Read The Negotiation Page 4

  I sighed, and as the song ended, Emily walked over to me.

  “What’s wrong with Kami?” she asked.

  “She got mad at me and left.”

  “What did you do to her?”

  “Nothing. That was her problem.”

  “Poor girl.” She smirked. “Evelyn and I are going to go. It was a pleasure to see you again, Mr. Caine.” She held out her hand.

  “The pleasure was all mine, Miss Wade.” I placed my hand in hers and brought it up to my lips. “I hope you get your man drama sorted out.”

  “That’s my goal.”

  I watched as she walked away and out of the ballroom. I would let her sort out her man drama, and when the time was right, we’d reconnect, and I’d take her to my bed.


  One Month Later


  “I just wanted to let you know that I think I’m going to take a break from dating for a while. It’s nothing against you, I swear. I just need some time to focus on me. Have a nice life, Emily.”

  “YES!” I shouted as I raised my hands in the air and did a little dance in the store.

  “What’s that for?” Katie asked as she glanced over at me.

  “Bruce doesn’t want to date me anymore.” I grinned. “The last of the man drama and now I can put them all behind me.”

  “Gee, I wonder why? Maybe it’s because after your date last week, you totally ignored his hundreds of text messages and phone calls.”

  “He wasn’t taking me seriously when I told him I didn’t want a relationship. I had no choice. I couldn’t stand his text messages anymore with him telling me every move he made. Waking me up at five a.m. to let me know he was going running. Texting me at six thirty to let me know he was getting in the shower and then again at nine to inform me that he arrived at the office. OH MY GOD, I thought I was going to rip my hair out. And when I told him that I didn’t need to have a play by play of his day, he just laughed and said I was too cute. I’m over it. I’m taking a long break from dating.”

  “I think that’s a good idea. But I still think you should seek therapy. You find flaws with everyone you meet. You always have. Just like your mom did,” Katie spoke.

  “It’s not that I find flaws with them; it’s just they want more and can’t seem to respect my decision about relationships.”

  “To be honest, and I’ve told you this before,” Katie hung the last dress on the rack and walked over to me, “your views on relationships suck.”

  I shrugged.


  The past two weeks were some of the most relaxing weeks I’d had in a very long time. I wasn’t dating and only focused on my shop and the online fashion boutique I wanted to start up. My phone was silent and, after a long day at work, I retreated back to my apartment, took long hot baths, cooked dinner for myself, drank wine, and binged watched Netflix. Life was good and I was enjoying my non-dating life.

  It was Friday morning. I stopped at Starbucks for my usual on the way to work morning coffee, opened up the store, and began going over yesterday’s sales. Noelle, my other sales clerk, strolled in ten minutes late.

  “Sorry I’m late, Emily. The cab I was in on the way here got into a fender bender.” She sighed as she set her purse down behind the counter.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. I just got out and walked the rest of the way.”

  “Well, if you start to feel any post-accident effects, let me know.”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  “We got a shipment of new jewelry in last night before we closed. Can you price them and put them out?”

  “Sure. I’ll get right on it.” She smiled.

  As I was sitting behind the counter with my laptop, the door chimed, and I looked up. My heart skipped a beat when I saw Jackson Caine step inside my shop.

  “Good morning, Emily.” He grinned as he walked towards me with his hands tucked neatly in his pockets.

  “Good morning, Mr. Caine. What brings you in my store today?” I casually smiled back.

  “I was in the area and decided to drop by and see how you were doing. Actually, to see if you got your man drama straightened out.”

  “I did. Drama free and loving every minute of it.”

  “Good to hear. How would you like to have dinner with me tonight? No man drama from me, I can guarantee you.”

  I sat there for a moment, staring at his intoxicating sexiness in his dark gray tailored designer suit. I wouldn’t lie and say I didn’t think about him and our conversations at the wedding that night. There was a connection between us. I felt it and I believed it was because our thought processes about relationships were the same. We had something in common and I took comfort knowing that. A nice dinner with him and great conversation wouldn’t hurt. I found him interesting and actually wanted to get to know him better. Not only was he handsome as all fuck, but I was also attracted to his personality.

  “I would like to have dinner with you tonight. Thank you for the invitation.” I smiled.

  “Excellent. If you’ll give me your address, I’ll pick you up around seven.”

  “You pick the restaurant and I’ll meet you there. Is that okay?”

  “That’s fine. May I have your phone number to keep in touch in case something happens?”

  “You’re not going to text me your daily activities, are you?” I asked with a twisted face.

  “What?” He chuckled.

  “Like that you’re leaving the office. You arrived home. You’re getting in the shower. You’re eating a snack.”

  “Good god, no. Do men actually do that?” He arched his brow.

  “Unfortunately.” I looked down.

  “I can promise you that I would never do that. If I’m going to text you, it’ll be because I want to say hi or I have information for you, such as the name of the restaurant for dinner tonight.”

  He pulled out his phone and added me to his contacts.

  “I’ll text you later. Have a good day, Emily.”

  “Thanks, Jackson. You too.”

  He gave me a wink and began to head towards the door. Before opening it, he turned and looked at me.

  “By the way, I love your store.”

  “Thanks.” I smiled.

  Just as he walked out, Evelyn walked in.

  “Was that Jackson Caine?”

  “Yes, it was.”

  “Did he buy another one of my designs?”

  “No. He came to ask me to dinner.”

  “And you said?”

  “I said yes.” I gave a small smile.

  “What happened to taking time off from dating and man drama?”

  “He’s different. Remember, he’s just as anti-relationship as I am.”

  “You two should get along really well, then.” She laughed.

  Chapter 8


  After leaving Emily’s shop, I headed to the office.

  “Good morning, Mr. Caine. Mr. Windsor is in your office waiting for you.”

  “Thank you, Audrey, and good morning to you too.”

  Walking into my office, I found my best friend and vice president, Samuel, sitting in the chair across from my desk.

  “Where have you been?”

  “I had to make a stop on the way in. Remember that girl I told you about? Emily? The one who owns the shop where I bought Jules’ dress for her birthday?”

  “Yeah. Wasn’t she the one you ran into at that wedding?”

  “Yes. I asked her to have dinner with me tonight.”

  “Good for you, bro. Now the two of you can bash relationships all night. Speaking of which, I’m breaking up with Steph tonight. Wish me luck that she doesn’t go all psychotic.”

  “I wish you all the luck in the world, man. That girl is a bit unstable.”

  “I know.” He shook his head. “Anyway, we need to go over the market analysis for the condo project.”

  After my meeting was finished, I asked Audrey to come into my office.
  “Yes, Mr. Caine?”

  “Please call Jean Georges and make a reservation for two at seven o’clock tonight. My usual table.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Picking up my phone from my desk, I sent Emily a text message.

  “Jean Georges at seven o’clock. Trump Hotel. I’ll be waiting for you outside.”

  “Nice choice. I will see you then.”

  I smiled and set down my phone. She intrigued me, and she was one woman whom I wanted to get to know better. Things felt natural with her that night at the wedding. I enjoyed her company and I wanted more of it. I wanted all of her. But I’d have to play that very carefully or I’d run the risk of never seeing her again. The other women, I didn’t care about. And even though I only spoke with Emily for a few hours that night, I instantly knew that I needed to see her again.


  “I seriously can’t believe you’re going out with him after you’re on a dating hiatus,” Katie spoke as she lay across my bed.

  “This black dress or should I go red?” I held up both dresses in front of me.

  “Go red.”

  “I have a good feeling about him. I know he won’t be a problem.”

  “For both your sakes, I hope not.” She sighed.

  After slipping into my dress, I ran the brush through my long blonde hair one last time, dabbed on a scarlet red lip color, slipped into my heels, and Katie and I walked out together.

  “Have fun tonight. Are you coming into the store tomorrow?” she asked.

  “Yes. I should be there around eleven-ish.”

  “Okay. I can’t wait to hear all about your date. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” She smirked.

  The cab driver pulled up to the curb of the Trump Hotel and I saw Jackson standing outside waiting for me. Upon opening the door, he walked over and held out his hand.

  “You look very lovely.” He smiled as he took hold of my hand and helped me from the cab.

  “Thank you. You look quite handsome yourself.”

  When we approached the hostess desk, a brunette greeted us and immediately walked us over to our table.

  “Have you ever eaten here?” Jackson asked.

  “I’ve been here a couple of times.”

  “With your other men, I presume.” He smirked.

  “Yes. And one of them forgot his wallet at home and I ended up paying the bill.”

  “I can assure you that you won’t be paying the bill tonight.” He winked.

  As we were looking over our menus, the tall skinny waitress came over to take our drink order.

  “We’ll have a bottle of champagne,” Jackson spoke.

  “Very good. As soon as I bring that, I’ll take your dinner order.”

  “What are you going to have?” he asked as he looked up from his menu.

  “I think the beef tenderloin.”

  His brow arched as he smiled. “Ah, a girl who likes meat.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “The women you date don’t eat meat?”

  “They mostly eat lettuce.”

  “Well, I like my meat.”

  “That’s something I like to hear.” The corners of his mouth turned into a sly grin and I could feel my face redden.

  The waitress brought over our champagne, poured some in each glass, and then proceeded to take our order.

  “So,” I picked up my glass and took a sip, “tell me about Jackson Caine. I want all the dirt.” I smiled.

  “Well, I’m thirty years old. You know I have a sister. Did I mention that she’s my twin?”

  “Really? Wait a minute. If your sister is your twin, then it was your birthday as well.”

  “You are correct.” He smiled.

  I raised my glass to him. “Happy belated birthday.”

  “Thank you, Emily.” He brought his glass to mine.

  “May I ask what you do for work?”

  “I’m the CEO of Caine Property Development & Management, which I took over for my father after his retirement.”

  “Impressive. Your father can’t be that old.”

  “He’s fifty-five. His philosophy was that he put in his time, built his company, and now it’s up to me to run it while he and his current wife travel the world.”

  “Your parents are divorced?”

  “Yes. Multiple times over.” He smiled. “My father is on his fifth wife and my mother is on her fourth husband. I swear they’re in competition with each other to see who can marry the most times before they die.”

  “Wow. That’s crazy.”

  He held up his glass to me. “Hence the reason I don’t believe in relationships.”

  “Touché.” I smiled as I clanked my glass against his.

  “I grew up watching the bad relationships my parents had with each other and their significant others. Neither one of them have ever been happy.”

  “I’m sorry. What about your sister? Is she also anti-relationship?”

  “Not as bad as I am. She’s had her share of men, but now she let down her guard and fell in love with a doctor she met at the hospital. They’ve been dating a little over a year.”

  “That must have been scary for her.”

  “It was, but he treats her like a queen and she’s happy. I just hope it lasts.”

  “You don’t have to be in a relationship to be happy in life,” I spoke as I sipped my champagne. “Relationships have a way of taking a happy person and turning them miserable.”

  “I fully agree. So, what about your parents?”

  “I never knew my father and my mother passed away a couple of years ago from cancer.”

  “I’m sorry for your loss. Did she ever marry?”

  “Oh God no.” I laughed. “Hence the reason I am the way I am. She didn’t believe in relationships and dated a slew of men over the years. She always told me that companionship is good, but relationships are bad. The minute a guy wanted to become serious, she dumped him. She was very career driven. Her business and I were her life.”

  “What did she do?”

  “She owned her own insurance company. Before she passed away, she sold it and put the money in an account for me. That’s how I was able to open my own shop.”

  “Tell me if I’m being too personal, but what about your father? You said you never knew him. Did she ever talk about him?”

  “The only thing she ever told me was that she wasn’t sure who my father was and it didn’t matter because it was just the two of us and that’s how it would always be.”

  “Do you ever wonder?” he asked.

  “I used to, but I haven’t in a long time. What’s the point?”

  The corners of his mouth curved upwards as he picked up his glass.

  “Here’s to enjoying life the way we want.”

  “And staying single and happy.” I held up my glass to his.

  After finishing dinner, Jackson paid the bill and we stepped outside the restaurant. We stood there, facing each other in the midst of that awkward moment phase. He slowly brought his hand up to my face.

  “You are an incredibly beautiful woman and I enjoyed having dinner with you.” He smiled.

  “Thank you. I had a great time.”

  “Would it be okay if I kissed you goodnight?”

  “I think that would be okay.” I softly smiled as I stared into his eyes.

  He moved his hand from my cheek and cupped my chin as his head dipped and his lips brushed against mine. His kiss was everything I knew it would be. Soft, sensual, delightful, and sexy. He pulled away and stared at me with a hunger in his eyes. He wanted more than just a brief kiss and the way my body was reacting to him, so did I.

  No words were spoken as his lips met mine once again. My arms wrapped around his neck as his tongue slipped inside and tangled with mine. A wetness down below emerged as well as a fierce ache that couldn’t be tamed.

  “Go get a room, you two,” a passerby shouted.

  Both of us laughed mid-kiss as he placed his hands on my hips.
  “There’s a room right inside,” he spoke.

  “Yes, there is.” I smirked.

  “Are you interested in seeing what the room has to offer?”

  “Very interested.”

  The smile on his face grew wide as he grabbed my hand and we walked into the Trump Hotel.

  “Good evening, may I help you?” the gentleman behind the counter asked.

  “We need a room,” Jackson replied.

  “Any preference?”

  “No. Not tonight anyway. Just give us what you have available.”

  “How many nights will you be staying?”

  “Just one.”

  “We have our park suite available. All I’ll need is your credit card, please.”

  Jackson reached into his wallet and handed him his card.

  “You’re all set, Mr. Caine. You are in room 1711.”

  “Thank you.”

  The moment the elevator doors shut, Jackson turned and smashed his mouth against mine all the way to the seventeenth floor. My body was already on fire with desire for him and I didn’t want his lips to leave mine. After opening the door to our room, he immediately locked it, swooped me up in his arms, and carried me to the bedroom.

  Chapter 9


  Her lips were as soft as silk and tasted like champagne. Setting her down on the floor, I wasted no time taking down the straps of her sexy red dress and letting it fall to the floor. Her red strapless bra pushed her tits up and created the most sensuous cleavage I’d ever seen, arousing me even more, until I looked down at the lace red string panties she was wearing that sent me over the edge. My tongue slid along her neck as I pushed her hair to the side, while my hands roamed up and down her, feeling the perfection of her body. Her skin beneath my fingers was as soft as a rose petal and I couldn’t wait to bury my cock deep inside this beauty that I had the pleasure of getting to know tonight. Bringing my fingers around to the clasp of her bra, I unhooked it with ease. Her breasts were natural, beautifully formed, and the perfect size. Her soft pink nipples hardened into peaks beneath my touch and her hands combed through my hair.

  Wrapping one arm around her, I lay her down on the bed, removing my mouth from hers as my tongue slid across each of her breasts. A light moan escaped her lips as her hand wrapped around my neck, forcing me to take her entire breast in my mouth. What I wouldn’t give to just plunge my cock deep inside her at that moment. But this needed to last. I needed to make sure she was fully pleasured and her arousal was fully heightened before I fucked her. She deserved it. My hand slid down the front of her panties, feeling the smoothness of her freshly shaven skin, and softly caressed her clit before dipping my finger inside. She gasped with excitement and threw her head back as she took in the pleasure I gave her. She aroused me in every sense, the way only a woman like her could. Removing my finger, I took down her panties, pulled her to the edge of the bed, got down on my knees, and buried my face between her legs. A moan of desire escaped her. Her hands gripped the bedsheets as she arched her back while my tongue made her orgasm something fierce.