Read The Only Reason for the London Season Page 3

"Thank you. I trust you are well?" He felt awkward, a strangely foreign sensation. But as he allowed his gaze to take in her face, her figure, the simple light that she brought by her presence, he realized that he hadn't ever felt so out of sorts around a woman.

  But he rather liked it.


  "I'm well, it's a pleasure to see you again."

  "You as well." He rocked back and forth on his heels then glanced about the room as the pause in the conversation begat another pause.

  "Won't you sit?" Miss Dianna asked, her green eyes sparkling.

  "Of course." He nodded then took a place across from her. He placed his hands on his knees then clasped them together, but that felt wrong too. Placing them back to his knees he fought with the overwhelming desire to simply touch her.

  Not kiss, though that would be delightful too, but simply touch her. And in that, he realized why his hands felt so uncooperative.

  They belonged holding hers.

  He needed to distract himself before his thoughts became actions.

  "Lovely weather." He said the first thing, that wouldn't cause a scandal, that came to mind. And after speaking it, wanted to hide. Could he come up with nothing more intelligent than the weather?

  Her pink lips turned up into a slight grin. "Yes, my lord."

  He wanted to watch her lips form words once more, so he asked another question, though equally mundane. "Look's like it might rain." Never mind that his second comment fully negated the first.

  "Yes, my lord." Her lips pressed together as if restraining mirth. It was alluring, sensual and he wanted to be in on her secret. He wanted to know all of her secrets.

  And was it just him, or did the fire suddenly seem far too hot for the room?

  "I trust you've had a pleasant morning." His gaze was fixed on her lips, he couldn't have glanced anywhere else if he wanted to; they drew him in like a siren call that couldn't be denied.

  "Yes, my lord."

  His fixation was rewarded with a bright smile that showed off her perfectly white and straight teeth.

  Then she giggled and covered her mouth with her hand, which caused him to glance up into her eyes, which then caused him to narrow his own. That same expression of secret pleasure lurked in her gaze as it simultaneously danced with merriment and wit, intelligence and fire that ignited his own passions — passions he wished would remain silent till he was alone.

  Or alone with her, without the prospect of her father listening into their conversation.

  And at once, he got the joke.

  "Yes, my lord." The chit had been teasing him all along!

  "You win, Miss Dianna." He nodded, a grin overtaking his lips as he delighted in knowing that the wit of the previous evening was still present in the morning light.

  "I was afraid you'd not catch the joke and think me unable of anything other than short answers… my lord." Her voice sparkled with delight.

  "I must admit I was distracted by your beauty so much that my intelligence suffered."

  "Ah, and he can flatter others as well as himself," she teased, taking up their conversation of the night before.

  "Indeed. I see, though, that I have need to prove myself lest you assume I am unable to see beyond my own brilliance," he teased back.

  "I'll try to keep you humble."

  He raised a daring eyebrow. "The prospect is frightening."

  "But you do not trust me?" she replied.

  "To use my own words against me? Yes, of that I trust implicitly."

  At this she laughed, bold and unbridled as the night before, firmly capturing his heart and affection and affirming that he made the most brilliant discovery of a lifetime.

  A wife.

  They continued in pleasant conversation for a few more minutes before he secured her first and last dances for that evening at the Whitton Ball. Soon after, he took his leave, thrilling in the knowledge that the siren with the bell-like laugh would soon belong to him.

  Chapter Five

  Dianna lay on her bed, her wide smile causing her cheeks to ache. Carefully she turned to her side and gazed at her husband. His dark eyelashes lay across his peaceful face as he slept. They had only been married a few months, but already Dianna couldn't remember what life was like before him. In every way he completed her. Each day she'd wake up to a kiss, a pinch on the bum and well… let's just say quite a bit more. It was delightful, to be loved and to love someone so fiercely in return. And to think, it had all started with a green dress.

  No, it actually all started with determination. Determination to take matters into her own hands. Cambridge chuckled whenever they discussed how they met. Never one to have believed in love a first sight, he was a firm believer now, though he always added that while there was love at first sight, lasting love was much better.

  She couldn't agree more.

  Her husband's blue eyes blinked open and focused, a sleepily roguish grin overtaking his full lips.

  How she loved those lips.

  And how he used them.

  "Awake?" he whispered groggily.

  "It would appear so." She couldn't help but smile.

  "Have mercy on me, I'm not exactly awake yet." He reached over and poked her ribs in a tickling fashion, causing her to jump and squeal.

  "You're eyes are open, forgive me for assuming," she replied dryly, though a giggle escaped her lips.

  "You're forgiven… why, may I ask, are we awake at this ungodly hour?" he asked as he pulled her into the warmth of his body.

  "How do you know it's an ungodly hour?" she countered even as she melted into his embrace.

  "It's dark."

  "That could just be the curtain around the bed."

  "It's too dark."

  "That makes more sense," she teased.

  "Dianna…" He warned.

  "I'm just pointing out that—"

  Her husband began to kiss her neck, effectively silencing her as she gasped in pleasure while his tongue tasted her flesh.

  Merciful Heavens.

  "It always works." he mumbled against her skin.

  "Hmm?" She spoke softly, trembling at his possessive touch as his hand traced circles around her belly.

  "Nothing." He chuckled.

  She should have replied something witty, something brilliant.

  But all she could think was that it was quite delightful to be bested, especially when it meant her husband would hold her, kiss her, cause her body to flame to life only to be captured once she fell from heaven's grip. And not for the first time, she thought that sometimes you truly won, when you chose to lose.

  After all, love always gives. And if there was one thing her husband had taught her, it was always better to give… and sometimes it was more delightful to let him win.


  Lady Dianna Southridge admired her baby brother, heartbroken yet filled with amazing hope. Heartbroken because of her dear father's passing, and yet filled with hope because of her mother's new marriage to the Earl of Graham and the result of that union; her new brother. She still was shocked that her mother could conceive, but she was thrilled nonetheless. As she gazed into the cherubic face of Edward Greenly, the heir to the Earl of Graham, she made a solemn promise.

  She would be there, always.

  And when the time came for him to marry, she'd make sure he would find someone as amazing as her beloved husband, Lord Southridge.

  Edward Graham grew, sadly without a long-lasting relationship with his parents, but a deep love from his older sister who took on the parental role with tenacity.

  And once he was at Eton, he made a very important friend, the Duke of Clairmont… who was more of a brother, having lost his parents as well. Naturally, Lady Southridge all but adopted the young duke as well.

  Both boys grew to men, causing Lady Southridge to often shake her head, sometimes yell, and always meddle in their lives to bring about what they themselves couldn't attain.


  Her own love story was
proof that sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands.

  And the end justified the means… always.

  Now, a sneak peek at Kristin Vayden's newest Regency Romance,

  What the Duke Wants

  What the duke wants….

  Is not three young ladies for wards.

  Nor is the responsibility for finding them a governess.

  Thankfully that is delegated to his housekeeper, who he might add is blind as a bat.

  That really could be the only excuse she has for hiring Carlotta.

  Because Carlotta is far too beautiful to be a governess.

  Temptress, yes.

  Unable to restrain himself, (because restrain is not one of his virtues, his reputation is testament of that fact) he finds the young governess far more spirited, opinionated and tempting than he is able to resist.

  And of course, because he's an idiot. He falls in love.

  Never questioning whether she'd be a willing participant.

  Of course life isn't that easy, not even when you're a bloody duke.

  And after one meddling Lady Southridge,

  Leads to two fiascos,

  Three wards decide to take matters into their own hands.

  Because what the duke wants…is simply to fall in love (preferably with the young woman in mind, falling in love too.)

  What The Duke Wants

  Chapter One

  Charles Evermore, Duke of Clairmont, glared at his solicitor, narrowing his eyes till he could no longer see the small framed man before him. There had to be a mistake. There was no other explanation for the words coming from the man's mouth.

  "Your grace, if you'll simply read the documentation for yourself…" Mr. Burrows spoke with practiced patience.

  Charles stood and stalked around the desk, ripping the papers from his grasp. Mr. Burrows leaned back, folding his hands and watching Charles with unaffected impassivity. Not for the first time, Charles thought the man looked like a praying mantis, all long and lean with exceedingly large eyes and a patient demeanor that was all to deceptive.

  But he was the best solicitor available.

  He better be for what Charles paid for his services.

  "If you'll start on the second page…" Mr. Burrows suggested.

  Charles read the endless prattle of legal terms till his eyes focused on the chilling phrase.


  Three girls, to be exact. Ranging from ages seven to sixteen.

  And, as heaven stood by laughing, he was to be their guardian.

  Charles stared at the words, willing them to disappear. He hadn't the time, the energy or the inclination to take over the raising of three insufferable miniature females! He could hardly tolerate his mistresses, and they were full grown and low maintenance! He studied the rest of the document, searching for any other names that might take this plight away from him.

  "You're likely curious as to why you were chosen," Mr. Burrows suggested.

  "The question had crossed my mind." Charles remarked sarcastically.

  Mr. Burrows wisely ignored the duke's surly attitude. "It was a tragedy, to be sure. The poor girls lost both parents in a carriage accident—"

  "And there were no aunts or uncle to take them in?" Charles interrupted.

  Mr. Burrows simply blinked, raising his eyebrows slightly and waiting.

  "Carry on." Charles waved his hand, somewhat chagrined at his idiotic question. After all, if there were a spinster aunt or bachelor uncle, hell, any relative at all, they wouldn't be given to him as wards.

  "As I was saying—" Mr. Burrows shot Charles a pointed gaze. "—The girls were left quite without any family. Only providence connected them with you, your grace. You see, they are actually your mother's second cousins, God rest her soul."

  "So I'm the urchins' cousin? Bloody perfect." Charles mumbled under his breath.

  "So it would seem." Mr. Burrows stood, collecting the papers from Charles's outstretched hand. "You'll not need to worry about a dowry or any such things for the young ladies. Their parents left them quite a bit of wealth. However, I would suggest you begin a search for a proper governess."

  "Bloody hell, another female in my house. Exactly what I need."

  "Yes, well, that female might be your salvation in helping you train the children into young ladies, after all, they'll need to someday make a match."

  "That's the only way I'm ever going to be rid of them, isn't it?" Charles combed back his jet-black hair with his hand, feeling a miserable headache beginning at the base of his neck.

  "Perhaps." Mr. Burrows nodded and turned away, but not before Charles saw the slightest hint of a grin. "The young ladies will arrive in a few days, I expect. If you need anything more, you know where to reach me. Good night, your grace." Mr. Burrows paused at the door.

  "Good night, Mr. Burrows."

  Charles strode over to the fire, studying the orange and red flames. Truly, this was the worst sort of news. At three and thirty, he wasn't necessarily old, but he was quite accustomed and comfortable with his way of life. Oh, he knew eventually he'd have to suffer through a woman's presence enough to marry her and produce an heir, but he still figured he had at least five years before that would be necessary.

  And you can be sure he was waiting till it was absolutely necessary.

  A few days, a mere forty-eight hours and his entire existence was going to be in upheaval. To think, only four hours ago he was looking forward to a cozy evening with Céline, the opera diva he had sequestered in a little townhouse not far away. Under the present circumstances, he no longer was looking forward to anything. Rather, he was quite content to stand before the fire and feel sorry for himself.

  Of course, he could take the girls to the country, and leave them there with a governess.

  Why hadn't he thought of it before! It was a stroke of brilliance. He needn't have his life interrupted after all! Surely the young ladies wouldn't want him around anyhow, why, he'd only be in the way. A governess would be infinity more suitable for them. He needn't interfere!

  Suddenly the evening was brighter, even the fire cast a cheerier glow about the room. All he had to do was secure a governess. And that couldn't be hard to do. He'd simply inquire about and interview perspective persons. Better yet, Mrs. Pott, the housekeeper, could interview. She'd be far more capable and wise in knowing what made a good governess.

  Charles congratulated himself on his brilliant plan and to celebrate, strode over to the liquor cabinet and poured himself a glass of amber colored brandy.

  "Cheers," he murmured.

  Already those girls were as good as gone.


  Two Days Later, Near Bath.

  Mr. Burrows regarded his young client, impressed with the poise and grace in one so young. Why, she couldn't be a day over eighteen. Miss Carlotta Standhope was uncommonly pretty, it was a shame that she'd not have a come out. The ton would have celebrated her golden hair and clear green eyes, but it was her character that made her supremely appealing, he decided.

  It was a severe blow, to find out that the future you had anticipated was no longer yours. It was part of his business, delivery of unwelcome news. However the young woman was taking it all in with such grace and poise, it caused him to greatly respect the young woman. Pity pinched his heart. Unaccustomed to any emotional response when dealing with his clients, he fidgeted with his spectacles "I'm sure you'd like a moment…" He stood to leave, offering her a moment to gather herself in private.

  "No, please." Her green eyes widened as she visibly swallowed. "I need to understand the full depth of my change in situation. Please…continue." She took a deep breath as if fortifying herself.

  "Very well, Miss Standhope." He nodded then resumed his seat. "As I know you're aware, upon you parents passing several years ago, the substantial inheritance they left for you was primarily invested overseas, in the Caribbean. The interest from that investment has been what you've lived on these past years. I'm sorry to
say that with the recent hurricane, the investment was a total loss."

  "Total, as in I'm penniless, or total as in I'll still have enough food to eat and won't be turned out of my own home?" she asked.

  "Garden Gate is entailed, so you'll not loose the manor or lands, but you'll also not have any funds to maintain their upkeep."

  "So, it's as good as being completely penniless."

  "Yes, I'm afraid so."

  "I see." Her slight shoulders slumped as if carrying a burden to heavy to bear.

  "However, you could possibly lease the land and manor out, not requiring you to sell. That could produce some revenue."

  "That could work. But, what then, of me? What am I to do?" Her green eyes welled slightly, but no tears fell, though it made her eyes luminous like glowing emeralds. Mr. Burrows struggled to find some good news to give the poor young woman.

  "I'm not sure, Miss Standhope. Do you have relatives you can impose upon?"

  "None that I'm aware of."

  He leaned back against the chair and a thought tickled his mind. Studying her one more, he nodded. Perhaps he did have some promising news to offer after all.

  "I see. Are you, are you willing to consider employment?"


  Carlotta stiffened at the idea of employment. Her father wasn't a high-ranking earl or marquis, but even as a baron he had impressed upon his daughter the place and position of the titled. It chafed, to think of working, of being a bluestocking, but she saw no other options available.

  She was rather fond of having food to eat and didn't plan on starving to death.

  "I'm willing—" She swallowed. "I'm willing to seek employment." She folded her hands in her lap, clutching them tightly.

  "A governess or companion position would be quite suitable, I'd imagine."

  "Governess, yes. I could do quite well in that position. I'm well educated, you know." Carlotta's mind began to spin with possibilities. Being a governess wouldn't be half bad. She could do it, she was certain.

  She could hear her own heartbeat, its pounding cadence reminded her that she was indeed, alive, when she felt like she had shriveled up and died. To think, only hours before she was planning her wardrobe for the season and daydreaming about her first kiss.

  None of it was to be. None. In the span of ten minutes her entire world came crashing down upon her and there was nothing left.