Read The New World Covenant Page 16

  Chapter 22

  Their lives started out like so many other young couples. Early on in their relationship, they fell in love and made that commitment to each other, through sickness and health, through good times and bad, and there were times when life was hard but they faced the challenges together. Soon the children came and their love for each other grew through the experiences they shared together as a family.

  They lived a frugal lifestyle and though their income was minimal, it provided for all of their needs and they were content. Over time, they were able to contribute to their savings and every year they were able to accomplish more of their dreams. They knew that there may always be wishes that would not be fulfilled on their "to do" list but they never felt discouraged. Time would see to those fulfilled, and the rest would live on in their minds.

  Their children thrived in the love they provided and grew independent, learning from the lessons taught to them. Through maturity, taking those lessons and blending them with their own experiences to create what would become their own truths.

  As the years passed, the days became more challenging as the illnesses, aches and pains catching up, to frail and weakening bodies and their minds now drifting into a place not of today but of a time that resided in the distant past that they could never forget.

  Everyone around could see the changes as the older couple entered their sunset but this loving couple could not. It was not unlike looking into a mirror and not seeing the daily changes of your own face but to someone who hadn't seen you for a while, they will see those subtle changes.

  Time favours no one but dignity in old age is something that happens to the lucky ones who can achieve it. It is the truth of life and there are no exceptions, a few small favours to longevity. The best any medicine can give us is an extension of the inevitable with only finite results.

  Being the eldest, she grew into a headstrong, intelligent woman. She could be persuasive but somewhat impatient, and perhaps a little arrogant at times but not always in a negative way. Her dad, whom she secretly admired, was her hero and role model. She could think of no better person to emulate. She loved both of her parents and knew in her heart they would be better off in this place. It had been a family decision and not an easy one to make but love was a strong motivator.

  The younger man watched with interest as the older couple entered the large waiting room. The older woman was in a wheel chair, pushed by an older man. When they stopped, the old man reached down and took her frail hand, his withered fingers wrapped around hers. With them were a number of family members, young and old.

  One particular woman caught his interest. She was tall and toned, her sleek blue-black hair bobbed in the latest fashion and her eyeliner dramatically applied to enhance her deep violet eyes. She was dressed in a designer pantsuit with a full-length mink coat draped over her shoulders. She strode up to the desk and rapped loudly on the desk, rather impatiently. She stared down at the young receptionist who was talking on the phone. The girl looked up, motioned to the phone, and continued to talk to the person on the other end.

  The rich woman nervously tapped her finger on the desk until the girl, clearly flustered, ended her conversation.

  "How can I help you?" the young receptionist asked politely.

  "We have an appointment. We are here to admit my parents!" She quickly announced, not realizing how insensitive this statement was to her parents who were just behind her, their faces clearly upset by this statement.

  "Veronica?" the old man said from behind her, "We are not moving into this place. There is nothing wrong with us."

  Veronica half turned towards them her lower lip slightly quivering, visibly upset, she did not want to do this and the mixed emotions between her anger and doing what was right for her parents was showing and she tried to mask how she was feeling.

  "You don't have any say dad. The family has decided it is in your best interest and mom's, to put you in a home," she pulled the mink around her and continued, "It's not as if we haven't told you this before dad. It really is for your own good, you can't look after mom or yourself anymore. We all love you very much but it was becoming clear that you weren't capable of making decisions for yourselves. It will be safer for you here and there is twenty-four hour care every day to tend to your needs."

  Her brashness hurt the older couple as they exchanged confused looks.

  "Veronica, what have you done? You know very well we are perfectly capable of looking after ourselves!" her mother told her bluntly, her voice calm and firm, her arms crossed over her chest, her mouth tightly pressed together.

  "No mother, you aren't and at least you and dad will be able to be together. This is a well-run institution and you will get used to this place very quickly. Besides, we've made the decision and you don't have a choice anymore. We..." she motioned to the others in the room, "We have all agreed this is the best thing." One scruffy young man shuffled his feet self-consciously. "We didn't all agree to this Veronica," he said quietly, then moved to sit across from the young man in the waiting room.

  His eyes made contact with the young man and he mouthed, "Horse biscuits!" with a look of absolute disgust. He grabbed a magazine and began to turn the pages.

  Veronica turned back to the young girl. "Have you finished yet? We'd like to get this done quickly."

  "I am finished and have called for the Director to come and assist your parents," she answered curtly. She looked to the older couple and had to turn away when she saw the tears in their eyes.

  The older man tried once more to speak to Veronica. "Why are you doing this to us Veronica?"

  Veronica refused to meet their eyes. She moved to a chair and studied her nails, ignoring the older couple knowing that they did not understand.

  The young stranger studied Veronica with purpose, his intense eyes searching for something.

  He stood and as he passed the older couple, he whispered, "Be strong and believe, even now." Even these words were lost in a mind that once was. They clearly did not understand.

  The stranger looked back at Veronica, one word of reassurance entered her mind, "believe", and then he turned and left the building.

  No one said anything as the receptionist reached for the ringing phone.

  The director of the facility entered the room and walked up to the older couple, a large welcoming smile as he offered them his hand, "I know this is rather sudden, but I'm sure you will come to love this place. Let me show you around.”

  They entered the large room where they would now spend their time. It was a beautiful layout, two bedrooms and two bathrooms, a living room, lots of windows and a small balcony. The family stayed for a while to reassure them everything was going to be okay and then they left, giving the older couple some time to adjust by themselves.

  On the way home, Veronica sat in the back seat and stared at her folded hands. She knew it had been the right thing to do but why did it feel so wrong.

  The others talked quietly avoiding any discussion of the older couple. They felt uncomfortable as they felt the sadness emanating from Veronica.

  One of the grandchildren snuck a look over at where Veronica should have been seated and exclaimed, "She's gone, where did Aunty Veronica go, she was just here?"

  The others looked over to where she had been sitting, but she was not there. Her clothes lay draped on the seat, the mink slipping to the floor as they watched in silent amazement.


  Later they sat on the unfamiliar couch and looked at each other, there being nothing to say.

  For all their lives family and friends had been the most important truth to them both, this was everything they knew, they did not share or believe in any faith and very seldom in fact ever talked about such things. They both felt there was a possibility of something out there as a divine entity but they did not feel there was any proof, after all, why would God allow so much hatred and evil to take place in the world.

  When there are questions that do no
t have clear answers, but only create double talk, it just adds to the disillusionment one feels and leaves you scratching your head with no relief to the itch. It was better to leave those opaque beliefs behind until a transparent answer arrived.

  They had lived their lives as good people, minding their own business, not showing any intolerance or avoidance towards others, always being friendly and respectful of whomever they encountered.

  They felt saddened and betrayed as they both settled in, unsure of their future, especially when they felt nothing was wrong with them. They turned in early but it was hard to sleep, it was like watching the one same scene in a movie, over-and-over, their thoughts like an endless loop, so much on their minds, so much confusion.

  Holding tightly to each other, they eventually drifted off together and somewhere in that peaceful place, they awoke, their senses experiencing things long forgotten.

  "Where are we?" he asked.

  She answered with her own question, "How did they put this garden in our room? Look at all the different colors. I can smell the fragrances of so many wild flowers."

  All of a sudden, their surroundings became brighter; they felt lighter, floating as if walking on air.

  Where were they?

  And on that night their thoughts became less chaotic, they had become two souls within one spirit of love. They would remain together as they walked hand in hand, where earthly bonds no longer applied, their love for each other now enduring for eternity, on this new path, in this beautiful garden. As they walked towards the light, the voice within said, "believe", and suddenly, earlier thoughts that were once confusing and chaotic became clear and they now understood what was happening to them.

  As they entered into the light, a figure appeared just in front of them.

  The old man turned to his lifelong partner and said, "Look who's over there."

  "Veronica is that you?" they asked.

  Chapter 23

  Today's broadcast began with breaking news.

  With a well-practiced look of concern on the lined face of the news anchor, he read from his prepared script.

  "Police were called to the 15th block of Fairview around 10:00pm last night in response to numerous 911 calls about a disturbance in the alley behind the now closed Cecilia Hotel.

  "Witnesses reported that there were a large number of young men involved in the fight. Witnesses were able to identify some of the participants as members of a local gang called the Razors by their unique black leather jackets with a large bleeding 'Z' on their back.

  "Not wanting to be identified one long-time resident of the area confirmed that this was gang related. He was aware of at least two rival gangs currently fighting for control of this part of town.

  "Some witnesses reported seeing a young woman taken from the scene in an ambulance, but police have not confirmed this.

  "Another local resident stated there appeared to be a great deal of blood in the alley but he was unable to see if there were any bodies as the police had cordoned off both ends of the alley.

  "Police on the scene would only say there are indications that a major altercation did take place in the alley however, they were not prepared at this time to confirm or deny if this was a gang related incident or not.

  "Police are treating this area as a crime scene and expected to be there for some time searching for evidence."

  At the police station, Police Chief Rogers smiled patiently at a reporter.

  The reporter asked, "What can you tell us about the gang fight?"

  "We've just started our investigation and we do not have any details yet, however we are asking anyone who may have witnessed the fight to contact the police. That's all I have right now but we will update you as we have additional information. Thank you." The Chief quickly stepped into the station.

  With this, the news anchor continued with the regular routine of providing the weather, sports, and road conditions, having already relegated the breaking news story to business as usual for that particularly run down, crime-infested part of town.

  "In other world news today, there have been more reports of miracles. From India, a report of two hundred fifty people saved when a fire broke out in a resort. Reports from the scene say a fire broke out a few floors below where a wedding reception was taking place, trapping everyone on the floors above. Witnesses claim that a strange young man led them down the stairwell through the smoke to safety. No one has yet been able to locate this Good Samaritan.

  "From the northern part of the country, there are reports of a plane that crash-landed in a field with minimal damage to the plane and no injuries amongst the passengers and crew. Witnesses there indicated the plane was in a spiral dive and then was suddenly levelled out and set down in the field, as if by some mysterious force.

  "It seems that there are more and more reported cases of miracles coming in almost hourly, these are just two of the more spectacular ones. Could this be related to the Messengers from God that we have been expecting?"

  Chapter 24

  The Herald came out once a week and contained short stories of the current events happening in the world.

  Jason enjoyed reading it over his morning tea. Some of the stories were quite funny, others tragic and some just routine.

  Today's paper had a number of interesting items and he read it from cover to cover.

  The first article had a brief follow up on the "God Virus" and he chuckled. The latest speculation out of the experts was that it was nothing more than a hoax. There was no virus at all and this talk of Messengers was just what these hoaxers were calling themselves. All hype, like the millennium computer scare from 2000 AD but no impact at all to the computers.

  There followed a number of articles of miracles happening around the world. There were several on good Samaritans helping strangers, many stories of unusual events occurring such as water appearing where there has been no water for years, lava flows changing direction to avoid populated areas, storms suddenly abating just before reaching landfall and other mysteries of nature. The most interesting articles for Jason were the ones identifying the mysterious disappearances of numerous individuals. In this city alone, a suspected bank robber and a gang member were among those who seem to have vanished without explanation but these are not isolated cases the article continued, there have been reports of at least a few hundred people around the world that have vanished without any explanation. Jason continued to read that the authorities were not willing to speculate on whether there was any connection.

  Jason was content as he finished reading the paper and set it aside. What an interesting world this was; many are certainly learning, but will they ever fully understand the message.

  Jason picked up his cell phone from the charger and turned it on. It immediately began to flash that there was an email waiting. It was from his mother so he opened it. She wanted to know if he would be free this weekend for a visit, to which he immediately wrote back that he looked forward to seeing her.

  She responded that she would be there Saturday morning.

  He was glad that his mother would be here, he had a lot to share with her.

  Chapter 25

  “Oh Dr. Franklin, I just heard of this absolutely painless new way to have a baby. You do it in a pool. The little darling just shoots out of you like a little greased piglet. My best friend said her friend had her little Charles that way and the best part was her body just shrunk right back to normal. I was thinking maybe it would be the way to go with my little Sophia," the young woman gushed.

  As he listened to her ramble on about the latest craze of having water births and the myths that it would be so painless and that her figure would be perfect afterwards, he just couldn’t take it anymore.

  He nodded at the young woman. "Well Candy that sounds really nice but I don't do that type of delivery, nor do I have any desire to do so. I'd suggest you find someone else. I only deal with the real world of childbirth." His tone of voice was borderline rude and the woman
grabbed her expensive purse from the desk.

  "Well I never. I certainly will find someone else and I'll make sure I tell everyone how rude you were!" She stomped from the room.

  He sat back in his chair and a smile of satisfaction crossed his face. "That felt remarkably good," he chuckled.

  Candy had been his last appointment for the day, and he sat there long into the evening just thinking about his life. He had a thriving practice, at least until a few hours ago he laughed, he had a good wife and home and the respect of his colleagues, but lately his heart was troubled with a strong feeling he was needed somewhere else. He didn't understand the feeling and found himself trying to justify his current position as one that was providing a much-needed service to this community.

  He always tried to help those who couldn't afford to pay his rates by offering free clinics once a month. He gave his time to local charities and churches that needed help but it seemed the more he tried to ignore the feelings, the more increasingly persistent they became, to the point he felt he would lose his mind if he did not finally acknowledge and act upon them.