Read The Outdoor Girls of Deepdale; Or, camping and tramping for fun and health Page 1




































  Four girls were walking down an elm-shaded street. Four girls, walkingtwo by two, their arms waist-encircling, their voices mingling in rapidtalk, punctuated with rippling laughter--and, now and then, as theirhappy spirits fairly bubbled and overflowed, breaking into a few waltzsteps to the melody of a dreamy song hummed by one of their number. Thesun, shining through the trees, cast patches of golden light on the stonesidewalk, and, as the girls passed from sunshine to shadow, they made abright, and sometimes a dimmer, picture on the street, whereon were othergroups of maidens. For school was out.

  "Betty Nelson, the idea is perfectly splendid!" exclaimed the tallest ofthe quartette; a stately, fair girl with wonderful braids of hair onwhich the sunshine seemed to like to linger.

  "And it will be such a relief from the ordinary way of doing things,"added the companion of the one who thus paid a compliment to her chumjust in advance of her. "I detest monotony!"

  "If only too many things don't happen to us!" This somewhat timidobservation came from the quietest of the four--she who was walking withthe one addressed as Betty.

  "Why, Amy Stonington!" cried the girl who had first spoken, as she tossedher head to get a rebellious lock of hair out of her dark eyes. "The veryidea! We _want_ things to happen; don't we, Betty?" and she caught thearm of one who seemed to be the leader, and whirled her about to lookinto her face. "Answer me!" she commanded. "Don't we?"

  Betty smiled slightly, revealing her white, even teeth. Then she saidlaughingly, and the laugh seemed to illuminate her countenance:

  "I guess Grace meant certain kinds of happenings; didn't you, Grace?"

  "Of course," and the rather willowy creature, whose style of dressartistically accentuated her figure, caught a pencil that was slippingfrom a book, and thrust it into the mass of light hair that was like acrown to her beauty.

  "Oh, that's all right, then," and Amy, who had interposed theobjection, looked relieved. She was a rather quiet girl, of thecharacter called "sweet" by her intimates; and truly she had thedisposition that merited the word.

  "When can we start?" asked Grace Ford. Then, before an answer could begiven, she added: "Don't let's go so fast. We aren't out to make awalking record to-day. Let's stop here in the shade a moment."

  The four came to a halt beneath a great horsechestnut tree, that gavewelcome relief from the sun, which, though it was only May, still hadmuch of the advance hint of summer in it. There was a carriage block nearthe curb, and Grace "draped herself artistically about it," as MollieBillette expressed it.

  "If you're tired now, what will you be if we walk five or six miles aday?" asked Betty with a smile. "Or even more, perhaps."

  "Oh, I can if I have to--but I don't have to now. Come, Betty, tell uswhen we are to start."

  "Why, we can't decide now. Are you so anxious all of a sudden?" and Bettypulled down and straightened the blue middy blouse that had been rumpledby her energetic chums.

  "Of course. I detest waiting--for trains or anything else. I'm just dyingto go, and I've got the cutest little traveling case. It--"

  "Has a special compartment for chocolates; hasn't it, Grace?" askedMollie Billette, whose dark and flashing eyes, and black hair, with justa shade of steely-blue in it, betrayed the French blood in her veins.

  "Oh, Grace couldn't get along without candy!" declared Betty, with asmile.

  "Now that's mean!" exclaimed Grace, whose tall and slender figure, andface of peculiar, winsome beauty had gained her the not overdrawncharacterization of "Gibson girl." "I don't see why Billy wants to alwaysbe saying such horrid things about me!"

  "I didn't say anything mean!" snapped Mollie, whose pseudonym was moreoften "Billy" than anything else. "And I don't want you to say that Ido!" Her eyes flashed, and gave a hint of the hidden fire of temper whichwas not always controlled. The other girls looked at her a bitapprehensively.

  "If you don't like the things I say," she went on, "there are those whodo. And what's more--"

  "Billy," spoke Betty, softly. "I'm sure Grace didn't mean--"

  "Oh, I know it!" exclaimed Mollie, contritely. "It was horrid of me toflare up that way. But sometimes I can't seem to help it. I beg yourpardon, Grace. Eat as many chocolates as you like. I'll help you. Isn'tthat generous?"

  She clasped her arms about the "Gibson-girl," and held her cheek close tothe other's blushing one.

  "Don't mind me!" she cried, impulsively. Mollie was often this way--in alittle whirlwind of temper one moment, and sweetly sorry for it thenext, albeit her little spasms of rage were never serious, and seldomlasted long.

  "Forgiven," murmured Grace. "But I am really anxious to know when we canstart our Camping and Tramping Club. I think the idea is perfectlysplendid! How did you come to think of it, Betty?"

  "I got the idea from a book--it isn't original by any means. But thenI always have been fond of walking--out in the country especially.Only it isn't so much fun going alone. So it occurred to me that yougirls would like to join. We can take a nice long tramp the firstopportunity we get."

  "Just us four?" asked Grace.

  "No, not necessarily. We can have as many members as we like."

  "I think four is a nice number," spoke Amy. She was rather shy, and notgiven to making new friends.

  "We four--no more!" declaimed Mollie. "Suppose we do limit it tofour, Betty?"

  "Well, we can talk of that later. And I do so want to talk of it. Ithought we'd never get out of school," and the four who had just beenreleased from the Deepdale High School continued their stroll down themain street of the town, talking over the new plan that had been proposedthat morning by Betty Nelson--the "Little Captain," as she was oftencalled by her chums, for she always assumed the leadership in their funand frolics.

  "Will we just walk--walk all the while?" asked Grace. "I'm afraid Ishan't be able to keep up to you girls in that case," and she swung abouton the sidewalk in a few steps of a mazy waltz with Amy.

  "Of course we won't walk all the while," explained Betty. "I haven't allthe details arranged yet, but we can set a certain number of miles tocover each day. At night we'll stop somewhere and rest."

  "That's good," sighed Grace, with a glance at her small and daintilyshod feet.

  "Oh, here comes your brother Will!" Betty called to her.

that horrid Percy Falconer is with him," went on Mollie. "I--I can'tbear him!"

  "He's seen Betty--that's why he's hurrying so," spoke Grace. "Probablyhe's bought a new cane he wants to show her."

  "Stop it!" commanded Betty, with a blush. "You know I can't bear him anymore than you girls can."

  "You can't make Percy believe that--my word!" and Mollie imitated themannerism perfectly. For young Falconer, be it known, was partial to goodclothes of a rather flashy type, and much given to showing them off. Hehad very little good sense--in fact, what little he had, some of hisenemies used to say, he displayed when he showed a preference for prettyBetty Nelson. But she would have none of his company.

  "I don't see why Will wants to bring him along," remarked his sisterGrace, in a petulant tone. "He knows we don't like him."

  "Perhaps Will couldn't help it," suggested Amy.

  "That's nice of you to say, Amy," commented Grace. "I'll tell Will--sometime when I get a chance."

  "Don't you dare! If you do I'll never speak to you again!" and the pinksurged to a deeper red in Amy's cheeks.

  "Betty'd much rather have Will pick up Allen Washburn," remarked Mollie,in decisive tones. "Wouldn't you, Bet?"

  "Oh, please don't say such things!" besought Betty. "I don't see why youalways--"

  "Hush, they'll hear you," cautioned Grace. "Let's pretend we don't seethem. Hurry up! I've got a quarter, and I'll treat you to sodas. Come onin Pierson's drug store."

  "Too late!" moaned Billy, in mock-tragic tones. "They are waving tous--we can't be too rude."

  Will Ford, the brother of Grace, accompanied by a rather overdressedyouth slightly older, had now come up to the group of girls.

  "Good afternoon!" greeted Percy Falconer, raising his hat with anelaborate gesture. "Charming weather we're having--my word!" Percy ratherinclined to English mannerisms--or what he thought were such.

  "Hello, Sis--and the rest of you!" said Will, with a more hearty, andcertainly a more natural, air. "What's doing?"

  "Grace was going to treat," said Amy slowly; "she is so good aboutthat--only--"

  "Oh, girls! This is on me!" exclaimed Percy. "I shall be delighted. May Ihave the honor?" and again he took off his hat with an elaborate bow.

  "Shall we?" Betty telegraphed this question to her friends with hereyes.

  "Take the goods the gods provide," murmured Grace. "I can save my quarterfor another time."

  With a rather resigned air Betty followed her chums into the drug storeand presently all were lined up before the marble-topped counter.

  "The soda's delicious to-day," murmured Grace. "I've a good notion to getsome fudge," and she began toying with a little silver purse.

  "Save your money for our club," advised Mollie. "Did you hear of ourexpedition?" she asked Will.

  "No, what's that? Are you going to try for the East or West pole?--seeingthat the North and South ones have been captured," and he laughed,thereby getting some of the soda down his "wrong throat."

  "Serves you right," murmured his sister, as he coughed.

  "Betty is going to form a Camping and Tramping Club," went on Amy.

  "Fine!" exclaimed Percy. "Are you going to take gentlemen? If so,consider my application."

  "Oh, we really mean to _walk_!" exclaimed Grace, with a glance atthe too-small patent leather shoes the overdressed youth thrustout ostentatiously. If he understood the allusion he gave no signof so doing.

  "What's the game, Sis?" asked Will, quizzically.

  "Why, it isn't anything very elaborate," explained Betty, as she finishedher soda. "It occurred to me that, as school closes exceptionally earlythis year, some of us girls could go for a two weeks' tramping tourbefore our regular summer vacation."

  "And we're all in love with the idea," declared Amy.

  "Twenty miles a day is our limit," added Mollie, smiling behind theyouth's back.

  "Twenty miles!" faltered Percy. "You never can do it--never!"

  "Oh, yes, we can," said Betty, assuredly.

  "Now do you still wish to join?" asked Grace, pointedly, glancing atPercy.

  "You never can do twenty miles!" affirmed Percy. "Let's have some moresoda!" he added quickly, to change the subject.

  To the credit of Grace Ford, who was really very fond of sweets, be itsaid that she refused, and that with the mocking eyes of all the girlsfastened on her.

  "I've had enough," spoke Betty. "You walk with me," she whispered toAmy. "I don't want Percy to bore me. Stay near me, do!"

  "I will," promised Amy.

  Balked of his design to stroll beside Betty, Percy was forced to becontent with Mollie, and she, with malice aforethought, talked at him ina way he could not understand, but which, the other girls overhearing,sent them into silent spasms of laughter.

  "Don't you find it troublesome to carry a cane all the while?" Mollieasked him, sweetly ignorant.

  "Oh, I don't _have_ to carry it," he said quickly.

  "Don't you? I thought on account of not being able to walk--"

  "Why, Mollie--I can walk all right."

  "Oh, I misunderstood you. You said twenty miles was too much."

  "I meant for girls."

  "Oh, then you carry the cane for dogs."

  "No, indeed. I'm not afraid of dogs."

  "He doesn't know she's 'spoofing' him--I believe that is the properEnglish word; isn't it?" whispered Grace, who was with her brother.

  "Correct, Sis."

  "Whatever did you want to bring him along for?"

  "Couldn't help it. He fastened to me when I came out of school, and Icouldn't shake him off. Is Bet mad?"

  "You know she doesn't like him."

  "Well, tell her it wasn't my fault, when you get the chance; will you? Idon't want to get on her bad books."

  "I'll tell her."

  "I say, Sis, lend me a quarter; won't you? I'm broke."

  "You had the same allowance that I did."

  "I know, but I need just that much to get a catching glove. Goon--be a sport."


  "Don't say you haven't got it. Weren't you going to treat the crowd whenI brought Percy along and let you sting him?"

  "Such horrid slang!"

  "Go on, be a sport! Lend me the quarter!"

  Grace produced it from her purse. There were several other coins in it.

  "Say, you're loaded with wealth! Where'd you get it?"

  "I just didn't spend it."

  "Go on! And you with a two-pound box of chocolates--or what's left of'em--under your bed!"

  "Will Ford, did you dare go snooping in my room?" and she grasped hisarm, apprehensively.

  "I couldn't help seeing 'em. I was looking for my ball, that rolledin there."

  "Did you--did you eat them all?" she faltered.

  "Only a few. There's Allen Washburn, I want to speak to him," and Willran off uncermoniously, to join a tall, good-looking young man who was onthe other side of the street. The latter, seeing the girls, raised hishat, but his glance rested longest on Betty, who, it might have beenobserved, blushed slightly under the scrutiny.

  "Allen always has a book with him," murmured Amy.

  "Yes, he's studying law, you know," spoke Betty.

  Some other girls joined the four then, and Percy, seeing that he wasrather ignored, had the sense to leave, making an elaborate departure,after what he considered the correct English style.

  "Thank goodness!" murmured Mollie. "Puppies are all right, but I likebetter-trained ones!" and her dark eyes flashed.

  "Billy!" exclaimed Grace, reproachfully, shaking an accusing finger ather friend.

  "Well, you don't like him any more than--than Betty does!"

  "Hush!" warned the Little Captain. "He'll hear you."

  "I don't care if he does," was the retort.

  Gradually the main part of the town had been left as the girls walkedslowly on. Houses were fewer now, and the trees not so large, nor wellcared for. The sun seemed to increase in warmth as it approached thewest, wherein was a ba
nk of fluffy clouds that soon would be turned intomasses of golden, purple and olive.

  "Oh, girls, I simply must rest again!" exclaimed Grace, as, with a wryface, she made for a smooth stump, which was all that was left of agreat oak that had recently been cut down, as it had died, and was indanger of falling.

  "What! Again?" cried Mollie. "Say, Grace, my dear, you never will be ableto keep up with us on the tramp, if you give out so easily now. What isthe matter?"

  "Matter? Look at her shoes!" cried Amy. "Such heels!"

  "They're not so awful high!" and Grace sought to defend her footwear fromthe three pairs of accusing eyes.

  "It's a very pretty boot," remarked Betty. "But hardly practical, mydear."

  "I suppose not," sighed Grace. "But I just simply could not resist thetemptation to take them when the sales-girl tried them on me. I saw themin Robertson's window, and they were such a bargain--a sample shoe shesaid--that's why they're so narrow."

  "You can wear a narrow size," spoke Mollie with a sigh. "I wish I could."

  "Oh, I think your shoes are a lovely shape," spoke Grace. "I wish I hadyour high instep."

  "Move over," begged Amy. "There's room for two on that stump, Grace."

  Grace obligingly moved, and her friend sat beside her, idly swinging acouple of books by a long strap. Betty and Mollie supported themselves bydraping their arms about each other's waists.

  "'Patience on a monument,'" quoted Betty, looking at the two onthe stump.

  "Which one?" asked Mollie with a laugh.

  "We'll divide the virtues between us; won't we, Amy?" exclaimed Grace,putting her head on the other's shoulder. "Now I'm--"

  "The sleeping beauty!" supplied Betty, "Do come on!" and after a littleargument, in which Grace insisted that she had not had more than aminute's respite, the four started off again. They were approaching theoutskirts of the town in the vicinity of which they all lived.

  "If this weather keeps up we can't start off on our tramping and campingtrip any too soon," remarked Grace.

  "When can we arrange for it?" asked Amy. "I think it is the nicest idea Iever heard of."

  "You can all come over to my house to-night," suggested Betty. "We canmake some plans then, perhaps."

  "Let's, then!" cried impulsive Mollie. "But do you really intend to doany camping, Betty?"

  "Yes, if we can. Of course not for any length of time--say a night ortwo. There are one or two places where camps are open the yeararound, and all you have to do is to go there and board, just as youwould at a hotel."

  "Only it must be much nicer," said Amy.

  "It is--lots."

  They had reached a place where the highway ran under a railroad line,that crossed on a high bridge. As the girls came under the structure afluttering bit of paper on the ground caught the eyes of Betty. Ratheridly she picked it up, and the next moment she uttered a cry that broughther chums to her side in some alarm.

  "Look!" she exclaimed. "A five hundred dollar bill is pinned to thispaper! A five hundred dollar bill, girls!"