Read The Other Side Page 2

  Having to get my tonsils out on the day of Laura’s birthday party

  A monkey escape from the zoo and terrorize my family during the reunion

  Thursdays usually aren’t THAT bad; that’s only the worst of them. Like last Thursday, I got an F on my math test, and I lost all recess for a week. And then I got teased by Macy, Natalie, and Grace because everyone else had made an A.

  Boy, I wish there were some way to reverse this curse!

  Chapter 5:

  At school the next day, Barbara sat alone at lunch. Laura was, of course, off playing with Natalie, Macy, and Grace. Barbara glanced down at her lunch. Eating hamburgers aren’t that fun without anyone to eat them with. Barbara thought to herself.

  Barbara got up to throw her lunch away. The cafeteria food wasn’t the best anyways. As she walked to the trash can, she heard Grace’s laughter. She spun around just in time to see Grace’s plate hurtling toward her. Ketchup, mustard, and milk splashed all over her brand new pink shirt.

  “Grace!” Barbara cried.

  Grace smiled and said, “Mr. Marcantel! Barbara had ANOTHER accident!!!”

  Mr. Marcantel walked over and saw condiment-soaked Barbara. “Barbara, Barbara, Barbara,” He sighed. “That’s the third accident this month!”

  “But it’s not MY fault!” Barbara cried.

  “Yeah!” Macy laughed from the table, “That’s why it's called and ACCIDENT!!!”

  Barbara went to the office to get new clothes. As she was going back to class, she heard Laura, Macy, Grace, and Natalie talking. She peered around the corner to see the girls coming down the hall.

  “That was really mean, Grace,” Laura sighed.

  “But it was funny!” Natalie cackled.

  “So? She was really embarrassed,” Laura groaned.

  Macy dramatically groaned. “So? She’s a dork! She deserved it!”

  “Guys, you have to be nicer to her! Besides, I was friends with her before I met any of you!” Laura shrieked. Barbara secretly smiled.

  “Oh, fine,” Grace moaned, “What do you want us to do for her, Laurie?”

  “I don’t know!” Laura replied. “Think of something!”

  “I have an idea!” Natalie slyly smiled. “Let’s have a party!”

  Barbara was so excited! They were going to throw her a party! Barbara casually started walking down the hall, as if she had heard nothing.

  “Oh, look! There she is now!” Grace squealed. The four ran over to Barbara.

  “Barbara! Guess what?!” Macy gasped.

  “WE’RE HAVING A PARTY!!!!” Grace and Natalie squealed at the same time.

  “Really?” Barbara tried to look shocked. “Where?” She was anxious to find out if it would be at Laura’s, Natalie's, Macy’s, or Grace’s house.

  Natalie laughed as if Barbara had told her a joke. “Oh, Barbara! YOUR house, of course!!!”

  Barbara really WAS shocked. They wanted HER to throw the party? “M-M-My house?” She stammered.

  “Yes, Bar! Everyone knows you throw the best parties ever!” Grace smiled.

  “Um, just last month you never showed up to my birthday party because you said I’m the WORST at throwing parties.” Barbara replied.

  Grace said, “Um..uh… That was a joke.”

  Barbara didn’t think her parents would let her do this. “Um, my parents might not let me, but if they do, I’ll set the theme and put up the decorations right away for this weekend.”

  “No way!” Macy shrieked. “I’m going to pick the theme, and it’s NOT going to be this weekend!”

  Barbara was confused. “Bu-But you said I was going to throw the party!”

  “Yes, you are!” Grace smiled. “But we get to pick everything. Because it is our party.”

  Barbara gave in. “Fine. You buy everything, and I’ll set it up at my house.”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa, We never said anything about BUYING things. You can do that.” Natalie laughed.

  “Oh. Okay.” Barbara sighed. Natalie, Laura, Macy, and Grace walked away.

  Once they were away from Barbara, Laura frowned. “I thought you guys were going to INVITE her to a party!”

  “We did!” Macy smiled. “A party at her house!”

  Thursday, April 17

  Dear Diary,

  Guess what day it is? That’s right, Thursday. I wonder what will go wrong today? Nothing terrible has happened yet, so I’m guessing it will happen tonight.

  Actually, something awesome happened today! Mr. Marcantel announced the annual kick-ball competition for next… Thursday. Oh, poop.

  I’m really good at kick-ball, though! I’m the class champion, so hopefully I won’t have any problems next Thursday.

  I have to practice a lot, though. I don’t want to slip up (Like every Thursday) and make my class lose. That would be horrible, and I’d let the whole class down.

  I still haven’t decided on a name for my diary yet. Maybe “Barbara’s Bullies” since I get bullied by the fifth graders? No, “Barbara’s Bullies” sounds like I have a gang of bullies, and who wants a teacher to see that?!

  Maybe “Cursed Life”? No, I don’t exactly want the WHOLE world knowing I’m cursed. Well, my dad is at least.

  Chapter 6

  Barbara kicked the rubber ball as hard as she could. It rolled only a few inches. She just couldn’t seem to get that ball moving today. She kicked the ball so hard, it should have sent it flying. It didn’t budge.

  “ARGH!!!” She screamed. She had to kick the ball. Next Thursday, she had a kickball tournament! She couldn’t let her class down! She had to practice.

  She kicked it again. It didn’t go far, and it rolled into a mud puddle made from melted winter snow. The water hadn’t dried up yet from the last snow.

  “Eww….” She moaned as she disgustedly rolled it out. She hosed it off. She tried once more to kick the ball. This time, she completely missed the ball!

  “UGH!!!” She shrieked and stomped on the ball and tried to pop it.

  But the ball slipped out under her feet and went flying. Up, up, up, into the air. Barbara couldn’t believe it. All this time she was trying to kick it-

  Her thoughts were interrupted when she lost sight of the ball. Uh, oh! She thought. Where’d it go?!

  Over the fence. It had landed on the other side. The forbidden side of the fence. The place where Tommy’s sworn enemies and their daughter lived.

  Oh no! Barbara thought. What do I do?!

  Barbara couldn’t decide whether to go ask her dad to get it, go get it herself, or just forget about. If she just forgot about it, she’d have to get a new kickball, and she really liked her other one. It’d be embarrassing to ask her dad to go get the ball. But she would also be haunted by the guilt if she went on the other side to grab the ball.

  Barbara decided to go get it. What’s the worst that could happen? She thought. But then she remembered her dream from the other night. She definitely wasn’t going to climb over it. There was a small hole under the fence. Maybe she could try to reach it from under it?

  Today’s the day… Barbara thought in her mind, After eight years, I’m finally crossing the fence.

  She slowly reached her hand into the hole. She was nervous. If her dad had kept her from whatever was back there for this long, it must be something horrible.

  She finally felt her ball. She sighed in relief. Nothing terrible was going to happen. She was going to get her ball, and proceed along in her cursed day.

  But she wasn’t going to. She felt something warm. Someone else’s hand!

  “Eek!” Barbara jerked her hand back.

  “Hello?” Asked a soft voice.

  “Wh-who are you? Why are you here?” Barbara stammered.

  The voice giggled. “Because I live here!”

  Barbara thought this strange voice didn’t sound dangerous at all! Why did her father keep her from this?

  “But-But who are you?”

  The voice sighed. “I’m Bella. Nice to meet you. W
hat’s your name?”

  “I-I-I don’t think I’m supposed to tell you. I shouldn’t even be talking to you. Daddy won’t let me.”

  Bella sighed. “I’m not supposed to either. My mommy says someone who lives here is evil.”

  Barbara laughed. “There’s no one evil here! It’s just me, Daddy, and Mommy! But Daddy tells me there’s something very bad at your house, something that I won’t understand.”

  Bella hesitated. “Um...yeah. Please tell me your name!”

  Barbara sighed. “I’m Barbara.”

  But then, Barbara heard the back door to her house open. “Barbara!” Layla called.

  “Uh, oh! Gotta go!” Barbara gasped. She ran off to meet her mom.

  “What were you doing?” Layla asked.

  “Um…. uh…. just playing around.” Barbara nervously smiled.

  Layla suspiciously smiled in return. “Okay… Supper’s ready.”

  Chapter 7:

  Bella walked inside, wondering what her mom would say about this strange girl. Her mom didn’t let her talk to many people at all, because of her family’s secret. Bella was home-schooled, in fact, and she had never met another girl her age! She never got to leave the house, have friends over, or talk to anyone on the phone. All because of the dumb secret.

  She couldn’t go over the fence either. But she didn’t exactly go over the fence. She just met Barbara next to it. Her mom couldn’t punish her for that. She found a friend without disobeying her mom.

  But then she remembered. She was forbidden by her mom to have any friends. Her dad was okay with it, but her mom said that friends would lie and cheat her. She said that she should never trust anyone. They will give away secrets, lie, and be mean.

  Barbara doesn’t seem so bad, Bella thought. But would her mom agree ?

  Bella walked into the living room. Maryrose was on the sofa, reading a fashion magazine. “Hey, mom.” Bella smiled.

  “Hey, Bellie.” Maryrose sighed and flipped a page in her magazine.

  “Are we doing anything for my eighth birthday on Tuesday?” Bella softly asked.

  “Of course! We’ll be having cake and ice-cream!” Maryrose replied.

  “But Mom!” Bella groaned. “Can’t we go anywhere? Or have a REAL birthday party with REAL people over?”

  Maryrose sighed. “Bella, you know you aren’t old enough to leave the house. And you will have people over. Me, Daddy, and Eric!”

  Bella glanced over at her six year old younger brother. He was no fun at a party. Bella wanted real friends over, not just have a small party in her room. “Mom, look.” Bella said. Maryrose, annoyed, looked over at her daughter. “I have a friend. All I want for my birthday is to have her over.”

  Maryrose thought for a second. How had Bella met a friend? She never let her leave the house. It must be an imaginary friend. “Of course she can come over. But when you get your Sparkle, be sure not to show her!”

  Bella smiled. “Okay, mom!” Bella went to her room to think about what her Sparkle might be. A Sparkle was a special power or talent someone in her family got when they turned eight. Bella was sure hers had to be better than her mom’s, which was bad luck.

  Hopefully, she would get something awesome, like her aunt’s power, fashion. She could make stylish dresses in a blink of the eye. Or her cousin Andy’s power, controlling the elements. But she also hoped that she wouldn’t be powerless, like her dad. Her dad didn’t have a Sparkle. Bella hoped she wouldn’t inherit that!

  Bella skipped happily to her room. A friend and (hopefully!) a Sparkle. How could her birthday get any better?!

  Friday, April 18

  Dear Diary,

  I don’t know what to think of Bella. She seemed pretty nice, and I don’t see why Dad would keep me from her. Maybe it’s her parents, or maybe they have a mean dog? I don’t know. She sure seems nice. Well, she’s a lot nicer than Macy, Grace, and Natalie.

  Anyway, the kickball situation is back on track. I can kick the ball normally. But nothing horrible happened yesterday. I was really scared that talking to Bella would end bad, but it didn’t. It’s like the curse… skipped a day? I don’t know. But it’s really weird for this to happen.

  And I’m still trying to figure out the party thing. Macy, Grace, and Natalie are having a party, but it's at my house. They get to pick out the theme and the things for the party, but I have to buy them. They also get to pick the date. I don’t know if that’s fair, but I guess it is. I’ve never been invited to a party, and I guess this is how people do it.

  I still haven’t picked a name for this diary. Maybe since I’m having the party, “Party Days?” No. No way. “The Other Side?” Maybe. I mean, I’ve always wanted to see the other side of the fence, and now I have. It’s great, right? That’s what I’m putting. “The Other Side” Is the title of this diary.

  Chapter 8:

  Barbara scribbled on the name “The Other Side” on her diary. She slid it into the desk that was supposedly Natalie’s as Natalie, Macy, Laura, and Grace approached.

  Uh, oh. She thought. Here we go again!

  But to her surprise, they looked happy! “Oh, Barbara!” Macy sang as she stood next to Barbara.

  “What?” Barbara groaned. “I’m not getting out of the seat this time. I was here first and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

  Grace grinned. “Bar, that’s not what we’re here to talk about!” Laura and Grace sat down in the desks next to Barbara, and Macy and Natalie sat next to them.

  “Yeah!” Natalie smiled. “We’re here to talk about the party!”

  “Ok,” Barbara sighed as she placed her pen back in her backpack.

  “We picked the theme!” said Macy. “It’s going to be, Fun in the Sun!”

  “Okay. That sounds fun.” Barbara smiled. “When is it?”

  A wave of giggles sent over Macy, Natalie, and Grace. Finally, Grace made out a few words, “It’s….next Thursday!!!” They all laughed up a storm.

  “What’s so funny?” Barbara asked, slightly offended. They all went quiet. “Are you sure about the date, though? We have school next Thursday. It’s a school night. And Thursday’s my bad luck day.”

  Macy snickered. “Don’t worry!” She laughed. “It’s going to snow Friday, so we won’t have school the next day!” She laughed again.

  Barbara sighed. “But Thursday’s my bad luck day!”

  “Oh well!” Macy giggled. “Just don’t ruin the party!”

  “Yeah.” Natalie sneered. “Don’t blow up the waterslides you’re going to get!”

  “Waterslides?” Barbara gasped. “I have to get waterslides?!”

  “Yeah!” Grace smiled. “Five of them! And don’t forget the giant pool, snack bar, and band you’re gonna hire!”

  Barbara grimaced. “I-I-I’d do it but-”

  “Great!” Grace interrupted. “Now pass out these invitation to everyone in the school!” She handed Barbara a stack of green, sparkly, cards.

  “Thanks! You’re awesome!” Macy smiled as the four of them walked off.

  As they walked off, Barbara thought, Wasn’t it supposed to snow Thursday? Barbara also wondered how she was going to pull this party off with her parents. Mom and Dad wouldn’t let her buy five water slides, a pool, a snack bar, and hire a band! Maybe she just wouldn’t tell them. She’d buy them with her own money. But wait. She couldn’t afford that many water slides. She’d have to use her parents money. But it would probably get her in a lot of trouble.

  It’ll work out. She told herself. Besides, having a party would get her very popular, even if it cost her no TV for a month. It’ll will work out. She told herself again. She started passing out the invitations.

  As she was passing them out, she looked closely at the invitations. Barbara’s having a Party! said the headline.

  Time: 9 AM

  Date: Thursday, April 24

  Place: Barbara Wilson’s house

  Theme: Winter

  “What?” Barbara asked he
rself when she saw the theme. She walked over to Grace, who printed the invitations. “Grace, why does it say the theme is winter? You said the theme was Fun in the Sun!”

  Grace dramatically gasped. “Oh, Bar! Whoops! Simple typo! I’m sure everyone will understand!”

  Barbara cocked her head. “But-But how would they understand? Should I tell them?”

  “No!” Grace shrieked. “They’ll know! And if you do tell them, you’ll never be popular like us!”

  “Why?” Barbara asked.

  “Just do it.” Grace shrieked and kicked Barbara.

  “Okay, okay!” Barbara cried.

  Then, Mr. Marcantel walked in and said, “Okay, class! Settle down! It’s time to start class!”

  Barbara sighed and sat down. Boy, am I glad it’s Friday! She thought.

  Saturday, April 20

  Dear Diary,

  What am I going to do? Macy, Natalie, Grace, and Laura expect me to buy five water slides, a pool, a snack bar, and hire a band! I don’t have that much money… not even close! I have ten dollars left of birthday money and that’s it!

  And I think Grace is a terrible party planner. That was a pretty bad typo, putting winter instead of summer. At least it’ll be sunny, so people might understand.

  I don’t know whether to tell Mom and Dad about Bella. We met again by the fence earlier today, but all I had time to say was “Hi, gotta go!” and she said, “Come back at six o’clock. I want to talk to you!”

  I wonder what she wants to talk about. But I came so close to getting caught talking to her last time, I’m scared. What if Dad catches me?

  Should I invite Bella to the party? I mean, I haven’t known her for a while, but she’s pretty nice! Would Mom and Dad let me invite her to the party? Wait. Mom and Dad don’t even know about the party.

  Chapter 9:

  Bella anxiously glanced at the clock. 5:59. She looked down back at her book. She looked back up again. 6:00. Finally! She had been waiting all day to talk to Barbara.

  She got up and said, “Mom? Can I go play in the sandbox outside?”

  Maryrose sighed, “Sure, Bella, but be back in ten minutes! Supper will be ready!”

  “Ok, Mommy!” Bella smiled and dashed to the back yard. She saw Barbara playing kickball through the slits in the fence.

  “Psst...Barbara!” Bella whispered. Barbara looked over and walked up to her.

  “What do you want? I’m not supposed to be talking to you and you know that!” Barbara groaned. “I don’t want to get in trouble!”

  “I want to ask you a question! I’m having my birthday party Tuesday, and my mom said you could come.” Bella smiled.