Read The Outer Worlds: Book One of the Epherian Chronicles Page 14

  He somersaulted as the water carried his body through the rapids and more than once he struck the rocks below. He caught sight of the edge of a waterfall. The current dragged him over; a moment later he was falling. Cynthia and Dog-Two were falling beside him. There was a large pond below, and he turned his body in mid-air to lessen the impact with the surface. His feet entered first, but his body was on an angle and the impact was heavy; he descended into the deep. A few seconds passed. He had lost all sense of direction and was dazed; the force of the fall had nearly knocked him unconscious. The surface was shimmering above. He had to force himself to react.

  He kicked his legs, propelling his body upward and breaking the surface. Dog-Two was already standing on the rocky edge of the pond, and Acacius was crawling out of the water. He couldn’t see Cynthia anywhere. There was hardly any current in the pond to pull her away, so he knew she must have been knocked unconscious by the fall. He dived back into the water and searched for her. The pond was deep and dark below. It was hopeless; he couldn’t find her anywhere. He took another breath and dived in again. He reached into the darkness and desperately searched in every direction until he couldn’t hold his breath any longer.

  As he resurfaced again he caught sight of Dog-Two drawing Cynthia’s limp body to the edge of the water. Dog-Two was biting into her jacket and dragging her up onto the bank. Michael swam to the edge of the pond and quickly went to Cynthia’s side. Her skin was pale, and she wasn’t breathing. Acacius watched on as Michael turned her on her side and attempted to empty the water from her lungs.

  ‘Come on, Cynthia, don’t die on me now!’

  ‘She is close to death,’ said Acacius solemnly. ‘I don’t think she will make it.’

  Michael lifted his wrist-com. ‘Sara, we are further down the river. We need you to extract us now. Cynthia is dying. I need a medical kit. Hurry!’

  ‘…On my way, Captain…’

  Michael lifted Cynthia in his arms and looked to the sky. The Out Drifter appeared from behind a rocky hill adjacent to the waterfall. There wasn’t a good place to land, so Sara brought the ship down to hover above the pond. She aligned the exit door with the bank. Michael dashed forward with Cynthia in his arms. He leapt through the door. Dog-Two and Acacius followed.

  Ivan was ready with the medical kit. They lay Cynthia down on the floor of the cargo bay. Ivan took a nervous system energizer from the kit, which was a device that delivered a highly directed shockwave through the entire nervous system to wake up the body and force it to respond. The device was especially useful for critical patients who were close to death. Ivan placed the device on her neck and within an instant her whole body heaved. He then took a nano injector and placed it on her wrist, injecting her with a full dose of medical nano-bots.

  ‘Her heart is beating, and she is breathing very shallowly,’ said Ivan. ‘The nano-bots will take some time to reconstitute her damaged tissue. She needs to rest. We should place her in a sleeping pod.’

  They lifted her into one of the sleeping pods, and Ivan sealed the pod. The ship rattled and an explosion rang out. Michael rushed to the control room.

  ‘I don’t know what I’m doing! What does this thing do?’ asked Ajax from the co-pilot seat.

  ‘Surely you can’t be that stupid!’ yelled Sara. ‘Redirect twenty percent of the reactor’s power to the weapon batteries.’

  ‘How do I do that? I’m not a pilot!’ growled Ajax as he fumbled with the controls.

  ‘Let’s swap,’ said Michael as he entered.

  Ajax glanced over his shoulder and smiled. ‘Cap, good to see you!’ he said as he jumped out of the seat.

  Michael sat down and looked out through the viewing panel. Sara was flying out of the atmosphere and manoeuvring to avoid a squadron of incoming alien fighters. He redirected twenty percent of the reactor’s power to the weapon systems. Meanwhile Sara brought the ship to full speed and angled away from the main alien battleships, which was hovering just outside Zeno Par orbit.

  ‘The electronic shield is running on emergency power. We can’t take another direct hit.’

  ‘What about interstellar speed?’

  ‘I’m working on it,’ she said hastily as she veered sideward to avoid an alien squadron. ‘Ethan, what’s the situation in the engine room?’

  ‘…The valve casings are holding, but interstellar speed could end it all. We could lose everything…’

  ‘We have sixty-five alien fighters chasing us. If we don’t get out of here we will lose everything anyway!’ she yelled as the ship pivoted on its axis to avoid several missiles.

  ‘Do it. Take the risk,’ said Michael.

  ‘This could be it, Captain,’ she said, biting her lower lip as she reached for the switches.

  Michael nodded. He closed his eyes and waited. The ship suddenly accelerated as the interstellar engine came online. A few long moments passed before the artificial gravity adjusted to the new speed. Michael held his breath as he waited. He opened his eyes. The interstellar engine settled into a steady rhythm.

  ‘We made it,’ she said, shaking her head. She took off the combat visor and slumped back in her seat.


  Ajax looked sternly down through the glass cover of the sleeping pod. Cynthia was resting peacefully. He took a sip of his hip flask. The warm taste of Halogen Hurricane warmed the back of his throat. Michael entered the cargo bay.

  ‘This young woman nearly got us all killed with her rescue antics,’ grumbled Ajax. ‘I think we should leave her at the next stop.’

  Michael looked down at Cynthia’s pale face and then glanced across at Ajax. ‘She saved your life on Herman Beta.’

  Ajax’s eyes narrowed; he stared at Michael in disbelief. ‘You have to be joking, Cap. Ivan said you saved me.’

  ‘You weren’t going to make it out. You only had a minute or two left. It was an impossible situation. There was no way we could carry you; you would have been dead before we reached the outskirts of the settlement. Cynthia refused to leave without you. She risked her life to save you.’

  ‘She wouldn’t leave without me,’ repeated Ajax in a whisper. He stared at her without blinking and dropped the hip flask; the liquor leaked out onto the floor.

  ‘She’s a good young woman, Ajax,’ said Michael as he turned away and walked toward the engine room.

  Ajax stood in that same spot for a long time and pondered Michael’s words.


  The crew were seated around the table in the living room. Acacius’s stern dark eyes were staring across the table at Michael.

  ‘I want everyone to meet my teacher, Acacius Trifon. He will be joining our crew,’ said Michael. They each introduced themselves and before long the conversation reverted to the events on Zeno Par.

  ‘Somehow the aliens learned of our location,’ said Acacius. ‘They may have already reported our presence to the End Machine.’

  ‘The aliens would have scanned the entire surface of the planet before the attack,’ said Sara. ‘They would surely have Michael’s face on file after the events on Herman Beta 3. They transfer continuous visual data streams from their scanners to the closest battleship. That’s how they found you.’

  ‘Then we will have to be careful,’ said Acacius. ‘We must discuss how we are going to reach Epheria Prime.’

  ‘Epheria Prime! Impossible,’ grunted Ajax. ‘No one can cross the borders of the Epherian Empire.’

  ‘There must be a way,’ said Acacius.

  ‘There is no way,’ said Ajax. ‘You know that better than anyone, Cap, and why are we even thinking about going to Epheria Prime?’

  ‘We have to rescue someone,’ said Michael.

  ‘What? Another rescue! Cap, we are a salvage crew. What’s this all about? I don’t want to be a rescuer. Why are we suddenly becoming a charity outfit?’

  No one said a word for a few moments.

  ‘We need to save the galaxy,’ said Michael.

  ‘Save the galaxy from wh
at?’ asked Ajax.

  ‘A darkness so deep and terrible that no one can stand against its power,’ said Acacius. ‘We must seek out the Magnifier. She is on Epheria Prime, and without her we will not be able to save humanity from the everlasting night which is descending on us all. A shadow is reaching out across the galaxy. The End Machine has found humanity and is seeking to enslave us. There could be a way to stop the machine, but we don’t stand a chance without the Magnifier.’

  Ajax lowered his eyes, crossed his arms, and leaned back in his seat. He looked up at Michael from beneath his deeply furrowed brow.

  ‘Sweet ablation! That’s just perfect,’ grumbled Ajax. ‘No profits and no way to cross the Epherian border. Do you know what happens to ships when they approach the Epherian frontier? They’re incinerated! The Epherians border cannons don’t ask questions; they just shoot. Even battleships are turned into space dust.’

  ‘We will find a way,’ said Michael, but they could sense the uncertainty in his voice.

  ‘There’s no way, Cap,’ said Ajax. ‘This idea of saving the galaxy is madness.’

  Ethan tapped the table, and they turned their attention to him. ‘I know a way, but it’s not going to be easy.’

  ‘I’m listening,’ said Michael.

  ‘There’s a planet called Arist 12; some of you may have heard of it.’

  ‘That’s where the Epherians mine Aristonium,’ said Sara.

  ‘That’s right,’ said Ethan with a nod. ‘The planet is situated in the Outer Worlds.’

  ‘What’s Aristonium?’ asked Ajax.

  ‘Aristonium is a precious stone that only exists in the Arist system,’ said Ethan. ‘It’s used by the Trade Guild to build GCTDs and other extra dimensional technologies. Scientists believe that part of the stone exists across other spacial dimension. The ore lacks the extradimensional qualities when synthesized in a lab; that’s why natural Aristonium is so important to the Epherians and the Trade Guild.’

  ‘What’s Aristonium got to do with us?’ asked Ajax.

  ‘The Epherians transport the raw Aristonium ore across the borders of the Epherian Empire in large freighters. They process the ore inside the empire. Before I joined the Out Drifter I worked for the Tunnel Makers, a faction of smugglers. At the time the Tunnel Makers had a deal with the navigators who operate the Aristonium freighters. They smuggled people and ships into the Epherian Empire for a price.’

  ‘How much?’ asked Michael.

  ‘Probably a lot more than we can afford,’ said Ethan. ‘But we may be able to make a deal with them, and remember, I was once a Tunnel Maker. They know me, and maybe I can negotiate a good deal.’

  ‘Where are the Tunnel Makers based?’ asked Michael.

  ‘On Bodach Delta, it’s an ice world.’

  ‘Nasty place,’ said Ajax. ‘This is a really bad idea.’

  ‘That’s where we have to go if you want to make a deal,’ said Ethan.

  ‘Then we will go,’ said Acacius.

  Ajax shook his head. ‘Cap, this is crazy. It’s got danger painted all over it.’

  ‘Ajax, you know I respect your opinion, and you are a valued crew member, but if you don’t want to come on this mission I can drop you off at the next stop.’

  Ajax lowered his eyes. His dry lips turned up at the corners and his weathered face broke into a smile, which looked out of place. ‘I’m just saying that it’s dangerous, Cap. I don’t plan on leaving the crew.’

  ‘Good. It’s decided. We will go to Bodach Delta and seek out the Tunnel Makers.’


  Sara set a course for Bodach Delta. Michael had been silent for some time. His mind was focused on the future and all the possibilities. He stared out through the viewing panel at the vast expanse of space. He had no idea how they would negotiate a deal with the Tunnel Makers.

  ‘Bodach Delta is a fifteen day trip at full speed. We will come close the alien battle zone, but I think we should be able to avoid any unwanted interruptions,’ said Sara as she finished programing the navigational computer. ‘We have to stop somewhere along the way to replenish the reactor.’

  ‘Have you searched for suitable locations?’

  She smiled, knowing that Michael knew the answer before he asked the question. ‘Of course.’

  ‘Where are we stopping?’

  ‘There is a moon called Nod 33. It’s a former Epherian outpost which was bought by a rich investor and turned into a holiday location. Unfortunately it’s a little too close to the alien battle zone to attract many tourists. The owner is developing a plan to convert it into a service centre for ships, but with the current expansion of war I don’t think the service centre will last more than a few years.’

  Michael smiled across at Sara. ‘We have been through a lot in the last few weeks. Sara, your skills saved our lives. I don’t know what I would do without you.’

  ‘You always say that.’

  ‘I mean it,’ he added.

  ‘I know you do, Captain.’


  A lone figure was standing inside the central dome of the alien fleet command. After their initial incursion into human held systems the aliens had built a main base on a prime world which they seized from the human race. The world was one of six in the Outer Worlds that acted as a base for the alien fleet. The ceiling of the dome was over two hundred metres in height and was made entirely of steel. A single door led into the dome which was perfectly circular. The dark stone floor was polished, and the whole area was lit dimly by florescent particles which floated in the air.

  Gartax was the only one who had the right to enter the dome and converse with the Master Shadow. He was a tall alien with an oversized cranium and sinewy muscles. His skin was paler than the average alien which had caused him to be a victim of relentless abuse in his early years. He grew up among the ranks of soldiers and gradually hardened, becoming a force to be reckoned with. He had fought his way to the position of Fleet Master over the course of twenty years, and many other ambitious aliens had died or been brutally subdued by his relentless climb to the highest position in the alien hierarchy.

  ‘I am here, Master Shadow. How can I serve you?’ he asked, speaking the harsh alien language.

  A swirling shadow appeared near the height of the dome, and the entire area became so dark that he could hardly see, even with his large orb like eyes which were well adapted to the dark. He was in awe of the power, and raw fear pulsed through his body.

  ‘The exiles have awoken,’ howled the voice out of the darkness, and the sound of the voice resonated throughout the dome. Terror tore through his body. He trembled and fell to his knees.

  ‘We…we are aware of their presence,’ he said, covering his eyes with his elongated fingers.

  ‘They have escaped your grasp twice already. You will find them or you will die!’

  Gartax bowed his head to the ground. ‘Our scouts are searching for their ship. We will locate them soon and when we do we will bring them to you.’

  ‘I have given your race almost half this galaxy; nevertheless, I will take everything away from you in an instant if you fail me. This is far more important than your pitiful war. Find the exiles or I will destroy your race and replace your people with a more agreeable alternative.’

  Gartax lifted his dark orb like eyes and trembled as he gazed up at the swirling shadows directly above. ‘We will not fail you. My commanders will find the exiles. I will bring them to you.’


  ‘We are approaching Nod 33, Captain,’ said Sara.

  Michael looked out through the viewing panel. He could see the planet Nod, which was a giant red planet made entirely of gas which was in orbit around eclipsing binary stars known as the Merton Brothers. The two stars were in very close orbit around each other; from a distance they had the appearance of a single star. Nod 33 was one of fifty-four moons in the orbit of the planet. The moon had been successfully terraformed by the Epherian Empire more than a thousand years earlier. No
d 33 hosted the only major settlement in the system. There were also a few small mining colonies on some inhospitable planets further away from the Merton Brothers.

  ‘Nod 33 Watchtower; this is the Out Drifter; Interworld code AMB712; mandated by the Outer World Salvage Guild. We request a landing dock and reactor refuelling,’ said Sara over the external com.

  There was no reply. Sara glanced at Michael and raised an eyebrow. She waited a few moments and then repeated the request.

  ‘…I have you on our scanners, Out Drifter…’ answered the clear voice of a woman. ‘…It is not clear why you would want to land here. Nod 33 has been abandoned. The alien fleet is nearing the system. Alien scout ships flew through the system four days ago. We are expecting an invasion…’

  ‘Abandoned? But you’re still down there,’ said Sara.

  ‘…I am a synthetic android. I work for Nod 33 Customs. I am the last remaining employee in the tower. Almost everything was abandoned in the haste to leave the system. I am not aware of any human beings currently abiding on the moon…’

  ‘Sounds like a salvaging dream,’ said Ajax, who was standing at the door to the control room.

  ‘We don’t have time to scavenge,’ said Michael.

  ‘Are we able to replenish our reactor?’ asked Sara.

  ‘…The reactor refuelling system is still online…’ replied the android. ‘…The payment GCTDs have been removed from the landing docks…’

  ‘We can hack the system with the quantum code breaker,’ said Sara. ‘Nod 33 watchtower; can you direct us to a landing dock with a reactor replenishment system for an Armorstonian class ship?’

  ‘…Dock A, position eighty-seven. I will set the navigational signal to guide you to the landing platform…’

  ‘Thank you.’


  The Out Drifter descended through the thick upper atmosphere and followed the tower’s navigational signal to the main landing dock. They could see a small city through the viewing panel which was set between a craggy mountain range and a large lake. The landscape surrounding the city was sparsely filled with tall conifers.

  ‘This world looks cold. Why was it a tourist destination?’ asked Michael.