Read The Pagan's Cup Page 22




  Ithobal was the first African explorer we know about. He was a seacaptain of Tyre, who rescued and married an African Princess, and theninduced the King of Egypt to put him in charge of a voyage ofexploration of the wonderful land of his wife's birth.

  After a voyage of fifteen thousand miles around Africa, he returns afternumerous and exciting adventures, which bring out almost every featureof African life and scenery. Ithobal relates the story of his enterprisein a discourse of seven days before the throne of Pharaoh, who crownshim with honors.

  SIR HENRY M. STANLEY, in a letter to the author, says of it:--"You haveadded greatly to the happiness of many of your race by the productionof so unique a poem, so rich in the beauties of the sweet Englishlanguage."

  Other able critics who have read the blind poet's new epic poem unitein calling it even better than the old favorite, "The Light of Asia."

  * * * * *

  _12mo, Cloth, Gilt Top. Illustrated from 36 drawings by Arthur Lumley.$1.50_