Read The Notting Hill Mystery Page 1

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  As it appeared in the magazine "Once A Week"

  (November 1862 - January 1863)

  [_It is unnecessary for us to state by what means the following paperscame into our hands, and it would be no compliment to the penetrationof our readers if we indicated beforehand the nature of the mysterythey are supposed to unravel. It will, however, require a very closeattention to names and dates to comprehend the view of the compiler, asto the case he is investigating; and, so far, it is requisite to relyon the reader's patience and discernment. The whole particulars of thecase will extend to some seven or eight numbers of "Once a Week" andsome things which are dark at first will appear clearer in the sequel.If the compiler has really discovered a new species or description ofcrime, it is natural that the evidence of it, which is circumstantial,should be somewhat difficult of acceptance. The illustrations aresimply added to make the reader's task more agreeable, but, of course,it is not pretended that they were made simultaneously with the eventsthey represent._]

  _Mr. R. Henderson to the Secretary of the ---- Life AssuranceAssociation._

  "Private Enquiry Office, Clement's Inn,

  "GENTLEMEN, "17th Jan, 1858.

  "In laying before you the extraordinary revelations arising from myexamination into the case of the late Madame R**, I have to apologisefor the delay in carrying out your instructions of November last.It has been occasioned, not by any neglect on my part, but by theunexpected extent and intricacy of the enquiry into which I have beenled. I confess that after this minute and laborious investigation Icould still have wished a more satisfactory result, but a perusalof the accompanying documents, on the accuracy and completeness ofwhich you may fully rely, will I doubt not satisfy you of the unusualdifficulty of the case.

  "My enquiries have had reference to a policy of assurance for 5000_l_.,the maximum amount permitted by your rules, on the life of the lateMadame R**, effected in your office by her husband, the Baron R**, andbearing date 1st November, 1855. Similar policies were held in the---- of Manchester, the ---- of Liverpool, the ---- of Edinburgh, andthe ---- of Dublin, the whole amounting to 25,000_l_.; the dates, 23rdDecember, 1855, 10th January, 25th January, and 15th February, 1856,respectively, being in effect almost identical. These companies joinedin the instructions under which I have been acting; and, from thevoluminous nature of this letter and its enclosures, I shall be obligedby your considering my present reply as addressed to them conjointlywith yourselves.

  "Before entering upon the subject of my investigations, it may beas well to recapitulate the circumstances under which they wereoriginated. Of these the first was the coincidence of dates, abovenoticed; and an apparent desire on the part of the assurer to concealfrom each of the various offices the fact of similar policies havingbeen elsewhere simultaneously effected. On examining further into thematter your Board was also struck with the peculiar conditions underwhich the marriage appeared to have taken place, and the relation inwhich Madame R** had formerly stood to the Baron. To these points,therefore, my attention was especially directed, and the facts thuselicited form a very important link in the singular chain of evidence Ihave been enabled to put together.

  "The chief element of suspicion, however, was to be found in the veryunusual circumstances attendant on the death of Madame R**, especiallyfollowing so speedily as it did on the assurance for so large anaggregate amount. This lady died suddenly on the 15th March, 1857,from the effects of a powerful acid taken, it is supposed, in hersleep, from her husband's laboratory. In the Baron's answers to theusual preliminary enquiries, forwarded for my assistance, and herewithreturned, there is no admission of any propensity to somnambulism.Shortly, however, after the occurrence had been noticed in the publicprints, a letter to the Secretary of the Association from a gentlemanrecently lodging in the same house with Baron R**, gave reason tosuspect that in this respect, at least, some concealment had beenpractised, and the matter was then placed in my hands.

  "On receipt of your instructions, I at once put myself in communicationwith Mr. Aldridge, the writer of the letter in question. Thatgentleman's evidence certainly goes to show that, within at least avery few months after the date of the latest policy, Baron R** wasnot only himself aware of such a propensity in his wife, but desirousof concealing it from others. Mr. Aldridge's statements are also toa certain extent supported by those of two other witnesses; but,unfortunately, there are, as will be seen, circumstances calculatedto throw considerable doubt upon the whole of this evidence, andespecially on that of Mr. Aldridge, from which alone the more importantpart of the inference is drawn. The same must, unfortunately, be saidwith regard to some other parts of the evidence, as will be moreclearly seen when the case itself is before you.

  "From his statement, however, in conjunction with other circumstances,I learned enough to induce me to extend my researches to another verysingular case, which not long since had given rise to considerablecomment.

  "You will, no doubt, remember that in the autumn of 1856 a gentlemanof the name of Anderton was arrested on suspicion of having poisonedhis wife, and that he committed suicide whilst awaiting the issue of achemical enquiry into the cause of her death. This enquiry resulted inan acquittal, no traces of the suspected poison being found; and theaffair was hushed up as speedily as possible, many of Mr. Anderton'sconnections being of high standing in society, and naturally anxiousfor the honour of the family. I must, however, acknowledge thereadiness with which, in the interest of justice, I have been furnishedby them with every facility for pushing my enquiries, the results ofwhich are now before you.

  "In reviewing the whole facts, and more especially the series ofremarkable coincidences of dates, &c., to which I beg to direct yourmost particular attention, two alternatives present themselves. In thefirst we must altogether ignore a chain of circumstantial evidenceso complete and close-fitting in every respect, as it seems almostimpossible to disregard; in the second, we are inevitably led to aconclusion so at variance with all the most firmly established laws ofnature, as it seems almost equally impossible to accept. The one leavesus precisely at the point from which we started; the other involves theimputation of a series of most horrible and complicated crimes.

  "Between these alternatives I am constrained to confess my owninability, after long and careful study, to decide. I have determined,therefore, simply to submit for your consideration the facts of thecase as they appear in the depositions of the several parties fromwhom my information has been obtained. These I have arranged, as faras possible, in the form in which they would be laid before counsel,should it ultimately be deemed advisable to bring the affair intoCourt. In view, however, of the extreme length of the case, I havegiven, in a condensed form, the substance of such of the depositions asdid not seem likely to suffer from such treatment. The more important Ihave left to tell their own tale, and, in any case, my abstract may beat once checked by the originals, all of which are enclosed.

  "Should your conclusions be such as have been forced upon myself,further deliberation will yet be required with reference to the courseto be pursued; a point on which, in such case, I confess myself almostequally unable to advise. Whether in a matter so surrounded withsuspicion, it might not be well, in any event, to resist the claim,is certainly a question to be considered. On the other hand, evenassuming the fullest proof of the terrible crimes involved, it is amatter calling for no less careful consideration, whether they would befound of a nature to bring the criminal within reach of the law. Forthe present, however, our concern is with the facts
of the case, andulterior questions had better be left on one side until that issue isdecided, when, I conclude, I shall hear further from you on the subject.

  "In conclusion, I must trouble you with a few words on a point whichseems to require explanation. I allude to the apparent prominenceI have been compelled to afford to the workings of what is called'Mesmeric Agency.' Those, indeed, who are so unfortunate as to bethe victims of this delusion, would doubtless find in it a simple,though terrible solution of the mystery we are endeavouring to solve.But while frankly admitting that it was the passage from the 'ZoistMagazine,' quoted in the course of the evidence, which first suggestedto my mind the only conclusion I have as yet been able to imagine, Ibeg at the outset most distinctly to state, that I would rather admitmy own researches to have been baffled by an illusory coincidence, thanlay myself open to the imputation of giving the slightest credit tothat impudent imposture. We must not, however, forget that those whoselives have been passed in the deception of others, not unfrequentlyend by deceiving themselves. There is, therefore, nothing incrediblein the idea that the Baron R** may have given sufficient credence tothe statement of the 'Zoist,' above-mentioned, for the suggestion tohis own mind of a design, which by the working of a true, though mostmysterious, law of Nature, may really have been carried out. Such,at least, is the only theory by which I can attempt, in any way, toelucidate this otherwise unfathomable mystery.

  "Awaiting the honour of your further commands,

  "I am, Gentlemen, very faithfully yours, "RALPH HENDERSON."


  Extracts from Correspondence of the Honourable Catherine B**.[1]

  1. _From Lady Boleton to Honourable C. B** (undated), about October orNovember of_ 1832.

  "Oh, auntie, auntie, what shall I do? For three nights I have notclosed my eyes, and I would not write even to you, auntie dear, becauseI kept hoping that, after all, things might come right, and he wouldcome back again. Oh, how I have listened to every sound, and watchedthe road till my poor eyes ache! And now this is the fourth day sincehe went away, and, oh, auntie, I am so frightened, for I am sure he isgone after that dreadful man, and, oh, if he should meet him, I knowsomething terrible will happen, for you can't tell how he looked, poorEdward, I mean, when he went away. But, indeed, auntie, you must not beangry with him, for I know it was all my own fault, for I ought to havetold him everything long ago, though indeed, indeed, I never cared forhim, and I do love dear Edward so dearly. I was afraid....

  [Here the MS. becomes in places very blotted and illegible.]

  ... and I thought it was all at an end, and then ... and only afortnight ago we were so happy ... married hardly seven months and ...but you must not think I am complaining of him, dear auntie, for youdon't know how.... Only if you can, come to me, for I feel getting soill, and you know it is only God bless you, auntie; oh, do come to meif you can. "GERTRUDE BOLETON."

  2. _Extract of letter from the Same to the Same, written about fourdays later._

  * * * * *

  "I am so sorry to hear you are so ill; don't try to come, darlingauntie; I shall do somehow, and if not, anything is better than thishorrible suspense.... No tidings yet, but I cannot write more, for Ican hardly see to guide the pen, and my poor head seems to open andshut. God bless you, auntie. "G."

  "I open my letter to thank you so much for sending dear kind Mrs. Ward;she came in so unexpectedly (in a blue [2]) just as if she had comefrom heaven. I wonder if she has seen Ed....?

  [Here the MS. ends suddenly.]

  3. _From Mrs. Ward to Honourable C. B**, enclosing the above._

  "Beechwood,[3] Tuesday night.


  "I fear I have but a poor account to give you of our dear Gertrude.Poor child! when I came into the room, and saw her looking so pale andwan, and with great black circles round her eyes, I could scarcelykeep in my own tears. She gave a little cry of joy when she saw me,and threw herself upon my neck; but a moment after, turned to thewriting table and tore open the letter I send you with this, and whichwas lying ready for the post. The long-continued strain seems to havebeen too much for her, and she had hardly written a line when her headbegan to wander, as you will see from the conclusion of her postscript,and in trying to write her husband's name she broke down altogether,and went off into a fit of hysterics which lasted for several hours.She is now, I am thankful to say, comparatively calm again, though attimes her head still wanders, and she seems quite unable to close hereyes, but lies in her bed looking straight before her, and occasionallytalking to herself in a low voice, but without seeming to noticeanything. I have endeavoured, as far as I dared, to draw from her thehistory of this sad affair, but can get nothing, poor child, but eagerassurances that it was 'all her fault,' and that 'indeed, indeed, _he_was not to blame.' It seems as though my coming--though certainly agreat relief to her--had had the effect of putting her on her guardlest anything should escape her unfavourable to her husband, and herwhole faculties seem to be concentrated in the endeavour to shieldhim from reproach. I fear, however, there can be no doubt that he hasbeen very seriously to blame; indeed, from all I can gather, the faultseems to have been entirely on his side. What is the precise historyof this unhappy business I have not been able to learn; but it seemsthat Sir Edward, who is certainly a most violent young man, and Ifear also of a most jealous temperament, contracted some suspicionwith regard to that Mr. Hawker who so perseveringly persecuted poorGertrude the winter before last, and to have left Beechwood, after avery distressing scene, in pursuit of him. Mr. Hawker is supposed to beon the Continent, and it is known that Sir Edward took the Dover Road,which, as you know, passes close by this place. This is all I can atpresent learn with any certainty, though I hear but too much from theservants, who are all in such a state of indignation at Sir Edward'streatment of their mistress, that I have the utmost difficulty inrestraining it from finding some open vent. Should I hear more, I willof course let you know at once; but meanwhile I cannot conceal from youmy deep anxiety for our dear Gertrude, whose poor little heart seemsquite broken, and for whom I am in hourly dread of the effect but toolikely to be produced, in her present delicate state, by the anxietyand terror from which she is suffering.... You know how much I alwaysdisliked the match, and I feel more than ever the impropriety ofconsigning so young and sensitive a girl to the care of a man of suchnotoriously uncontrollable temper. Poor thing! this is evidently notthe first time she has suffered from it, and even should she herselfescape without permanent injury to her constitution, I dread the effectupon the child.... And now I must close this long and sad letter, butwill write again should anything fresh occur; meantime, I cannot belonger away just now from Gertrude's side. I hope your own health isimproving. My love to little Henry, and tell him to be very good whileI am away. "Your affectionate "HELEN WARD."

  4. _The Same to the Same._

  "Beechwood, Monday morning.


  "I am sorry to say I can still send you no better account of poorGertrude. Since I last wrote by Saturday evening's post[4] very littlechange has taken place, though she is certainly more restless, poorchild, and I fear also, if anything, weaker. She now constantly asksfor letters, and seems impressed with the idea that we are keeping themfrom her, as indeed, in her present state, I should, I think, take theresponsibility of doing, if any arrived. The newspaper I have alwayskept from her until it has first been carefully examined. I am dreadingfever, though by the doctor's advice I have not attempted to dissuadeher from getting up. The exertion, however, is almost more than she canbear, and I am looking anxiously for his next visit. She lies all dayon the sofa, looking out of the window, which commands a view of theDover Road. This morning she seems growing more and more restless, andI am waiting with inexpressible anxiety for Dr. Travers.

"Eleven o'clock."The doctor has been, and confirms my fear of approaching fever, which,however, he says may possibly pass off. He has ordered me to lie downat once for some hours, as I have hardly been in bed since I arrived,and he says if fever should come on I shall want all the strength I canget. I shall keep this letter open, to send you by the evening's postthe latest account.

  "Wednesday."All is over. I can hardly command myself sufficiently to write, andyet I must tell you what has happened. Oh, my dear Catherine, how shallI ever forgive myself for leaving poor dear Gertrude; and yet I knowthat this is foolish, for I was ordered to do so for her sake. But Imust come at once to the sad news I have to tell. I left poor Gertrudein the charge of her maid, with strict injunctions to call me if thereshould be any change; but the poor child seems suddenly to have grownquieter, and at length to have fallen asleep. The maid watched heruntil just four o'clock, when, overcome with weariness, she herselfdropped off into a doze, and on waking at a little before five, washorrified to find herself alone. She flew at once to me, but I hadhardly got to the top of the stairs when some one came running up tosay that the postman was below, and had just met with poor Gertrude,who had been watching for him at the gate. She enquired eagerly afterletters, and on being told there were none, asked for the newspaper,which she at once hurried away with into a part of the grounds calledthe Wilderness, while the postman, fearing from her manner thatsomething was amiss, came on to the house to tell what had occurred.I need not tell you with what anxiety I hastened to the Wilderness,and there, poor girl, we found her, stretched upon the turf close bythe edge of the lake, with the fatal newspaper in her hand. I had hertaken carefully to the house, and a man despatched on horseback for thedoctor; but before he arrived she had recovered consciousness, only,poor child, to be at once seized with the signs of her approachingtrouble. From that moment until she breathed her last--an hour ago--I have never left her side. After nearly thirty hours of the mostterrible suffering I have ever witnessed, she at length gave birth totwo poor little girls, both so small and weak-looking that it is quitepiteous to see them. The elder in especial, which was born about anhour before the second, is so weak and sickly, that the doctor says itis scarcely possible it can live, and, indeed, one can hardly hope thatit may. The second seems stronger, but both are very small and weaklyeven considering their premature birth.