Read The Night Land Page 10



  Now, as you shall perceive, all mine utter despair was turned in amoment into an huge gladness and a great hope; so that it did seem to methat I should be with my dear One in but a little while. Yet was this anover-hope and expectation, and was not like to have a swift satisfying;for, truly, I was made aware of naught, save that I did perceive theshape of a great pyramid, going upward into the night.

  And I knew that the Pyramid did surely stand upon an hill in the midstof that dark Country, for only so might it show so great and high. And Iset me to run swift downward into the Land, so that I should make astrong going unto the Pyramid.

  And I ran for a few little minutes, and lo! I fell headlong, and didtruly feel as that I had brake my neck with the hardness and pain of myfall. And I had no power to go forward any more for a great while; butdid just be there where I did fall, and very helpless and moaning alittle; so that any creature had been able to slay me, if that it hadcome upon me in that time.

  Yet, presently, I was able to sit upon the earth, and did hold my neckwith my hands, and afterward the pain went away; so that I gat once moreto my feet. But now I went forward very wisely, and had, moreover, ananxiousness in my heart; for, indeed, how did it be that the Pyramid wasso utter dark, if that it did be the Lesser Refuge, in truth. Andimmediately there did rise in me a fear that it should be some House ofEvil in the dark of that Land, or some wicked Force working a Pretenceand a bewilderment upon my sight. Yet, truly, the thing was plain nowagainst the far-off fires of the Land; and I did have little thought butthat it should be, in verity, the Lesser Refuge.

  Now in the first moment that I did perceive the dark Pyramid, I had beenwithout wit, save to run very quick and blind unto the place; for you toremember how long I had made so great a search. And afterward, I hadbeen minded to call unto Naani with my brain-elements, sending theMaster-Word, and my speech after to tell how that I was come unto her.But now I did heed to have caution, and to discover what this darknessshould truly mean.

  And so did I go downward again into the night of that Land, at the firstwith a carefulness; but presently with a fierce eagerness and expectingof the heart, the which had been dulled a little time with the horridshaking and pain of my fall.

  Now I had climbed unto the upper plain of the great volcano in, maybe,thirteen hours; but I went downward of that great Hill in ten, and hadmade a greater speed, but that I was sore shaken and unsure, by reasonof my fall.

  And in the end of the tenth hour, I perceived that I was come again tothe great Plain of the Land; and I had no more any proper sight of theRefuge, because that it was upward afar in the darkness of the night.Yet was I abled now to see that there went a bulk between me and the farshinings, and did know that this great thing was surely the hill onwhich the Pyramid did stand.

  And I went four hours across the Land, and did pass in this place andthat, fire-holes that made a little red-shining in the night; andbecause of the fires in those far parts and a-near, there was not anutter dark.

  And when I was gone four hours towards the Pyramid, I could no more seethe distant shinings, for the bulk of the hill-bottom stood up between,and made all a blackness that way. And by this thing, I did guess that Iwas come nigh unto the hill; but yet was a great hour more before that Icame to it. And in that five hours, since I was come down from the greatVolcano, there had past me thrice and again, the sounds of thingsrunning in the night, and once there did be a sound as of a giantroaring afar, and a strange and horrid screaming.

  Now I began to go up the hill. And, at the first, an utter excitementtook me in the heart; so that I could have shouted the name of the Maidaloud in the night, with vain hopings that she should hear me and makean answer. But this state went from me very swift, as I did go upward,and there came a caution again about me, and a coldness of fear, as thatmy spirit did wot of something that my heart did not perceive.

  And, presently, I was come upward almost to the top of the hill, thewhich took me nigh three hours. And surely, when I was come that I couldsee the grimness of the Pyramid, going upward very desolate and silentinto the night, lo! an utter shaking fear did take me; for the sweetcunning of my spirit did know that there abode no human in all thatgreat and dark bulk; but that there did await me there, monstrous andhorrid things that should bring destruction upon my soul. And I wentdownward of the hill, very quiet in the darkness; and so in the end,away from that place.

  And I was four great hours before that I was come clear away from thehill, and I did feel that there was not any safety for my spirit in allthat Land. And surely I went a little blindly, in the first, and did gowith no heed unto my way.

  And presently, I was upon the shore of the olden sea, and had no knowinghow that I was come there; for, surely, I did think it to be a great wayoff. But now I do think that the dry bed of the sea did curve aroundunto that place, or that there did be two, or more, olden seas in thatCountry of Night.

  Now, presently, I sat me down, very weak and bewildered; for it was asthat my heart did lie dead within me. And, in verity, you shall perceivehow this thing was, for I did know by the tellings of my spirit thatthere abode evil things in the dark Pyramid upon the hill; and I doubtednot but that destruction had come upon the Peoples of the LesserPyramid, and that evil creatures and Powers did now abide in that place.And if this thing did be truly so, I was come over-late to the saving ofthe Maid; and with this thought I was very glad that some evil thingshould come that I should fight with it and die quickly; for there wasnaught then in all the world to make me glad to have life.

  And so shall you know the utter desolation that was in my heart; and,truly, I can perceive both the wiseness and the unwisdom of myreasonings; for, indeed, I did have no _sure_ knowing that the darkPyramid did be truly the Lesser Refuge. But yet, in verity, my spiritdid know with a certain sureness, and there was no doubt concerning thisthing, in all my being.

  And, after that I had sat there awhile, I did mind me suddenly that Ishould send the Master-Word through the night; for, indeed, how elsemight I ever know whether Naani did yet live; though, in truth, I hadlittle, save desperate hope in this matter; but yet did remember howthat I had seemed odd times of my journey to hear the beat of theMaster-Word with my spirit, out of all the dark of the world. And, inverity, if Naani answered not to the Word, but there came instead anEvil Power to destroy me, I should but cease me of mine utterheart-ache.

  And I stood me upon my feet, and looked outward about me into theblackness of that Land. And I sent the Master-Word with mybrain-elements; and immediately I called Naani, thrice, sending the callwith my brain-elements.

  And lo! in a moment, as it did seem, there broke around me out of allthe mystery of night, low and solemn, the Master-Word, beating in thenight. And immediately there did sound within my brain a far, smallvoice, very lone and faint, as that it had come from the end of theworld. And the voice was the voice of Naani and the voice of Mirdath,and did call me by mine olden love-name.

  Then, indeed, I did near to choke with the utter affright of joy thatdid take me in the heart, and also I was shaken with a mightyexcitement, and my despair was gone, as that I had never known it. For,in verity, Naani did live and did call unto me with her brain-elements;and surely I had not heard the voice of mine Own for an utter age ofgrim labour and dread.

  And the voice was, as I did say, as that it came from one that did be ina far place of the earth. And, in verity, whilst I stood dazed with agreat joy that the Maid did live, I knew within me, concerning the fearthat she was utter far off; and what peril might come anigh to her,before that I should stand to her side, to do battle for her life andwell-being and mine own joy.

  And lo! in the same moment, and before that I made further speech untoNaani, I did wot that someone did be a little way off from me, in thebushes, where a fire-hole did burn anigh to me; and it was as that myspirit knew this thing, and told of it unto my brain. And I made noanswer unto the Maid, across all the dark of the wo
rld; but went veryswift into a great bush that was nigh to the fire-hole, upon this side.

  And I lookt through, into the open space that did be about thefire-hole. And there was a little figure that did kneel, sobbing, uponthe earth, beside the fire-hole; and truly it was a slim maid, and shedid seem as that she harked very desperate, even whilst yet she did sob.And surely, mine own soul did _Know_, all in one white moment of life.And she there, unknowing, and harking unto a cry of the spirit, that shedid think to come through all the desolation of the night--even from theMighty Pyramid. For oft, as I did perceive, had she cried unto me in allthat lonesome month, and known no answer; neither that I was making adesperate way unto her; for, indeed, her weakness was great, so that shehad no power to throw the Word strongly afar, neither to make plain herspiritual cryings through any mighty space of the aether.

  And lo! I drew in my breath, and set my teeth a moment, to steady mylips; and I said: "MIRDATH," out of the bush where I did be, and usingnatural human speech. And the Maid ceased from her weeping, and looktthis way and that, with an utter new fear, and with a frightened hopethat did shine with her tears in the light from the fire-hole. And Idivided the bush before me, and went through the bush, so that I cameout before her, and did be there in my grey armour; and I did pausethen, and was all adrift in myself; for my heart said that I should takethis Maid into mine arms again; for that I was come again to be withMirdath after an utter lost Eternity. But yet was I all paused; fortruly she was Naani and she was Mirdath, and she did be a stranger inmine eyes, and very dainty and pretty and shaken with woe and soretrouble and grief.

  And in that same moment of my coming unto her out of the bush, shescreamed and fell back from me, and strove weakly to gain unto thehither bushes; for, truly, she knew not what was come upon her in thatfirst little moment. And immediately she saw that it did be an humanman, and no monster to slay her, and in that instant I said theMaster-Word unto her, aloud, that she should have knowledge of peace andhelp. And I told my name, and said I am That One. And she knew thisthing, even as my lips made the sounds. And she cried out something inan utter broke voice, and ran unto me, and thrust her two small handsinto my charge and keeping, and fell thence into a great sobbing andshaking, so that I was all in trouble to ease her; but did keep asilence and held fast her hands, for I had not on mine armoured gloves.

  And she leaned against me, very weak, and seeming wondrous like to achild. And lo! in a while she ceased to sob, and did but catch herbreath this time and that, but said no word. And I bethought me that shedid suffer of hunger, for I perceived that she had been long wanderingand alone, and was come unto the end of hope, when that I did come.

  And the Maid stood there yet silent, for she might not yet command hermouth to speak. And she trembled as she stood. And I opened my lefthand, and lookt at the hand within my palm, and surely it was utter thinand wasted. And I made no more pause, but lifted mine Own and set hereasy upon the earth, with an hump of smooth rock unto her back. And Istript off my cloak very quick, and put it about her, for she was scarcecovered with her clothes that had been all torn among the bushes; sothat part she shook with an utter chill, and part because of weakness,for she was nigh to be starved unto her death, and destroyed with hergrief and lonesomeness.

  And I took from my back the scrip and the pouch, and I gat a tablet fromthe scrip, and brake it into my cup, and with the water I made a littlebroth very swift upon an hot rock that was to the edge of the fire-hole.And I fed the broth unto the Maid, for truly her hands did shake so thatshe had spilt it all, if that I had done otherwise.

  And she drank the broth, and was so weak that presently she did fallagain to sobbing, yet very quiet; so that I strove not to be troubled inthe heart; for, indeed, this thing was but reasonable, and not cause forme to have an anxiousness. But I put my hands under the cloak and tookher hands into mine and held them strong and firm; and this did seem tobring something of peace and strength unto her; so that presently thetrembling and the weeping went from her. And, indeed, the broth wassurely helpful in this matter.

  And presently, I knew that her hands did stir a little within mine, andI loosed somewhat of my grip; and immediately, she graspt my hands witha weak and gentle grasp; but lookt not yet at me; only did stay veryquiet, as that she did gather her strength within her. And, indeed, Iwas content; save that an anxiousness of the heart did stir me thistime and that, lest some monster should come upon us. And because ofthis trouble, I did hark about me, now and oft, and with a new andstrange fearfulness of danger, because that now mine Own was given untomy charge; and surely my heart would break, if that there came any hurtunto her.

  Now, of a sudden, the Maid did make as that she would rise, and I loosedfree from her, to give help. And she gat me by the hand, and sliptsudden to her knees, and did kiss my hand, and did begin again to weep.And surely I was so utter abashed that I stood very stupid and let herdo this thing. But in a moment I drew free from her; for this thingmight not be. And I gat me to my knee likewise before her, and took herhands, and kist them once, newly humbled, as it were; and thus shouldshe know all that was in my heart, and of mine understanding. And shedid but sob the more; for she was so weak, and utter moved unto me,because that I had come to her through the night of the world. And thisthing I knew, though no speech had yet past between us. And I gave upher hands, lest she need them for her tears; but she left them to lie inmy palms, as she did kneel there; and she bowed her head a little overher weeping; but did show that she was mine, in verity, unto the veryessence of her dear spirit.

  And I took her into mine arms, very gently and without caress; butpresently I stroked her hair, and called her Naani and Mirdath, and saidmany things unto her, that now I scarce do wot of, but she did know themin the after time. And she was very quiet in mine arms, and seemingwondrous content; but yet did sob onward for a great time. And oft did Icoax her and say vague things of comfort, as I have told. But truly shedid ask no more comfort at that time than that she be sheltered whereshe did be. And truly she had been lonesome and in terror and in griefand dread, a great and horrid time.

  Now, presently, she was grown quiet; and I made to put her comfortablein the cloak against the rock, that I should have freedom to make hermore of the broth. But yet she did nestle unto me, with a little sweetwistfulness, that made warm my heart in a most wondrous fashion; forsurely she was mine Own. And she to begin to say odd words to me. And soto have gentle obedience, and to rest quiet against the rock, the whilethat I did make the broth. Yet ever her gaze did follow me, as I knew;for I must look oft her way.

  And I took the broth to her, and she drank it, using her own two hands;and I sat by, and eat three of the tablets and drank some of the water,for truly it was a foolish great time since last I had eat.

  Now, in a while, the broth did make bright the eyes of the Maid, and shedid begin to talk; and at whiles had pauses, because that she lacked ofstrength, and there was more to be told than an human may have theheart-strength and cunning to make plain. And twice she did come againto sobbing; for, truly, her father was dead and the Peoples of theLesser redoubt all slain and dispersed through the night of that Land.

  And I learned that an Evil Force had made action upon the Peoples withinthe Lesser Redoubt; so that some, being utter weak by reason of thefailing of the Earth-Current, had opened the Great Door, and gone forthinto the night. And immediately there had come into the Lesser Pyramid,great and horrid monsters, and had made a great and brutish chase, andhad slain many; but some had escaped forth into the night.

  And with these had come Naani, after that her father, the MasterMonstruwacan, had been slain by a shaggy man, very brutal and monstrous.And there had been three maids with Naani, when that she made escapeinto the night; but there had come certain creatures upon them, as theydid sleep among the bushes, and had stolen two, and the other maid hadrun off, as did Naani, and they had neither met the other any more.

  And this dreadful happening unto the Peoples of the Lesser Redoubt, hadbeen a
great while gone, as it to seem to her; but she had no means totell me how long this time should be; for, in verity, how should shemake a count. Yet had it been a dread long while unto her; and I foundpresently, that she had been lost through all that time that I did makemy journey unto her; for, indeed, this thing I discovered by askingconcerning my callings unto her. And she had heard none that did come toher, in any time since she had escaped out of the Lost Refuge into thisdreadful Land.

  Yet, in verity, oft had she callen unto me, until that her heart didgrow sick with the desolation of her lonesomeness and her utterforsakeness. And her callings had told unto the Evil things of the Landthat she did be in this part and that; for there had come things andbeasts in search for her; but having the gift of the hearing, she hadknown of their approach, most whiles, and had come free from them; yetoft-times with piteous and fearful runnings and hiding among the rocksand the bushes, so that she had grown afterward to make no calling untome, save odd whiles, lest she bring the monsters upon her. And, indeed,as you do know, naught had come plain unto me, for she was so utter weakthat she had no power of her brain-elements to send the Word afar or thetellings of her spirit.

  And because that she was so sorely chased, she had come nigh to benaked, even as I found her; for the bushes and the rocks had torn hergarments from her, and she had naught with which to make any propermending of them. And for food she had eat the moss upon the rocks, andodd strange berries and growths, and had drunk of the waters of the hotsprings; and oft had she been made utter sick, because of the sulphur,or somewhat, of the water and, maybe, the poison of odd plants. Yet, asI did think, it was like that the first did save her life from thesecond; but in this thing I do make only a guessing.

  And in all that dreadful time, since that she had come to be quitealone, she had heard a score drear things; for there had been once theslaying of a young maid nigh unto her, by some Brute out in the darknessof the Land; and thrice and more had she heard the feet of peoplerunning this way and that, and the tread of giants pursuing. And by thistelling I did understand those things which mine ears had told to me asI did go across that Land, and surely a new pity and sorrow and horrordid come upward within me. And the Maid told me how that she came onceupon certain of the Peoples of the Lesser Redoubt, as they did hideamong the bushes; but they ran, with no heed to her callings that shedid be human, even as they; and by this is it plain the sore anddreadful panic that was upon the hearts of such.

  And the bitter chill of the Land had made her to strive alway to be nighunto the fire-holes that were very plentiful; but even as this did beneedful unto her, so was it a thing that drew the Monstrous Brutes ofthat Land, even as I had found in the Night Land, and in the UpwardGorge. And because of this, she was oft made to stay afar off in theutter cold of the night.

  Yet, in truth, odd whiles she did be so desperate, that she would makethe venture, and so mayhaps have a time of warmth; and because of this,she had been nigh slain in her sleep, twice and thrice. Moreover, therewere snakes about the fires, though not over-plentiful in all parts, andthere did be spider-crabs and monstrous scorpions.

  And, indeed, even as she had lain by the fire-hole, very weak andseeming near unto her death, even this time when my call had come untoher to stir her unto life and bitter knowledge of despair, even then wasshe all surround by creatures that were like to crabs, that did squatall about her, and did but wait for her to die; so that she had beenfeared to sleep, lest they destroy her in her slumber.

  And by this thing, she had known that her death was surely nigh; and lo!out of all the night of the world had come the beat of the Master-Word,strong and powerful, beating as a low and spiritual thunder out of allthe dark of the night. Yet had she thought of me, only as speaking fromthe far-off Mighty Pyramid; so that the cry had brought naught of hopeunto her, but only a newer and more known despair. And, behold, in alittle minute, there had come her name, spoken surely with the tongue;and a name that was different from the name that my spirit had saidafter the beat of the Word. And immediately, I had come out of the bush,and she had fallen back in a sudden great fear that a monster was stolenupon her; and then did see a young man in grey armour, and did know inone instant that I was that olden one of her memory dreams, and the onethat had spoken unto her in the spirit across half of the dead world, asit did seem. And now was I come through all that unknown desolation andaffright, to succour her. And she was immediately safe; but yet allbroken because of her weakness and her utter joy and her sweet honourfor me.

  And this is the chief of that which she did tell unto me; and the waythat she had seen and did regard the marvel of this our coming together.But, surely, no man was made ever to be worthy of the way that she didlook upon me, or of the words that she did say unto me in her weaknessand happiness. Now, with the Maid having speech concerning thespider-crabs, I lookt presently well around, and surely, in a minute, Isaw that they were not gone away; but did be a circle of silent andsteadfast watching and impudence and horror all about us. And surelythis thing put an anger and disgust upon me; so that I gat to my feet,and went unto the border of the light, and I spurned this little monsterand that, and did truly kick maybe a dozen, before that they werecontent to be gone. And by this thing shall you know of their calm andfoolish assurance; but yet were they seemingly without courage; for theymade not to attack me. Yet a true crab of this day been wishful to pinchme, had I put my toe forth unto it.

  Now, I went back to the Maid, and she did laugh with a little, weakgleefulness; so that I perceived that she was like to be a very joyousmaiden, if but I did have her in health. And I made her another cup ofthe broth, and she drank it very easy. And afterward, I made a verystern and playful order that she must sleep, and, indeed, she to need itsore, for she was gone again from her excitement, and her weakness uponher; yet very happy and content and without fear.

  And I made a smooth place for her, and put the pouch and the scrip to befor a pillow, and I did lay her there very quiet and sweet in the cloak,and covered her feet; but, indeed, I saw first that they did be sore cutand without any gear to them; so that I perceived that Mine Own had wornout her foot-gear utter in her lonesome journeyings, and in running fromBrutes that did come to find her. And so I to know more in the heart,somewhat of the true dreadfulness and fear that had companioned MineOwn. And I was minded then that I would wash and bind up her feet; butyet was she so utter worn, that I did prefer that she sleep so soon asshe might, and afterward, when she was come wakeful again, then should Itake a proper heed of her feet. And truly, they were very small andshapely.

  And presently, she slept; and, surely, I doubt whether she had slumberedso peaceful and proper for a great month; for she never to have knownwhen any evil thing should come upon her in her sleep. And this to be avery dreadful feeling, as you do know well; for you do know how I hadbeen in this same matter.

  Now, while Naani did sleep, I stript off mine armour, and took off mineunder-suit, which was named the Armour-Suit, and a very warm and propergarment, and made thick that it should ease the chafe of the armour. Andafterward, I put on the armour again; but the suit I folded, and laidbeside the Maid; for, truly, she was nigh unclothed, by reason of thebushes and the rocks, that had rent her garments all-wise.

  And I stood watch for the Maid, the while that she did slumber; andsurely she went ten long hours. And I walked upon this side of thefire-hole and now upon that, and did oft cease, that I might hearkenboth with mine ears and with my spirit; for, truly, I was all wakened toa new care and delight, and did have a fresh and doubled fear of anyHorrid Creature or Force of Evil. And this shall be very plain to you.

  And in the end of ten long hours, the Maid wakened, and I ran to her alljoyed that she was come again to knowledge and to be that I could talkwith her.

  And she sat upward and looked at me, and there was new light andmovement in her, so that I knew her strength was come back into her. Andfor a little minute, she said naught unto me, the while that I did askhow she did be; and she lookt at me very
keen, so that I wondered somewise in a daze, what was in her mind.

  And she askt me, of a sudden, how long it did be since that I had slept.And having not thought to put away her asking, because that the questionwas over sudden, I said four-and-eighty hours, which should be threedays and the half of a day of four hours and twenty; and this thing Iknew, because that I kept alway a very careful counting of the hours,lest that I get all adrift, and know not how long I was taken to come tothis place and that.

  And, truly, even as I told this thing to the Maid, I was grown veryquaint in the head; for, indeed, I was gone a wondrous while withoutslumber, and had done much and bitter work in that time; and before thenhad been much lacking of rest, as you do know.

  And, sudden the Maid cried out something, and tost the cloak from her,and had me into her arms, and did heed not to have any foolish shame ofher nakedness. And, in verity, I knew not how I was gone so strange; butdo see now that I was nigh to swoon for lack of slumber and rest.

  And she kept me very steady for a little, and afterward helped me to belaid upon the ground; and she put the scrip and the pouch under my head;and so I did lie very calm and restful, and did be the more so, becausethat I was grown so tired in the heart, the which did make my head to bevery husht, as that all the world was grown very quiet in a moment.

  And the Maid did mind then that she did lack to be properly covered, andshe gat the cloak, and put it about her, and did afterward sit a littlebeside me, and did rub my hands. And presently, I was something more tomyself, and she did grow more happy of her mind, and made to give mesomething for my stomach; for, indeed, I was grown those late hours tobe foolish and to have no wiseness to proper eating.

  And she did lift my head, the while that she did take the scrip fromunder, and kept me very sweetly upon her knee, and so until she had gatfree a pack of the tablets, and the flask and the cup; for I had put allmatters back into the scrip before Naani had gone unto sleep, andbecause of this, I had not been able to eat or drink aught, save bywakening her, as you perceive; for, indeed I had put the scrip and thepouch under her head for a pillow, as I have told.

  And she would not bide that I should do aught; but only did askconcerning the making of the water, and was wondrous amazed to see howthe powder did fizz up and become water; and indeed, she had too muchinto the cup, for, truly, it rose up and ran to the ground. And when shehad done thus, and ceased to marvel, she put three of the tablets intothe water, and made me a broth, even as I had made a broth for her; but,indeed, I was in no need, and had done very well to eat the tablets anddrink the water. Yet, truly, I was not wishful to lack the love of herway, as you may think.

  Now while I did drink the broth, I did be very restful upon the earth,and mine head against mine own Maid; and I did mind me now that I tellher concerning the Armour-Suit that I did mean for her wear.

  Yet I said not that I had stript it from me, for then she had been liketo say nay, and to trouble that I was like to come to a chill, as is theway of a woman. But, indeed, I might so well have told her, for truly,she did know on the moment, and set to a little unto weeping; yet verygentle and sweet, and did kiss me as I lay there, and say such things asshould make a young man the better to have heard, if but that his owndear Love doth say the same.

  And she would nowise wear the garment; but yet in the end I prevailed bygentle reasonings and because that I was her master, as I was born tobe; and moreover, her own sweet sense did show that I spoke for wisdom;for how should she come through all the bitter way before, if that shehad not a strong and close-made garment; and as you do mind, hercoverings did be in utter rags, as I have told; yet very sweet andclean, as I had known; so that I ween she had stript oft in the lonesomenight, and washt her garments in this or that hot spring of the sulphurwaters and other matters.

  And, in verity, alway she was much given to washings, as I did soonperceive.

  Now, presently, I did be very well again; but with a sore slumber thatdid press upon my head. Yet, ere I should sleep, I did mean that I batheher feet and bind them with ointment and with my pocket-cloth; and trulyher feet were very small and pretty.

  And I sat me up, talking my head from her knee; and told her of mineintent. But, in verity, she did but throw her arms about my neck andgive me one loving kiss, and laught so hearty that I did think to dothis thing when indeed she was the better able to mind it, and I thebetter suited to have me to my rest. And, surely, this was very true,and I made no ado, save to give her the ointment; but lay back, and didbe quiet.

  Now I did be upon my right side, and she went to my back, and took thecloak from about her, and spread it upon me, and afterward stoopt oververy dainty, and kist me, and bade me to go very swift to my sleep, forthat she did mean to make her toilet and to get into mine Armour-Suit.

  And I made no foolishness in this matter; yet told her to ease the cloaka little about me, so that I should have room to take the Diskos from myhip; and this thing I did, and took the Diskos to my breast, as was myhabit; and surely I saw that her eyes did look at me with a littleshining, because that I had so strange and fierce a bed-mate.

  And I made her to promise that she keep a very keen harking, the whichwas like that she should do, and to call me on the instant that she didperceive any unease in the night. And after that, I shut mine eyes, thatI should not shame her, and put out mine arms, and kist her once andturned from her unto my slumber; and she away to my back that she mightbe modest to her needs.

  And surely, I was asleep in but a little moment, and with a great loveand delight in my heart and in all my being.

  And, truly, I waked not for twelve great hours. And when that time wasgone, lo! I came awake, and surely the Maid did sit beside me, so bonny,and so winsome and pretty that mine arms went unto her in a moment, andshe into them, and gave me a loving and tender kiss; and afterward sliptaway from me, very sensible and loving; and did stand up and turn aboutto be lookt at. For she did wear the Armour-Suit, and surely it wasloose upon her; but yet very pleasing, being close-knit. And I to myseat, from lying, that I might see the Maid the better. And, in verity,I must kiss her again; for she did be with her hair all about her, thatshe look pretty unto me; and her little feet did be bare, and so thatthey made my heart new tender to look upon them; for truly she was utterlost of foot-gear. And I to my knee to her; and she, not to deny me, didcome to be kist again.

  Now when I found how great a time I had slept, I did scold Mine Own; butyet, as she did say, I must have long slumber if that I go so longwakeful, else should I lose my strength. And I askt how oft she had eat,and she told me but the once, and that six hours off.

  And on this I did scold again; but surely she put a very pretty fingersudden upon my lips, so that I might do naught but laugh, and kiss thatsame finger.

  And, after that, we did eat and drink, and made plans. And once I didcomfort the Maid; for, indeed, her sorrow did rise in her, because thather father was come unto his death, and the Peoples of the LesserRedoubt all destroyed, and adrift in the night amid the monsters of thatLand.

  And, in verity, I was set that we go quickly out of that place, erethere came an horrid Destruction upon us; and, surely, there shouldscarce be any human, beside, in all that Land; for there must have comedeath upon the chief of those that did make escape.

  And after we had eat and drunk, I did count the packs of the tablets,and was thankful in all my being that I had been careful and denied mybelly; for I did perceive that there were left enough for our needs, ifthat we made a good speed, and did not fear to be empty. And of thewater-powder, as it might be named, there were left two full flasks, andsomewhat of that one that I had drunk from, all my journeying. And bythis thing you shall perceive that we did not be like to die for theneed of such matters.

  And here, as it doth occur unto me, I do ponder how it did be that wehad no thought to slay any small creature for our food; but, mayhap, wehad no knowledge this way; for surely, they did not this thing to myknowing in the Mighty Pyramid. But yet, as I have said
before this, Ihave not all knowledge of the doings of the Peoples. But, in verity, Inever saw joint meat in all the time of that far Life that I do wot of.Yet, had we but slain somewhat for our hunger in that great wandering,we had been less empty in the belly.

  Now, before that we should do aught beside, we must contrive that Naanihave some gear for her feet; and to this intent, I did make a searchinto the pouch, and surely I found that there did be a change pair ofinner shoes, that were made to go within mine own shoes of the greymetal.

  And at this I was wondrous glad, and did make the Maid to sit upon alittle rock, while that I made a fitting of the shoes. And, surely, theydid be utter big and clumsy upon her little feet; so that I was insurprise to know how great is a man, beside a Maid. But in the end I hada cunning thought, for I cut off all the side of a strap, throughout thelength of the strap, very thin and careful, and so had a lace to tie theboots around the tops, which were soft and easy for such a purpose. Andafter that, I stood away to look at the Maid, and neither she nor I weretruly pleased; for, indeed, she was too pretty to be so hid and muffled.Yet were we glad otherwise; for now she might go without hurt to herfeet.

  And afterward, we packt our gear, and she did make a bundle of her torngarments; for, truly, they might be proper somewise to our need. And sowe to begin the way out of that Desolate Land.

  And we went forward together across the Land, and the journey was nomore a weariness, but of a close and sweet joy; yet did I have a newanxiousness, as you do perceive, lest that any monster come to harm MineOwn.

  And we went twelve great hours in the bed of the olden sea, and did eattwice in that time. And surely the Maid did grow utter weak and weary;for she was not come proper unto her strength; yet did she make no oddsaying to tell me of this thing. But indeed, I did know; and I stopt inthe thirteenth hour, and took her into mine arms, even as I should carrya babe; and I went forward with her, and did hush her protesting with akiss, and afterward she did but nestle unto me and shelter against mybreast.

  And I bade the Maid to sleep; but, indeed, she had no power to this end,for her body did ache very sore; but yet did she strive to give me anobedience in this thing. And in the eighteenth hour, when that I stoptto have food and drink, surely she did be awake, yet had she been uttersilent; and I made to scold her; but she gat from mine arms, and did goupward upon her toes, and put her finger against my lips very naughtily.And afterward she did be impudent unto me, and did deny me to kiss her.But she went unto my back, and did open the scrip, and gat me to myfood, even as a quiet and proper wife should go. As she did be so sedatethat I knew she had mischief her heart of harmless kind.

  But afterward this did pass sudden into weeping; for she had a quick andsore memory of her father and of the Destruction; and I took the Maidinto mine arms, and did let her be there very gentle, and made not tokiss or to comfort her; but yet to give comfort.

  And presently she ceased from weeping, and did slip her hand into mine,and I to keep it within, very soft and quiet; and afterward, she beganto eat her tablets, yet always she did be very husht; so that I did bequiet also, and feel as that my love did be round her as a shield. And Iknew that she had knowledge of this thing in her heart.

  And oft I harked into the night of the Land; but there was nowhere anysound, or disturbing of the aether, to trouble me. And the Maid in minearms did know when that I harked; for in verity, she had theNight-Hearing and the understanding spirit that doth be needful to such.And odd whiles did I look down to her through the gloom that did beabout us; and presently I did perceive that she lookt up to me, out ofmine arms.

  And I kist her.

  Now, in all that day, we had come nowhere upon any fire-hole in the bedof the olden sea; and truly I did ache to be nigh unto the warmth ofsuch; for I did feel the cold of the Land, because that I was weary, andbecause that I had not the thickness of the Armour-Suit below minearmour to warm me.

  And the cloak did be about the Maid; for I had feared that she shouldgrow cold as I carried her. Yet, now she did know subtly that I was cometo feel the utter chill of the Land; and she gat from mine arms, and putthe cloak about me, and afterward came again into mine arms. And I letthe cloak bide there, and drew it forward to be around her, also. Yet,truly, I was joyful that I did be cold, as you shall perceive. For itwas sweet to the heart to bear somewhat of that dread chill for MineOwn; and she half troubled and likewise with understanding of my heart,because that I was less clothed than I had been.

  Now, in a little while, the Maid did pack the scrip; and so we did makeready again to go forward, for I was grown anxious, as you may suppose,that we should come to some fire-hole, that we have a place for sleepthat had warmth and light; for, truly, the cold of the Land did be drearand horrid.

  And I stoopt to take the Maid into mine arms, that I should carry her;but she did say nay, that she did be well rested. And I not to gainsayher, for she did mean the thing, as I perceived, and I had no desire toforce my way upon her, save when I saw truly that she did seem to gounwisely. And, indeed, when such did be the case I did strive with her,only with a nice reasonableness, as you shall know.

  And the Maid walkt by my side, and wondrous silent; but yet very nigh tome, so that I knew she did be very full of love to me, and of thatquaint and sweet humbleness that love doth breed odd whiles in a womanwhen she doth be with her man, if but that man be also her master. Andpresently, I perceived that the cloak did be over mine own shoulders,and I took it and would have put it about the Maid; but truly she didnot allow this; and when I did be stern with her, that she obey me inthis matter, she did stand upon her toes, that she might kiss me, andpulled my head down, and surely she kist me and coaxed me that I wearthe cloak, else should I give pain to her, in that I did surely be coldbecause she did wear the Armour-Suit.

  Yet, I would not hark to this thing; so that the Maid did be truly introuble. And first she made a threatening that she wear but her oldengarments that did be only rags, if that I did persist. But this I saw tobe foolishness and scarce-meant, and did as much need to smile at her asthat I did think to scold her; but I did be firm that she wear thecloak.

  And lo! she went sudden into crying; and this had been beyond mythoughts. And truly, it set me all adrift; for I perceived that she didbe greatly distrest concerning this matter, when I had conceived thatshe did but mean this thing for tenderness' sake. But mine heart helpedme to understand, and I saw how she did be truly shamed, in her sweetwomanhood, if that I helped her not in this matter; for she did feelthat she was made to do hurt unto that one that was her Love. And thisthing I do pray you to think upon, that you understand; for, indeed,until that I was made to think, I had not seen it thiswise, for her.

  And in the end, I came to agreement with the Maid, that we wear thegarment hour by hour, in turn; and she to wear it the first hour and Ito wear it the second hour; and so to go forward.

  And truly, this did be an happy arranging; but yet she stampt her foot alittle, as I put the cloak about her. And thrice in the hour did she askme concerning the time that was gone; and surely, when the hour was butup, she had the cloak off in a moment, and went to my back and cast itupon my shoulders, and after to my front, and made it fast upon mybreast; and so eager and naughty was she to this, that I took her by theshoulders, and shook her, somewhat, even as she had made to stamp at me;yet mayhaps with more of laughter. And she to take no heed at all; butto button the cloak and be very sedate. Yet, in verity, I caught her upinto mine arms, and kissed her, for a sweet and naughty Maid; and shevery willing, now that she had gotten something of her way.

  But yet in an hour, I did have the cloak about her, again; and so didstraiten matters, as you shall conceive.

  Now, when we had gone forward, through five great hours, I perceivedthat the Maid did be utter worn, but yet did make presence that she wasunwearied. And because I saw how she did be, I did heed and be anxiousonly that we come to some rock, to be for our safe refuge, and mayhapthere to find an hole or cave, that should be somewhat to keep ou
r heatabout us; for there was nowhere any fire-hole anigh in all those hours.

  And presently, we came to a part where there did be rocks, and we wentto and fro in the gloom, and came in the end to a place where the rocksdid go upward into the night, as that it had been a small and ancientcliff.

  And surely in a while I found a hole that did go inwards of the rock;and the hole did be above mine head; yet when I was come to it, and hadmade the Diskos to spin therein, that I should have light to see whetherthere did be any creature or creeping thing in the hole, I was wellpleased; for truly it did be sweet and dry.

  Now the Maid had cried out a little to see the sudden shining that didcome from within the hole, when I made the Diskos to spin, and becauseof the low roar of the weapon. But I answered her that there did benaught to have fear concerning; and so was she peaceful again, but yet alittle trembling when that I came down to her; for, indeed, the Diskosdid make always a strange sounding and a quaint and drear shining, asyou do know; and she did be feared for me that some Evil Force had comeupon me out of the cave; for she had neither knowledge nor conceivingthat ever there did be so wondrous a weapon in all the world.

  And I gave the Maid an help upward to the little cave, and came after,myself; and so we did be in a very nice and cosy place, that did not beeasily gotten at by any monstrous thing. And surely I was utter glad forsuch a place, so that both should have safety that we might sleep in thesame hours.

  And, in truth, this was a needful plan; for if one had stayed wakeful tokeep a watch for the other, then had our sleep taken us double hours;and this thing might not be, else should our food be done, and we to betwice so long as need be, ere ever we did come unto the refuge of theMighty Pyramid; and I utter wearied and anxious of the heart and spiritthat I bring Mine Own soon unto the safety and glory of my Mighty Home,and so free from the Destruction that did hang above our two souls forever in that Land, and the peril that did be everywhere, save in theLast Redoubt.

  Now when we were come into the hole of the rock, the Maid did slip thescrip and the pouch from my shoulders; and she gat out the tablets, andmade some of the water, and did be very swift and natty, and all to thedespite of the gloom that did be utter in that little cave.

  And we eat each of us two of the tablets and drank some of the water;and I made jest with the Maid how that the tablets did be proper forstrength, yet very lacking to fill the belly; though, indeed, I named itotherwise.

  And she to agree, and did pat mine arm, and did tell me how that sheshould cook me a monstrous tasty and great meal when that we were comeunto the Mighty Pyramid. And immediately afterward, she did make tolaugh upon me, and to name me impudently for so much thought unto myfeeding; and afterward again to silence, and to patting my hand.

  Now, when that we had made an end of eating and drinking, I was veryready for sleep; for, truly, it was six and twenty great hours sincethat I did last slumber; but for the Maid it did be eight and thirtygreat hours; for, as you do mind, she had made no sleeping when that shedid lie in mine arms for six hours of our journeying.

  And I made how we should sleep; and put the cloak about the Maid; butsurely she did refuse, very piteous, and seeming to have also somewhatof doubt and puzzlement. But in this thing I did be very stern andintending; for she did not be over-warm clad, as you do know, andmoreover, she was but a little One, while I did be wondrous hardy.

  And, in verity, I made her to obey, and gave her the scrip and the pouchfor her pillow; and she, as it did seem to me, to sob to herself alittle in the gloom of the night. But yet did I stay my heart a littlestern to mine intent. And I wrapt the cloak about her, and set the scripand the pouch very nice beneath her head; and afterward, I knelt over tokiss her, before that I came unto mine own slumber. Yet did she turn hermouth from me, and did put her hand above her face to ward me off, thewhich did grieve me; for truly, I did heed alway that I should neverthrust my love upon her in her lonesomeness; but only let it be to herfor a shield and for all comfort unto her heart.

  And I turned my back, and went a pace away and lay down; for truly theredid be no way else but to be near unto the Maid, for it was but a littlecave. And I lay very husht, because that I was so sore in the heart.Yet, truly, I could not come unto my slumber, for I was so disturbed inmy love; and I stayed very quiet maybe for a great hour; and did fightthat I shake not mine armour to jinglings with the utter cold that didmake me to tremble. But the Maid did sleep very sweet and calm, as Iperceived by her breathings.

  Yet, in verity, the Maid did be so much awake as I, and with some sweetand naughty intent of the heart, as my spirit did sudden perceive. And Ilay very husht, and did wait to discover what this thing might be.

  And I made my breathing to seem as the breathing of one that did sleep,even as that naughty Maid did make pretending. And surely, in a while Idid know that she moved very quiet, and came unto me; and I made yetthat I slept very sound and strong; though the cold did nigh to conquerall my quietness.

  And in a moment I perceived the intent of the Maid; for I did feel thecloak spread over me with a wondrous gentleness; and afterward there didbe a soft kiss put upon my hand; and the Maid back then to her pillow;yet, as I did hear, she brought it something more nigh to me; as thatshe did crave to be near unto me that was her own Love.

  And I sat up, and I put forth my hands suddenly and took the Maid intomine arms; and she to nestle unto me so that I did be wordless, becausethat I loved her so utter.

  And presently, I felt her to stir in mine arms; and I loost hersomewhat; for I did be always very mindful that I impose not upon herdear liberty of maidenhood. Yet she made not to go from me, but only togather the cloak about her; so that we did both be in the cloak. And sheaskt why this might not be; for surely it did be madness that one shouldstarve and the other be very nice in warmth. And, indeed, this did bebut wisdom; yet it might not come the first from me.

  And I said to Mine Own that this thing should be; and she reached out,and brought the scrip and the pouch, and placed them for a pillow for myhead, and told me that I should put my head thereon. And I askt her howthis did be right; for she did need a pillow the more than I. But shebid me to bide, and to have obedience in my turn. And when I was so, shespread the cloak over me, and afterward crept under, and did lie downbeside me, and did seem as that she was asleep in one moment.

  Yet, though she did be so sedate and matter-of-the-fact, as we do say,while that she was wakeful, she did yet nestle unto me very sweet andchildlike in her sleep. And surely I did want to kiss her; but yet didrefrain from my love; for, truly, I did well that I treat her verygently, at such a time, as you do perceive. And, in verity, such a Maiddoth make a reverence in the soul of a man.

  Now, presently, I was gone over unto sleep; and in seven hours I waked;and in that time had the Maid slumbered through eight hours; yet did Iintend that she be not disturbed, until that we were aready to thejourney. And I slipt from under the cloak, and put it round her, verygentle. Yet it to be as she did miss me, even in her sleep; for it toseem to me that she put out her arms in the darkness, and she made alittle moaning in her slumber. Yet, in a moment, she did be quiet, andafterward I put the cloak about her again.

  And I went then to the opening of the little cave, and put forth myhead, and lookt well about, and harked a long while; but there stirrednothing in the night thereabout; neither did my spirit wot of any matterfor trouble unto us.

  And presently, I gat out two of the tablets; for, as you do know, theMaid had given me the scrip and the pouch to be my pillow, so that I hadpower to come at these matters, without awaking her; but for her ownpart, as I did learn after, she had used her torn garments to be for apillow; yet had made no explaining, as you do mind; and surely this wasone of her naughty whimsies; and mayhap she had been so full of aplayful happiness--as doth take the heart betimes--that she had made alittle mystery where there did be no mystery; and this but to releaseher joy, and so to say masterful things unto me, out of her impudence;and afterward had meant that she tel
l me; but yet was gone unto slumber,ere that she did mind her.

  Yet, since that time, a new thought hath come unto me that she did meanin the first that she should come into mine arms to sleep, and therebyneed no pillow. But afterward, it may hap that she saw with a suddenolden wisdom, all in one moment; and afterward did act lovingly, yetwith understanding. And so did change from her intent; yet with noimproperness of modesty; but only with a niceness of Sense, which shedid make no talk of; but yet did have. And surely, how oft is a man thuswisely ordered, unknowing.

  And to cease from these thinkings, and to go forward, I eat two of thetablets, and afterward made some of the water. And lo! the fizzing ofthe water waked the Maid; and I knew that she reached out very sudden tome; but afterward knew in a moment what did make the sound, and that Idid be up and making ready for the journeying.

  And she gat up in the darkness, and said my name, and came unto me, andkist my forehead in the dark; and immediately she ran her hands gentlydownward of my left arm, and when she came to the cup, she took it fromme, and slapt my hand, very dainty. And afterward I knew that she took asip from the cup, and then did turn that side to me, and so gave me todrink, and did scold me that I had not waked her to tend to my needs;for surely she did be Mine Own, to have her duties to me.

  And after that I had drank, she took the cup, and did finish it; and shegat two of the tablets, as I did think, and came afterward and sat uponthe rock to my side, and did nestle somewhat against mine armour, andtook mine arm and set it about her; and so did make to eat.

  But first she put her tablet unto my lips, in the dark, that I shouldkiss it; and surely this was an olden way of Mirdath My Beautiful One;so that I did be all shaken of the heart. And I kist the tablet; andimmediately she nestled unto me, and did begin to eat.

  And truly it was as that Eternity had been rolled backward; for I haddiscovered the soul of mine olden Love in this dainty Maid to my side.Yet, in looks had Mirdath been of an utter differing; but, in verityNaani was wondrous lovely. But, though I to be so stirred, I did besilent; for my heart was very full of memory.

  And as the Maid eat, she slipt her fingers between mine, curling themsoftly; and surely her fingers did be very little; and she stirred mineolden memories again in this thing. And surely I was dumb before myMemory.

  And presently, she put up the second tablet, as I did think, that Ishould kiss it; and I kist it, as before. Yet, ere she did begin againto eat, I did wot suddenly that she hid some intent from me.

  And I caught her hand very quick in the dark; and her fingers did closeupon the tablet, very guilty; so that I perceived that I had guessedaright. And I opened her fingers; and I found that there did be but thehalf of a tablet within her hand. And surely she had taken but that onetablet, and had given me the one end to kiss, and afterward the other;so that I should suppose she did eat two proper and complete tablets.

  And I perceived that she had done this thing secretly, being minded thatif she eat always but one tablet, then should I never lack, even if thatwe did be over-long coming unto the Mighty Pyramid.

  And I askt how oft already had she eat but one, for two. And sheconfessed in a very quiet voice that this did make the fifth time. And Iwas so angered, that I took her hand and whipt it thrice, so hard thatshe had screamed if that she had been any coward. And she said nothingto me, neither went away.

  And she began again to eat the half of the tablet, and did eat it fromthe other hand, as I to be aware, because that her left hand did behurt. And she wept not, but was very quiet by me; and presently I knewthat she kist the whipt hand secretly in the dark.

  And afterward, I put mine arm again about her; and she did be there init, very sober and happy. And when she had made an end of the firsttablet, I gave her the second, and she eat it very quiet and content.

  And presently I talked with her, and showed her how that this thing didhurt my heart, even as she had been hurt that I did be cold garmented,the while that she did be warm. And I showed her the wickedness that shehad done, that she did play so foolish with her life and strength; andwell might she be weak and all a-lack.

  Yet, did I think a little sweet impudence came into her, as I told herconcerning her wickednesses. And I took her then into mine arms, and Ishowed her how that I knew all the unselfishness and wonder of herheart; and I kist her, and truly her lips did have a lovely gladhumbleness as they came unto mine; so that it was as that I had not kisther truly until that moment. And I made her to promise that she neverdeceive me in such matter again. And indeed she promised; but yet withno ready tongue.

  And afterward, we made proper for the journey; and when we had gottenour gear together, I went downward of the rock, and gave the Maid helpto come down. And when we did stand at last upon the bottom of the rock,I askt Naani how she did feel, and whether her feet did hurt. And sheanswered that she did be very well and had no soreness in her feet.

  And we went forward then, and she close unto me; and odd whiles with lowspeech, but more oft with silence, because that we did need that we harkalway for any danger or horror; and also there did be so utter a silenceupon that part of the Land, which did be the bottom of the olden sea.And we eat and drank at the sixth and the twelfth hours; and in thefifteenth hour, we came upon a great slope of the earth; and lo! it didbe the far side of the sea. And we went upward for a long hour; and socame to the upward part, and did be able once more to look over thegreatness of that Land.