Read The Other Half Page 1


  by Nobo13

  Copyright 2011 Nobo13


  The Other Half

  by Nobo13


  I don't know you

  You don't know me

  But there is a sense

  That maybe we do

  You've stumbled onto something

  This world that isn't quite what it seems

  So maybe I'll help

  Fifty stories to help you return

  Follow each one to the word

  ?Good luck my friend


  The rockets are starting

  Ready to blastoff

  Leaving behind the dying Earth

  Half of its people full

  Half of its people empty

  A sole woman cried

  As she claws at the window

  She leaves him behind

  To wait for a lonely death

  He stares into the fiery sky



  Adult Today

  When work became more than play

  And we talked and laughed less each day

  It seemed I forgotten something today

  I lost it along the way

  And as I think back to that day

  Of the things we used to play

  As an Adult may

  I wished it were yesterday

  Driving home

  A car in a lamp lit forest chamber

  Driving along lights like ember

  In a starry night of December

  Children two seated near

  Filled with sadness but no tear

  Silence with not a single word to hear

  Ever drifting down the road

  Onward they rode

  Bound by what they owed


  Mangled and disturbed

  Betrayed and cursed

  Boil them in the very waters

  That have rotted your fragile heart

  Eyes fueled by its power

  Teeth excited by its taste

  Hands become weapons

  To smite them with your hate

  And as it seethes away

  You're left without any satisfaction

  Just empty hate

  Knowing love

  Star crossed lovers walk side by side

  But neither walk in the same direction

  Such is the cruelty of life

  And of all those that try to love

  They share with each other the pain

  Of ever being alone

  Of ever being afraid

  So that one day

  It will disappear

  Losing someone

  A world that's lost its colour

  A scenery that's withered to winter

  An invisible frost has settled upon your skin

  That's cold to the touch

  Eyes that hold no light

  Stare on helplessly

  And tears no longer flow

  In a desert of despair

  Losing someone

  You also lost your way

  Left behind

  We cannot return to Earth for fifty years

  Until one day the ash no longer falls

  Those on the rockets

  Speak of the future and present

  How they will survive

  Yet, what of the other half?

  The dying planet cries

  Half of its people full

  Half of its people empty


  Nowhere to be found

  Yet you're here somewhere

  It's like you're gone off to a parallel world

  It's no joke?

  I can't see you nor hear you

  But somehow I know

  If I hold you in my heart

  And cry out with my soul

  You'll find your way home


  Moment of truth

  This is the moment of truth

  When he will tell her everything

  Tell her how he feels

  Tell her how much she means to him

  Waiting at the table

  In an empty caf?

  Waiting until he cannot wait anymore

  And she never came

  Unable to find her

  He waits alone

  It flows in the family

  Where's my textbook?

  Here they are!

  Argh! I forgot to do the homework!

  Oh right, it's for Tuesday!

  But crap! My pencil case?

  Forget it, I'll borrow a pen

  Wait, where's my P.E. kit?

  No, it's swimming, I'll skip

  Where's my bag?


  Oh here it is?

  Where's my textbook?

  The little match girl

  Cold and alone

  Abandoned by all

  A little match girl freezes in the cold

  With nothing to her name

  But three matches

  She lights the first

  And sets her neighbours on fire

  She lights the second

  And sets her parents on fire

  But for the last

  She saves for herself


  Though you sit so close to me

  You never felt my pain

  Though you hold my hand

  You never realised my fears

  It's like we live in parallel worlds

  You never realised how alone I felt

  But one day I'll tell you

  Because your heart has room for it all


  Lunar scape

  White as snow

  A shining pearl

  Keeper of the night

  I find myself talking to you

  You who is as cold as me

  Both of us chasing the Sun

  Yet never able to reach

  But still we try

  For you and I

  We but borrow someone else's light

  A bit of fun


  Well, this is a bit of fun

  You see, it's quite hard to get these down to fifty

  So it helps for, say?

  Having material you can just edit

  Poems you can shorten

  Or just dialogue and monologues

  Well, like I said

  This is just a bit of fun

  Losing something- simple addition

  It's the soundless break

  That painful snap you feel

  When losing something

  And in its absence

  You try to fill its place with tears

  Try screaming for it

  Stay awake at night hoping

  Losing something

  It's simple addition

  My cure is the best in the world

  Just forget...

  Just forget...

  Little girl found

  Trying to find her way home

  But she never lost her way

  Alone with her tears

  Cold and alone

  Soon her darkness is lifted

  By a stranger from another world

  Hoping no more tears would fall

  As she made her way home

  The little girl lost

  Had finally been found

  The boy with no lives

  There lived a boy with no lives

  He could not breathe

  His friend had said

  "Tell you what, I'll give you my lives when I die"

  So the boy with no lives

  Waited and waited for his death

  But alas!

  The dim-witted ghost realised then

>   A corpse couldn't give life


  "This is the world of rain

  And you do not belong

  You journey a path of pain

  But sing such a merry song?

  Tell me, what do you seek?

  What brings you here?

  For the answers may be bleak

  Speak up, I cannot hear

  ?Your home lies beyond this rain"