Read The Oso Prince Page 1


  By H. Jason Schulz

  Copyright © 2012 H. Jason Schulz

  Once upon a time, long ago in the western mountains of what is now known as Mexico, there lived a young prince named Raul. This young prince, being large in stature, was a powerful warrior and the chief captain of an army of warriors. He led this army at the young age of 16 against the evil wizard who threatened the safety of the kingdom with his terrible army of shadow soldiers. The shadow soldiers were beings of magic that the evil wizard conjured. Raul, who had had some magical training from the good wizard, held the key to making the shadow warriors mortal. With this spell he marched against the evil wizard and the struggle began. The bloody battle raged an entire day and when the evil wizard was on the verge of defeat, he cast one last, horrible spell upon Raul and his warriors before he fell. The spell killed all the warriors except for Raul, who being so powerful, fought against the spell and instead of being destroyed, became instead a large brown oso, or bear!

  Raul tried to use his magic to transform back to a human but was unsuccessful so he made his way back to his father's kingdom. He walked boldly up to the castle gate and called out. “Open the gate!”

  Raul's uncle appeared at the rampart overlooking the road that led to the castle. “Who calls!”

  “It is I, Raul returning victorious from the war with the evil wizard! Open the gate!”

  The king's brother had always been jealous of Raul. He had wanted the throne and so when he saw what had become of Raul he hastily formed a plan to destroy him.

  “The evil wizard has sent a monster to attack us!” Raul's brother called out and the remaining soldiers rushed to their arms. They began to launch arrows at Raul which sent him running for the safety of the forest! Raul made his way back to the evil wizard's castle. He was determined to break the spell and then return to deal with his uncle. He tried and tried with no success. The days turned into months and Raul became discouraged but he continued reading the evil wizard’s book and chasing away visitors to the castle.

  Years past with no success and Raul had given up finding the secret of the spell and had resigned himself to his fate. The provisions stored by the evil wizard had run out so Raul took to foraging for food like the other bears. One day he saw smelled a delicious smell – it was a smell he had long since forgot and he could not help but follow his nose. The smell took him to a small cottage wherein there worked several young women busily making tamales. Raul looked on from the safety of the forest, careful not to be seen and watched the women work. He was about to approach them for some food when he saw his giant paw. Raul remembered the soldiers fear and attempt to destroy him at his father's village and so he turned and walked back into the forest.

  Back at the castle of the evil wizard he walked the hallways and ramparts thinking of the cruel hand he had been dealt. He became angrier and angrier as he thought of his Uncle and the soldiers who had chased him away. He decided to return to his father and force his way to him. Once his father knew what had happened he would surely help!

  Raul stomped through the forest in a rage and through the village causing the villagers to scatter in fear of the giant bear. Right up the castle door he stomped and growled. “Open this door!” Raul Thundered.

  “The evil wizard has sent the demon oso!” Cried the soldiers. As the threw down spears and heavy stones upon Raul.

  “Stop! I am Raul! Your Prince!” Raul retorted. Then with a mighty heave, he burst open the heavy doors. “Where is the King?”

  Just then a line of heavily armored men with long spears marched into the courtyard and stood facing Raul. Behind them was Raul's uncle encouraging them to attack. “He lies!” Raul's uncle assured the soldiers. “He will kill the king!”

  “I will not!” Howled Raul. “He is my father!”

  “Lies! Attack!” Raul's uncle screamed.

  The soldiers began to march toward the giant bear and since Raul did not wish to hurt his own men, he was forced to retreat.

  Months past and Raul lived in the old castle but not as an ordinary bear would. He slept in a bed, he read the many books in the wizard's library always hoping for a clue as to how to break the spell. This was difficult for Raul. He was in the form of a bear and so had paws instead of hands which made the turning of pages almost impossible.

  One day Raul heard a knock at the castle door. He made his way to the door and called out in a gruff voice, “What do you want?”

  “I beg your pardon lord but I am blind and beg a scrap of food.” The man said.

  “I have no food to give you.” Raul returned.

  “Pardon me but I will work for it – I can serve you.” The man offered. “Please. I will die if you do not help me.”

  “You are blind?” Raul asked.

  “Yes my lord but I am still useful.” The man insisted.

  “Very well.” Raul said and then he slid the bar from the door after which the man opened the door and came in.

  “Thank you my lord.” The man said.

  “Yes.” Raul said. “Follow me.” Raul led the man to the kitchen. “Find what you can and fill your belly. You can choose any but the top most bedroom as your own.” Then Raul padded away to the library.

  Soon the man was at the door of the library. “My lord I can find no other servants in your house and your kitchen is almost without food.”

  “I have no servants and for food I must forage like an animal.” Raul replied.

  “But you have much gold and silver in your vaults. You can hire an army of servants, why do you not?” The man asked.

  “It is none of your affair!” Raul barked.

  “My lord allow me to take of your riches and bring food into your home.” The man suggested.

  “Very well.” Raul agreed.

  That night Raul was treated to a rough fare as the blind man could not cook but it was finally enough to fill his belly. Before long the blind servant whose name was Manuel, had commissioned some local villagers to cook for them. Manual would meet the villagers at the door and take the prepared dinner to his master and the two would dine like kings.

  Soon the two became close friends and Raul confessed the sad tale to Manuel.

  “That is why I cannot allow anyone to see me.” Raul agonized.

  “But I am blind and did not know of your condition.” Manuel deduced.

  “If you had seen me what would you have thought?” Asked Raul.

  “That you were in fact that demon oso that the king accuses you of being.” Manuel stopped abruptly.

  “What is it?” Asked Raul.

  “The chancellor has placed a bounty on your head.” Manuel said.

  “My uncle!” Raul snorted. “When I am returned to myself I will deal with him.”

  “Even now the woodsmen and soldiers hunt for you.” Manuel explained.

  “I have no need to leave this castle.” Raul said.

  Just there was a knock at the door. Manuel stood and began toward the door as Raul hid in the shadows. As the door opened Raul smelled that smell that had drawn him to the window of the small cottage many months ago. He saw a small beautiful young woman holding a basket of food. He could not take his eyes off of the young woman and in his straining to see the girl he leaned out too far and was spotted by the girl. Her eyes grew large and a scream left her lips. She dropped the basket pulled frantically at Manuel in an effort to save him from the demon oso. Manuel resisted and managed to pull the girl inside and locked the door. The girl was so frightened that she fainted.

  The girl awoke to find herself in a large bed chamber. Across the middle of the room was a curtain that hung from the ceiling to the floor. From behind this curtain she heard a pleasant voice.

  “Que paso?” Asked Raul.

happened? The girl thought for a moment as she looked around the room and then she sat up in the bed. “I saw the demon oso in your house!” She said.

  “Do not fear.” Raul said. “It was just a dream.”

  The girl looked around some more and then resting her eyes on the curtain asked, “Who are you?”

  “I am Raul.” He answered simply. “What is your name?”

  “Juanita.” She said and then asked, “Am I a prisoner?”

  Raul laughed. “No senorita Juanita, you can go when ever you please.”

  “Why do you hide behind that curtain?” She asked.

  “My appearance is frightening to some.” Raul explained. “I was in the army that destroyed the evil wizard that once occupied this castle and I was... hurt in that battle.”

  “Oh.” Juanita said.

  Just then Manuel walked in holding a pitcher of juice and a cup. “I heard you talking and thought you might want a drink.”

  Juanita took the cup and drank it thanking Manuel. “I must go now. My father will be looking for me.” Juanita stood and then quickly made her way out of the castle.

  Raul sent Manuel day after day to buy food from Juanita's family as much as possible and to instruct them that Juanita should bring it. He also asked Manuel to hang a curtain in the dining hall so that he could talk with Juanita when she delivered the meals. They laughed together, debated one another, and talked night after night.

  Raul could not stop thinking of Juanita. When she did not deliver food to the castle, Raul crept from the castle and through the forest to Juanita's cottage. Night after night he watched her work and soon, Raul fell deeply in love with Juanita. One day as he sat in his usual spot watching Juanita, a strong net dropped on top of him and angry voices yelled all around him. He had been caught! Roaring a terrible roar Raul bellowed out commands to be set free. Just then his uncle strode into view.

  “Demon Oso, at last we can destroy you!” Raul's uncle said with a sinister grin.

  “You know who I am and it was you who have kept me from my father and the king's magicians! You want the throne and that is why you seek my death!” Raul retorted.

  Juanita along with her family came running out of the house to see what had happened. Juanita gasped at the sight of the giant bear. Raul saw her fear and it tore at his heart. “Juanita!” Raul called. “Do not fear, it is I with whom I have spent many long hours in delightful conversation!”

  Juanita stood looking in disbelief as Raul's uncle drew his sword and raised it above his head. It hovered over Raul for an instant, but in that instant Juanita leaped between the sword and Raul!

  The sword fell with terrific swiftness and just as it was about to strike the lovely Juanita a flash of brilliant light burst from Manuel who had been standing and watching next to a tree. When the light faded to normal, Juanita was in the arms of the transformed Raul who kissed her. Raul's uncle lie unconscious on the ground. The soldiers, recognizing Raul, dropped to one knee in recognition of their prince.

  Manuel walked forward as Raul and Juanita got to their feet. “Prince Raul. I am happy to see you returned to you natural form.”

  “Who are you?” Raul asked.

  “I am Manuel, the mighty wizard of the mountains. The evil wizard that you destroyed was my brother. His magic was very powerful and he had imprisoned me. When you defeated him, my bonds were also lifted. I tried to remove the curse but sadly only one thing could break the spell.”

  “Love!” Rejoiced Juanita.

  “Exactly!” Manuel said. “The spell was cast with hatred and only love could break it – your love for Raul and his for you.”

  Raul's uncle stood with a start and seeing Raul in his human form turned to run.

  “Seize him!” Raul called out.

  “Wait!” Manuel blurted, “I have a better idea.” And then with a wave of his hand, Raul's uncle was transformed into a spider monkey. The little spider monkey chattered angrily at the group and then disappeared into the forest. “We will now see how he manages.” Manuel said under his breath.

  Raul laughed and then he looked into Juanita's eyes. Suddenly he turned to Juanita's father and asked for her hand in marriage. Juanita's father looked at his daughter’s pleading expression and agreed.

  Later that year Raul and Juanita were married. Soon they had a large family which included a pet spider monkey!

  The End