Read The Park Page 7

Kind of. It wasn't pointed directly at my head, which I would settle for. But it would do some real damage to my knees, the way she had it now. Enough that I wouldn't be getting away without help. "You stay, you help fix things. We don't talk unless I start the conversation. Leave when you want."

  That was it. She left me alone. I touched Craig on the shoulder. "Thank you."

  "I don't know if I helped you."





  ENTRY 003

  DATE: 1/14/2074


  I caved in on the new one. Craig might have left if I killed her there, and he's too important to me right now. She might be able to fix things up. I don't know. I won't deal with her. I have to stay unattached enough to kill them both. Craig is already iffy, but I can still do it. For twenty million dollars, I can do a lot of things.



  Evenstad Media's New Hit Sensation: The Park

  1/14/2074 at 1:18 p.m. EST


  When The Park first aired, I didn't give it much thought. I don't put a lot of faith in reality shows, and this was just another in a long line of them, spewed out to rend money from customer since before I was born. But there was nothing else on, and The Park's series premiere was being advertised on every channel I tried. I gave it a chance.

  Brilliance. I can't normally apply that word to television, but this time, it really, truly fits. The Park is brilliant in so many different ways, not the least of which is the sheer amount of money the show must be raking in for Evenstad Media's already well-lined pockets. But even knowing that, I am more than willing to give them 180 minutes of my time each week to stay caught up. I even admit that I pay for a subscription to their scam, The Park 24/7.

  Twelve total strangers, tossed into an enclosed, lightless trailer park. Nothing but them and some guards to shoot anyone trying to escape. And they couldn't have asked for a better opening, even if they scripted it. Nathan's death made it real. I'm sure they lost some people for that, but not this viewer. According to the ratings, which they proudly wave about, viewership actually increased after that first episode, and the initial run of 24/7 brought in six million subscribers. And that number has been climbing.

  Among fans, at least in the online community, the big question is about the medallions. We were told from the very first episode that there were others hidden around The Park. How many, we don't know, but others. Most people assume them to be more devastating even than the dozen we have seen so far. And those people are probably making a good assumption. Perhaps not every medallion will be a better tool, but I suggest many of them will be. No one has yet actively searched for medallions, that we've been shown, but I think they will be key. Something to take on the likes of Susan's pinpoint laser, Manfred's lightning, or Blake's shotgun-esque blast of energy.

  And of course, the big question, the one that really keeps us coming back, is who will die next? Who will kill them? And who will win? As we have seen the contestants growing closer, even living with one another, I can't help but think that someone will be killed before too long, killed by an 'ally.'

  TL;DR: The Park: watch it.


  Phil Boggs


  ENTRY 003

  DATE: 1/14/2074


  So, how are the ratings doing now? I haven't heard anyone setting off the alarm, or any gunshots. Sure, it could have been silent, done by hand or something, but my best guess is that things have been slowing down. Doesn't that mean that your viewers are losing interest? How much longer until you decide to take things into your own control? More than you have, I mean. Putting us in here might not be enough forever, if things don't keep up a decent speed. Lots of action, lots of blood, lots of violence. That's what keeps your little show making money, just like with anything else, nowadays.

  Tell you what, though: I can help you out. Let's get everything going a little faster. I may have found myself a little friend. Slave. Pet. Whatever you want to call him. I've been watching him. I think he'll be an easy enough target. I can probably manipulate him by flashing my boobs a few times. Make him do whatever I want. Sound good to you? Do you censor that kind of nudity, or is it going to make it into the final cut of the show? Pixelated? Black bar? Little Xs over the nipples?

  With all the help I'm giving you, I'm hoping for a little something in return. Get on that, would you, Evenstad?




  ENTRY 003

  DATE: 1/14/2074


  I feel so young. Justice and I are growing really, really close. He goes out in front of me, when we have to leave the house. He hasn't said anything about it, and I'm not going to bring it up. I know that You've done this for me, God. He can have as much time as he needs to figure out that truth for himself.

  There's just one issue. He's decided that we need to go out and look for these medallions that are supposed to be hidden around the trailer park. I just don't know about it. He wants to do it so that we can protect ourselves better. It makes a lot of sense, in a way, but I'm not thrilled about it. We have a pretty good thing going right here. I want to keep it working, and I don't know if bringing in even more weapons is going to help that at all.

  So God, I know that You've been doing a lot for me already. More than I ever, ever deserve. Thanks to You, I'm getting through this in one piece. But I need to ask You for a favor. A big favor. I need a sign, one way or another. Should we do this, or should we stay? Please, I beg of You, do this for me.





  POLL 1

  1: Susan (36%)

  2: Justice (18%)

  3: Christina (11%)

  4: Craig (7%)

  5: Rita (5%)

  6: Tina (5%)

  7: Blake (4%)

  8: Manfred (4%)

  9: Desiree (4%)

  10: David (3%)

  11: Julia (2%)

  12: Nathan (1%)

  (Information Collected by The Cruise)


  ENTRY 003

  DATE: 1/19/2074


  I don't think I can keep playing the way I have been. I haven't been playing at all, really, just sitting around for the past three weeks. And that's not going to work. But I'm scared. Terrified. I don't want to do what it is I have to do, but I know that it has to happen. If I'm actually going to start playing, I have to work within the confines of their game. And their game isn't pleasant.

  So, for the past couple days, I've been watching someone. He's probably my dad's age, maybe a little younger. He's got this tagalong old man. Way too old to help him out, if the time comes. When. I need to start saying when. It's going to happen. When the time comes for me to kill him, I know the old man won't be an issue. He looks like he'd get knocked over if I gave him a mean enough look.

  I know where the two of them are staying and I've moved in closer so I don't miss out on my chance. When he comes out, I need to be ready to do it. I'll probably have to get really close to use the medallion, if I want to do any real damage. I don't want it to take a lot of time. I need to get this first one out of my way.

  Right now, I'm just screwing with him. Rocks and sticks at the windows and walls. Anything to make noise that he might have to come look at, figure out what it is. I've been making things more and more obvious, trying to force him out. But he and the old man are both really resistant to leaving. Not surprising, but it's making my job harder than I'd really like it to be.




  ENTRY 005

  DATE: 1/23/2074


  There's someone outside of the house. I don't know why. Probably trying to pick off the weakest of the herd. Predators always do, and I can guess that Ma
nfred and I rank pretty low on the threat list. It's gotten bad enough that we've started taking guard shifts. Only one of us sleeps. I try to take as many as I can, but Manfred's staying right up with me. He wants to pull his weight, but I can see him flagging. I'm younger and I can afford to spend more time awake. I try to get up early and I push myself as far as I can stretch. It's for the best, anyway. When I'm exhausted, I don't dream as much. Or at least I don't remember my dreams as much. The dreams aren't kind to me. Slow deaths. Pain. I don't know how realistic they are. I've never been cut to bits. But, if it's anything like what my brain's coming up with, I don't want it. At all.

  I want to get out of here, but I know I shouldn't. So far, the walls have kept me safe. So far.




  ENTRY 004

  DATE: 1/31/2074


  I made it out alive. In honor of David's memory, I feel that I must record the events here, though I know that I will never forget what I have seen. I only wish that I could have recovered the body. But there was not much left for me to bury, in the end. I have taken his medallion, only to keep it away from the scavengers and murderers.

  I had to sit here and watch David collapse into himself. I realize that it is pleasant, compared to his eventual fate, but I still would not wish to relive it. Whoever his attackers were, they were horribly clever. They drove him mad, mad enough to wish to leave the house. I did what I could to stop him, but all I had were my words. Again, my body fails me, and again I am reminded how unfit I am to play this game.

  When he left, I dared not follow. There was little I could do. I went as far as the front porch, far enough out that I could attempt to fend off anyone who tried to attack. I didn't relish the thought of unleashing lightning on another living being, but David was