Read The Mystery of the Ravenspurs Page 7



  There was a curious, eager flush on Ralph Ravenspur's face. He rose fromhis seat and paced the room restlessly. Those long fingers wereincessantly clutching at something vague and unseen. And, at the sametime, he was following the story that Geoffrey had to tell with thedeepest attention.

  "What does it mean, uncle?" the young man asked at length.

  "I cannot tell you," Ralph replied. His tones were hard and cold. "Thereare certain things no mortal can understand unless----; but I must notgo into that. It may be that you have touched the fringe of themystery----"

  "I am certain that we are on the verge of a discovery!" Geoffrey criedeagerly. "I am sure that stuff those strangers were making was the sameas the drug or whatever it was that came so near to making an end of mygrandfather. If I knew what to do!"

  "Nothing--do nothing, as you hope for the future!"

  The words came hissing from Ralph's lips. He felt his way across toGeoffrey and laid a grip on his arm that seemed to cut like a knife.

  "Forget it!" he whispered. "Fight down the recollection of the wholething; do nothing based upon your discovery. I cannot say more, but I amgoing to give you advice worth much gold. Promise me that you willforget this matter; that you will not mention it to a soul. Promise!"

  Geoffrey promised, somewhat puzzled and dazed. Did Ralph knoweverything, or was he as ignorant as the rest?

  "I will do what you like," said Geoffrey. "But it is very hard. Can'tyou tell me a little more? I am brave and strong."

  "Courage and strength have nothing to do with it. A nation could donothing in this case. I am going to London to-day."

  "You are going to London alone?"

  "Why not? I came here from the other side of the world alone. I have tosee a doctor about my eyes. No, there is no hope that I can ever recovermy sight again; but it is possible to allay the pain they give me."

  Ralph departed. A dogcart deposited him at Biston Junction, and then theservant saw him safely into the London train. But presently Ralphalighted and a porter guided him to a cab. A little later and the blindman was knocking at the door of a cottage in the poorer portion of thetown.

  A short, stocky man, with a seafaring air, opened the door.

  "Is it you, Elphick?" Ralph asked.

  The short man with the resolute face and keen, gray eyes exclaimed withpleasure:

  "So you've got back at last, sir. Come in, sir. I am alone here as youknow. I knew you'd want me before long."

  Ralph Ravenspur felt his way to a chair. James Elphick stood watchinghim with something more than pleasure in his eyes.

  "We have no time to spare," Ralph exclaimed. "We must be in Londonto-night, James. I am going up to see Dr. Tchigorsky."

  "Dr. Tchigorsky!" Elphick exclaimed. "Didn't I always say as how he'dget through? The man who'd get the best of him ain't born yet. But itmeans danger, sir. Nothing we ever carried out with the doctor wasanything else."

  "Danger you do not dream of," Ralph said impressively. "But I cannotdiscuss this with you, James. You are coming with me to London. Get thedisguise out and let me see if your hand still retains its cunning."

  Apparently it had, for an hour later there walked from the cottagetoward the station an elderly, stout man, with white hair and beard andwhiskers. His eyes were guarded by tinted glasses; the complexion of theface was singularly clear and ruddy. All trace of those cruelcriss-cross lines had gone. Wherever Elphick had learned his art, he hadnot failed to learn it thoroughly.

  "It's perfect; though I say it as shouldn't," he remarked. "It's no use,sir; you can't get on without me. If I'd gone with you to Lassa, allthat horrible torture business would never have happened."

  Ralph Ravenspur smiled cautiously. The stiff dressing on his face made asmile difficult in any case.

  "At all events, I shall want you now," he said.

  It was nearly seven when the express tram reached Euston. Ralph stood onthe great bustling, echoing, platform as if waiting for something. Anexclamation from Elphick attracted his attention.

  "There's the doctor as large as life!" he said.

  "Tchigorsky!" Ralph cried. "Surely not in his natural guise. Oh, this isreckless folly! Does he court defeat at the outset of our enterprise?"

  Tchigorsky bustled up. For some reason or other he chose to appear inhis natural guise. Not till they were in the cab did Ravenspur ventureto expostulate.

  "Much learning has made you mad," he said bitterly.

  "Not a bit of it," the Russian responded. "Unfortunately for me thepriests of Lassa have discovered that I am deeply versed in theirsecrets. Not that they believe for a moment that Tchigorsky and theRussian who walked the valley of the Red Death are one and the same.They deem me to be the recipient of that unhappy man's earlydiscoveries. But your identity remains a secret. The cleverest eyes inthe world could never penetrate your disguise."

  "It comforts me to hear that," Ralph replied. "Everything depends uponmy identity being concealed. Once it is discovered, every Ravenspur isdoomed. But I cannot understand why you escape recognition at the handsof the foe."

  A bitter smile came over Tchigorsky's face.

  "Can you not?" he said. "If you had your eyes you would understand. Man,I have been actually in the company of those who flung me into thevalley of the Red Death and they have not known me. After that I stoodin the presence of my own mother, and she asked who I was.

  "The marks on my face? Well, there are plenty of explorers who have beenvictims to the wire helmet and have never dreamt of entering Lassa. I ama broken, decrepit wreck, I who was once so proud of my inches. Thehorrors of that one day have changed me beyond recognition. But youknow."

  Ralph shuddered from head to foot. A cold moisture stood on hisforehead.

  "Don't," he whispered. "Don't speak of it. When the recollection comesover me I have to hold on to my senses as a shipwrecked sailor clings toa plank. Never mind the past--the future has peril and danger enough.You know why I am here?"

  "To save your house from the curse upon it. To bring the East and Westtogether, and tell of the vilest conspiracy the world has ever seen. Doyou know who the guilty creature is, whose hand is actually striking theblow?"

  "I think so; in fact I am sure of it. But who would believe myaccusation?"

  "Who, indeed! But we shall be in a position to prove our case, now thatthe secrets of the prison-house lie before us. We have three to fear."

  "Yes, yes," said Ralph. "The two Bonzes--who have actually been seennear Ravenspur--and the Princess Zara. Could she recognize me?"

  Ralph asked the question in almost passionate entreaty.

  "I am certain she could not," Tchigorsky replied. "Come, victory shallbe ours yet. Here we are at my house at last. By the way, you must havea name. You shall be my cousin Nicholas Tchigorsky, a clever savant,who, by reason of a deplorable accident, has become both blind and dumb.Allons."