Read The Orange-Yellow Diamond Page 11



  Once outside in the street, Melky turned down the nearest side-street,motioning Lauriston to follow him. Before they had gone many yards heedged himself close to his companion's side, at the same time throwinga cautious glance over his own shoulder.

  "There's one o' them blooming detectives after us!" said Melky. "Butthat's just what's to be expected, mister!--they'll never let you outo' their sight until one of two things happen!"

  "What things?" asked Lauriston.

  "Either you'll have to prove, beyond all doubt, that them rings isyours, and was your poor mother's before you," answered Melky, "or weshall have to put a hand on the chap that scragged my uncle. That's afact! Mister!--will you put your trust and confidence in me, and dowhat I tell you? It's for your own good."

  "I don't know that I could do better," responded Lauriston, after amoment's thought. "You're a right good fellow, Melky--I'm sure of that!What do you want me to do?"

  Melky pulled out a handsome gold watch and consulted it.

  "It's dinner-time," he said. "Come round to Mrs. Goldmark's and getsome grub. I'll tell you what to do while we're eating. I've beenthinking things over while that there Parminter was badgering poorZillah, and s'elp me, there only is one thing for you to do, and you'dbest to do it sharp! But come on to Praed Street--don't matter if thishere chap behind does shadow you--I can get the better of him as easyas I could sell this watch! It 'ud take all the detectives in London tobeat me, if I put my mind to it."

  They were at Mrs. Goldmark's eating-house in five minutes: Melky, whoknew all the ins and outs of that establishment, conducted Lauristoninto an inner room, and to a corner wherein there was comparativeprivacy, and summoned a waitress. Not until he and his companion werehalf way through their meal did he refer to the business which was inhis thoughts: then he leaned close to Lauriston and began to talk.

  "Mister!" he whispered. "Where do you come from?"

  "Peebles," answered Lauriston. "You heard me tell them so, in thatcourt."

  "I'm no scholar," said Melky. "I ain't no idea where Peebles is, exceptthat it's in Scotland. Is it far into that country, or where is it?"

  "Not far across the Border," replied Lauriston.

  "Get there in a few hours, I reckon?" asked Melky. "You could? Verywell, then, mister, you take my tip--get there! Get there--quick!"

  Lauriston laid down his knife and fork and stared.

  "Whatever for?" he exclaimed.

  "To find somebody--anybody--as can prove that those rings are yours!"answered Melky solemnly and emphatically. "Tain't no use denyingit--you're in a dangerous position. The police always goes for thestraightest and easiest line. Their line was clear enough, justnow--Parminter give it away! They've a theory--they always have atheory--and when once police gets a theory, nothing can drive it out o'their heads--their official heads, anyway. What they're saying, andwhat they'll try to establish, is this here. That you were hard up,down to less than your last penny. You went to Mr. Multenius's--youpeeked and peered through the shop window and saw him alone, or,perhaps, saw the place empty. You went in--you grabbed a couple o'rings--he interrupted you--you scragged him! That's their line--andZillah can't swear that those rings which you claim to be yours aren'ther grandfather's, and up to now you can't prove that they're yours andwere once your mother's! Mister!--be off to this here Peebles atonce--immediate!--and find somebody, some old friend, as can swear thathe or she--never mind which--knows them rings to be your propertybeyond a shadow of doubt! Bring that friend back--bring him if he hasto come in an invalid carriage!"

  Lauriston was so much struck by Melky's argument and advice that itneeded no more explanations to convince him of its wisdom.

  "But--how could I get away'" he asked. "There'll be that detective chaphanging about outside--I know I've been shadowed ever since lastevening! They'll never let me get away from London, however much Iwish. The probability is that if they saw me going to a railway stationthey'd arrest me."

  "My own opinion, mister, after what's taken place this morning, is thatif you stop here, you'll be arrested before night," remarked Melkycoolly. "I'd lay a tenner on it! But you ain't going to stop--you mustgo! There must be somebody in the old spot as can swear that them tworings o' yours is family property, and you must find 'em and bring 'em,if you value your neck. As to slipping the police, I'll make that rightfor you, proper! Now, then, what money have you about you, Mr.Lauriston?"

  "Plenty!" answered Lauriston. "Nearly forty pounds--the money I gotlast night."

  "Will you do exactly what I tell you?" asked Melky, "And do it at once,without any hesitation, any hanging about, any going home to MotherFlitwick's, or anything o' that sort?"

  "Yes!" replied Lauriston. "I'm so sure you're right, that I will."

  "Then you listen to me--careful," said Melky. "See that door in thecorner? As soon as you've finished that pudding, slip out o' that door.You'll find yourself in a little yard. Go out o' that yard, and you'llfind yourself in a narrow passage. Go straight down the passage, andyou'll come out in Market Street. Go straight down SouthwickStreet--you know it--to Oxford and Cambridge Terrace, and you'll see acab-rank right in front of you. Get into a taxi, and tell the fellow todrive you to Piccadilly Circus. Leave him there--take a turn round so'she won't see what you do--then get into another taxi, and drive to St.Pancras Church. Get out there--and foot it to King's Cross Station.You'll catch the 3.15 for the North easy--and after you're once in it,you're all right. Get to Peebles!--that's the thing! S'elp me, Mr.Lauriston, it's the only thing!"

  Five minutes later, there being no one but themselves in the littleroom, Lauriston gave Melky a hearty grip of the hand, walked out of thedoor in the corner, and vanished. And Melky, left alone, pulled out hiscigarette case, and began to smoke, calmly and quietly. When thewaitress came back, he whispered a word or two to her; the waitressnodded with full comprehension--for everybody knew Melky at Goldmark's,and if the waitresses wanted a little jewellery now and then, he letthem have it at cost price.

  "So you can give me the checks for both," said Melky. "I'll pay 'em."

  But Melky let three-quarters of an hour elapse before he went to thedesk in the outer shop. He sipped a cup of coffee; he smoked severalcigarettes; it was quite a long time before he emerged into PraedStreet, buttoning his overcoat. And without appearing to see anything,he at once saw the man who had followed Lauriston and himself from theCoroner's Court. Being almost preternaturally observant, he also sawthe man start with surprise--but Melky showed, and felt, no surprise,when the watcher came after him.

  "You know me, Mr. Rubinstein," he said, almost apologetically. "Youknow, of course, we're keeping an eye on that young Scotchfellow--we've got to! He went in there, to Goldmark's, with you? Is hestill there?"

  "Strikes me you ain't up to your job!" remarked Melky, coolly. "He wentout, three-quarters of an hour ago. Gone home, I should say."

  The man turned away, evidently puzzled, but just as evidently takingMelky's word. He went off in the direction of Star Street, while Melkystrolled along to the pawnbroker's shop. It was necessary that heshould tell his cousin of what he had done.

  Mrs. Goldmark was still with Zillah--Melky unfolded his story to thetwo of them. Zillah heard it with unfeigned relief; Mrs. Goldmark, who,being a young and pretty widow, was inclined to sentiment, regardedMelky with admiration.

  "My!--if you ain't the cute one, Mr. Rubinstein!" she exclaimed,clapping her plump hands. "As for me, now, I wouldn't have thought ofthat in a hundred years! But it's you that's the quick mind."

  Melky laid a finger to the side of his nose.

  "Do you know what, Mrs. Goldmark?" he said. "I ain't going to let thempolice fellows put a hand on young Lauriston, not me! I've my own ideasabout this here business--wait till I put my hand on somebody, see?Don't it all come out clear to you?--if I find the right man, thenthere ain't no more suspicion attaching to this young chap, ain't it?Oh, I'm no fool, Mrs. Goldmark; don't you
make no mistake!"

  "I'm sure!" asserted Mrs. Goldmark. "Yes, indeed--you don't carry youreyes in your head for nothing, Mr. Rubinstein!"

  Zillah, who had listened abstractedly to these compliments suddenlyturned on her cousin.

  "What are you going to do then, Melky?" she demanded. "What's all thisbusiness about that book? And what steps are you thinking of taking?"

  But Melky rose and, shaking his head, buttoned up his overcoat as if hewere buttoning in a multitude of profound secrets.

  "What you got to do, just now, Zillah--and Mrs. Goldmark too," heanswered, "is to keep quiet tongues about what I done with youngLauriston. There ain't to be a word said! If any o' them police comeround here, asking about him, you don't know nothing--see? You ain'tseen him since he walked out o' that court with me--see? Which, ofcourse--you ain't. And as for the rest, you leave that to yours truly!"

  "Oh, what it is to have a mind!" exclaimed Mrs. Goldmark "I ain't nomind, beyond managing my business."

  "Don't you show your mind in managing that?" said Melky, admiringly."What do I always say of you, Mrs. Goldmark? Don't I always say you'rethe smartest business woman in all Paddington? Ain't that having amind? Oh, I think you've the beautifullest mind, Mrs. Goldmark!"

  With this compliment Melky left Mrs. Goldmark and Zillah, and went awayto his lodgings. He was aware of a taxi-cab drawn up at Mrs. Flitwick'sdoor as he went up the street; inside Mrs. Flitwick's shabby hall hefound that good woman talking to a stranger--a well-dressed younggentleman, who was obviously asking questions. Mrs. Flitwick turned toMelky with an air of relief.

  "Perhaps you can tell this gentleman where Mr. Lauriston is, Mr.Rubinstein?" she said. "I ain't seen him since he went out first thingthis morning."

  Melky looked the stranger over--narrowly. Then he silently beckoned himoutside the house, and walked him out of earshot.

  "You ain't the friend from Scotland?" asked Melky. "Him what sent thebank-note, last night?"

  "Yes!" assented the stranger. "I see you're aware of that. My name isPurdie--John Purdie. Where is Lauriston? I particularly want to seehim."

  Melky tapped the side of his nose, and whispered.

  "He's on his way to where you come from, mister!" he said. "Here!--Iknow who you are, and you'll know me in one minute. Come up to mysitting-room!"