Read The Park Page 1

Media Presents



  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons is entirely coincidental or beyond the intent of the author.

  The Park © Voss Foster 2015

  Cover art © Dar Albert 2015

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the author.

  Requests to use the material will be considered and may be directed to:

  Voss Foster at: [email protected]

  For my mother, who believed in me when I couldn't.


  Sir or Madam,


  You are receiving this letter because you have been selected by Evenstad Media to fill one of twelve exclusive roles in season one of our new reality show, The Park. You have already been collected, your information processed, and delivered to the set. Please do not attempt to leave the arena without explicit permission.

  Your goal during your engagement at The Park is simple: survive. There is no time limit. Furnishings have been provided, as well as an ample food supply. However, the food supply will not be replenished. Use it wisely.

  Around your neck, you will find a golden medallion. This medallion is a Controlled Energy Storage Unit from Evenstad Technologies. They were created specifically for your usage during your stay at The Park. Depress the button on the side to release the stored energy. When the energy is depleted, the light on the back of the medallion will turn red. When the energy has replenished, the light on the back of the medallion will turn green. The energy from the medallion cannot be released until the light has turned green. There are other Energy Storage Units hidden around the arena to aid you in your survival.

  The arena will be monitored fully at all times in order to capture the true essence of game play for the viewers. Further details of recording and broadcast were explained in your release clauses.

  No criminal charges shall be filed against any action(s) performed during the duration of your participation in The Park. All city, county, state, federal, and/or international laws are to be considered suspended during your time here.

  The arena will remain closed until only a single player remains alive. The winner will receive twenty million (20,000,000) dollars (USD). The families of the losers will be provided for.

  In your pocket, you will find a tablet and detachable keyboard for you to keep a journal. While this is not required by the rules of The Park, it is recommended. Extended periods of time spent in the arena may cause psychological trauma. Our experts believe that writing a journal may help to keep the mind sharp and stave off the possible ill effects of your stay.

  No other information will be provided, so as to protect the integrity of game play.


  We wish you the best of luck,

  Evenstad Media

  Channel 696: THE PARK: 9 p.m. EST: A daring new game show. Twelve contestants. No laws. Only one rule: survive.


  ENTRY 001

  DATE: 1/1/2074


  Don't know where the hell I am. I remember going to bed last night. When I woke up, I was laying on the grass in a trailer park with a letter pinned to my chest. Apparently I'm playing some kind of fucking game. I know I sure as hell didn't sign up for any reality show. Date on this tablet says January first. Happy fucking New Year to me, I guess.

  If I thought they had the means, I'd have guessed it was Nina and Dan playing another joke on me. Wouldn't have been the first time they'd dragged me out of bed and left me lying around. But one: this wasn't New York and two: the medallion thing around my neck. I did what the letter said and pressed the button. It made fire. Not like a lighter, more like a bonfire in my hand. Couldn't guess how that works.

  But if that was true, can I take any chances second-guessing anything else in that crazy ass letter? So I found somewhere to stay. I found an empty trailer, got inside, and locked the door. There's food, water, and power. I don't see where surviving's going to be all that hard like this. Makes a handheld bonfire pretty fucking useless, though.




  ENTRY 001

  DATE: 1/1/2074


  This is big time stuff. I've been kidnapped, best as I can tell. There was a door open on one of the trailer houses and I went inside. I searched and didn't see anyone, so I'm hoping I'm good. Or as good as I can get when I'm being held prisoner.

  But the thing around my neck is the bigger worry for me. There've been rumors online about CESUs, and most people figured Evenstad would be the one to figure out how it worked, if anyone could. Apparently they have. I pressed the button and it lit up the dark all around me. About two yards, if I were guessing. As bright as if the sun was shining. That's when I went inside. Didn't need any attention drawn to me.

  But if mine could do that, and there are at least eleven more in here with me, being used by God knows who… it's just not something I'm ready to face.




  ENTRY 001

  DATE: 1/1/2074


  I'm freaking out. I mean, I know I don't need to tell myself that I'm freaking out, but I just did. That's how bad it is. I woke up in the middle of the street and found a letter stuck to my shirt. Apparently I'm in some arena, playing The Park. Whatever The Park is. I've never heard of it. But I've never actually heard of anyone getting drugged up and taken away, either. Not outside, like, the news and movies and shit. But I figure that's what had to have happened, because I don't remember anything. I was at my dad's boss's stupid New Year's party. I went out back for some air, and then I was here. Well, out there. I guess the whole place is a trailer park. An empty trailer park. I went inside one of the trailers. Haven't tried the necklace thing they gave me yet. I don't know if I want to, though. Not if I don't know what it does. Rule of life: find out what it does before you turn it on.



  Dear Valued Evenstad Media Customer,


  Thank you for your interest in our newest program, The Park. If you haven't yet seen it, what's stopping you? Last week's episode will be available until next Monday on

  If you're a fan of the show, we thank you again. Evenstad Media has always been devoted to providing our customers with the best possible entertainment. That's why we're offering you a free month of The Park: 24/7.

  The Park: 24/7 is your full access pass to uncensored, unrated footage from The Park. See what angle you want with one of over 2,000 cameras. Relive your favorite moments and find new ones, all for the low price of $7.95/month. And if you don't like it after the free trial, or you ever become dissatisfied, you can cancel at any time. No fees, fines, or charges.

  For more information, or to sign up for The Park: 24/7, call our Customer Service Hotline at 1-888-003-8000 Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-8 p.m. EST


  And again, from us, thank you,

  Evenstad Media


  ENTRY 001

  DATE: 1/2/2074


  I know you're reading this, Evenstad. Anyone egomaniacal enough to kidnap a dozen people definitely wants to see what they have to say after the fact. Guess what? I don't care. I know better than to put down anything I don't want you to know. But here's what you already know: I'm in a house. I'm fed. I've slept. I'm warm. An
d I tried out the medallion, too. I don't know how you can make this thing do what it does, but I'm grateful for it. I can do good things with this. Always thought telekinesis would be a bitchin' skill. This is probably about as close as I'll ever get. Hardly any effort on my part to use it, too. But you knew that, didn't you?

  Watch away, boys.




  ENTRY 001

  DATE: 1/2/2074


  I am not certain of any of this. It seems as though I am dreaming, yet I know that I'm not so creative as to dream something like this. I am just a simple watchmaker.

  I have not yet explored far. All I have seen are mobile homes. So I cannot say for certain if my Natalie is here with me. But I don't believe she is. I would say that she is still safely back home in London. My leaving for the States was her blessing. Rather I lose her than to have her spirited away here into the unknown.

  If the letter speaks the truth, then this game, whatever it may be, is one of survival. And if this is a game of survival, then I fear that I am ill-suited to play. I have been lucky for my eighty-one years. The medications I take are minimal, compared to others my age. I have avoided some of that fate, thankfully. But I will not, I fear, avoid time. Any day now could be my last, even in the best of situations. And now this.

  My fingers ache with arthritis, but I will keep this journal. I served time in the Third War and there, my journaling kept my sanity until I could return to Natalie. So here, I hope, it should preserve it for me once more.

  My only relief is that, should I die here, and should these people keep to their word, Natalie and the children shall be cared for. There is little more that I could ask for but