Read The Negotiation Page 16

  “Hello,” I softly answered.

  “Hi, beautiful. What are you doing right now?”

  “Not much. Just sitting on the couch and thinking.”

  Suddenly, I heard my door unlock and when it opened, Jackson was standing there with his phone to his ear.

  “Mind if I join you?” He smiled.

  “Not at all.” I grinned.

  He walked over and took a seat next to me, wrapped his arm around me, and pulled me into him.

  “How are you doing?” he asked as he kissed the top of my head.

  “I’m okay.”

  “Just okay?” He pulled back and looked at me.

  “Actually, I’m really tired. It’s been a hell of a day.”

  “Then let’s go to bed.”

  “You’re staying?” I smiled.

  “If you want me to stay.”

  “I would like that.”

  “Then let’s go.” He grinned.

  He got up from the couch, took hold of my hand, and led me to the bedroom.

  “By the way,” he spoke as I changed into my nightshirt, “Saturday night, we have to go to my mom’s house for a while, then after, we’re going to go out with Jules and Carter.”

  “Why your mom’s house?”

  He pulled back the covers and climbed into bed.

  “She wants to talk to me and Jules about something.”

  “Does she know I’m coming?” I climbed in next to him.

  “No, and she doesn’t know Carter is coming either. We won’t be there long.”

  “Okay.” I smiled as he hooked his arm around me and I lay comfortably on his chest.

  I ran my hand over the fabric of his underwear, feeling his cock, which started to get hard.

  “What are you doing?” he asked. “I thought you were tired.”

  “I need sex.” I grinned as I looked up at him.

  “You need it or you want it?” He smirked.

  “Actually, I need it. So, if you wouldn’t mind, I would be forever grateful.”

  In an instant, I was on my back and he was hovering over me. “It would be my pleasure to fulfill your needs, Miss Wade.”



  Emily and I climbed into the back of my limo and headed to pick up Carter and Jules. After my mother’s house, we were going to catch a movie, something Emily and I hadn’t done together yet. As Edward pulled up to the curb of my mother’s townhome, Jules grabbed my hand.

  “Are you ready for this?” she asked.

  “Are either of us ever ready for one of Mother’s talks?”

  Carter and Emily laughed as we climbed out of the limo and walked up the steps to the front door. The look on my mother’s face was priceless when she saw Emily and Carter standing there.

  “Good evening, Mother,” I spoke as I stepped inside.

  “I thought it was just going to be you and your sister?”

  “We both had dates tonight and we weren’t about to cancel them for another one of your talks.” I kissed her cheek.

  “Hello, Carter.” She smiled as she gave him a hug. “I’m sorry, what was your name again?” she asked as she looked at Emily.

  “Emily Wade.”

  “Ah yes. That’s right. How could I forget after our engaging conversation at my daughter’s birthday party?”

  Rolling my eyes, I walked to the living room, where a fire was roaring in the fireplace.

  “Well, we’re here. What did you want to talk to us about?” I asked with the hopes that she’d make it quick so we could get on with our dates.

  “Have a seat. Clarisse will be bringing out the appetizers,” she spoke.

  “Would you like some wine, Emily?” I asked.

  “Maybe something a little stronger would be better.” She bit down on her bottom lip.

  “Good idea.” I winked.

  After pouring two glasses of scotch, I handed Emily hers while Carter poured a glass of wine for Jules. Just as we took our seats, I stiffened when I heard my father’s voice.

  “Hello, my lovely children.” He walked into the room with a smile.

  “Daddy!” Jules jumped up from the couch and gave him a hug.

  “Dad.” I held up my glass.

  “Son.” He nodded. “Hello, Carter. And who is this lovely young lady?” he asked as he walked over to Emily and held out his hand.

  “That’s Emily. She’s a friend of mine,” I spoke.

  “Just a friend?” His brow arched.

  “Yes, Dad, just a friend. What are you doing here?” I asked as I was feeling uncomfortable being in the same room with the two of them.

  My mother got up from the couch and walked over to him.

  “Your mother and I have something to tell you,” my father spoke as he cleared his throat. “We’re seeing each other again and she’s the reason and, of course, the two of you,” he pointed to me and Jules, “I moved back to New York.”

  The scotch I was in the middle of drinking flew out of my mouth. “WHAT?!”

  “WHAT?!” Jules exclaimed.

  “What the hell?” I set my glass down. “When did this happen?”

  “Your father and I have been secretly talking and seeing each other for about six months.”

  “Six months!” Jules shouted.

  “You have got to be kidding me.” I stood up from the couch.

  “What?” My father held out his hands. “Aren’t you happy that your parents are reconciling?”

  “Oh my God! I can’t believe this.” I picked up my glass and threw back the rest of my scotch. “Is that why you both are divorcing your spouses? What the hell is the matter with you? You two hate each other.”

  “Now, Jackson. That is simply not true,” my mother spoke.

  “The hell it isn’t! The two of you had made our lives a living hell since you first got divorced. Shuffling us between houses, the name-calling, the fights, the stepmothers and stepfathers throughout the years. And now, after all of that, you decide to get back together?”

  “Mom, Dad, I’m not so sure about this,” Jules spoke up.

  “Your mother and I are putting everything in the past and moving forward. We’ve reconnected and I realized that she’s the love of my life.”

  “And he’s the love of mine.” My mother smiled.

  I stood there, unable to move as the air in the room started to suffocate me.

  “You,” I pointed to both of them, “have ruined us!” I yelled.

  “Ruined you?” My father’s brow raised. “You’re the CEO of a company I built from the ground up and you’re doing a damn good job and your sister is a doctor. I don’t think we ruined you, son.”

  “The fuck you didn’t!”

  “Watch your mouth, boy,” he sternly spoke.

  “I will not watch my mouth because it’s the goddamn truth. Did you know that Jules had to think about whether or not to accept Carter’s proposal because of how we grew up? And as for me, I would never think about getting into a relationship with someone because of all the bad examples you set for me over the years. You taught me that relationships don’t last and they cause nothing but heartache. Why do you think I don’t bring anyone around? Why I’m not married?”

  “To be honest, your mother and I thought maybe you were gay.”

  I clenched my fists and took in a deep breath. “I am not gay! I don’t get involved in anything long term because of you!” I shouted.

  “Well, I see Emily is still around,” my mother spoke.

  “Because we both signed a contract! We aren’t in a relationship. We’re companions without all the bullshit and problems relationships cause.”

  “A what?” my father asked.

  “Never mind. I can’t do this. Enough is enough. I’ve stood by you,” I pointed to my mother, “through four husbands. And I’ve stood by you,” I pointed to my father, “through five wives, and now you come in here and tell us you’re getting back together like it’s no big deal? Have a nice life. I don’t want a
ny part of it. Emily, Jules, Carter, let’s go.” I headed towards the door.

  “No, Jackson. I think we should stay,” Jules spoke.

  “Then go ahead and stay, but I’m not. I’ll have Edward wait here with the car and when you’re ready to leave, he’ll take you home. Emily, let’s go.”

  I stepped outside and instructed Edward to wait for Jules and Carter while I hailed Emily and me a cab. As soon as one pulled up, we climbed in and I took in a deep breath to try and calm down.

  “I’m not going to ask if you’re okay because clearly you’re not,” Emily spoke.

  “I’m sorry you had to witness that.”

  “Don’t be.” She placed her hand on my shoulder. “Are we calling it a night?”

  “I just want to go home. Will you stay?” I asked.

  “Of course I will.” She smiled as she laid her head on my shoulder.

  Chapter 35


  One Month later

  My feelings for Jackson hit an all-time high and it was growing more difficult not to tell him that I loved him. Gregory and I had met after my conversation with Crystal and we were slowly building our relationship as father and daughter. His wife, Stella, was shocked to say the least, but she welcomed me with open arms. As for Jackson, he was still on the outs with his parents. My shop was thriving and I was a girl who should have been on cloud nine, right? But I wasn’t because I wanted more from Jackson than just a companionship. Even though it felt like we were in a real relationship, we weren’t, and I was growing frustrated. We slept together four nights a week, and the three nights he wasn’t with me, I would toss and turn. Katie and Evelyn told me that I should slowly start to make my feelings known. But I was afraid, because even though I no longer bashed relationships, he still did. After finding out about my mother and why she was the way she was, I let go of everything she told me. I no longer guarded my heart and I no longer wanted to play it safe. I wanted to be someone’s girlfriend; Jackson’s girlfriend.

  A friend of Jackson’s was getting married and he was invited to the wedding. I had just slipped on my heels when he walked into my apartment.

  “Look at you.” He whistled. “You look incredible. I may have trouble keeping my hands off you tonight.” He wrapped one arm around my waist and kissed my lips.

  “You’re looking quite sexy in that tuxedo.” I straightened his bowtie.

  We arrived at the Four Seasons Hotel where the ceremony was about to begin. Jackson wanted to skip it, but since the reception was immediately following, I told him we should go. We were seated near the back and stood as the bridesmaids and then the bride walked down the aisle.

  “She looks beautiful. What a gorgeous wedding dress,” I whispered.

  “Waste of money, if you ask me. To spend all that money and only wear it a few hours.”

  “Look who’s talking, Mr. Designer Tux.”

  “That’s different. I wear this tux all the time. That dress is only worn once.”

  I stopped the conversation because the minister was about to speak. After the ceremony, we headed into the ballroom for the reception.

  “That was a very nice ceremony. Wouldn’t you agree?” I asked as my arm was wrapped around his.

  He glanced over at me with a raised brow.

  “They just vowed their death sentence.”

  Rolling my eyes, I sighed.

  “What the hell has gotten into you?” he asked as we made our way to the bar for a drink.

  “Nothing. I just thought it was nice.”

  “You hate weddings as much as I do.”

  I shrugged and didn’t say a word. I could already tell these subtle little hints were not going to go over well with him. The groom was one of Jackson’s clients and we were seated at a table where he knew everyone. As the round of introductions began, I was the friend who tagged along.

  “You look so familiar to me,” the brown-eyed brunette sitting on the other side of me spoke.

  “Perhaps you’ve been in my shop. Emily’s Edge.”

  “Oh my gosh. That cute little shop over on East 9th?”

  “Yes.” I smiled.

  “I’ve been in there a few times and I absolutely adore it.”

  “Have you been in since we expanded?”

  “No. I don’t think so. Are you carrying more designers?” she asked.

  “Yes. A few more, and we now have an espresso bar.”

  “Wow. How fun. I will definitely be stopping by.” She smiled.

  As dinner was being served, the bride and groom made their way to the tables to greet their guests. Jackson introduced me as the “friend” and had a light conversation with them before they made their way to the next table.

  “They seem so happy.” I smiled as I stuck my fork into my salad.

  “For today and maybe the next week,” Jackson replied as he glared at me.

  “Who knows? Maybe they found true love and will be together forever.”

  “Who are you and what have you done with Emily?”

  I let out a light laugh. “I’m still here.”

  “Could have fooled me,” he spoke with a serious tone.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Ever since we got here, you’ve done nothing but say positive things about something you are so strongly against.”

  I shrugged my left shoulder. “Maybe I was wrong.”

  “Wrong? Just all of a sudden?”

  The sick feeling in the pit of my stomach caused me to put my fork down. I had to be careful because I could sense a huge fight brewing.

  “I don’t know, Jackson. This couple just seems different.”

  “They aren’t any different than anyone else.”

  Grabbing my fork, I picked at my food, eating just enough so he wouldn’t question me. I wanted to tell him that maybe we were wrong and that we were just basing our decisions on how other people influenced us. But he wasn’t ready to hear it and I wasn’t ready to lose him. I had already broken rule number nine.

  After the bride and groom shared their first dance together as husband and wife, the DJ played a slow song and Jackson took hold of my hand.

  “May I have this dance, Madame?” He grinned.

  “Of course.”

  He led me to the dance floor and, in a flash, I was swept up in his arms, our bodies lightly touching.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “Nothing’s wrong? Why?”

  “You seem quiet and like something is bothering you.”

  “I’m just tired, I guess.”

  “Are you sure nothing is bothering you?”

  “Nothing is bothering me.” I lightly smiled as I reached up and brushed my lips against his.


  I lay on my stomach with his dark gray-colored sheet covering only my lower half. His arm draped around me and the soft whispers of his breath soothed me as he slept. My attempts to try and convince him that maybe relationships weren’t so bad after all was a total fail. His attitude towards me was different while I was dropping subtle hints. It was an attitude of dismay and disappointment. Once I stopped, his attitude went back to the carefree, fun, sexy man who fucked me twice last night because as he said once wasn’t enough.

  I turned my head and faced him. His eyes were closed as his cheek was pressed comfortably against the oversized fluffy pillow. I couldn’t help but let a small smile cross my lips as I stared at the man I had uncontrollably fallen for. His eyes slowly opened and stared into mine.

  “Good morning.” His hand moved up and down my back. “How long have you been staring at me?”

  “Good morning. Just a few moments.”

  “May I ask why?” A grin crossed his face.

  “Why not? You’re sexy. Especially in the morning with your messy hair.” I brought my hand up to his head. “Plus, I love waking up next to you. It makes me incredibly happy.”

  The look in his eyes changed instantly. Almost as if they went blank. He kissed the tip of my nos
e and climbed out of bed.

  “How about some breakfast?”

  “Sure,” I put on a fake smile as I stayed in bed for a few more moments while he left the bedroom.

  I didn’t understand the sudden urge to get out of bed. Usually, we’d have sex before either one of us stepped one foot on the floor. Today was different. He seemed different. Maybe it was his issue with his parents that still weighed heavily on his mind. Climbing out of bed, I slipped my robe on and headed down to the kitchen, where I saw him making scrambled eggs.

  “I hope scrambled is okay. I tend to fuck up the eggs any other way.”

  “Scrambled is fine.”

  “Coffee is ready.” He nodded over to the coffee maker.

  After pouring two cups of coffee, I took them over to the table while Jackson plated the eggs and toast.

  “There’s some fresh cut-up fruit in the refrigerator if you want,” he spoke.


  Walking over to the fridge, I pulled out the plastic container and took it over to the table. I was feeling uneasy because something with him was off.

  “Listen, Emily. I don’t know how to say this.”

  The feeling I got in the pit of my stomach was unsettling.

  “Say what?” I asked.

  “I know we were supposed to spend the day together today, but I have to go into the office and prepare for a huge presentation tomorrow for a failing casino I want to invest in. I didn’t realize it was tomorrow until I was looking at my calendar last night. I thought it was next week.”

  “Oh. Okay. I understand.”

  But I didn’t. Why didn’t he tell me this last night? Why wait until this morning to spring it on me? Maybe I wouldn’t have come back to his place after the wedding and just went home.

  “Are you sure you understand?” he asked.

  “Of course.” I made a face at him for even questioning me. “Why would you think I wouldn’t?”

  “I don’t know.” He finished off his eggs and took his plate to the sink.

  He walked over to me and kissed the top of my head. “I have to go shower.”

  “Okay. I’m just going to get going,” I spoke as I stood up from my seat.

  “You don’t have to. I can drive you home.”

  “It’s fine. I’ll catch a cab. Plus, I want to stop at the shop on the way home.”