might. And then, everything ended. The next second, as the sharp point of dagger cut through her skin, she felt an instant dizziness and unbearable pain. The candles were blown off and the room was enveloped by darkness.

  Out of sudden, something terribly bright emerged. It was a beam of burning red light. Lucifer’s disgusting laughs echoed in the room. He had succeeded. He had summoned the demon to grant him the power of dominating…

  “AHHH!!!” There was a sudden shriek. Rubia widened her eyes and stared ahead, only to see the boy twisting his body at various angles and screeching with pain.

  What was happening?

  Just then, the beam of red light formed an image. The image grew into a shape. A face appeared. It was no demon’s face but…

  “Margorie?” Rubia murmured under her breath and moaned immediately as the pain from the wound went all over her body.

  “It can’t be!” Lucifer wailed with craze, his hands already stained with blood.

  “Three preys and one sacrifice. You made it.” The ghost of Margorie gazed down at Lucifer and smiled. “You can become a powerful dominator.”

  “Why you?” Lucifer screamed. His limbs were all twisted to an extent he could no longer support himself up. “You were dead!”

  “I was.” Margorie laughed. “That’s why I was here. Summoned by you. I should actually thank you for burning me because only then, I was dead and could enter the other world and then come back to you in such form.”

  Next, Margorie’s mouth split into a large slit, stretching from ear to ear. The sharp white teeth were then shown. Her eyes narrowed and her nails grew. Her nose flattened and the ears elongated. She was no longer the way she used to look like.

  “You wish to be a dominator.” She said, her voice rumbling in the room. “I’ll grant your wish.”

  “No!” Lucifer screamed. His eyes began to bulge as blood rolled down his face. Blood came out of his mouth and ears. He grasped and breathed heavily as though he was being strangled.

  “Let’s see what kind of dominators suits you best.” Margorie’s crafty husky laugh almost deafened Rubia. So far, she still could not believe what she saw was real- Margorie appearing as a demon, coming back for vengeance.

  “There’s only one kind of dominators which is available for someone like you.” Margorie said. “For you never did know how to treasure life, you will not be the dominator of life. For you did never know how to love, you will not be the dominator of love either. After seeing all you have done, you are best suited for being the dominator of torment. You will live and rule in a place full of pain and agony. In the hell, you shall remain tortured and whipped continuously in the same way you shall do with many others.”

  In a fleeting moment, Lucifer’s limbs distorted. His body was sliced open from throat to bottom and the internal organs spilt out. Vaguely conscious, Rubia could smell the odor of blood and see the sight of intestines. His hands and legs were stretched out as if they were tied. A hole appeared near his throat as blood continued to pour out. In his last consciousness, his eyes glanced with utter grudge and his face was wholly twisted.

  Rubia held out her hand, trying to reach Margorie. Margorie turned around and approached her.

  “Rubia, I warned you, didn’t I?” She said. “You have no one to blame but yourself. A rule is a rule.”

  Before she could say something, Rubia felt heat bubbling up within her ruined body. The pain was unendurable. It was as though she was being burnt. Alive. Soon, smoke surrounded her. She knew clearly it came from her burning body. The skin detached from her muscles and the room was filled with smolder. Every part of her was being heated up rapidly, boiled and destroyed. It was the same very pain Margorie had felt when she was being executed.

  She had made a fatal mistake. Not listening to her sister and believing in Lucifer. Love is dangerous. If only she had never succumbed to his charisma. If only she had never yearned for so much vanity. If only she had stood firm about her attitude of love in the first place. Nothing like this would have happened.

  And yet, she paid her price.

  2. The Lover’s Pleads


  The silence of the dark frightened him a bit, though he was well-known for his bravery. Yet, such quiet was rather extraordinary considering all his past experiences. In his whole life, he had been wimpy once. That is, when he lost her.

  Perching on the railings, he glanced down. Every now and then, he would not glare up like he used to, when he was with her. As she was no longer near him, he had no reason to look up or to expect from that wide azure sky. Ever since she had perished, he had always been looking down, staring at the ground endlessly. Sometimes, people passed by and they would take a quick glimpse of him. He knew what they thought. Behind those eyes, he could tell he was being judged in an unusual way. For instance, being mocked and despised. He did not mind though because he did it all for her. He was waiting, day and night, for her return. Until this day, his never-ending prayer was answered. He met her. Well, not exactly her, but that shadow certainly reminded him strongly of her.

  It was a gloomy chilly night. He was wandering in the empty night street as usual, having no purpose but a wish, to see her face. He walked through the dark alleys and the filthy corners, hoping in every way he could be with her. Someday, he thought, he might encounter some gangsters or thieves and they might murder him. Only then would he go to the other world. Heaven or hell, he knew he would see her again. Yet, the day of his doom never came, despite his longing. He had witnessed plenty of crimes in the night time and each time he prayed to be one of the victims, he ended up saving the one truly abused. He could only sigh at his guts. He was too brave to die, as others said. He even got an award from the police to praise his courageous acts. This was not what he wanted. Not at all.

  Why did it turn out this way? He loved her, but he had not got the chance to tell her. She was gone now. What was the use of living?

  He strolled along the street. It was a spectacular night, so he thought. The stars twinkled above him and yet, his head still remained down. He did not wish to enjoy the beautiful scenery, for she was not with him.

  And then, it happened. It was the first night he saw the shadow. A dark figure flew past him, very swiftly and abruptly. He looked ahead but nothing was there. Out of sudden, he heard whimpers and cries. He dashed with all his might to the back of the alley and there, he saw a young lady’s clothes being torn by a brawny man. He knew what he had to do. He had to save the poor little girl. But what next? He would be brought back to the police station to assist the investigation and then… life would just be the same. He would not die. He would not meet her.

  Just when he was about to make a move, he saw it. The shadowy figure. It gradually took its form, in a shape so familiar. It was…

  “Margorie?” He gasped, barely believing his own eyes.

  The girl ignored him. S
he was looking in a different direction, straight at the man and the young lady.

  “Margorie!” He shrieked. The man turned around instantly, astonished. The whining stopped. The woman being harassed showed the same stunned expression.

  The shadow turned into a swirl of dark mist immediately. As her impressive face faded into darkness, he caught sight of her eyes. She was staring at him at last. Their eyes met and his body was suddenly stimulated by a chill somewhat like electric current. He wanted so much to lean forward and grab her but he found himself standing motionlessly instead. She did not look happy to see him again, more like annoyed. The next second she was gone. Vanished in a blink of an eye.

  The next day he woke up in his bed. He had not a single idea what happened. His head ached. It felt as though he had been sleeping for hundreds of years. Fatigue, he leapt out of bed. A police officer was in his house, greeting him. He later learnt that he fainted in an alley the previous night. A man was caught there, arrested for having assault a young lady.

  “She said you saved her.” The officer said.

  “But…” He wanted to clarify that he did not do anything. The sight of Margorie still lingered in his head. He was trying to catch her shadow but then she disappeared.

  “Did they not see it?” He finally inquired.

  “See what?”

  “Margorie.” He said.

  “Hanzel, we all know she’s dead.” The officer reminded him. “Did you have a bad dream of her again? Guess she’ll never leave you alone. What the devil of spells did she cast on you?”

  “She’s not a witch!” Hanzel shouted exasperatedly. He knew she was different, not like many other girls in the town but she was doubtlessly not a witch. She was too nice to be one.

  He recalled the summer when he met her. It all took place five years ago. He was twelve then, a typical farmer’s son. He used to help out with the harvest and gardening. Residing with an old sick grandmother was quite a burden on living. Yet, he never blamed anyone. His parents died young. He was an orphan, somehow unwanted and abandoned. He took up the job of farming at a pretty young age after his grandfather passed away.

  One day, a new family moved in next doors. The first time he saw her, she was sitting in a wooden carriage. Her face leaned against the window and her eyes were gleaming in the sunlight. She was an adorable young girl, the kind that really drew his attention. In the town, he was rather popular, for he was outgoing and humorous. He had numerous playmates. There were girls whom he hung out with but none of them looked like her. She was unusual. Unique. She caught his eyes. She crossed his mind.

  He found an excuse to visit her family. She was taking water from the well at that time. Her family was poor. She had a middle-aged mother with a weak body, always ill, just like his grandmother. She also had an old granny, who didn’t talk much. And she had a sister called Rubia, whom the town people thought as even more striking and beautiful. He did not really like her though because she was vain. In the town, almost every man tried to court her but no one seemed to be able to charm her. She always claimed she did not believe in love and feared the failure of marriage but Margorie said she was just waiting for the right guy, who could truly make her proud.

  “She wants someone good-looking.” Margorie once told him. “And wealthy and gentle and charming. Well, more like perfect. To her, being perfect means no failure.”

  It was ridiculous. It seemed she did find the right guy for her at last. Rubia married Earl Beaumont in the city. He was perfect enough but was also the murderer of Margorie. Hanzel was relieved when he learnt that Earl Beaumont and Rubia were found dead a week ago, in their mansion. They were torn to pieces and their corpses were stuck in a pool of blood and flesh. He had not a single sympathy for them because he knew they were the culprit of his beloved’s death.

  Anyway, he met her near the well. She was bending forward to pull the bucket of water at that moment. He ran up and helped her. Their hands touched and they looked face to face at each other.

  “Hi.” He said after a long period of pause.

  She nodded but did not grin. She rarely smiled. Strange, he thought. She was an eccentric girl. Even though she was cute, town people did not quite fancy her. She was totally different from her sister, who was more extroverted and merry. She always remained expressionless and silent. It did not take him long to realize she was actually observing others.

  “I watch.” She once told him as they were sitting in the field alone. “What they do. What they say. What they want.”

  “But how?” He asked, bewildered.

  “Use your heart, Hanzel.” She said. “You can then feel their motive, know what they think.”

  “Do they know then?”

  “Course not.” She laughed. She finally laughed for the first time and he was pleased. She had given her first smile to him. To him only. “The point of doing this whole thing is not letting them know, Hanzel.”

  “Really.” He murmured and reached for her hand. She did not duck. She only glanced ahead, her eyes as hallow as always but seeing through much more than anyone else.

  “Hanzel, you’re a good friend.” She said. “You are not like them. You don’t look at me the way they do.”

  “Can you tell what I think now?”

  She turned to face him and carefully examined his face. She had looked quite seriously at him before. Perhaps to her, appearance did not matter. Not that he was ugly. He was, in fact, rather handsome.

  “I’d better not tell.” She smiled and stood up. He did not let her go, indeed. He wanted to tease her.

  “Well, love is more dangerous than you think it is.” She said. “You see Rubia is falling into a deep hole she will never climb out of. Love makes her blind. Love is the cause. And I am different, unlike you or anyone else. We had better keep our distance.”

  He told her he did not mind. He just wanted to hang out with her. Even if the whole town was against her, he would still keep his feeling and passion for her. Together they had gone through happy times and hard hassle. Never had she fail him though. She was a strong-willed girl, stubborn and firm. When she said she hated him, she liked him. When she was being cruel, she was actually breaking inside. When she said she feared no death, she was in fact suffering more than anyone else could possibly imagine. She did not deserve such treatment. She did not deserve death at such a young age.

  He made an attempt to save her but the others would not allow him to do so. He was held back by force. As she was constantly being accused of witchcraft and possessing dark power, he was helpless. He wished he could share the castigation with her because he liked her. And he knew she felt the same about him. She never said she loved him though. She just concealed all her feelings, he reckoned, in order to protect him. He was frustrated and melancholy. He remembered sobbing and screaming for her. But nothing could be done to alter her fate.

  She did not shed a single drop of tears though. Seeing her calm solemn face just before her execution, people were more convinced that she was a “witch”.

  “It’s not like she doesn’t care.” Hanzel said to himself. “She was born with a special gift. Yet, she never did know how to smile or cry. I have taught her how to smile but no one has taught her how to cry.”

  In her death, she did not scream like other criminals. She struggled a little in the crimson flame. And then, there was only silence. As he watched the fire engulfing her, he shrieked. As her body got consumed in hotness and ruined in flame, he cried. In her last few seconds of life, she stared at him again. It was the second time in her life that she looked straight at him. He returned her glance with a face soaked in tears and twisted in agony. She remained peaceful and calm. And then…a pearl ran down her face. Her only drop of tears. It was so bright and beautiful. It shined in the light.

  “Margorie…” He stuttered under his breath, his hand reaching out.

  She smiled for the last time.

  She cried for the first time.

  And she had done
it for him. For him only.

  “You aren’t supposed to be here.” A familiar soft voice whispered.

  He turned around and smiled. She smiled back.

  “It’s been quite a while, Hanzel.” Margorie took one step forward. Now, they were facing each other.

  It was the following night since he had first seen her shadow. He did not give up and decided to wander in the dark alleys again. His determination brought him this second rare opportunity to meet her again. He did not care whether she was a ghost or whatsoever. He only knew he had been dying to see her.

  “You grew, Margorie.” Hanzel said. Now, it was his turn to examine Margorie. She looked so glamorous. It was peculiar as in his memory; she looked much younger when she died. Yet, at this instant, she had grown like him. She was no longer a girl but a young fine lady. She was dressed in a black outfit with black hat and black gloves. Her heels screeched with every step she took. Elegant and tempting.

  “I did.” She said. Her smile faded. Her eyes now sparkled in red, under the starlight.

  “Who’re you?” Hanzel asked. “Or more precisely, what are you?”

  “I watch, Hanzel.” Margorie said, leaning against his chest. “I told you it’s my job to watch.”

  Hanzel pushed her away. He regained his consciousness at once. She was dead, he reminded himself.

  “You’re a ghost!” He said.

  “Not quite.” Margorie smirked. “It was you who’s crying to see me and now you’re pushing me away.”

  “But you’re…different.” Hanzel stammered, no longer knowing whether it was a dream.

  “I’m always different.” Margorie said. “You know what? I came to see you for a special request. I’ve answered your command and now you must promise me one thing.”


  “Never to save anyone again.” Margorie said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “It’s my job to watch.” Margorie explained. “To watch as people die. I have to ensure their death but now you are messing up everything. You save every single person who’s supposed to perish. You are ruining our business, upsetting the balance. I know why you do that, though. You still remain guilty not being able to save me. But Hanzel, saving those people won’t bring me back to you. You’re messing with my job. You’ve made me responsible for the disturbed balance between life and death.”

  “What on earth are you talking about?” Hanzel suddenly felt scared. He backed away and shivered. He could not think. He could not breathe. She was suffocating him. It was all a dream, wasn’t it?

  “It’s no dreams.” Margorie went on. “I’m dead, Hanzel. Dead. You saw me burnt, I’m sure. Things will never be the same again.”

  “No!” He cried and grabbed her, taking her into his arms. Tears trickled down his face. He was quivering so much that both of them were shaking. He did not want to believe what she said was true. He knew she was dead but she had just come back to him. She was no longer a human but he still loved her. He wanted her. To be with her.

  “You said you watch as people die.” Hanzel whined. “Did you come to get me?”

  Margorie did not speak for a moment. She let him embrace her but did not cry like him. She only sighed.

  “No.” She muttered. “You’re special. An exception. That’s why you can see me.”

  “Please…” Hanzel begged. “Take me with you.”

  “I can’t. Sorry, Hanzel.” Margorie shook her head. “Your time of death has not come yet. A rule is a rule.”

  “But you can kill me.” Hanzel released her, still seizing her wrists. “You can do that, right? You have the power to do that!”

  “I have but I will not.” Margorie pointed out plainly. “When they burnt me, my soul was torn to pieces. But I woke. Someone saved me. He put back the pieces such that my soul could live. I vowed to work for him. To show my gratitude, I am now on my mission to achieve my oath.”

  “What oath?” Hanzel scowled.

  “You need not know.” Margorie said. “I only tell you this in case you’re curious. But I also want you to know I am dead. Do not come out at nights again. Some people are meant to die. You can’t save all of them. Even if you do, you will not be able to redeem my sin or to bring me back. Someone who’s gone is forever gone. You are in no need of remorse.”

  “No, I don’t believe it.” Hanzel shook his head vigorously. “You are real. You are alive. And I love you.”

  “Too late, Hanzel.” Margorie said. “You shouldn’t have said that. Love- is by far the most dangerous thing I have ever come across. A demon like me shall not love. I will never be able to return your feeling.”

  “No, don’t say that.” Hanzel still would not let go. “I don’t care what form you take to live or whether you love me not. I want to be with you.”

  “Seriously, you need to go, Hanzel.” Margorie warned, her eyes narrowing. She stepped back from him, hinting at him to run away. “Go!”

  Hanzel’s heart flattered but he did not go. Margorie was furious. She had almost crossed her limits.

  A demon could not feel for a human. A demon should only take up the job of witnessing death and collecting souls. A demon should not be seen by a human but work for the hell. A demon should not…

  She screamed. It was a fierce painful scream. Two cuts appeared on her back. Blood splattered everywhere as two gigantic black wings grew out. She shot the most menacing stares at him. She even stuck out her sharp teeth to scare him away but he just did not seem to be taken back. He was far too brave.

  “You surely won’t go, will you?” Margorie said, her husky voice echoing. Hanzel shook his head slightly.

  “Well, I will.” In a fleeting moment, the wings enclosed her and with a stream of smoke, she vanished.


  A line of words was carved to the wall in the alley. Reading the bloody words, Hanzel could not help but weep.