Read The P.H.O.T.O. (VOL 2) The Saga Continues Page 16

  It was late Sunday and the day’s sun was beginning to set behind the Dangrek Mountains that were now to their west. He suggested, since he saw no visible signs of habitation, that they make their evening camp right there under the huge outspread limbs of the Indian Rose Chestnut tree under which they were currently standing.

  The soil was soft after the recent rainfall. Digging holes would be no problem. In short order they had their parachutes buried and Spook dug a hole to build a fire. Down in a hole the firelight could not be seen from a distance and they could heat up a few of the rations that they brought and make a hot cup of coffee.

  They had been sitting quietly sipping on their canteen cups of coffee when off to the northeast was heard a faint ‘boom’ and a flash of light – Sarge, patting the ring in his shirt pocket, said without looking up from his metal canteen cup...

  “Rest in peace ‘Captain’ Hugo Knight.”

  * * * * *

  Tuesday morning arrived bright and sunny – monsoon season was about over and the bright blue sky could actually been seen on some days – this was one of those beautiful days. Birds sitting in the trees singing, a slight refreshing 'after the rain' breeze blowing from the southwest, Sarge though, ‘what a glorious morning to still be alive!’ He then wistifully remembered Bertrand Russell’s thought, ‘War does not determine who is right - only who is left.’

  Breaking camp early they began their journey, on foot, northwest toward the town of Surin. Tuesday was spent walking and plodding along but otherwise uneventful except for the one poor peasant farmhouse they encountered. On a rustic weathered grey fence surrounding a small vegetable garden was, what appeared to be, a weeks washing of clothes. Hanging out additional garments was an elderly Thai woman, possibly the grandmother of the family that meeked out their meager existence in this remote locality. The group caught a glimpse of the farmhouse and the woman before she spotted them.

  Spook came up with a idea: stripping off his military shirt and wearing just his undershirt Tinker and he, posing as man and wife, approached the old lady and offered to buy some of her husbands old shirts and pants. Spook told her as they had been crossing the last river and lost his bag with all his clothing. This ruse worked without a hitch – the old Thai woman grinned a wide toothless grin - she was overjoyed by the money Spook gave her. The average yearly salary for a Thai famer was 2500 Baht per year. This amounts to $82.00 American dollars per year or roughly 23 cents PER DAY. The $20.00 Spook gave her for the clothes was nearly three month’s wages. No wonder the wide grin.

  * * * * *

  After a good rest Tuesday night and the exchanging of their military clothes into the ones obtained from the old Thai woman Wednesday found them on the outskirts of Turin. ‘Spooks’ brother was right – festive people were everywhere – laughing, drinking and frolicking about – all having a wonderful time enjoying the Day of the Elephant.

  Now to find the Northern Bus Station – Spook, speaking fluent Thai found out in just a few minutes where it was located. He also bought a red bandana. Returning to the others he relayed, “The bus station is on the other side of town, walking we can be there in about an hour or so say the locals.”

  “Good work,” said Sarge. “See you got the red bandana too. Let’s get moving toward the bus station.”

  * * * * *

  After their brief respite they trudged off on their tired feet once again. They pushed, shoved and eventually moved into the sea of frolicking holiday humanity.

  Taking the cue from the festive crown they joined into the merrymaking by yelling, dancing and making complete fools of themselves as they pushed toward their destination by moving along in the sea of partygoers and elephant lovers.

  It took a little over an hour to negotiate their way through the crowded streets to the appointed rendezvous point - the Northern Bus Station.

  They arrived early.

  Sarge thinking, ‘early is always better than late’ and he asked Tinker if she would wear the bandana since it seemed more appropriate for her than for one of the men. She happily obliged, just as long as she could find a place to sit down and rest her leg, second the large bandana covered her hair that she believed was a mess.

  The snakebite was healing, slowly, and fortunately no infection had occurred. Sarge had examined the wound at every rest stop during the past two days. He wanted to ensure it was healing properly and that no signs of infection were setting in. Tinker performed the same routine on Sarge’s shoulder – his wound was also doing well. Tinker thought he was a good doctor, ‘she wasn’t bad either’, thought Sarge.

  Little ‘S’ and Sarge split up and mingled with the crowd trying to appear as tourist enjoying the Elephant Festival. Spook and Tinker found a wooden bench where they sat and quietly talked.

  Little 'S' knew he shouldn’t, but he could not help himself, every few minutes he glanced at his watch. Anyone watching would have thought this strange – but maybe thought Junior, ‘they would think he was merely checking on the buses arrival time.’

  * * * * *

  At exactly 12 noon two men appeared at the edge of the bus pavilion. They seemed out of place dressed in their black business suits. Peering over their wire rimmed sunglasses they glanced first right then left. With a walk resembling two soldiers marching in step, they, and the sound of their hard leather shoe soles beating rhythmically on the concrete, quickly approached Spook and Tinker.

  Sarge and Little ‘S’ watched intently from a distant advantage point.

  Had they been discovered or was these guys our contact? Spook stood and bowed to each and then it appeared he was introducing Tinker to the two strangers.

  Spook looked in Sarge’s direction and gave him a head nod to come forward. Sarge walked across the bus pavilion to the gathering of Spook, Tinker and the two men not knowing what to expect.

  Was this a trap? He was glad he had left the entire ruck’ full of microfilm and documentation with Little ‘S’.

  ‘Thank goodness! I left the ruck’ with Little ‘S’? Come this far and now screw up! Can’t afford too!’ Sarge thought.

  Little ‘S’ did not move. He watched acutely the two stranger’s every move. What was he to do if it were a trap? He could casually walk by and jump the two if need be, he guessed, but what if they were not alone? Weapons? He had no weapons. They were hidden at the location where they changed clothes.

  ‘Damn Pop why didn’t you let me be the one to walk out there?’ he thought.

  Sarge stepped briskly across the concrete bus terminal, glancing cautiously at Spook for a sign. Spook gave him no clue as to what was happening or who the two strangers were.

  Sarge was about to abandon the ‘meet’ and attempt to flee on foot into the crowd when Spook spoke, “Master Sergeant Robert Edward Scarburg, SENIOR (he emphasized the Senior) come closer. I take great pleasure in introducing my two brothers.”

  “Two! I thought you said one?” Sarge asked kind of bewildered.

  “Well after I talked with Sam he called Su and they both decided to come meet us. Anyway, this ugly tall one is my oldest brother Sam Lin Kim and the other ugly one is my youngest brother Si (pronounced as 'see') Lei (pronounced as Lie') Kim.”

  Sarge reached out and shook hands with both, “The pleasure is all mine. You guys can be proud, you have a fine younger, or older as the case may be, brother!” he said laughing.

  At this he turned and gave the thumbs up sign for Little ‘S’ to make his appearance. When he joined the group he was introduced all around and the whole group stood and talked. All seemed to be getting along fine.

  Sarge was the first to remind the group that they had a mission to complete; he asked, “When will the bus arrive, so we can get out of here?”

  “Funny you should ask Sarge, no bus! Sam and Si have brought a car. We are going to Bangkok is style” said Spook. “They say it’s about a six hour haul.”

  * * * * *

  Little ‘S’ spoke as they were getting
into the glistening black, Mercedes-Benz 190D, 4 door sedan. “Damn ‘the company’ provides you guys with some nice rides.” Everyone got settled - Sam, Si Lei and Sarge in front and Little ‘S’, Tinker and Spook squeezed tightly in the back. The ruck’ safely locked away in the trunk. The riding conditions were cramped but anything would be better that that Surin to Bangkok bus trip. There they would not only have been cramped, hot and sweaty but they would have had to enjoy the company of not only the local un-washed but also their assortments of barn animals they were taking to markets, for example, goats, chickens and possibly a small pig or two. Oh yes, cramped in an air-conditioned Mercedes was much more preferable.

  Sam and Si Lei were both CIA operatives posted to Bangkok; however, Su Lei had just recently been transferred. Both worked out of the CIA's Special Operations Group and were assigned to the Special Activities Division. This bunch handled: sabotage, personnel and material recovery, kidnapping, bomb damage assessment, hostage rescue and counter terrorism. In effect, whatever clandestine activities CIA needed these guys were the ones who did it.

  During the long six hour ride from Surin to Bangkok the entire The P.H.O.T.O. story was unveiled to the two Kim brothers, including the part where the ‘Captain’ told them how the information in Sarge’s rucksack was going to get them killed if revealed; and how he told them to ‘run’ with the information.

  The ‘Captain’ or Captain Hugo Knight was no stranger to the Kim brothers they worked for him. They knew how experienced he was, ex-Special Forces and a used-to-be mercenary and now, well, a full time CIA agent- the brothers were amazed; if the ‘Captain’ was giving them advice to flee and not disclose their discovery to anyone, it must be huge – and they believed the story was just as everyone described – unbelievable yet real.

  * * * * *

  A couple of miles before reaching Bangkok the brothers pulled their big black shiny Mercedes over to the side of the road and stopped. Both front doors opened - one brother stepped out the driver’s side, the other exited on the passenger side. Sarge was left sitting in the middle.

  The two met in front of the 190D. One pulled out a pack of Camels and both lit up. As they smoked they talked - one would talk the other would shake his head, then they would reverse roles.

  Little ‘S’ sat watching the two Kim brothers go through their antics and he made the off hand statement, “You know, those two remind me of Bud Abbott and Lou Costello! Bingo – from now on their names will be Bud (Sam) and Lou (Si Lei).”

  In a couple of minutes they extinguished their smokes and returned to the car. Once they were seated Sam, the driver, turned and addressed the group, “Spur (Spurgeon) and Miss Lu are committed to the decision not to turn this P.H.O.T.O. data over to the authorities, along with you two guys, Sergeant Scarburg and Captain Scarburg. Si Lei and I talked it over outside – we have come to a decision too – we want to help you guys protect that ruck’ of data.”

  For a moment no one spoke then Sarge said, “I’m not sure I understand – you are helping us now. Do you mean something else?”

  “Yes,” said Sam. He continued, “Si Lei and I want to throw in with you guys. We mean all the way. We realize the importance of this information to the United States and we want to be part of the plan to protect it. We feel it is our patriotic duty.”

  “Sam and Si Lei would you excuse us and step back outside for a moment” Sarge asked of the two Kim brothers.

  As the doors on the Mercedes slammed shut, Sarge said “I don’t think we should let them throw away their careers with the ‘Company’ to join up with us. We don’t even know what WE are going to do with this damn stuff!”

  “I don’t know Pop, Spook's brothers have a lot of experience in the clandestine and covert operations field. Looks to me like they would fit right in and be a huge asset. I believe they could be a big help.”

  “Help...! Help...! Doing what? All we’re doing now is becoming fugitives. On the run trying to keep it from others that would miss use it,” said Sarge.

  “Hold on a second fellows! I think you both are right!” Spook said jumping into the fray.

  “Huh?” Returned Sarge, “we both can’t be right!”

  “Yes you both can... listen – Little ‘S’ is right – Sam and Si do have tremendous amounts of experience in the field of covert operations. I have never seen anything that is more covert than this. You know covert means: concealed, secret or disguised.

  Since they want to help – then I agree with Little ‘S’ we need them – but not with US but on the inside helping US!

  One is a Division Chief, and the other is in charge of the Branch that funds the ‘black operations’ of the CIA. They are the ones who fund the CIA without Congress knowing what the dollars are actually spent on.”

  You are right Big ‘S’ they would not be throwing away their careers, if fact, the rest of their careers, hell, the rest of their lives their careers would really mean something, be something, be important!

  All members of the Federal Government, whether civilian or military, take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution – how best could they do that than by helping us?”

  “Damn Spook you should have been a lawyer! You make good sense. Hummm, work with us from the inside – maybe funnel a little R&D money our way… rebuild this equipment per the instruction in the ruck’ even include that big round white ‘‘dish’’ thing-a-bob but this time the talking photographs will be sent to Sam and Su Lei not to that star, what was it called Spook?” Sarge asked.

  “Betelgeuse,” answered Spook.

  “How far is that?” Sarge asked.

  “Just 427.27 light years from Earth that’s all.” ‘Spook” replied.

  “No in real miles.” Sarge asked again.

  “Well light travels at 186,272 miles per second x 60 seconds x 60 minutes x…. Heck Sarge, I don’t know but it’s a darn long way! Why?”

  “Well, when we get this thing up and running I want you to send them almond eyed, grey skinned foreigners the first message and tell them they have been disconnected ‘Due to failure to pay their long distance charges’!

  “Let’s get the guys back inside.” Sarge said as he gave a wave to Spook's brothers. Back inside and seated he spoke to the two brothers, “Guys we have talked it over – you want in, your in – but not WITH us!!

  "What?" said Sam Kim, "you don't want us?"

  "No... no, that's not it – we need and want you to help but from the inside of the CIA machine.

  If you go back to work and provide us money through the ‘black ops’ program, we believe we can rebuild these machines. When they are complete and functional, information you all have never dreamed of will be available to you.

  You use the information as you see fit, but above all else this must, and I repeat MUST remain secret.

  Right now go back to work and do a few things for us: first – send a rescue team out to the plane crash and confirm our deaths and continue on and recover the remains of 'Captain' Hugo Knight and second - set us up as a dummy company and provide sufficient assets for us to build these babies again. Can this be accomplished? And third - find us a way back to the good ol’ U.S.A. Oh yeah, one last requirement to join our team – nicknames – Sam yours is ‘Bud’ and Si Lei you will be ‘Lou’, don’t ask us why, that’s just what we came up with,” Sarge said laughing.

  “That’s not exactly what we wanted to hear, no, no, not the nicknames they are fine, but the other thing your talking about does sound like a very good idea – we’ll do it! Si Lei, I’m sorry... Lou and I really can provide you with a tremendous amount of help from the inside," sadly answered ‘Bud’.

  "Right now drop us a couple blocks from our Headquarters building – you four take the car down to the Bangkok International Hilton Hotel. It is on the east bank of the Chao Phraya River. Do the same there – park a couple of blocks away, one of our guys will pick the car up later. I’ll have all the arrangements made by the time you arrive.

nbsp; The Bangkok International is one of ours – we have suites of rooms reserved for ‘special occasions’ such as this one. I’ll get you two adjoining suites with double beds in each. At least for one or two nights you can say you slept comfortable. Oh yes, there’s a men’s and ladies clothing shop just inside the hotel’s exit to the shopping mall’s pavilion.

  Get yourselves some decent clothes, ones that don’t smell so badly (they all laughed) and just charge them to your rooms. ‘Eat drink and be merry’ as the old saying goes, the ‘Company’ will pick up the tab, no questions asked,” said Sam

  When ‘Lou’ and I get back to our offices I’ll make some arrangements to get you guys out of the country. Quick as I find out something I will give you a jingle – Spur still got your codebook? Spook nodded he did. Good you’ll be hearing from me soon.

  Guys, we are all Americans, sorry Tinker, well mostly all Americans and when we get you all back up and running you need to make the Kennedy assassination your number one priority. Since the ‘Company’ will be financing your little project, I’m sure from time to time we will have need of your expertise in other matters.”

  Sam pulled the big black Mercedes back out onto the open highway heading to their drop-off point near the CIA headquarters building.

  As they were driving, Sarge was thinking to himself, ‘This is going to work out just fine. Luck has finally been with us… And…

  Sarge thought, ‘Now we are back up to Six!”



  Finding the Bangkok International was no problem.

  Leaving the Mercedes a block or two away as instructed they were once again on their feet walking. Tinkers leg was much better. The snakebite wound was healing up fine the soreness was almost gone. Sarge’s shoulder was doing okay, but was a bit tinder to the touch.

  They came around the street corner and there spread out before them in all its 48 floors of magnificent splendor was the majestic circular structure they were seeking – gleaming in the sun from all the glass and steel. It appeared to reach into the clouds it was so tall.