Read The New World Covenant Page 29

  "To you Jason, I thank you for sharing yourself with me. You will now become the keeper of my book with its new covenant. Teach well like your father and mother before you."

  Jason was the last to materialize before the crowd. A crown of light surrounding his head and in his triumphal entry he held the book, the 'New World Covenant', to his chest.

  God said,

  "I have empowered both Jason and the young girl Leilani, with my healing power to cure sickness and disease. Through them I am never far away."

  Jason stood over by Murphy and his mom, put one arm around her shoulders, smiled down at her, and kissed her on the cheek, not saying anything. The book held tightly to his chest.

  God addressed the gathering,

  "To all of you my children, the ones of you who truly believed in me, and to those of you who have not, there is one time, one place, where each and every one of you regardless of your way of thinking, will become one with me...whether young or old. It is something that for you has already been decided, a truth that will never be cheated. A path that never ends or wears is after your earthly body dies and your soul, my holy breath, leaves your body. When spoken, this truth will not become lost or unheard...... this is when you will join me, and on this day, you will find out your 'absolute truth'.

  "To join me in this secret my time, an infinite garden, a place where your eyes cannot yet envision, your ears cannot yet hear, and your conscience has yet to perceive. In this place you will find that I am not hidden, and when you come searching for my light, you will not hide or be afraid, where your soul will never want...or shed tears. There is no place here, where you will feel lonely or alone.

  "Where there is no wealth, no poor, no hunger, or thirst.

  Where the only wealth, hunger, and thirst you acquire will come from my infinite source of Love.

  "It is where one soul cannot hurt or punish another soul.

  Only then will your conscience find peacefulness, tranquility, harmony, serenity, and Love.

  "Ignorance and intolerance will be replaced with knowledge from my holy wisdom and all men, women, and children will be free. This will be your final covenant with me that will last for all of eternity.

  "So vast a place that no one can know of its limits, filled with rare and beautiful treasures yet to discover. Where under the 'tree of knowledge' we will sit together and take in the healing waters that will flow from a never-ending stream.

  "And in this eternity, you will forever come to know that I am your God of eternal Love and that the beginning of your eternal wisdom and knowledge is not based on fear, and that Love is the only emotion that corrects all wrongs,


  The orb softly glowed as he paused, then he continued,

  "If you find within these words my children, a new definition of ‘Love’ from my holy wisdom for not only your happiness and joys but to help you through your pains, sorrows and anger, then you will acquire a new hunger, a new thirst that will satisfy all of your needs. Where humankind can sit at the same table and partake of this new definition of Love.

  "This is a meal that starts from the first bite, the first swallow, a new bloodless covenant. Love is the only food the soul needs for nourishment. As Love enters your spirit, the result will be one that flows unconditionally out from your heart forever and beyond...and not pick-and-choose for whom it beats. This is where you will reach out to one another with an open hand in friendship and not a clenched fist, humankind will become your family and this emotion will reach across to all living things...including our beautiful planet.

  "Let your hearts and minds, be like an open book, free to accept an old concept based on an ageless, timeless emotion of 'Love', this is my 'absolute truth' to you.

  "By accepting my 'New World Covenant', you would please me, my children. Now you know in your heart that this is what you must do to save yourselves, and our planet.

  "As you have put your faith in me,

  I now put my faith in you.

  "I need you to 'show me',

  like I have shown myself to you."

  God paused,

  "It is time now for me to leave you."

  Someone asked, "Must you leave us?"

  Another said, “Will you ever return to us Lord?”

  The orb emitted a soft, comforting glow that enveloped the crowd, and then He responded,

  "I can always be felt like a warm summer breeze my children, unseen, yet not far away from your words.

  "Like the gentle wind I again speak my 'Word of Unconditional Love' to you, for there is no other like it, no gift to bestow, no matter what the season. Share your Love with one another for all reasons.

  "You now know that your salvation will be by way of my 'New World Covenant', one of understanding...through Love.

  "Goodbye my children...for now...

  "Remember, as you have been praying to me for all things, I am depending on humankind for one."

  People watched the golden orb as it slowly rose above their heads and continued climbing. People are awestruck and filled with wonderment at what they have just witnessed. Some are weeping openly. After all this time He has returned, not to be forgotten and with such a powerful message of Love and unity for the whole planet. The orb continued to climb higher and higher through the clouds, blinked once and entered the upper atmosphere, leaving the planet earth. The orb came to a stop in outer space, still glowing.

  God took one last look behind at the earth and said,

  "Billions of years ago I planted a seed and a garden flourished. Over the course of time this garden, through the course of its own random events has become a unique ever-changing planet, with its diverse life, climate, and landscape.



  Because of the earth's rotation around the sun, a new dawn was always starting somewhere on the planet and as the sun slowly rose and broke over a new horizon, a rooster crowed in the distance.

  He gave a sigh of contentment.

  The orb now took on an accelerated rate of speed, bringing light into the vast darkness of space, blazing a trail ahead, and just as its course seems to be heading directly into the sun, the orb veered off where God's thoughts transcended any known laws, his purpose, the great beyond, and the hope and dreams of others.


  Murphy approached Jason and said, "This has been an incredibly trying experience, but I have to ask you a question. Why did you not just heal Seraphina from the start?"

  Jason responded, "During this time, did you not truly find out what Love was? Did you not rediscover your faith? Did you not receive an answer to your question of why?"

  Murphy lowered his head and simply said, "Yes."

  Jason continued, "Seraphina and your daughter were never in any danger."

  Murphy raised his head and asked, "Then this was a test?"

  Jason chided softly, "A lesson."

  Murphy paused for a second for reflection. "It wasn't an easy time, but I do understand."

  Jason said, "As you can see, Seraphina is better...and while in your thoughts I could hear that you have chosen to call your daughter Megan. Such a pretty name, it means pearl, but I actually prefer the Persian meaning, child of light, don't you think that has more meaning?"

  Murphy laughed. "I'm sure Seraphina will agree with you."

  Jason responded, "I should tell you now that Megan will become a special me also."

  Murphy asked, "Is that why we interested you?"

  Jason replied quickly, "Yes."

  Murphy responded humorously, "Something tells me that we are becoming family."

  Jason chuckled. "One can say that."

  Murphy grew sober and said, "Thank you but I feel like I owe you an apology."

  Jason smiled. "I have a special place I wish to show both you and Seraphina."

  Murphy an
swered in an uncertain voice, "Where is that?"

  Jason said in Italian, "Vi piacciono i cavalli you like horses?"

  Murphy answered with a smile, ".............Si.............yes. Will we have time?"

  Jason replied, "Sa rispondere a tutte le domande. Only...He knows all the answers."

  ...and somewhere far off in the blackness of space, a rocky body is still prowling, tumbling end-over-end moving forward, its bluish haze of shimmering light reflecting the empty space surrounding it, continuing on its erratic dance of destiny....

  The enduring ravages of this game of cosmic roulette, forever traced in the scars of history and extinction. For eons, this waltz has repeated itself and with each new set of cosmic partners, an irreversible change will take place, whether good or bad, its steps soon to be predicted, with only one to emerge the everlasting victor.

  The "New World Covenant" for now...

  List of References Used In Book

  New International Version - Holy Bible

  Wikipedia Sources

  The Essene Gospel of Peace

  Quote from Albert Einstein

  Dedication and Acknowledgments

  To God and His Holy Spirit which inspired me and for which I could never have written this book without, I give my faith to.

  To my wife Kim, who has taught me how to be a writer and come to share in this new vision with me, I share my path of spirituality with.

  Together we would like to especially thank you, Mom and Dad, for your love and kindness and more importantly, your friendship and support in making this possible. We give you our deepest gratitude and love always.


  We would like to dedicate this book to all people everywhere on our beautiful planet, remember…


  This is the only emotion that corrects all wrongs..."Always".

  Norm and Kim


  Thank you for taking this journey with us. If you enjoyed it, won’t you please take a moment to leave us a review at your favourite retailer?

  About the Authors:

  We live and write in the ever growing, ever changing city of Calgary, which lies in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains in the beautiful province of Alberta, Canada.

  We've been together for over fourteen years and enjoy a quiet life. We enjoy meeting people and traveling the world. We have both have found a new passion in our writing that we wish to share with others.

  The idea for this book first developed back in the early 1980's but lived in our minds until it finally started to take written shape in September of 2013, and over the next fifteen months it has been a collaboration and a labour of love for both of us. This is just the first in a line of many additional books to come, dealing with a number of different themes.

  We hope that you have enjoyed the book and will continue to follow our future releases as well. Watch for upcoming new books in 2015.

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  "I found it very good. It was easy reading and I found the concept was extremely thought provoking. Your insight and interpretation in my mind was spot on. The concept of our loving and forgiving one God for all should be remembered by all citizens of this planet of ours. I found it particularly timely with all the issues that man is now facing.

  We would have no wars and one unified earth if we would all live by the teaching of our Lord." - Katy B

  "What can I say I loved the book. I always finished a chapter before I quit reading and couldn't wait to read the next one, in fact it is a book I will read again." - Chris L

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