Read The Night Land Page 5



  Now, after that destruction which had come upon the Ten-thousand, andthe fresh assurance that was upon us of the terror of the Night Land, itmay be known that there could be no more thought to succour. Though, intruth, those Youths that went now upon the Road Where The Silent OnesWalk were far beyond our aid.

  Yet might it be thought that we should have signalled to them, callingby the Home-Call, which was that great Voice which went forth from theMachine above the sealed base of the Mighty Pyramid. But this we mightnot do; for then we gave signal to the Monsters of that Land, that somewere even now abroad from the Pyramid; yet we could no more than hopethat the Evil Forces had no wotting of them; for, in verity, none mightever know the knowledge or the Ignorance which those Powers did possess.

  Yet, it must be kept to the mind that we knew even then there was anInfluence abroad in the Land, strange and quiet; so that the Instrumentsdid not more than make record of it. And as I have surely set down erenow, we had belief that it did come from that House of Silence, afar inthe Night Land, upon that low hill to the North of the Great Road. Andmany among the Monstruwacans feared that it was directed upon theYouths; but of this there could be no surety; and we could but wait andwatch.

  Now, about this time those poor Youths did draw nigh to that part of theRoad Where The Silent Ones Walk, where it turned more swiftly to theNorth; and they to be now at no mighty distance from that grim andhorrid House.

  And presently we knew that the Influence had a greater Power in theLand; and I had an assuredness that it came from the House; yet nocertain proof was this. But I set out my feelings to the MasterMonstruwacan; and he had trust in them and in my power; moreover, healso had belief within himself that some secret Power came out from theHouse of Silence.

  And some talk there was at times that we send the Home-Call into thenight, to give warning to the Youths of our knowledge and our fear; andto entreat them to make a safe endeavour to return swiftly. Yet was thisan error; and refused by the Master Monstruwacan; for it was not meetthat we put the souls of those Youths in peril, until such time as wehad certainty that they should be lost if we did not bestir ourselves.For, indeed, this Home-Call was as a mighty Voice, calling over theworld, and did have so exceeding a noise, that it had immediately toldall that Land how that some were yet abroad from the Great Redoubt. Andhere will I set down how that the Home-Call had no use in those ages;but had been a Call in the olden time when yet the great flying-shipswent abroad over the world.

  And there passed now a day and a night; and in all that time thereceased not great multitudes to peer forth into the Night Land at theYouths. For it was known concerning the Influence, and all felt that theYouths did draw nigh very speedy to their fate; and much talk there was;and many things said, and much foolish speech, and kind intent; but nocourage to go forth to make further attempt to rescue; which, in truth,calls not for great astonishment, as I have surely writ or oft thought.

  And in this place let me set down that the Land was, as it might besaid, waked, and unquiet, and a sense of things passing in the night,and of horrid watchfulness; and there were, at this time and at that,low roars that went across the Land. And if I have not told the samebefore this time, it must be set to count against me and my telling;for, indeed, I should have writ it down before this place. Yet is thedifficulty of my task great; and all must bear with me, and entreat forme that I have courage, so that I may come at last to strength andwisdom to tell all that I did see.

  Now, in the space of this day and night, it was known that the Youthshad not slept, neither had they eaten, save once, as they who had thewatch through the Great Spy-Glass did affirm. But they to hasten alwayat a woeful speed towards the North, along that Great Dismal Road, sothat presently they must cease, or slay themselves with their endeavour.

  And all this did give surety to our fears that they were under a spellfrom that horrid House afar in the Land; and we had an assurance thatthis thing was. For, presently, there came a Monstruwacan to the MasterMonstruwacan to report that there had come sudden a mighty Influenceinto the Land; and in the same moment, as it might be, I spied throughthe Great Spy-Glass, and did see those Youths break swiftly from theRoad Where The Silent Ones Walk, and begin to run very swift that theymight come quickly to the House of Silence.

  Then did the Master Monstruwacan hesitate not; but did send theHome-Call across the world, aye, even to those poor doomed ones thathastened, unknowing, to the terror which did compel them. Andimmediately upon the sound, the Master did send a message to the naturaleye, in set language, and made warning that they suffered themselves tobe drawn to their destruction by a Force that came from within the Houseof Silence.

  And he besought them to put forth the strength of their spirits, and dobattle for their souls; and if they could in no wise compass a victoryover _that which drew them onwards_, to slay themselves quickly, erethey went into that House to the horror of utter destruction.

  And in all the Pyramid was there a great silence; for the bellowing ofthe Home-Call bred a quietness, because of that which it did portend;and it was swiftly known by the millions that the Master Monstruwacandid plead for the souls of the Youths; and there went forth,unknowingly, a counter-force from the Mighty Pyramid, by reason of theprayers and soul-wishings of the countless millions.

  And the counter-force was plain to my inward hearing, and beat all theaether of the world into a surge of supplication; so that it stunned myspirit with the great power of it. And it seemed to me, as it were,that there was a vast spiritual-noise in all the night; and I spiedtremblingly through the Great Spy-Glass, and lo! the Youths did ceasefrom their swift running, and were come together in a crowd, and had aseeming to be confused; as might some who have waked suddenly fromsleep, to find that they walked in their sleep, and had come to astrange place.

  Then came there a great roar from all the millions that spied from theembrasures--from nigh five hundred thousand embrasures they did look,and I count not the great View-Tables. And the shouting rose up like tothe roaring of a mighty wind of triumph, yet was it over-early to soundfor victory. For the counter-force which came from the intensity of somany wills blent to one intent, was brake, and the Evil Force which cameforth out of the House did draw the Youths again; so that they heedednot their salvation; but turned once again to their running.

  And the Mighty Pyramid was full of a shaken silence, and immediately oflamentation and sorrow and horror at this thing. But in that momentthere did happen a fresh wonder; for there grew suddenly before thosepoor Youths, billows of mist--as it had been of pure white fire, shiningvery chill; yet giving no light upon them.

  And the mist of cold fire stayed their way, so that we had knowledgethat there fought for the souls of them, one of those sweet Powers ofGoodness, which we had belief did strive to ward our spirits at alltimes from those Forces of Evil and Destruction. And all the millionssaw the thing; but some with a great clearness, and many doubtful; yetwere all advanced more in spiritual sight and hearing than the normalPeoples of this Age.

  But of them all, none had the Night-Hearing, to know a soul havingspeech in the aether half across the world. Yet, as I have said, somethere had been aforetime who were thus given the Hearing, even as was I.

  And there came a Monstruwacan to the Master Monstruwacan to make reportthat the Influence had ceased to work upon the Instruments; and by thisthing we knew that in verity the Force which proceeded out from theHouse of Silence was cut off from us, and from those Youths; and we hadassurance that there fought a very mighty Power for the salvation of thesouls of the Youths.

  And all the Peoples were silent, save for an underbreath of wonder andtalk; for all were utter stirred with hope and fear, perceiving that theYouths had some chance given unto them to return.

  And whilst the Youths yet wavered in their minds, as I perceived withthe Great Spy-Glass, and the knowledge of my soul, and of my naturalwit, lo! the Master Monstruwacan sent once more the great Voice
of theHome-Call abroad into the Land; and immediately besought those Youthsfor the sake of their souls and the love which their Mothers had forthem, to come swiftly Homewards, whilst they had yet this great Powerto shield them, and allow them sweet sanity.

  And I thought that some did look towards the Pyramid, as that theyanswered to the mighty Voice of the Home-Call, and did read the messagewhich the Master Monstruwacan made to them. But in a moment they facedabout, seeming to have a good obedience to one who did always lead; andof whom I had inquired, and found to be one named Aschoff, who was agreat athlete of the Nine-Hundredth-City. And this same Aschoff, out ofthe boldness and bravery of his heart, did make, unwitting, to destroythe souls of them all; for he went forward and leapt into the billows ofthe bright shining fire that made a Barrier in the way of theirDestruction.

  And immediately the fire ceased from its shining, and gave way and sankand grew to a nothingness; and Aschoff of the Nine-Hundredth-City beganagain to run towards the House of Silence; and all they that were withhim, did follow faithfully, and ceased not to run.

  And they came presently to the low Hill whereon was that horrid House;and they went up swiftly--and they were two hundred and fifty, andwholesome of heart, and innocent; save for a natural waywardness ofspirit.

  And they came to the great open doorway that "hath been open since theBeginning," and through which the cold steadfast light and theinscrutable silence of Evil "hath made for ever a silence that may befelt in all the Land." And the great, uncased windows gave out thesilence and the light--aye, the utter silence of an unholy desolation.

  And Aschoff ran in through the great doorway of silence, and they thatfollowed. And they nevermore came out or were seen by any human.

  And it must be known that the Mothers and the Fathers of those Youthslooked out into the Night Land, and saw that thing which came to pass.

  And all the people were silent; but some said presently that the Youthswould come forth again; yet the people knew in their hearts that theyoung men had gone in to Destruction; for, in truth, there was that inthe night which spoke horror to the souls of all, and a sudden utterquiet in all the Land.

  But unto me (that had the Night-Hearing) there came a great Fear of thatwhich might be whispered into my spirit, out of the Quietness of thenight--of the agony of those young men. Yet there came no sound, to thehearing of the soul; neither then nor in all the years that were tocome; for, in verity, had those Youths passed into a Silence of whichthe heart cannot think.

  And here will I tell how that the strange Quiet which did fill all theLand, seeming to brood within the night, was horrid beyond all theroarings which had passed over the darkness in the time that wentbefore; so that it had given my spirit some rest and assurance to hearbut the far-echoing, low thunder of the Great Laughter, or the whiningwhich was used at times to sound in the night from the South-East, wherewere the Silver-fire Holes that opened before the Thing that Nods. Orthe Baying of the Hounds, or the Roaring of the Giants, or any of thosedreadful sounds that did often pass through the night. For they couldnot have offended me as did that time of silence; and so shall you judgehow dreadful was that quiet, which did hold so much of horror.

  And surely it will be known that none had thinkings now, even in idlespeech, that any should have power to succour the Peoples of the LesserRedoubt. Neither, as I have said, had any the knowledge of the placewhere it did stand.

  And so was it made plain that those Peoples must suffer and comeunhelped and alone to their end; which was a sad and dreadful thought toany. Yet had those within the Great Pyramid come already to much sorrowand calamity because that some had made attempt in this matter. Andthere had been for gain, only failure, and the sorrow of Mothers, andthe loneliness of Wives, and of kin. And now this dread horror upon us,which concerned those lost Youths.

  Now, as may be conceived, this _sure knowledge_ that we might give nosuccour to the People of the Lesser Redoubt, weighed heavy upon myheart; for I had, maybe with foolishness, held vague hopes and wondersconcerning our power to make expedition secretly into the Night, todiscover that Lesser Pyramid, and rescue those poor thousands; and aboveall, as may be thought, had I the thought of that sweet moment in whichI should step forward out of the night and all mystery and terror, andput forth mine arms to Naani, saying: "I am That One." And knowing, inmy soul, that she that had been mine in that bygone Eternity, shouldsurely know me upon the instant; and call out swiftly, and come swiftly,and be again unto me in that age, even as she had been in this.

  And to think upon it, and to know that this thing should never be; butthat, even in that moment of thought, she that had been mine in theseolden days of sweetness, might be even then suffering horror in thePower of some foul Monster, was like a kind of madness; so that nearly Icould seize the Diskos, and run forth unprepared into the evil andterror of the Night Land, that I should make one attempt to come to thatPlace where she abode, or else to cast off my life in the attempt.

  And oft did I call to Naani; and always I sent the Master-Word beatingthrough the night, that she might have assurance that it was indeed Ithat did speak unto her spirit, and no foul thing or Monster, spellingevil and lies unto her.

  And oft did I make to instruct her that never should she be temptedforth from the shelter of that Redoubt in which she did live, by anymessage out of the night; but always to await the Master-Word; and,moreover, to have a sure knowledge that none that was her Friend wouldever seek to entice her into the night.

  And this way and that way would I speak with Naani, sending my wordssilently with my brain-elements; yet was it doleful and weariful anddreadful always to have speech into the dark, and never to hear theanswering beat of the Master-Word, and the sweet, faint voice whisperingwithin my soul. Yet, once and again, would I have knowledge that theaether did thrill about me, weakly, and to mine inward hearing it wouldseem that the Master-Word did beat faintly in the night; and thereafterwould my heart have a little comfort, in that I had assurance, of akind, that the love-maid of my memory-dreams did still live.

  And constant, I put forth my soul to hark; so that my health failed me,with the effort of my harking; and I would chide my being, that I hadnot a wiser control; and so make a fight to do sanely.

  Yet, day by day, did my heart grow more weary and restless; for, indeed,it did seem that life was but a very little matter, against so great aloss as my heart did feel to suffer.

  And oft, at this time and that, did there come a Voice speaking plainlyout of the night, and did purport to be the voice of Naani; but ever Idid say the Master-Word unto the Voice, and the Voice had no power bywhich it could make the one answer. Yet I jeered not at the Voice, toshow contempt of its failing to bewit me; but let the matter bide; andthe Voice would be silent a time; and again would make a calling untome; but never did I make speech with it (for therein lies the danger tothe soul), but always did speak the Master-Word to its silencing; andthereafter would shut the thing from my memory, and think only uponsweet and holy matters, as it might be Truth and Courage, but more oftenof Naani, which was both sweet and holy to my spirit and heart andbeing.

  And so it was as I have set down, there were Monsters without in theNight that did torment me; having, it may be, intent to lure me untodestruction; or indeed it doth chance that they had no hope but toplague me with malice.

  And, as may be thought, all this considering of my trouble, and thegiving of my strength unto Naani through the night of the world, thatshe might have comfort and help, did work upon me; so that I grew thin,plainly to the eye of those that loved me.

  And the Master Monstruwacan, he that did love me, as I were his son,chid me gently, and had wise speech with me; so that I but loved him themore, yet without having gain of health; for my heart destroyed me, asit doth if love be held back and made always to weep.

  And it may be thought strange that my Mother and my Father did not talkalso with me; but I had neither Mother nor Father those many years; andthis thing I should have set down early; so that none
should wastethought pondering to no end. But the blame is to my telling.

  Now, concerning my love-trouble, there did happen a certain thing whichgave me to decide; for one night I waked from a sore troubled sleep, andit did seem that Naani did call my name, mine olden love name, and in avoice of utter anguish and with beseeching. And I sat up in the bed, andsent the Master-Word into the Night, with my brain-elements; andpresently all about me there was the solemn beat of the Master-Word,answering; but weak, and gone faint, that scarce I might hear it.

  And I called again with my brain-elements unto Naani, that was Mirdath;and spoke to give her assurance, and to haste to tell unto me that whichwas so wrong and pitiful with her. And who shall be amazed that I wasshaken with the eagerness of my spirit, in that it was so long sinceNaani had spoken clear within my soul; and now behold, her voice.

  Yet, though I did call many a time unto the everlasting night, therecame no more the voice of Naani, speaking strangely within my spirit;but only at times a weak thrilling of the aether about me.

  And, at the last I grew maddened with the sorrow of this thing, and thesense and knowledge of harm about the maid; and I stood upright upon myfeet, and I raised my hands, and gave word and honour unto Naani throughall the blackness of the night, that I would no more abide within theMighty Pyramid to my safety, whilst she, that had been mine Own throughEternity, came to horror and destruction by the Beasts and Evil Powersof that Dark World. And I gave the word with my brain-elements, and badeher to be of heart; for that until I died I would seek her. But out ofthe Darkness there came naught but the silence.

  Then I clothed me swiftly, and went up quickly to the Tower ofObservation, that I might speak instant with the Master Monstruwacan;for my heart burned in me to intention, and to be doing speedily thatwhich I had set upon myself to do.

  And I came to the Master Monstruwacan, and told all to him; and how thatI did mean no more to suffer in quiet and to no end; but to makeadventure into the Night Land, that I find Naani, or perchance find aswift peace from this my long troubling.

  Now, when the Master Monstruwacan heard that which I had to say, it satheavily upon him, and he besought me long and many times that I refrainfrom this thing; for that none might achieve so great a task; but that Ishould be lost in my Youth before many days were gone by. Yet to all hisspeech I said naught, save that this thing was laid upon me, and even asI had promised, so should I make to act.

  And in the ending, the Master Monstruwacan perceived that I was set tothis thing, and not to be moved; and he did put it to me how that I hadgrown to leanness, with so much troubling, and that I should have wisdomto wait awhile, that I put on my full strength.

  But even as I was, so would I go; and this I told to him, gently; andshowed how that the thing was meet and helpful to the safety of my soul;for that my strength was still in me; yet was I sweeter in spiritbecause that I stood lean and pure, and much poor dross and littlenesshad been burned from me; so that fear was not in me. And all do I lay tothe count of my love, which doth purify and make sweet and fearless thehuman heart.

  And because I was even as I have said, so was I the less in trouble ofthe Forces of Evil; for long and sore had been my Preparation of Spirit;and I wot that none had ever gone forth into the Darkness, so longwithholden from that which doth weaken and taint the spirit.

  And here let me set down how that the Three Days of Preparation, whichwere Proper to those that willed to go forth into the Night Land, hadfor their chief aim the cleansing of the spirit; so that the Powers ofEvil did have a less ableness to harm.

  But also it was, as I have said, that none should go forth in ignoranceof the full dreadfulness of all that held the Night; for it was at thePreparation that there was made known certain horrors that were not toldunto the young; and of horrid mutilations, and of abasements of thesoul, that did shake the heart with fear, if but they were whisperedinto the hearing. And these things were not set down in any book thatmight be lightly come by; but were warded and safe locked by the Masterof The Preparation, in the Room of Preparation.

  And, indeed, when I did hear that which presently I was to hear, I hadwonder in my heart that ever any went out into the Night Land; or thatever the Room of Preparation should have other than Students that meantnot to go forth, but only to achieve some knowledge of that which hathbeen done, and mayhaps shall be once again.

  Yet, in verity, is this but the way of the human heart; and hath alwaysbeen, and will be so in all the years, for ever. For to adventure is thelust of Youth; and to leave Safety is the natural waywardness of thespirit; and who shall reprove or regret; for it were sorrowful that thisSpirit of Man should cease. Yet must it not be thought that I do upholdfightings to the death or to mutilation, _between man and man_; butrather do sorrow upon this thought.

  Now, when the morrow came, if thus I shall speak of that which wasoutwardly even as the night, though changing alway within the MightyPyramid, I went unto the Room of Preparation; and the Door was closedupon me; and I underwent the Full Preparation; that I might have fullpower and aid to come to success through all the terror of the NightLand.

  And three days and three nights did I abide within the Room ofPreparation; and upon the fourth day was mine armour brought unto me;and the Master of the Preparation stood away from me, silent and withsorrow upon his face; but touching me not, neither coming anigh to aidme; nor having any speech with me; for none might crowd upon me, orcause me to answer.

  And, presently, was I clad with the grey armour; and below the armour aclose-knit suit of special shaping and texture, to have the shape of thearmour, and that I might not die by the cold of the Night Land. And Iplaced upon me a scrip of food and drink, that might keep the lifewithin me for a great time, by reason of its preparation; and this layready to me, with the armour, and was stitched about with the Mark ofHonour; so that I knew loving women thus to speed me.

  And when all was done and made ready, I took up the Diskos, and bowed insilence to the Master of the Preparation; and he went towards the door,and opened it; and signalled that the People stand back; so that I mightgo forth untouched. And the People stood back; for many had crowded tothe door of the Room of Preparation, so that I knew how that my storymust be to the heart of all, in all the Cities of the Great Redoubt; forto come unbidden anigh that Door was against the Lesser Law, and thatany erred in this matter, betokened much.

  And I went out through the Door; and there was a mighty lane of peopleunto the Great Lift. And about the Great Lift, as I went downwards, didthe countless millions stand; and all in a great silence; but havingdear sympathy in their souls; yet loyal unto my safety, in that none inall the Mighty Pyramid did make speech unto me, or call out aught. Andas I went downward through the miles, lo! all the aether of the worldseemed to be surged with the silent prayers and speedings of those quietmultitudes.

  And I came at last unto the Great Gate; and behold the dear MasterMonstruwacan did stand in full armour, and with the Diskos, to do mehonour, with the Full Watch, as I went forth. And I looked at him,quietly, and he looked unto me, and I bent my head to show respect; andhe made silent salute with the Diskos; and afterwards I went onwardstowards the Great Gateway.

  And they made dim the lights in the Great Causeway, that there should noglare go forth into the Land, when the Gate was opened; and behold, theyopened not the lesser gate within the greater, for me; but did honour myjourney, in that they swung wide the Great Gate itself, through which amonstrous army might pass. And there was an utter silence all about theGate; and in the hushed light the two thousand that made the Full Watch,held up each the Diskos, silently, to make salute; and humbly, I held upthe Diskos reversed, and went forward into the Dark.