Read The Outdoor Girls of Deepdale; Or, camping and tramping for fun and health Page 18



  That Betty's suggestion was the most sensible one which could have beenmade they were all willing to admit when they had thought of it for alittle while.

  "Of course it is possible for us to go out in this storm, and tramp on toBroxton," said Betty. "But would it be wise?"

  "Indeed not!" exclaimed Grace, as she glanced down at her trim suit,which the little wetting received in the dash to the house had notspoiled. "If we were boys we might do it, but, as it is--"

  "I won't admit that we can't do it because we are _not_ boys," saidBetty. "Only just--"

  "Only we're just not going out in this storm!" said Mollie, decidedly."We'll stay here, and if the people come back, and make a fuss, we'llpay, just as we would at a hotel. They won't be mean enough to turn usout, I think."

  "We'll stay--and get supper," cried Betty. "Come on, I'm gettinghungrier every minute!"

  "If the people do come," remarked Amy, "they ought to allow us somethingfor taking care of their house--I mean if they attempt to charge us as ahotel would, we can tell them how we shut the windows--"

  "At so much per window," laughed Mollie. "Oh, you are the queerest girl!"and she hugged her.

  "Well, let's get supper," proposed Betty again. "It will soon be dark,and it isn't easy going about a strange house in the dark."

  "There are lamps," said Mollie, pointing to several on a shelf inthe kitchen.

  "Oh, I didn't exactly mean that," went on Betty, rolling up her sleeves."Now to see what's in the ice box--at least, I suppose there is an icebox. There's a fire in the stove, and we can cook. Oh, girls! It's goingto be real jolly after all!"

  "And how it does rain!" exclaimed Amy. "We never could have gone on inthis drenching downpour."

  It was an exceedingly well-ordered house, and the girls, who had beenwisely trained at home, had no difficulty in locating an ample supply offood. They invaded the cellar, and found plenty of canned fruit, tomatoesand other things. There were hams, shoulders of bacon, eggs, and somefresh meat. Great loaves of evidently home-made bread were in the pantry.

  "We shall dine like kings!" cried Grace.

  "Better than some kings," said Betty. "Only I don't see any chocolates,Grace," and she laughed.

  "Smarty!" was the other's retort, but she laughed also.

  Such a jolly meal as it was! The girls, once they had decided in theirminds to make the best of a queer situation, felt more at home. Theylaughed and joked, and when supper was over, the dishes washed, and thelamps lighted, they gathered in the old-fashioned parlor, and Bettyplayed on a melodeon that gave forth rather doleful sounds.

  However, she managed to extract some music from its yellowed keys, andthe girls sang some simple little part-songs.

  "Too bad we haven't an audience," murmured Grace, as they ended up with"My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean."

  "The rain is audience enough," spoke Mollie. "As for someone's Bonnielying over the _ocean_--the yard is a perfect _lake_!" she went on,looking from the window.

  "It would have been foolish to go on," said Betty. "I am glad we havesuch a comfortable place."

  And comfortable it certainly was. The house, while a typical countryresidence, was very convenient and well ordered. Careful people lived init--that was easy to see. And as the rain pelted down, the girls satabout, the cat purring contentedly near them, and a cheerful fire burningon the hearth in the parlor.

  "I hope they won't make a fuss about the liberties we are taking," saidMollie, putting some extra sticks on the blaze. "Some persons never opentheir parlors in the country."

  "These people don't seem of that sort," said Amy. "At least, the parlorwas open enough when we closed the windows."

  "And how it rains!" murmured Grace, with a little nervous shiver.

  "Suppose the people come back in the middle of the night?" asked Mollie."They'll think we are burglars."

  "We must leave a light burning," decided Betty, "and a note near itexplaining why we came in and that we are asleep upstairs. Then theywill know."

  That was decided on as the best plan, and it was carried out. The girlswent to bed, but it was some time before they got to sleep, thoughfinally the steady fall of rain wooed them to slumber. No one enteredduring the night, and the morning came, still retaining the rain.

  "Will it ever clear?" asked Mollie, hopelessly.

  "The wind is changing," spoke Betty. "I think we can soon start."

  "But can we go away and leave the house alone?" asked Amy. "Ought we notto stay until the owners come back?"

  "How can we tell when they will come back?" demanded Grace. "Besides, Imust let my sister know why we were detained."

  "I suppose we will have to go on," said Betty. "If the persons livinghere didn't care about deserting their place we ought not to."

  "But what will they think when they come in and see that someone has beenhere?" asked Mollie.

  "We must leave a note explaining, and also some money for the foodwe took," decided Betty. "Or we can stop at the next house and tellhow it was."

  They debated these two plans for some time, finally deciding on part ofboth. That is, they would leave a note and a sum of money that theyfigured would pay for what they had eaten. They made no deduction forclosing the windows against the rain. They would also stop at thenearest house and explain matters to the residents there, asking them tocommunicate with the occupants of the deserted house.

  When this point had been reached, and when the note had been written, andwrapped around the money, being placed in a conspicuous place in thefront hall, the girls were ready to leave.

  The rain had slackened, and there was a promise of fair weather.Breakfast had been partaken of, and the dishes washed. The house was asnearly like it had been as was possible to leave it.

  "Well, let's start," proposed Grace.

  They went towards the front door, and as they opened it they sawadvancing up the walk a lady with a large umbrella, a large carpet bag,wearing a large bonnet and enveloped in the folds of a large shawl. Shewalked with determined steps and as she came on she glanced toward thehouse. As she saw the four girls on the porch she quickened her pace.

  "Girls, we're relieved," said Betty, in a low voice. "Here comes theowner, or I'm much mistaken!"