Read The Other Side Page 4

  But this wasn't about the secret!

  Maryrose had told her the story a million times. When Maryrose was 12 years old, there was this boy that liked her. But she liked another boy, who was her father. One day, Maryrose, out of kindness, tells the other boy about her family’s powers, and entrusts him with the secret. But the boy right away told her father.

  Although her father didn’t believe him, he went to ask Maryrose if this was true. Maryrose, who now knew of the boy’s betrayal, kindly told her father it was a lie, and walked over to the boy. She cursed the boy and his family for the rest of his life.

  But the boy, now regretting his actions, begged and pleaded for mercy. Maryrose, being the usually-kind girl she was, made his curse only on Thursdays. The boy never toyed with Maryrose again.

  But now, Bella knew. Bella knew that the evil, betraying, boy was actually Barbara’s dad. Which meant that Barbara was probably tricking her! Her dad had probably told Barbara about the Sparkles, and now, Barbara was trying to get information on Bella’s powers.

  Yes, it all made sense now! Barbara had only befriended Bella because she wanted to find more about the powers and get revenge! Why else would Barbara become friends with her only days before her eighth birthday, the day she gets her powers?

  Anger bubbled inside of her. Barbara was never her friend! She was just using her!

  Bella ran down the street to her house. She opened the door and ran down the hallway. Freddy was on the sofa. “Hey, honey! Had fun outside?”


  What had she done? She would never talk to Barbara again. She would never look at her again. She would never think about Barbara again. She would never even walk onto or even look at Barbara’s property ever again in her whole life, because all Barbara ever was to her was a dirty, evil, little spy, following in her parent’s footsteps.

  Monday, April 22

  Dear Diary,

  I had the best time ever at the family barbeque yesterday! Nothing went wrong, no problems with Bella, (Except once), and my cousins and I had an awesome time!!!

  Uncle Randy’s steaks were the best, and Callie, who is a picky eater, actually ate them!

  But guess what? Today’s Monday. There’s only one day that’s worse than Monday. Thursday. But I hate Monday anyway. No more weekend days off.

  Anyway, back to the Bella problem. I’ve been thinking, and I’ve decided to give Bella (but not her mom) a second chance. Besides, she never did anything wrong. It’s just her mom that’s a crazy woman. I’m going to invite her over today.

  But I do wonder what was wrong yesterday. She was acting really weird when I told her about the curse. I don’t know why at all. Maybe she’s cursed too? I don’t know.

  Chapter 14:

  Bella had tried to make it a normal day. She really did. She had tried not to think about Barbara at all. Bella tried not to think about how that Barbara might know about the Sparkles. She tried not to think about how Barbara was probably only friends with her so she could get information on the Sparkles. Bella tried not to think about how Barbara might have told everyone she knew about the Sparkles. It just made her sick to her stomach.

  But she couldn’t stop thinking about it. She tried to think happy thoughts, like what kind of Sparkle she would get.

  Sparkle! That was it! She would get her Sparkle tomorrow! Tomorrow! She could get a Sparkle that would change everything! She could get time travel and she could go back in time to make sure she never met Barbara! Or she could get a Sparkle and mess with Barbara’s memory! Perfect!

  Bella smiled and walked outside. Everything would be fine. It!

  “Psst… Bella!”

  Bella spun around to see where the voice was coming from. It was from behind the fence. Ugh. Barbara.

  “I don’t want to talk to you.” Bella sneered.

  Barbara gasped. “What?! Why?!”

  She’s playing dumb. Bella thought. “You know why.” She replied.

  Barbara didn’t answer immediately. “No-No I don’t! Please tell me why you won’t talk to me!”

  Bella was getting mad. She knew Barbara’s plan. “You’re a spy! Don’t deny it!”

  “What?” Barbara choked back a tear. “I don’t know what you’re talking about! I thought you were my friend!”

  Bella scowled. “Well, I’m not! And you were never my friend either!” She yelled as loud as she could.

  Barbara started crying. “I knew it!” She sobbed. “You aren’t nice! And to think that I thought you were going to be better than Laura and her friends! And to think I was going to invite you over today! I’m glad Dad kept me from you! You are the worst friend ever! You’re even WORSE than your mom!”

  The words hit Bella like a wrecking ball. “Barbara,” She whispered. Barbara wasn’t a spy. Barbara didn’t know about the Sparkles. Barbara didn’t tell everybody about the Sparkles. Barbara was completely innocent.

  Just like Barbara’s dad.

  The words crushed Bella like a ton of bricks. Barbara’s dad was just being a kid when he went to tell Freddy about Maryrose’s powers. He was just being a kid, and Maryrose had ruined him and his family’s life for it.

  And Bella was doing the same exact thing. Being mean to an innocent kid. Fear creeped up Bella’s throat. She didn’t want to be like her mom, grouchy and mean. She didn’t want to have a Sparkle that cursed people and hurt them. No. Bella didn’t have many fears, but this was one of them.

  There was only one thing that Bella could do now.

  “Barbara, you have to believe me. I’m so sorry.”

  Chapter 15

  Barbara didn’t know what to think. What just happened?! First, Bella just called her a spy, yelled at her, and then destroyed their friendship. Barbara didn’t know what had gotten into Bella! What had she said or done to make Bella mad?

  Now Bella randomly begs for forgiveness! Barbara was still trying to process why Bella had screamed at her in the first place, and now she’s saying sorry?!

  “I-I-I-what?!” Barbara stammered. “What is up with you?!”

  “I’m sorry.” Bella replied. “There was a huge misunderstanding, and I thought you had done something really bad-”

  “What did I do?” Barbara interrupted. “I don’t know what I did to make you this mean,” Barbara frowned.

  “You didn’t do anything. Like I said, it was a misunderstanding, and now I see that you didn’t do it,” said Bella.

  “What did you think I did, though?” Barbara demanded. Bella didn’t answer. “Tell me,” Barbara demanded even louder.

  “I-I can’t tell you,” Bella nervously stammered.

  Barbara scowled. Bella wasn’t even going to tell her! “I knew I couldn’t trust you! You’re as bad as Macy, Grace, and Natalie!”

  Bella stopped. “Who?”

  Barbara couldn’t tell Bella about them. She couldn’t trust her. “I can’t tell you.” She sneered, mimicking Bella.

  Barbara heard a thump and then she saw Bella sitting on top of the fence. “Look, Barbara! I’m sorry! I can’t tell you! But could you please forgive me?” Bella asked.

  Barbara just wanted to forget about this whole thing. “Fine.”

  “Thanks.” Bella replied. She turned to jump to her side of the fence, but then Barbara remembered why she had came to talk to Bella in the first place.

  “Bella, wait!” Barbara called. Bella stopped. “Do you want to come over to my house? That’s what I had come to ask in the first place.”

  “Sure,” Bella replied happily and she jumped over to Barbara’s side of the fence. “But first, I want you to tell me about these girls, Laura, Macy, Grace, and Natalie.”

  Barbara didn’t want to. “I’d rather not,”
She nervously sighed.

  Eventually, Bella talked Barbara into talking about Macy, Grace, Laura and Natalie. Barbara talked about how she used to like playing with Laura, but she doesn’t like it much anymore because she is always hanging out with Macy, Grace, and Natalie. She told Bella about all the mean things Macy, Grace and Natalie have done to her.

  “You must hate them!” Bella laughed.

  Barbara flinched. “No-No I don’t! They’re my friends!”

  “But you just said they’re mean to you! How are you friends with them?” Bella replied.

  Barbara frowned. “You’re mean to me. I’m still your friend.”

  Bella didn’t reply. She just gave Barbara that Really? look. “For totally different reasons,” Barbara heard Bella mutter.

  Barbara finally answered. “They’re Laura’s friends. Laura loves them. If I hated her best friends, she’d hate me.”

  “But aren’t you Laura’s best friend?”

  Barbara hadn’t thought about that. If Barbara was Laura’s best friend, shouldn’t have Laura stood up for her? Barbara’s heart sank. Did Laura like Macy, Grace, and Natalie better than Barbara? Barbara didn’t want to think about that. She decided to change the subject.

  “Anyway, Macy, Grace, and Natalie do do nice things for me. Actually this Thursday, they’re throwing a-” Barbara’s face went white, remembering the party.

  “What’s wrong?” Bella asked, worried.

  “I completely. Forgot. About. The. Party.” Barbara gasped.

  Chapter 16

  Bella couldn't have imagined how rough Barbara’s life was. Her best friend, (who apparently wasn’t her best friend, in Bella’s opinion) had more friends that were mean and cruel to her.

  Now they’re throwing her a party? Bella didn’t understand any of this. And why would Barbara be freaking out if they were inviting her to a party? Maybe Barbara forgot to get a present?

  “What’s wrong?” Bella asked. “Did you forget to buy the present?”

  Barbara started rambling on about those girls, waterslides, snow days, Thursday, and curses. “What?!” Bella asked. “I didn’t understand any of that. Can you talk a little slower?”

  Barbara took a deep breath. “Well, the other day, Macy, Grace, and Natalie were being really mean to me, so Laura made them do something nice. They invited me to a party, except it’s at my house. They picked out the theme, which is Fun in the Sun, and they told me to buy lots of things for the party and the party’s Thursday and I completely forgot to buy the stuff!”

  Bella couldn’t believe it! These girls were the meanest people she had ever heard of! But Barbara seemed really committed to this party, so Bella decided to help her out. “What do you need to buy for the party? I can help you!”

  Barbara took another deep breath. “Five water slides, a pool, a snack bar, and hire a band.”

  Bella sighed. “Do your parents know about this?”

  “NO!!!” Barbara wailed.

  “Why didn’t you tell them?!” Bella demanded.

  “Because they’d say no! And Macy said that I’ll never be popular if I didn’t have this party, so I have to do it!” Barbara cried.

  Bella took a deep breath. Barbara had bitten off more than she could chew. “Listen. I’ll use some of my money and help you buy some stuff, but not all of it.”

  “But I have to get EVERYTHING!!!! I have to!” Barbara wailed.

  Bella groaned. “But we can’t afford all of that! Do you even know how much that stuff costs?!”

  “A lot?” Barbara guessed.

  “No duh.” Bella replied. “Look, I’ll make you a deal. I’ll use some of my parent’s money to get the stuff, although I’ll get in trouble, if you invite me to the party.”

  “DEAL!!” Barbara screamed immediately.

  “I’ve never been to a party,” Bella whispered.

  “Me either!” Barbara giggled. Both girls squealed in delight.

  “Ok,” Bella sighed, thinking up a plan, “I’m going to go into my house, and get my brother to cover for me. I’m going to get some of Mom and Dad’s money, and then we’ll go to the store.”

  Bella ran inside and found Eric sitting on the floor, reading. “Eric? I need a favor.” She told him.

  “What?” Eric moaned and closed his book. “Can’t you see I’m trying to read ‘Diary of a Crazy Kid?’”

  “What?!” Bella gasped, “Did you take that book off my bookshelf?”

  “Maybe…” Eric snickered.

  “YOU LITTLE- Oh, never mind! What I need to ask is if you can cover for me. I’m going somewhere, and I don’t want Dad and Mom to know.” Bella said.

  Eric thought for a second. “What’s in it for me?” He snorted.

  Bella sighed. Her brother was so difficult. “Whenever I get my Sparkle tomorrow, I’ll do you any favor you want.”

  “Deal.” Eric evilly smiled. “But what if you don’t get a Sparkle?”

  Bella didn’t answer. She didn’t want to. She didn’t want to think about that. “Eric, I’m leaving. If you get me in trouble, I’ll pulverize you.”

  “But you’ll be in trouble already so you couldn’t pulverize me!” Eric laughed as Bella slammed the door.

  Tuesday April 23

  Dear Diary,

  OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FORGOT TO TURN IN MY DIARY!!!!!!

  I showed up for class today, and Mr. Marcantel asked for the diaries, and I reached into my backpack, and it wasn’t there!!!! I left it on my desk at home!

  I begged Mr. Marcantel for another day, but he said no. Then he gave me an infraction! But then I told him he had to give me another day because I didn’t have it, and I couldn’t call home to get it because Mom and Dad were at work. So he said he’ll give me an extra day, but if I don’t turn it in by tomorrow, I’ll get an F, a trip to the office, and he’ll call my parents!! OH NO!!!!!!

  Anyway, the party situation is back on track. Bella used her parent’s money and we went to the store. We rented five waterslides, and they’ll be delivered by Thursday morning. Then we bought a little kiddie pool instead of a giant one. Then we bribed the neighborhood band, The Smashers, into playing at the party. Then Bella and I bought lots of snacks.

  I bet you're wondering how we pulled all of this off. Simple. We told people our parents were rich! I know that doesn’t sound believable, but it worked.

  But wait. I just thought about something. When they deliver everything tomorrow, won’t Mom and Dad find out? Well, they were going to find out anyway.

  This is probably my last entry in this diary. I had fun writing! Bye!

  Chapter 17:

  “BELLA!!!! WAKE UP!!!! NOW!!!!” Bella opened her eyes to see Eric on top of her. Maryrose and Freddy were above her to, both with anxious, eager smiles.

  “Whaaat?” She mumbled, half asleep.

  “Did you forget what today is?” Freddy chuckled.

  “Friday?” Bella mumbled.

  Maryrose snorted. “No! It’s Tuesday!”

  “YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!!!” Eric screamed and started jumping on the bed.

  “Yes,” Bella muttered, “Happy birthday to me, now let me go back to sleep.”

  “If you say so,” Freddy snickered, and the three walked out of the room.

  Then something clicked in Bella’s head. It’s my birthday! The day I get my Sparkle!!!! Bella jumped out of bed, and then looked at herself in the mirror. She didn’t look any different. She didn’t feel any different. She ran out of the room. “IT’S MY BIRTHDAY!!!” She ran out of the room screaming like a maniac, to find that Freddy, Maryrose, and Eric were still waiting for her by the door. She bumped into Freddy and landed on her butt. “Sorry, Dad!”

  “It’s okay!” Freddy chuckled. “I knew you’d come running out in a second! Now are you ready to try out your Sparkle?”

  “OF COURSE!!!!” Bella screamed.

  “What can you do?” Eric eagerly asked. “Can you fly? Are you super-smart? Can you levitate things? Because that would be awe
some because you could make me fly. Are you-” Eric rambled on and on.

  “I’m not super smart. If I was, I’d know.” Bella giggled.

  “Try to fly!” Maryrose smiled.

  Bella ran up to the sofa and jumped off. Bella landed flat on her face.

  “Oooowwww!” Bella moaned. “I don’t think I can fly. And does anyone have an ice pack?”

  “Ooh! Ooh! Can you do stuff with your hands? Like make stuff? Or make stuff do stuff?” Eric smiled.

  “I can try! And stop saying stuff!” Bella laughed as she got up off the floor. She waved her hand. Nothing happened.

  I wonder if I even have a Sparkle?

  The thought made Bella sick to her stomach. She pushed it away.

  “Do you feel like you have a new talent? Like, is there something you suddenly love to do now?” Freddy asked.

  “No,” Bella replied, “I still feel like the same old me!”

  Maryrose glanced at Freddy. Freddy sadly shook his head back. Seeing this formed a pit in Bella’s stomach.

  “Bella?” Freddy nervously squeaked.

  Don’t say it, don’t say it, don’t say it!

  Bella felt like needles were sticking into her. Don’t say it!

  “Bella, honey, I hate to say it,” Maryrose sighed sadly, “But you don’t have a Sparkle.”

  The needles turned into knives as Bella collapsed on the ground. “I HAVE TO HAVE ONE!!!” She sobbed. She had gotten so excited, so worked up, so overwhelmed over what Sparkle she would get. But she didn’t get one.

  Bella felt like she had been punched in the gut. She felt like someone had given her a piece of candy, and took it from her right before she put it in her mouth. She felt crushed.

  Maryrose sighed. “Bella, listen. It’s okay. You know your dad doesn’t have one, and you just inherited that! Eric is just going to get one instead of you! There’s nothing bad about that!”

  Bella couldn’t believe her mom just said that! Easy for her to say! She had a bad Sparkle! “YES THERE IS!” Bella screamed, choking back tears.

  She ran to her room. She had waited her whole life. Her whole life. She waited eight years...for nothing. She cried. She hid under her covers on her bed, trying to go back to sleep. Maybe she could wake up, and start the day over again. Maybe it was all just a dream.

  Bella drifted off to sleep. About an hour, she woke up, feeling relived. It was all a dream! She’d get her Sparkle, and have a great life.

  But then Freddy and Maryrose walked in with a cake. “Hey, I made you a cake,” Maryrose nervously smiled.