Read The Negotiation Page 10

  “If you want to call it that, then fine. We have a friends-with-benefits companionship.”

  “So what four days of the week are you seeing him?” Katie asked.

  “One night a week, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.”

  “So does that mean we can never hang out on the weekends? I mean, it’s pretty much the only time we have since we work all week.”

  Shit. That was something I didn’t think about. If I was spending my weekends with Jackson, I wouldn’t be able to see my friends and that was a problem for me.

  “Good point, Katie. I need to call Jackson and amend our contract.”

  Walking over to the counter, I grabbed my phone from my purse and called Jackson.

  “Hello, gorgeous,” he answered.

  “Hey. I need to make an amendment to our agreement.”

  “Okay. What do you need to amend?”

  “Three of our four days a week can’t always be Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I need to spend time with my friends and so do you.”

  “Hmm. I didn’t think about that. Then we’ll just stick to whatever four days we can.”

  “Thanks, Jackson.”

  “You’re welcome, Emily. I’ll call my attorney now.”

  After ending the call, I dialed my OB/GYN’s office.

  “East Gynecology, this is Mary.”

  “Hi, Mary, it’s Emily Wade. Can you have Dr. Williams give me a call?”

  “He’s in with a patient right now, but as soon as he’s finished, I’ll give him the message.”


  Setting my phone down on the counter, I grabbed a piece of chocolate. Shit. I forgot to tell him that I met his sister. I picked my phone back up and sent him a text message.

  “I totally forgot to tell you. I met your sister. She came into the shop on Saturday. She seems very nice.”

  “Oh good. I’m glad the two of you met before her party this upcoming Saturday.”

  “Her party?”

  “The birthday party I planned for her. It’s this Saturday and I was hoping you’d come.”

  “I would love to. Thanks for the invite.”

  “You’re welcome. I have to get back to work. We’ll talk soon.”

  “Bye, Jackson.”


  Over the next couple of days, I had been busy with the shop and had given great thought to not going through with my online boutique. The store next to mine had closed its doors and was up for lease, and since my shop was growing in merchandise and not space, I wanted to explore the possibility of expanding. As I was sitting in the back at my desk, going over some orders, Jackson walked in with a large manila envelope in his hands.

  “Hi there.” I smiled. “What are you doing here?”

  “I was in the neighborhood and I thought I’d drop by. Our contract is ready to be signed.”

  “Great.” I got up from my seat. “Let’s have a look.”

  Taking the papers out of the envelope, he handed them to me with a smile on his face.

  “I already signed, so that means I’m in.” He winked.

  The corners of my mouth curved upwards at his sexy wink. When I looked over the papers, everything seemed in order, so I grabbed a pen and signed my name underneath his.

  “Done! Now I’m in.”

  He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a white piece of paper.

  “Here is my clean report. I went to the doctor’s yesterday.”

  Reaching into my purse, I pulled out mine.

  “And here is mine.” I grinned.

  “Then it’s settled. Let the fun begin.” He placed his hands on my hips and softly brushed his lips against mine. “I want to see you tonight.”

  “I’d like that. How about my place around seven?” I asked.

  “Sounds good. Should I pack a bag?” He nipped my bottom lip.

  “Of course.” I smiled. “I want to discuss something with you and get your opinion.”



  “Okay. Looking forward to it.” His lips kissed mine. “I have to go. I have a meeting to get to.”

  I walked him to the front of the store where Noelle and Katie couldn’t keep their eyes off of him. As soon as he exited the shop, I turned to them and their eyes quickly diverted to something else.

  “You two need to stop,” I spoke.

  “Stop what?” Katie asked.

  “Eye raping Jackson every time you see him.”

  “We can’t help it,” Noelle spoke. “He is the best eye candy we’ve ever seen.”

  “I’m not too sure either one of your boyfriends would like you saying or thinking that.”

  “Then maybe they need to look like him and we wouldn’t have to say or think it.” Katie smirked.

  Rolling my eyes, I sighed and went into the back to finish up some work before heading home and preparing for Jackson’s visit tonight.

  Chapter 21


  “Hey, man. I need you to look at and sign this contract for the Delsey property,” Samuel spoke as he followed me into my office.

  Taking the contract from him, I sat down at my desk, glanced over it, and gave it my signature.

  “All set.” I handed him back the contract.

  “Thanks. How did it go earlier with Emily?”

  “Good. Papers are signed, the drama in my life is now gone, and I don’t have to worry about it from other women anymore. I can have my cake and eat it too.” I grinned.

  “And you think that your companionship is just going to always be bright and shiny and perfect?”

  “Yep. That’s why we signed a contract. If either one of us breaks any of the ten rules, we cut ties and never see each other again. Life is great, Sam.”

  Leaning back in his chair, he sighed. “So, if you end up cutting ties because of a broken rule, do you think it’s going to be that easy just to walk away from her?”

  “I sure do. That’s the beauty of it. No strings, no commitment, no talk of marriage, no kids, no worries and, most importantly, all the sex I want, any time I want.”

  “What if she’s not in the mood?”

  “Are you kidding? She’s just as horny as I am.” I chuckled.

  “Well,” he got up from his seat, “good luck, my friend. I’m going to be curious to see how this goes.”

  “It’ll go just fine. I’m not worried and I know she’s not either. We have rules.”

  “And rules are made to be broken.” He pointed at me.

  “Not these rules.” I smirked as he left my office.


  Her skin trembled underneath my fingers as they slid down her torso, grazing her clit and then dipping inside her. Our lips tangled together for a brief moment until she tilted her head back and moaned with excitement as her body gave way to an orgasm. The sensual sounds that escaped her turned me on as I hovered over her and thrust my condom-free cock inside her, inch by inch as her pussy enveloped around me, causing a sensation that was overwhelming. To be inside her, skin to skin, went way beyond my expectations.

  “God, you feel so good,” I moaned as I slowly thrust in and out of her.

  “So do you,” she whispered as her hands were planted firmly on my chest.

  Bringing her leg up to my shoulder, I increased my speed as we stared into each other’s eyes. After a few more thrusts, I pulled out and brought my mouth down to her breasts, giving them the attention they desired. I lay on my side as did she, wrapping one leg around my waist as I pushed inside her again, feeling the warmth that sent me to another world as she came. I wanted to hold back as long as I could because the feeling was too great, but the buildup was there as I pushed deep inside and held myself, letting out a long continuous moan while I exploded inside her. We lay there for a moment, our lips softly brushing against one another’s and my hand manipulating her supple breast.

  I pulled out, rolled on my back, and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close to me.

“You were amazing,” she spoke as her lips pressed against my bare chest.

  “So were you, darling. So were you.” I kissed the top of her head. “We haven’t had a chance to discuss whatever it was you wanted to talk to me about.”

  She lifted her head, sat up, and then climbed out of bed and slipped on her satin robe.

  “Where are you going?” I asked.

  “To get the wine and chocolates.” She smiled.

  I sat up and placed my hands behind my head as I rested my back against the headboard of her queen-sized bed. Walking back into the room, she handed me my glass and set the box of chocolates in between us.

  “I want to expand my shop.”

  “I thought you were, with your online boutique.”

  “I’ve decided to put that on the back burner for now. The resale shop that was next to me just closed its doors and I was thinking of renting that space and expanding. The shop is doing so well and I’m running out of room. Plus, I want to add an espresso bar.” She smirked.

  “An espresso bar?” I smiled. “That would be pretty cool. I’d definitely shop in your store if I could carry around an espresso.”

  She narrowed her eye at me. “Sarcasm is not becoming of you.”

  The corners of my mouth curved upwards as I took a drink of my wine.

  “I’m going to have to call Leon and see if he’ll lease me the other shop and then knock down the wall in between.”

  “Leon Holmes?” I asked.

  “Yes. Do you know him?”

  “He’s a good friend of my father’s. I guess I didn’t realize he owned those two buildings. Let me know what he says.”

  “I will.” She grinned.

  “Let me ask you. How long have you been in business?”

  “I opened the shop six months ago.”

  “Don’t you think it’s a little too soon to think about expanding? Maybe you should wait a year and see what the bottom line is with the numbers.”

  “No. Like I said, the shop is doing way better than I expected and I know with more space and more merchandise, it can do even better.”

  “And if it backfires?” I raised my brow at her.

  “It won’t. I know I can do this. It’s in my genes, compliments of my mother.”

  I raised my wine glass. “Then here’s to a successful expansion.”

  She tipped her glass against mine and, with a smile, she spoke, “Thank you, Mr. Caine.”

  That smile was enough for me to throw back the rest of my wine, untie her robe, and push her on her back while I climbed on top of her and we fucked for the second time.


  “Leon, it’s Jackson Caine. Do you have time to meet today? Maybe we can do lunch.”

  “Sure, Jackson. How about one o’clock? But we’ll have to meet over by my office. I have a two thirty appointment.”

  “Name the place and I’ll be there.”

  “Let’s meet at Resette’s. I could go for one of their pizzas.”

  “Resette’s it is. I’ll see you at one.”

  Setting down my phone, I sighed. There was no way Leon was going to let Emily expand her shop. If he did, he would charge her up the ass in rent and double what she’d normally pay. I knew him and I knew how he operated. He was nothing short of a shrewd businessman.

  Chapter 22


  I was in the shop folding some sweaters that had just come in when I heard the bell above the door chime. I looked over to see a man and woman step inside.

  “Good afternoon. Welcome to Emily’s Edge.”

  “Thank you,” the woman spoke with a smile as she went over to the wall where the dresses were.

  Once I was finished with the display of sweaters, I glanced over at the couple and couldn’t help but notice the man staring at me. The moment I looked at him, he turned away. Not thinking too much of it, I walked over and asked if they needed any help.

  “This is a lovely shop,” the woman spoke.

  “Thank you. Is this your first time here?” I asked.

  “Yes. My husband and I are visiting. We’re thinking about moving here. We’re from Seattle.”

  “Nice. Well, welcome to the city and if you need anything just let me know.”

  “We will. Thank you.” She politely smiled.

  The whole time I was standing in front of them, the woman’s husband kept staring at me, and even when I would look at him, he didn’t look away. It bothered me and I felt very uncomfortable. As I stood behind the counter, trying not to notice his excessive stares, Katie walked in from lunch.

  “I’m back.” She grinned.

  “How was lunch?”

  “Excellent! Guess what?” she screeched with excitement.


  “Alex passed the bar. He is now a full-fledged licensed attorney!”

  “Ah, that’s wonderful, Katie.” I hugged her.

  “We’re going out tonight to celebrate and we want you and Jackson to come.”

  “I’d love too. As for Jackson, I don’t know. I’ll have to call and ask him.”

  Picking up my phone, I dialed his number.

  “Hello, beautiful.”

  “Hi there. Katie and Alex are going out tonight to celebrate because Alex passed his bar exam. Do you want to go?”

  “Unfortunately, I can’t. I have a meeting tonight at seven with a client who’s interested in some property.”

  “Oh, okay. I just thought I’d ask.”

  “If I was available, I would go. But you have fun tonight.”

  “Thanks, Jackson. Good luck with your meeting.”

  “Thank you. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  After ending the call, I set down my phone and a feeling I couldn’t quite describe washed over me.

  “Are you okay?” Katie asked.

  “Yeah. I’m fine. Jackson has a meeting tonight, so he can’t make it.”

  “Too bad. But we’ll have so much fun.”

  “Yeah.” I gave her a small smile.

  Disappointment hit me like a ton of bricks. Out of nowhere and BAM! I shook it off the best I could, trying to understand why I felt like this.

  “Excuse me,” the woman from Seattle spoke. “May I try these on?”

  “Of course.”

  Grabbing the keys, I unlocked one of the fitting rooms.

  “If you need a different size, let me know.” I smiled as I walked away.

  I could feel the stare of her husband’s eyes upon me as I headed back to the counter.

  “Excuse me, miss?” He approached.

  “Yes?” I nervously responded.

  “I know this may sound strange, but do you know a woman named Karen Wade?”

  My heart fell to the pit of my stomach.

  “She was my mother,” I replied.


  “She passed away two years ago.”

  “I’m sorry.” He looked down. “You are the spitting image of her.”

  “You knew her?”

  “Yes. A very long time ago. I apologize if I kept staring at you. You have her smile.”

  “Thanks. What’s your name?”

  “Gregory Davis.”

  I held out my hand. “I’m Emily Wade. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Are you the owner of this store?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Emily. One last question and I hope it’s not too personal. May I ask how old you are?”

  Why would he be asking me that? I thought to myself. That was an odd question to ask someone out of the clear blue.

  “I’m twenty-seven,” I spoke with an odd tone in my voice.

  “I figured as much. You’re very successful for your age. Good for you. I’d best be getting back to my wife.”

  “Thank you. It was nice speaking with you, Gregory.”

  “Likewise.” He gave a slight nod and headed back to the fitting room.



  “Good to see y
ou, Jackson. It’s been far too long,” Leon spoke as he stood from his chair and shook my hand.

  “Good to see you too. It has been a while, hasn’t it?”

  “How’s your father?”

  “He’s well. Off traveling the world.”

  “Living the dream life.” He smiled. “So, what prompted this meeting?”

  “You’re renting a shop to a friend of mine, Emily Wade.”

  “Ah yes, lovely girl. Turned the space into a cute little clothing boutique. What about her?”

  “The shop next to hers closed and she was thinking about utilizing that space and expanding.”

  “That other shop is the same size as hers.”

  “She wants to knock down the wall in between the shops and make it one larger shop. She’s going to talk to you about it.”

  “I’m afraid I can’t let her do that. I don’t like expansions. What if the business fails and then I’m left with one oversized space? Plus, she’s only six months into the other lease. It’s too much of a risk and one I’m not willing to take.”

  “Her shop is doing fantastic already, so I think an expansion would help her do even better.”

  “I’d have to charge her triple the rent plus I’d want a year upfront. Come on, Jackson, you know the business.”

  “So there’s no way you’d work with her?” I asked as I took a sip of my drink.

  “No. I’m sorry. Those are two separate buildings and I want to keep it that way. Actually, I already have someone interested in the space. He wants to put in a nutrition shop.”

  I sat there, contemplating my next move. This was something she really wanted and if I could make it happen for her, I would.

  “How much for the two buildings?”

  “What?” Leon laughed. “You can’t be serious.”

  “I am,” I spoke, deadpan.

  “They’re not for sale.”

  “Everything’s for sale.” I smirked.

  “Is she your girlfriend or something?”

  “No. She’s just a very good friend with a dream.”

  He sighed as he stared at me for a brief moment. His eyes narrowed. “One million for each property.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “Come on, Leon. That’s double what the going rate is. Don’t forget, we’re in the same business. You didn’t even buy those buildings for half that much.”