Read The Outdoor Girls in a Winter Camp Page 9



  Only a glance was needed to show that none of the party of campers hadbeen more than bruised. They were all up now, getting rid of theentangling rugs, and collecting the scattered baggage, which had slidover the ice in various directions.

  "Never mind that," advised Allen, who was busy with the ropes of the iceboat. "Let's right this, fellows," he suggested, "and see if it'sdamaged any. It doesn't look so; but we'd better make sure."

  It was no easy task to get the boat on her runners again, but the girlslent their strength, no small feature in the aggregate, and soon the_Spider_ was on her legs again, if that be the proper term.

  "Look--they seem to be having trouble," remarked Betty, pointing to theoverturned ice boat with one hand, while with the other she tried to gether rebellious hair in some sort of order. Her locks had becomeloosed--as had those of her chums--in the spill.

  The youth who had been responsible for the accident was standing nearAlice, seemingly ill at ease. Alice Jallow appeared to be crying. Theboat was some distance off, and it needed but a glance to show that themast was broken.

  "Maybe she's hurt!" suggested Will, starting on the run toward the twofigures. Allen had lowered the sail of the _Spider_ and had tossed out asharp-pronged ice anchor.

  "Shall we--I wonder if we had better go _to_ Alice?" asked Mollie,doubtfully.

  "Oh, yes, we must, I think," spoke Betty. "Come on, girls." And evenAmy, who might have been excused for not going, under the circumstances,started toward Alice, while Allen and Frank seeing that there wasassistance enough, worked to get their own craft in shape, and toreplace the rugs and luggage.

  "Are you--can we help you--is there anything the matter, Alice?" askedBetty, gently, as she reached the sobbing girl.

  "I can't get her to tell me," spoke Harry Brook. "But I don't believeshe's more than scared."

  "I am so! My elbow hurts terrible!" exclaimed Alice, petulantly.

  "Perhaps if I look at it," suggested Grace, laying a hand on the arm ofAlice.

  "I'll thank you to let me alone!" was the snappish retort. "It was yourfault we upset, anyhow. Let me alone!"

  "Whew!" whistled Will. "Well, I like that!"

  And his sister and her chums wished they were free to express themselvesas forcibly.

  "Our fault!" cried Will. "Why, you came right for us, Brook! You knowyou did. We had to jibe to get out of your way, and that's what put usin bad."

  "I know it--I'm sorry," Harry had the grace to answer. "My mast isbroken, too. The rudder seemed to jam, and I couldn't shift it."

  "Well, I guess we can be of no service here," said Betty, a bit coldly."Come on, girls," and without so much as a glance at the girl who hadspurned their kind offer the four chums started back. It was veryevident that Alice was not much hurt, for she walked off to one side.

  "Shall I give you a hand at righting your boat, Harry?" asked Will,after rather an awkward pause.

  "Yes--if you will. I guess I don't know so much about ice craft as Ithought I did. It was easy enough going before the wind, but when Iturned to tack I had trouble. I'll just run her up on shore and see whatI can do to-morrow about getting a new mast. Any of your crowd hurt?"

  "No, only their--feelings."

  "I'm sorry."

  "Oh, well, accidents will happen." Will looked narrowly at Alice, butshe averted her gaze. Then, when Harry had assured him there was nothingmore to do, Will set out to rejoin his friends, while Harry, aftersliding the ice boat to shore, set off down the frozen stream withAlice.

  "I wouldn't like to be in his shoes," remarked Frank when the situationhad been explained to him. "Alice will have it in for him, all right."

  "Well, perhaps after her show of uncalled-for temper he'll not want tohave anything more to do with her," said Mollie. "I wouldn't--if I werein his place."

  Allen found that their ice boat had not been in the least damaged, andwhen the spilled-out possessions had been gathered up and replaced, theyresumed their way with the hoisting of the sail.

  "I hope the lunch isn't spoiled," remarked Grace. "I'm hungry."

  "So am I," was the general admission.

  A few miles farther on they came to a sheltered cove where they stoppedand ate dinner. They made hot chocolate over a little fire of driftwoodon shore.

  Then they kept on up the river, the wind holding good, and about threeo'clock reached the lumber camp. Allen sent the ice boat up to thelittle dock in proper style, and one after another the young peopleleaped out.

  "Whoop!" yelled Will. "Here we are! Whoop!"

  "Be still, you--Indian!" begged Grace.

  "Indians always whoop," he said. "I want to let Franklin know we'rehere!"

  From one of the cabins, clustered in the wood, a short distance backfrom the shore of the frozen river, came a grizzled but pleasant-facedman. In the doorway stood a short, stout woman, smiling a welcome.

  "Well, you got here, I see," remarked Mr. Franklin, genially, as he tooktwo suitcases. "Mother and I've been expecting you, and we've got a hotsupper all ready but putting on the table."

  "Oh, that was too much work, though it's lovely of you!" protestedGrace.

  "We expected to cook our own meal," added Mollie. "You will get us intobad habits."


  _The Outdoor Girls in a Winter Camp._]

  "Eatin's the best habit I know of!" chuckled the care-taker. "I've beenacquirin' it for a good many years and it hasn't hurt me yet. I expectto keep right on with it, too. I hope you didn't lose your appetites onthe way."

  "No danger," remarked Will. "Is everything all right?"

  "Yes. All your stuff come; there's a lot of grub, plenty of wood, andall you've got to do is to enjoy yourself."

  "Has that fellow--Jallow--or any of his men made trouble?" Will asked,when the girls had gone on ahead.

  "Not much; no. I did catch one of 'em on our land the other day--on landthere's no question but what your father owns. I ordered him off."

  "Did he go?"



  "Well, no, not exactly. I had to sort of--shove him off, and I'm afraidhe stumbled and bumped his nose," chuckled Mr. Franklin.

  "That's the way!" cried Will, laughing.

  The cabins to be occupied by the boys and girls were close together, andthat used by Mr. Franklin and his wife was not far off. All three werenear to the water, and back of them was a forest of big trees, gauntand bare now, their black limbs tossing restlessly in the wind.

  Baggage was put away, a hasty survey was taken of the camp and thecabins, and then, as it got dark soon, Mrs. Franklin, with whom all thegirls fell in love at first sight, suggested an early supper. And a mostbountiful one it was, though the dining room was rather taxed. But thatonly made it the more merry.

  "And now to get settled!" exclaimed Betty, as she and the girls wentover to their cabin.

  "You'll find the bunks all made up!" called Mrs. Franklin, "and if youhaven't covers enough you'll find more in the big chest."

  "That's good," agreed Grace. "I hate to be cold!"

  "You want to get more flesh and you'll be warmer!" said Amy, who wasrather plump.

  "Ugh! Flesh! Never!" declared the willowy Grace.

  They began unpacking their trunks and suitcases, each one appropriatingpart of the bureaus and wall space. From the cabin of the boys cameshouts and laughter.

  "Cutting up--as usual," observed Grace. "Oh, I wonder if I left out thatbig box of chocolates?" and frantically she began searching in hertrunk.