Read The Mystic Wolves (#1, The Mystic Wolves) Page 9

I remembered the day. We’d definitely met under strange circumstances, but we joked about it later. Fate doesn’t care how she brings two people together, as long as she does. After a night of dreaming about Mason—a vision that felt so incredibly real, I’d woken to a phone call from my mother.

  She was unbending in her belief she could hear my biological clock ticking away into oblivion. I tried, desperately, to assure her there was plenty of time for mates and babies, but she was determined to have me bonded and shipped off as soon as I hit my twenties. I couldn’t remember how many eligible werewolves she paraded in front of me over the years, each one “the one.” As I turned every one of them down, I’d leave my poor mother an exasperated mess. She just didn’t get it. I was waiting for something ... that spark, the moment where my stomach tipped as butterflies stirred. I wanted passion and the sense of certainty knowing I’d met my soul mate.

  I’ll never forget the day I tried explaining that to her. It resulted in an angry tirade about how I was breaking her heart and being an ungrateful whelp. The love I was wanting wasn’t important, she claimed, all I needed was a strong werewolf mate who could provide and protect me. She almost choked on her tongue when I defiantly stood there, hands on hips and declared I didn’t even know if I’d marry a werewolf. I didn’t want to be controlled and dominated over. Her face turned a mottled shade of red before she stormed out of my house, muttering about how she didn’t know who I was. The next day I came home to all my beloved romance novels shredded and unceremoniously dumped into trash bags. A note was left on my dining room table.

  Darcy, I blame the nonsense you read in these books for your insane idea of marriage. It’s time you realize there are no heroes to sweep you off your feet. Pick a mate and settle. It’s time.

  Settle. Out of everything she’d said on the page, that word jumped out like it was written on a neon sign. It was one thing I’d never do. I’d rather die old and alone than ever settle for something less. It also made me sad wondering if that’s what she had done with my father.

  We never did talk about the note and her destroying my books. We continued as we normally did—her sending me candidates and me tolerating her. I found a better place to put my books, and life carried on.

  The day she called, she was excited about a man she’d met who she thought would be perfect for me.

  “It’s like he stepped out of one of those books you love so much,” she chattered over the phone. “Surely you won’t find fault with him as well. Just wait until you meet him.” She continued to prattle on and I tuned her out.

  I couldn’t help but groan. One thing I loathed was blind dates because they were just so painfully awkward. There was the overwhelming need to fill every moment with something so we wouldn’t spend the entire date in unbearable silence. Trying to think of a way to break it to the guy gently when it was obvious to me, it just wouldn’t work.

  I was already beginning to think of how I could wheedle my way out of this meeting when the doorbell rang.

  “Tell me you didn’t, Mother,” I interrupted. I had no doubt she knew what I was talking about. The woman had the ears of a hawk and would undoubtedly have heard the chimes.

  “Just do this for me. I want grand babies, Darcy. Wear something pretty with your hair up. Men like that.” I swear she was oblivious to how uncomfortable these meetings made me.

  “Can you at least tell me what his name is?” I asked before I went to my doom.

  “His name is Mason. Mason O’Connor. Be nice to him or so help me I’ll . . .” I cut her off mid rant as I quickly said goodbye and hung up. I’d heard her threats so many times I could rehearse them verbatim in my sleep.

  The door chime rang again.

  “Let’s go see who the lucky contestant is,” I grumbled under my breath. I swung the door open and was floored by the battering of emotions that hit me with such a force I staggered. I would’ve fallen if Mason hadn’t reached out and grabbed hold of my arm.

  “Already falling for me?” He chuckled, his eyes never leaving my face, his stare devouring.

  Any other time I would’ve felt uncomfortable being under such intense scrutiny, but the look of hunger and triumph made my skin tingle and my breath hitched.

  It was him. Don’t ask me how or why, I wasn’t a big believer in Fate, but standing before me, in all his glory was the guy from my dream. My wolf howled as she also recognized what it meant. Ours, she bayed over and over, stirring my insides into a frenzy.

  Every wolf knows what this feeling means and it took everything I could not to launch myself at him as my wolf struggled to take control of the situation. We had met our mate and she was ready to claim him right there and then, ritual be damned.

  I caught myself in time and I must have looked like I was having a fit as my body contorted before I stumbled again, and this time fell. So much for looking graceful.

  Are you done reminiscing, Darcy? Are you ready to see what I saw that day? Mason interrupted, breaking my thoughts.

  I nodded slightly and refocused back on the memory. This time it looked different as I saw my old front door.

  I could feel the nervousness rippling under his skin as he bounced on his toes, waiting for me to answer the door. He wasn’t sure what to expect and was hoping this wasn’t another, “come-meet-my-beautiful-daughter, she’s-perfect-for-you,” situations. He stood there, thinking over all the things he could be doing, like pack business that demanded his attention. Instead, he was going on a blind date.

  How the heck did I allow myself to get talked into this?

  Mrs. Matthews was a tough woman to say no to, not to mention one that seemed hell bent to marry her daughter off. She’d been relentless and seemed to have a counter offer for every excuse he’d given her. For his own sanity, he’d agreed to meet her daughter, Darcy, and silently prayed they’d at least be able to talk.

  He rubbed his face, letting out a deep breath. A feeling of frustration washed through him as he thought about the pressure he was receiving from everyone to hurry up and find a mate. It wasn’t like he wasn’t looking—there just wasn’t anyone he felt a spark with. He wanted a woman he could form a connection with, someone who would be his equal in every way and he refused to settle. So he put up with the parade of potentials, smiled and subtly gritted his teeth.

  An image flashed in his mind and it startled me.


  A feeling of longing swept through him. This confused me because we had never met before and the image was from the dream I had the previous night. It appeared we’d shared the same dream.

  Mason reached out his hand and pressed the doorbell again. He was intrigued by his dream, not knowing what it meant, and he couldn’t get the picture of me out of his mind.

  If only she was real, he mused.

  The door swung open and I finally saw myself, the shock that registered on my face, but nothing—nothing compared to the overwhelming response that coursed through Mason. His entire body erupted into sensations, and his wolf clamored to be released.

  Mine, it howled as it clawed to gain control. Mate.

  My mind reeled as I sensed how stunned he was to find himself looking at his imagined dream girl and the rapid firing of his mind in trying to explain it. All the while, his wolf kept demanding for him to claim me.

  He watched me stumble, concerned for my safety, and was again surprised at how natural it felt, his instinct to protect me. Already realizing the importance of the moment, he cringed as he heard himself speak.

  Ugh. She must think I’m a moron. “Already falling for me?” Jeez, could I be any cheesier?

  Electricity pulsated over his skin as he grabbed hold of me and erotic images battered down on him hard. The two of us in a tight embrace, bed sheets twisted around our heated bodies as we touched and tasted each other. Him trapping me up against a wall, my legs wrapped around his waist as he took me over and over with fevered kisses and all but consumed me. Scene after scene of all the things he was cra
ving to do, and it caused my stomach to dip and my body to burn.

  It wasn’t just me who had felt that instant spark of desire, and I couldn’t help chuckle over the war waging inside him as he fought to control himself.

  I began to focus back on the present, pulling myself out of Mason’s memory when I felt him tug me back in.

  I’m not finished yet, Darcy. There’s more.

  A new scene opened up in my mind and I saw us sitting at dinner, Mason watching me as I chattered about a variety of random topics. I remembered how nervous I was, my hands flying everywhere as I spoke and wondering if he thought I was a complete idiot. Judging from the heat coursing through him, he not only thought I was the most adorable thing he had ever seen, but he was also desperately trying to control his need to wipe the table clean and have his way with me right there.

  We always had that kind of intensity in our relationship, an overwhelming drive to take our fill of one another—which is one reason why we were always careful when we were together. One of the conditions in the mating ritual was the female should be pure for her mate. I always scoffed at the tradition because as werewolves we were driven by our basest desires, but my mother had drilled into me from birth the importance of me being a virgin. It hadn’t really been an issue considering the losers I dated, but with Mason, we often walked a fine line. No sex for us, just incredibly hot make out sessions.

  You were so beautiful. I couldn’t keep my eyes off you. All I could think was, “She’s all mine, how did I get so lucky?”

  I was startled by his comment. I always believed I was the only one who thought that way. From the moment I’d seen him and as we got to know each other better, it was a reoccurring belief of mine as well. Sometimes I still pinched myself, just to make sure I wasn’t dreaming and Mason was real.

  It’s funny how alike we think. I’ve thanked the Gods every day since for bringing you into my life. The sun rises and sets with you, Darcy. Always has and always will.

  Back at the table, I watched as he gazed on me, every little detail catalogued for later reference. He took in the rich, thickness of my hair, the way it curled slightly, and how I tucked pieces of it behind my ears without thinking. He focused on my lips, the way they moved as I spoke. The shapes they made and the nervous way I licked them when I caught him staring.

  Nothing was left unnoticed, every flaw I had was at his disposal.

  No flaws Darcy. Just perfection, pure and simple.

  He was captivated by me, enchanted by every nuance and the melodic sound of my voice. I felt him shake himself as if trying to ward off a spell. As the night continued, he fell harder and harder until he was completely consumed. There was no doubt about me being his mate and where I would fit into his life. He’d give everything up for me and would never let me go.

  There has never been any question, even after everything that’s happened. What do I need to do to convince you once and for all?

  A shiver pulsated over my skin as his words echoed through my mind. The scene faded and I was brought back to the present. Our surroundings were surprisingly quiet and a peaceful feeling pervaded. The sun’s heat tingled on my flesh and I felt Mason’s embrace tighten slightly.

  I closed my eyes and concentrated. I formed my answer in my mind, sending it to him along our pathway.

  I believe you. Disappointment crashed over me as I realized my message hadn’t gone through. There seemed to be an invisible wall that bounced my thoughts off and I was getting frustrated about how sporadic it worked.

  Before Mason could say anything more, I turned around in his arms, feeling them slacken to accommodate my movements. I looked deep into his eyes and tried again.

  I believe you. I pushed the thought from my mind to his and followed it with a soft kiss to his lips. They were supple and tempting. I leaned back in for another, this time making it last longer.

  There’s something erotic about the stillness that comes to me when we share a kiss. Everything fades away until there’s only me and him, hearts beating in anticipation. How his hot breath feels on my lips right before I quickly moisten them with my tongue. The flickering of his eyes as he breaks contact with mine so he can glance down at my mouth. I love the tingles that erupt over my skin, and how my stomach dips as if a million butterflies take flight. Everything inside screams for me to take what I want, to not draw it out, but seize the moment passionately. It doesn’t matter how many times I kiss Mason, each time my reaction is the same. I’ll never be able to get enough of the taste of him.

  But my favorite moment is always the few seconds after I tenderly brush my lips against his, as I pull myself away with a slight smile.

  What will he do? Will he take the bait?

  Looking straight into his eyes, I prepared myself for it. The flash of hunger and desire that tells me he wants me just as bad, if not more. From the way his pupils dilate to the moment where I can almost see his wolf peering out through his eyes. One touch, that’s all it ever takes.

  Mason moved so fast if I’d blinked, I’d have missed it. His hand weaved its way through my hair, pulling my face back to his. The world stopped as he kissed me back. Forcefully. Masterfully. Perfectly.

  I believe you, I repeated over and over as he dominated our kiss, his tongue stroking and moving against mine. I struggled not to drown in him as heat exploded in my body and I devoured everything he gave me. I poured all my love back into the moment, hoping I could somehow convey just how amazing I thought he was and how grateful I was for him. I couldn’t tell him enough, show him enough, so I stopped trying and just reveled in the sensations I was experiencing. I was his and he was mine.

  I couldn’t help but quake as he brushed his fingers over my fevered skin, each touch wreaking havoc on my sensitive flesh, and I clung to him as our kiss deepened even more.

  “You’re killing me, Mason,” I groaned helplessly into his mouth as I sunk into his embrace further. The man had turned me into a gooey mess.

  His chuckle rumbled through his chest, vibrating against me, and he made to pull away. Whimpering, I moved to straddle him, taking control. Now he’d started, there was no way I was ready for it to be over.

  Resting my hands on his shoulders, I drug my nails down his skin, enjoying the way he convulsed under me. Just as he knew my weaknesses, I knew his and I planned on exploiting them thoroughly.

  As he released a growl, I pulled back, bringing his bottom lip between my teeth and bit. Not hard enough to break skin, but enough to elicit another moan as his hands grabbed me by my hips, grinding me into his lap.

  Like a red flag waving madly, the line we were forbidden to cross came painfully close and Mason seemed to sense it as well. Our bodies heaved in unison as I struggled to rein my passion in. I moved my hands lower to his chest, rubbing my fingertips in the fine layer of hair and daring myself to keep going south. His muscles rippled under my touch as I felt the firmness of his abdomen, the tension coiled, ready to snap.

  I broke away, determined to taste what my fingers had found, leaving a trail as my tongue licked first his neck, then his shoulder.

  Darcy. Stop. We can’t . . .His thought cut off as my mouth found his chest. I moved backward so I could have better access and found myself suddenly pinned to the ground. My hands were firmly held by the side of my head with Mason lying squarely on top of me. I snapped my teeth at him, tempting him to play more.

  He lowered his head down and rested it against mine. The fever so quickly roused had left us breathless, and we took a few moments to cool off. I wiggled slightly under him, the friction igniting the fire all over again and the next thing I knew, he threw me over his shoulder, and headed for the water.

  “Hey, put me down,” I shouted, beating against his back when he ignored me.

  A firm hand landed on my behind, swatting me as Mason finally reached the pool’s edge.

  “You need to cool off, my little vixen.” He laughed before unceremoniously dumping me in the water. I spluttered to the
surface, my hair a wet, tangled mess. Even through the strands, I could see the smirk on his face.

  I submerged myself back under, moving towards the edge where he stood. I shot out into the air, droplets spraying everywhere and latched onto his arm. With a grin of my own, I yanked on his wrist and watched him soar over my head and land behind me. The splash it created left me spitting out water.

  I turned around to confront him, but he was nowhere to be seen. I stared at the ripples covering the surface and realized the sneak was trying to surprise me. With a grin, I readied my stance.

  A few moments passed and there was still nothing. No break whatsoever. No goofy Mason. I began turning and turning, trying to see where he was. Just as I thought my heart was about to burst from my chest, I heard the whisper.

  “BOO.” This mammoth form rose from the depths and crushed me to it, face first.

  “Ugh, you scared me!” I screamed, hitting his chest. A fleeting shot of pain pulsed through my palm. Damn, it was like hitting a brick wall.

  “You cooled off yet, baby?” he said with a grin, using his hand to wipe away the excess droplets. He looked like a god, standing there dripping wet, muscles flexing as he moved his hair away from his eyes. He must’ve seen my intent because he suddenly pushed me away, his arm held out to stop me as I moved toward him. I sent the theme song to Jaws through our pathway as I stalked him in the water. He must have received it because he started laughing.

  “Enough of that now, Darcy. You still have questions, remember? Focus a little and maybe I’ll play with you later.” He winked at me before sending a small wave at me. I raised myself up, avoiding the splash to my face. I sent one back in return and he dipped himself under the pool’s surface.

  Not to be caught a second time, I pushed off the bottom with my feet and swam into the center. It was deep, but not enough to cause me to panic.

  It was a myth werewolves abhorred all forms of water. Like anybody else, there were definitely some of us who had a fear of drowning, but for the most part, we enjoyed a good swim. Right now, it felt cool against my heated skin.

  Not paying any attention to Mason, I leaned back and began to float, allowing my arms to gently caress through the crystal liquid, enjoying the feeling of weightlessness. There was something calming about being suspended and I closed my eyes, tuning everything else out.

  Chapter Eight