Read The Old Man and the Widow Page 4

  chapter 10 The Honey Moon

  Welcome to Niagara Falls the sign said as they came into town and they wanted to see the falls right off. They could only get a glimpse of American Falls by the way they came in so they went directly to their hotel to check in.

  The concierge smirked and asked, “Are you newlyweds?”

  New Man spoke up and said, “Yes, as a matter of fact we are is anything wrong with that?”

  The clerk quickly changed his attitude and said, “We have a lot of older people come here that have got remarried or renewed their vows.” He went on and said, “We have a new elevator for old people who can’t manage the stairs which should be of interest to you.”

  New Man had heard all he wanted to hear from the clerk and asked, “Are you just a half-wit or a complete fool. We won’t be staying here,” and they left.

  New Wife said, “I take it you didn’t like his attitude?”

  He said, “I think I would like to stay on the Canadian side.”

  They went through customs which didn’t amount to much and found a hotel with a great view of the falls and were close enough to hear the roar. They settled in and discovered each other again as they snuggled and held each close without talking.

  A couple hours later they found they had been asleep and were still holding on. She still holding on to him said, “How do you like married life so far?”

  He answered, “I must be dreaming. I’m afraid I’ll wake up and be back in that small apartment with dirty clothes on.”

  She squeezed harder and said, “You ain’t dreaming mister and before we leave here you will believe it.”

  He confessed to himself, “She is so playful you couldn’t help but feel young around her especially in times of intimacy.”

  For some reason the old saying, “You can’t teach old dogs new tricks” was running through his mind. It was followed by, “You don’t know my wife.”

  It seemed strange referring to her as “my” wife.”

  He loved his first wife dearly but New wife was different. She was very traditional in all things and it was reflected in their times of intimacy. She was simplicity, straight forward and satisfying. “What more could you ask for?”

  The new wife was without being vulgar, she was inventive and imaginative and exciting and the old dog was learning new tricks every day.

  She asked, “What are you thinking about.”

  His answer was of course, “Nothing,” which brought a smile to her face.

  Thankfully the days didn’t go by too quickly for the falls were exhilarating and the roar stirred one to absorb some of their energy giving the sense you could do anything. This feeling lasted throughout the evenings until exhaustion set in.

  When it was time to return home the pair of them were worn out and happyfied.

  New Man said, “Perhaps we can return some day and do this again,” to which she replied, “We had better not wait until we’re too old for it takes a lot of energy… to fully enjoy the Falls.”

  Even with all the fun at Niagara it was good to be home again. After getting a good night’s rest they went to the apartment in town for soon it would be time for New Man to begin his new job.

  Chapter 11 The New Secretary

  The next day when he arrived at the new offices, he was led to his office with his name on the door. His secretary was efficient but a little too forward. She wasn’t too careful how she sat and other actions that said “I’m available.”

  After a few days he met with one of the higher ups and discussed the issue with him and requested another secretary.

  The superior acted surprised and said, “Most guys would considered that a perk, end of story.”

  New Man said. “New secretary tomorrow, that’s final.” He went on and added, “This woman is a great talent and doesn’t need to show anything but her skills to be the top secretary if the firm. Someone needs to be her friend and clue her in.”

  New Man struggled along without a new secretary for the rest of the week but was getting behind in his work. He requested his superior to send someone from the secretary pool, someone who is the top girl among them.

  The next day when he came in there was his new secretary working away as if she knew how he wanted things done. She had her hair in a bun and wore a long, high neck dress that didn’t emphases her form.

  He said to himself, “This is more like what I want, a business woman not someone who dresses in a way that says “hit on me.”

  She managed to catch up with the back log of work that needed to be done and was ready to plunge into the new business tomorrow. He complemented her ability to get things done and then asked her; “Do you have a sister”?

  She said, ‘No!”

  He said, ‘You remind me of someone.”

  After a week his boss came by and said you guys are doing great and by the way how is your secretary doing.

  New Man said, “She is the best I ever had although she really dresses conservatively.”

  His boss said, “You said you wanted someone who dresses plainly so she is about as plain as one could hope for.”

  New Man said, “This is taking it a little too far.” He called his new secretary in and tried to explain what he wanted his secretary to look like.

  She just looked puzzled and said, “Okay.” A little later New Wife came in and visited New Man. She said, “That secretary seems to be right on her job although her dress isn’t apropos for this office.”

  He said, “I have told her she needs to dress differently but I don’t think she understands. My first secretary they gave me dressed like a hooker. Then the next one wore a long black dress that looked ghoulish. Now this one looks tawdry.”

  New Wife said, “Let me have her for tomorrow and I think I can fix the problem.”

  When New Wife left she said to the secretary, “I will see you tomorrow and we will get you a new wardrobe.” The next day she picked the secretary up and off they went. Before they started shopping New Wife asked questions about the bosses she had worked for at the company.

  Secretary said, “They are all about the same. They are more interested in getting you in bed than your secretarial skills. She said some of them can’t even type.”

  New Wife said, “We will fix you up first and then deal with the other situations later.”

  They started on the inside and then worked their way out. “What kind of panties do you normally buy?” The girl showed her briefs, so brief she would have been as well off to wear nothing.

  New Wife said, “What you need are some drawers, something large enough to be comfortable and modest. Why would to want to wear something that is suppose to be sexy unless you intend to show them to someone. They will make you feel whorish which brings you to the question; what is your intent?”

  Secretary was blushing and said, “You really understand this office stuff don’t you?”

  New wife gave her an all knowing look and said, “Let’s get you some comfortable bras. Since you are fairly large we need to get those things under control. Your bra should allow them to hang naturally and not be pushed up to your chin.” They went on piece by piece, coordinates and matching pieces till they got to the shoes.

  New Wife said, “I suggest you have dress shoes that can be slipped on and off real easy. When you are working alone you could slip them off for comfort’s sake and if you are called into the boss’s office slip them back on and look dressy.”

  The secretary said, “I think everything is wonderful the only thing is I can’t afford them.”

  New Wife said, “Don’t worry we will call them uniforms and charge them to the corporation. Your boss will approve the charge.”

  “Are you sure,” the secretary asked.

  The new wife said, “You just leave him to me.” She dropped the secretary off at home with all her new goods and said, “Tomorrow will be a big day for you, so just enjoy.”
br />   Chapter 12 The Same Secretary?

  When New Man got home he was greeted by an excited wife.

  He asked her, “What have you been up to?”

  She said, “Nothing, I’m just glad to see you.”

  He answered, “Now come on, nothing don’t mean nothing when you say it like that.”

  She said, “Well, I have been shopping all day and you will be glad to know you have bought some fine women’s clothes.”

  He said, “Well put them on and let me see ‘em.”

  She said, “You’ll see them soon enough. By the way the gal you have as secretary now is the same one you have had ever since you started to work there.”

  He said, “What do you mean the same one?”

  “She was the same one just made up differently. At first being a man you were just looking at her wide open legs and not at her face which was smeared with make up.

  Dressed as the second one she was painful to look at with her black maxi dress and her streaked gray hair. Your gaze was always turned away from her.

  The last one looked tacky and you were repulsed by her persona but it was the same girl all the time. She just needed some help from an older woman. On Monday see if the girl is the same one as the other three were.”

  He said, “You are kidding me - - aren’t you?”

  She said, “Humm, time will tell but all three were very efficient weren’t they?”

  Then the light turned on. He said, “I was so caught up with what they were wearing I couldn’t think if anything else.”

  She was about ready to rub it in when the daughters arrived from school. He hadn’t seen them since the wedding.

  They came storming in and after giving him hugs and kisses the both said, “Hello daddy.” And for the rest of the evening they called him daddy which made him uncomfortable. When bed time came around the girls gave him a goodnight kiss and said, “Good night daddy.”

  When he and New Wife were getting ready for bed he said, “You know I’m not their daddy and they shouldn’t call me that.”

  She answered, “You aren’t their father that’s true, but you are their daddy so get used to it.”

  He said, ‘How is it I’m suddenly their daddy?”

  She said, “It is because they have accepted you and to them you are their daddy, and if they say you are then, you are. You know how persistent the can be, Daddy.” “The fact of the matter is they love you almost as soon as I did and they are your girls now by acceptance.”

  He said, “Okay, since they are so much like their mother I don’t have any other choice.”

  Over the weekend they almost Daddied him to death but there was another issue that was difficult for him and the mother to handle.

  Daughter number two or D2 as he began to call her, started to date a somewhat older man at least eight years older than she was. New man didn’t like him and had him investigated and his suspicions were confirmed.

  He was known as the Lothario of Lotharios.

  He first told New Wife what he had found out and tried to caution D2 but she wasn’t having any of it for she was totally taken by his line.

  After a few dates the seducer made his move which in the past she had been able to ward him off, but this time he wasn’t going to be denied.

  He had her in the back seat of the car, slapping her and ripping at her clothes when someone yanked the door open and jerked her date out of the car and told her to drive off in a hurry. Daughter 2 jumped over the front seat and drove off at a high speed.

  When she got home she poured out the whole event and asked where daddy was.

  Her mother said, “He had to go back to the office and catch up on some work.”

  Later when he arrived home Daughter 2 said, “You were right and I should have listened to you.” She went over the same story after which he was aghast and said, “We must make him pay some way.” Then he picked her up and took her to her bed and he and her mother stayed with her until dawn.

  The next day D2 brought the paper to her mom and said the man she dated had been pummeled almost to death. His privates had been crushed and restoration of his face was questionable plus he also was robbed. The only thing left on him was a thick address book with over a hundred girl’s names with the word “Bingo” after them.

  After she read the story aloud New Man said, “I guess we won’t have to try to get even with him after all.” He asked, “Did you see who it was that pulled him out of the car?” She said, “No, all I remember was the person whose voice could have been a woman’s or a man’s told her to drive away.

  He said, ‘There is no reason to go to the police if you don’t know any more than that. Does anyone know you were going out with him last night?”

  She said, “No, neither of us wanted to broadcast the fact we were going together. I suppose he didn’t want anyone to know because of what he was planning. He could easily have got someone to say he was with them instead of me. I was ashamed for it to be known I would go out with someone with his reputation so I kept it quiet.”

  “Then it is a good thing you were with me all evening at the office.”

  “Easter Vacation was over and it was back to school on Monday. Everything is in the past where it will stay. I would never go looking for the one who saved me but if I found him I would give him or her my heartfelt thanks,” and her mom said, “I would too.”

  It was back to work for New Man and his secretary was standing near the book stand. He looked around and said, “I’m sorry it seems my secretary hasn’t arrived yet. Is there something I can help you with?”

  She said, ‘No I don’t think so, I’ll have to check my call book,” and she took her seat at her desk.

  He said, “Miss you really shouldn’t sit there someone might think you are my secretary.” She dialed the phone while he was talking and handed the phone to New Man and it was his wife.

  New Wife said, “Did you want something?”

  He said, “There’s a strange woman sitting at the secretary’s desk and I can’t get rid of her.”

  She said. “Dear, that is your secretary. It is the same secretary you have had ever since you have been there. Take a real good look at her and just say she looks great and it may be a busy day.”

  “Okay I will do that right now while you are on the phone.”

  He complemented on her dress and said that look is what I’ve been waiting for. Then for the next hour they talked and laughed about what had transpired these last few weeks and what she had been through trying to keep her job. He assured her she could stop worrying for she had passed New Wife’s test and her future was secure.

  Chapter 13 Who Could it Have Been?

  The girls were back safe at school and the house was quiet once again.

  New Wife said, “There is something I have been wanting to ask you, but I wanted to wait until the girls were gone.”

  He said, “Well go ahead and ask and if I know the answer I will tell you.”

  She said, “Do you have any idea who beat that fellow up?”

  He said, “I suppose it could have been any one who wanted money.”

  She said, “They say the person must have used a bat on him.”

  New Man said, “I suppose it is possible, it wouldn’t have made as much noise as a gun. Maybe they will find out who did it someday. He said is there anything else I can’t help you with?”

  She said, “Could you get mad enough to beat someone like that?”

  He replied, “Maybe, it would have to be something that really upset me for things don’t usually bother me.”

  “What if someone tried to molest one of the girls?”

  “That might upset me enough, maybe.”

  She said, “Do you have a bat?”

  He said, “Yes it is great for exercising your arms and shoulders. I use it during break time at work to loosen up after sitting all morning.”

; They stared at each other for some time then he chuckled and said, “Is there anything else?”

  She said, “No you told me what I wanted to know, Daddy. Maybe we should have a snack and listen to some romantic music.”

  He said, “A good idea for it seems a little tense around here.”

  For the next week he saw New Wife showing up at his work and taking one or more of the girls to lunch. This went on until she had taken each of them out and then one day she took all of them out.

  New Man was curious but didn’t ask her what the reasons behind these lunches were. She had been meeting with some of her financial advisors and he knew there was something going on there also. He left her business to her and figured the best way not to try to interfere was not to know any thing about what was going on.

  About three weeks later the girls posted a letter on the bulletin board saying that no longer would the corporation allow the male staff to make improper advances on the females in any way. The ladies were to be treated with respect and any violation of this order would result in dismissal from their job starting today.