Read The P.H.O.T.O. (VOL 2) The Saga Continues Page 20

  As far as Colonel Nikita Ergorov – nah, never saw him again. Don’t even know if that was him at the fence. Somehow, I believe he survived the boat crash and was still after us in New Orleans, but never heard anything from the Russians again.”

  “And Pa, what about the Kennedy Assassination?”

  “Oh yeah, we found out part of the truth about the President Kennedy Assassination but revealing what we witnessed will create a firestorm within our government. What we uncovered has not been released to anyone outside our little group. All the data on this project is locked up in our vault – we keep saying we are going to flesh out all the ugly details and let the chips fall where they may, but we just keep putting the inevitable off because this is one of the biggest projects that we have ever encountered, concerning our national security. If we get involved with it our entire time and equipment will be dedicated to this one project.

  Funny you would bring the Kennedy Assassination up, Forrest - we are currently in the process of seeking permission to dedicate our total time and resources to this one undertaking. But our next project concerns a Mayan calendar found in Mexico and a mummy discovered in Egypt...somehow the two are connected.

  As far as the alien documents go – no, we still have plenty of symbols we are unable to decipher or we’re not quite sure of their meaning – but we learned more and more. Later products were invented; a better word would be produced, from gleaned alien knowledge that changed our world. Things like – CDs, DVDs, microwaves, personal computers even the concept of the Internet was inspired by their ideas.

  It’s hard to ‘invent’ something that we actually ‘found’. We discovered the technology for cell phones while working on recreating the big white transmission disc we found out by the river. Those alien microfilms provided blueprints for the Global Positioning System (GPS) we currently use.

  Remember back when Tinker was telling us about that 'Nano' technology at Pac Toul? Well using Nano information we now have atomic clocks that measure the nuclear vibrations of atoms to nine billion ticks per second or one ten millions of a nano-second. We can measure a minute out to 16 digits. That's how we developed GPS. GPS is just a big time keeping system."

  "Pa you've lost me!"

  "Okay - I worked on this one - we have four satellites orbiting the earth each with an atomic clock on board, all synchronized. Each sends a signal to your GPS receiver in your car, or where ever, and the GPS just measures which satellites time signal get to the receiver the fastest and then a small computer plots where you are!!

  Oh, what is yet to be produced or invented, once we glean more of their knowledge? Presently I would estimate ¼ of the information that we brought back from Pac Toul, Cambodia has been deciphered!

  I marvel at the world of new inventions awaiting discovery by those of your generation when the other ¾ are decoded, and they will be someday soon.

  I was hoping your ‘mind travel’ experience would whet your appetite enough to get you to work with us someday.

  * * * * *

  Oh! About forgot… the two visitors in the black Ford sedans...Sorry, but the answer to The Plan is that they are always envoys from the CIA Director at Langley, Virginia. They bring the more sensitive ‘things’ to my lab for, what I told you, ‘interpreting’. They bring them in that black satchel and carry our ‘interpretations’ back to the Director using those government black Ford sedans.

  Baba and her photographs – at first we played with the Edisons using our own photographs. Soon we discovered things had been said or done at the time of the films exposure she did not want strangers, family too, to see and hear. Things that we didn’t need to see and hear from our other family’s photos either.

  To eliminate those possibly embarrassing situations she never again allowed our personal photographs to be used as research; therefore, to eliminate anyone’s temptation to ‘dig’ into some of our personal lives Baba will not allow any pictures in her house and no one in our family takes photographs either.

  Yeah, we had one big wrinkle back then – the Army – Big ‘S’ and I WERE still on active duty!!

  Our dog tags in the Dehavilland wreckage, along with Captain Knight’s remains, threw off the Russians, for a while. But our guys, especially our friends in the 5th Special Forces Group, would not let us die. No telling how many of them, on their on time and on their own dime (at their on expense), travelled to the Thailand plane crash site and sifted through the debris looking for clues to our demise.

  Finally, Big ‘S’ and I decided the subterfuge should stop. We persuaded the Kim brothers to kick our existence upstairs in the ‘Company’ and straighten out our situation with the Army. They did. The Pentagon removed us from the MIA (missing in action) or KIA (killed in action) rolls, whichever they had us on. Anyway, the Army assigned us TDY (temporary duty) status from themselves to the CIA. We stayed with the CIA until we both retired - we never returned to the regular Army.

  I made a special trip to 'Captain' Knight's family and returned his wedding ring to his wife... and relayed his personal messages... The CIA Director posthumously awarded him the Medal of Valor for his part in the Pac Toul event. His remains were retrieved and he is buried in Arlington National Cemetery in Washington. D.C.

  * * * * *

  You wanted to know if we had made contact with the ‘the silver men’ again – well I’ve got bad news and bad news, which do you want first?”

  “I’ll take bad first,” PT answered smiling.

  “SETI" (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence), the NASA group, has been monitoring that broadcast frequency the aliens used to send their data to the star Betelgeuse for over 40 years now. You know the one Spook figured out at the white ‘disc’ right before the ‘atomic bomb’ went off. About thirty years or so ago we received an interesting communication on that same wavelength. From where the information originated, we still do not know - from outer space or right here on Earth, its still a mystery. And interesting fact though, nothing had ever been received on this frequency before and the frequency had remained silent every since until another one was received about eight years later. It’s been ten years since that one – we’ve only received one more since then.”

  ‘Come on Pa what did they say?”

  “The first one was one sentence in French: ‘Vous connaissez le livre!’ He continued, “It means ‘You know the book now!”

  Forrest yelled, “Book! Hell, I mean heck, that don’t make any sense even I knew it must be a book, I just didn't have the Bible figured out. What did your folks make out of that?”

  “Everything – we knew in Pac Toul it was probably a book too. Our problem was we didn’t know what or where the book was located. The Library of Congress? Libraries in France, Germany, Japan, Turkey, Spain, heck there’s 192 countries in the UN alone, not counting the Vatican City, Kosovo and even Tinker’s Taiwan, now called Taipei? Then we have dozens of Territories and Colonies. Let’s not forget Puerto Rico, Bermuda, Greenland, Palestine, Northern Ireland and Scotland and yada, yada, yada, get my point? Heck there are hundreds if not thousands and thousands of Section 1s all over the world. You know how many books we were are talking about? We never figured out the blood soaked “Z” on the Bible meant Ezekiel until Big ‘S’ and I ran upon that New Orleans preacher down on Bourbon Street.”

  “Darn – as smart as you guys are, looks like you could have figured that out before then…but yeah, I see now why this is bad news, sounds like they were laughing at you all. Was the next message any better - what did that message say?”

  “It was in French too and said, ‘Donnany l’illomination intelligente etant limite!’

  “Okay Pa, right, my French is a little rusty how about a translate!”

  “It just says, ‘Bestowing intelligent beings limited enlightenment!’

  “I wonder what that means?”

  “We always took it to mean that they were just giving us a small taste of their vast knowledge.”

est saying the words over and over in his head said, “Pa, did you all ever think about those five translated words? Look at the first letter of each word, just like on the wall at Pac Toul:


  “Well I’ll be!” Pa responded. “We never deciphered that one. I suppose they wanted to make sure we got the book right even ‘tho we had figured out the 1st Section, Book 26, Chapter 1, Paragraphs 5-26 of the mystery note passed to Tinker at Pac Toul was the Book of Ezekiel in the Bible. Reading that passage in Ezekiel tells us whom they are. And for some reason that one ‘visitor’, Anhur, wanted Tinker to know who he was.”

  “That’s it! Nothing else? To be so smart they don’t communicate very well! What was the next one Pa?

  “The next to last time we heard from them this was received, ‘ex uno, plures’

  “What did that mean?”

  “It’s a reversal of our U.S. motto, ‘e pluribus Unum’ “Out of many one” Their message reads, “Out of one, many”. We figure this refers to the man and woman ‘captives’ that were never returned. Maybe their plans are for them to be the Adam and Eve of another new world, who knows.”

  “Okay Pa what did their last message say.”

  “The entire message was just a plain and simple word – it was “P.H.O.T.O.” and ended with a question mark!”


  “And Forrest the final answer to your questions is:”



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