Read The Outdoor Girls in a Winter Camp Page 22



  Finding an injured man in a lonely cabin, practically snowed in, was notthe only surprise the girls were to receive that day. The other followedquickly on the heels of the first. It was Mollie who "sprung it," asWill said afterward, and even Grace did not rebuke him for his slang.

  Betty, followed by the others--rather timidly followed, it must beconfessed--approached the bunk where the man lay. He had indeed faintedand his face was woefully white. Then Mollie cried out:

  "Why it's that man--the one who rescued us from the ice floe. It's thekind lumberman!"

  The others stared at her for a moment, and then looked at the burly formamid the rough blankets. A light broke over Betty's face.

  "It _is_ the same one!" she cried. "Oh, girls, here is a chance for usto repay him for what he did for us!"

  "But what--what can we do?" asked Grace. "We can't fix his broken leg!"

  "No, but we can get him something to eat--some hot coffee, and revivehim. Then we can go for help!" exclaimed practical Betty. "Now, girls,the first thing to do is to build a fire, and heat some water. Thedoctor will want that when he comes. We'll make some coffee, too. Thenwe'll see what is next to be done."

  The outdoor girls were used to doing things for themselves. They had notlived in their cabin a month, building fires, getting their own mealsand doing practically all the hard work, for nothing. They knew how toproceed, now that there was need of haste.

  Betty, looking among the stores in the cupboard, found a bottle ofstrong ammonia. This she carefully brought to the man's nostrils. Hisbreathing became quicker, and soon he opened his eyes. Wonderingly hestared about him.

  "What--what happened? Who are you--girls? Oh, I guess I must have keeledover. Mighty foolish of me. Oh, my leg!"

  A spasm of pain shot over his face.

  "Lie still," said Betty soothingly. "We will send for help. Here, drinkthis," and she held some water to his lips. He supported himself on hiselbow, and drank greedily.

  "First I had in a long time," he apologized huskily.

  Mollie and Grace were making the fire, while Amy was washing out thepot, and putting some ground coffee in it. The stove was blazing well,and the kettle was put on to boil. The man drank some more water andseemed better.

  "I slipped and fell coming home the other day," he explained. "I didn'tthink it was much more than a sprain at first, but the next morning Icouldn't walk, and I knew my leg was broken. Then come this last bigstorm, and nobody passed here. I yelled for help until I was hoarse, butit did no good. I had about given up when you girls came along. Ihaven't been able to even crawl, the pain was so bad. I just had to keepcovered up to prevent freezing."

  "You'll soon be all right," said Betty soothingly. "We are makingcoffee."

  "Yes, I can smell it. It's mighty good of you girls."

  "You know who we are; don't you?" asked Mollie.

  "I can't say as I do. The light ain't very good in here."

  "Don't you remember the girls who were stranded in the ice boat; and howyou pulled us to shore?"

  "Oh, are you those girls? Well, land be!"

  "Here is some coffee," said Betty, pouring out a fragrant cup. "Icouldn't find any milk, though."

  "I never use it. I like it black. You can sweeten it with molasses.You'll find some in that jug," and he indicated it. "Well, well, tothink you're those girls!" he murmured as he sipped the hot beverage.Every moment he seemed to be stronger, though his pain in his leg madehim wince every now and then.

  "We must get a doctor for you--or send the boys," spoke Betty. "Won'tyou tell us who you are? So we will know how to tell the physician."

  The man hesitated a moment, and looked sharply at the girls.

  "I didn't aim to tell my name," he said slowly. "I didn't want it knownthat I had come back. But I can't see that there's any harm in tellingyou girls. You won't know my story, and I guess the doctor won't either.I'm Paddy Malone!"

  Grace started. The name stirred half-forgotten memories.

  "What!" she cried. "Paddy Malone, who used to work for Mr. Ford?"

  It was the turn of the lumberman to start.

  "Mr. Ford!" he exclaimed. "Do you know Mr. Ford?"

  "I am his daughter," said Grace simply, "and he has been looking allover for you. He has had trouble about a lumber tract and he thinks youcould straighten it out for him, and prove his claim. Are you reallythat Paddy Malone?"

  "I am," said the man humbly, "and this is a judgment on me--a judgmenton me! To think that James Ford's daughter should help me. Well, well!Yes, I am that Paddy Malone," he went on in louder tones, "and I canprove your father's claim. I'm through with that Jallow crowd, now.Through with 'em! Get a doctor, girls, if you can, and I'll telleverything when I'm fixed up. I'll prove James Ford's lumber claim forhim, and show those swindlers that they can't fool Paddy Malone! I'llshow 'em!"

  He sank back on his pillow exhausted, while Betty made haste to bringmore coffee.