Read The Passenger from Calais Page 28


  We drove down, Philpotts and I, to the wharf where the steamers of theTransatlantique Company lie. The _Oasis_ had her blue peter flying,and a long gangway stretched from her side to the shore, up and downwhich a crowd passed ceaselessly, passengers embarking, porters withluggage, and dock hands with freight. At the top of the slope was thechief steward and his men, in full dress, white shirts, white ties,and white gloves, who welcomed us, asking the number of our stateroom,and offering to relieve us of our light baggage.

  One put out his arms to take the baby from Philpotts, but she shookher head vigorously, and I cried in French that it was too precious.

  Next moment a voice I recognized said:

  "Certainly they are there, and they have it with them. Why not seizeit at once?"

  "Not so fast, Lord Blackadder," I interposed, turning on him fiercely."No violence, if you please, or you may make the acquaintance ofanother police commissary."

  I had heard the whole story of the affair at Aix from the Colonel, whoI may say at once I had seen shortly before, and who was at no greatdistance now.

  "Go on, Philpotts, get down below and lock yourself in," I saidboldly. "Our cabin is thirty-seven--" checking myself abruptly asthough I had been too outspoken.

  "But, Lady Claire, permit me," it was Lord Blackadder behind, speakingwith quite insinuating softness. "Do be more reasonable. Surely youperceive how this must end? Let me entreat you not to drive me toextremities. I mean to have the child, understand that; but we oughtto be able to arrange this between us. Give it up to me of your ownaccord, you shall not regret it. Ask what you choose, anything--apearl collar or a diamond bracelet--"

  "Can you really be such a base hound, such an abject and contemptiblecreature, as to propose terms of that sort to me? How dare you thinkso ill of me? Let me pass; I cannot stay here, it would poison me tobreathe the same air. Never speak to me again," I almost shouted,filled with bitter shame and immeasurable scorn, and I turned and lefthim.

  Down-stairs I found Philpotts in the cabin, busily engaged in puttingher "doll" to bed in the third berth.

  "Are you at all afraid of being left with these wretches?" I asked alittle doubtfully, counting upon her devotion, but loth to lay toogreat a burden on her.

  "Why, how can you suppose such a thing, my lady? What can they do tome? They will be furiously angry, of course, but the laugh will beagainst them. If the worst comes to the worst they will appeal to thecaptain, and they will get no satisfaction from him. I can take careof myself, never fear. You shall hear from Tripoli to the same hotelin Marseilles."

  "If we go on your letter will follow us. Come back there as soon asyou possibly can and you will find further instructions. Now it mustbe good-bye, there goes the bell to warn people ashore. One last word:I advise you when well out to sea to go to my lord and offer to goover to his side and desert me altogether. Tell him you will help himto get the child,--that you will put it into his hands indeed,--at aprice."

  "As if I would touch his dirty money, my lady!"

  "It will be only spoiling the Egyptians! Squeeze all you can out ofhim, I say. But that is as you please. You know I shall always be yourfirm friend whatever you do, and that I shall never forget what I oweyou."

  I should have said much more, but now the second bell was ringing, andif I was to carry out my scheme it was time for me to go.

  On leaving the cabin I walked forward along the lower deck seekinganother issue, the position of which I had fixed the day before,having visited the _Oasis_ on purpose. In a minute I had emerged intothe open air, and found myself in the midst of the sailors sendingdown cargo into the forehold. I should have been utterly confused,bewildered, and terrified, but I felt a strong, firm hand close onmine, and a quiet, steady voice in my ear.

  "This way, Lady Claire, only a couple of steps," said the Colonel ashe led me to the side of the steamer farthest from the shore. A ladderwas fixed here and a boat was made fast to the lowest rung. Carefully,tenderly guided by my ever trusty henchman I made the descent, took myseat in the stern of the small boat, it was cast loose, and we pushedoff into the waterway. Half an hour later we were back at the TerminusHotel.

  For the first time in all that stirring and eventful week I breathedfreely. At any rate the present peril was overpast, we had eludedpursuit, and had a clear time of perfect security to consider oursituation and look ahead.

  As soon as Henriette was visible, I went up to her room to talkmatters over. She was very humble and apologetic, and disarmed me if Ihad intended to take her to task for all the trouble and anxiety shehad caused us. But when I magnanimously said, "I am not going to scoldyou," she was in my arms at once.

  "Scold me! I should think not! I have been scolded quite enough theselast twenty-four hours. I never met a man I disliked so much as yourfine friend, that Colonel Annesley, the rudest, most presuming,overbearing wretch. He talked to me and ordered me about as if I wasstill in the schoolroom, he actually dared to find fault with myactions, and dictated to me what I should do next. I--I--"

  "Did it, Henriette? Like a lamb, eh? That's a way he has, my dear," Ilaughed.

  "I don't envy you one bit, Claire. You'll be a miserable woman. Youhate to give way, and he'll make you. He'll tame you, and lord it overyou, he'll be a hard, a cruel master, for all he thinks so much of younow."

  "And does he?" What sweeter music in a woman's ear than to be told ofthe sway she exercises over the man of her choice?

  "Why, of course, he thinks all the world of you. He would say nothing,decide nothing until you had been consulted. Your word is law to him,your name always on his lips. You know of your latest conquest, Isuppose?"

  "There are things one does not care to discuss, my dear, even withone's sister," I answered, rather coldly. I was a little hurt by hertone and manner, although what she told me gave me exquisite pleasure.

  "Come, come," Henriette rallied me. "Make a clean breast of it.Confess that you are over head and ears in love with your Colonel. Whynot? You are free to choose, I was not," and her eyes filled withtears at the sad shipwreck of her married life.

  I strove hard to calm her, to console her, pointing to her littleRalph, and promising her a future of happiness with her child.

  "If I am allowed to keep him, yes. But how can I keep him after thatwicked decision of the Court, and with such a persistent enemy asRalph Blackadder? For the moment we are safe, but by and by he willcome back, he will leave no stone unturned until he finds me, and Ishall lose my darling for ever."

  The hopelessness of evading pursuit for any time sorely oppressed me,too. There seemed no safety but in keeping continually on the move, inrunning to and fro and changing our hiding place so soon as danger ofdiscovery loomed near. We were like pariahs ostracized from ourfellows, wandering Jews condemned to roam on and on, forbidden topause or find peace anywhere.

  Yet, after a pleasant _dejeuner_, the three of us held a council ofwar.

  "The thing is perfectly simple," said my dear Colonel, in hisperemptory, but to me reassuring fashion. "I have thought it all outand can promise you immediate escape from all your difficulties. Youmust go as quickly as you can get there, to Tangier."

  "Tangier!" I cried, amazed.

  "Yes, Lady Claire, Tangier. It is the only refuge left forcriminals--forgive me, I mean no offence," and he laughed heartily ashe went on. "You have broken the law, you are flying from the law, andyou are amenable to it all the world over, save and except in Moroccoalone. You must go to Tangier, there is no extradition, the King'swarrant does not run there. You will be perfectly safe if you elect tostay there, safe for the rest of your days."

  "You seem very anxious to get rid of us and bury us at the back ofbeyond," I said, nettled and unable to conceal my chagrin at thematter-of-fact way in which he wished to dispose of us.

  "I venture to hope I may be permitted to accompany you, and remainwith you--"

  It was now Henriette's turn to laugh outright at this rather bluntproposal, an
d I regret to add that I blushed a rosy red.

  "To remain with you and near you so long as my services may berequired," he went on, gravely, by no means the interpretation mysister had put upon his remark; for he fixed his eyes on me withunmistakable meaning, and held them so fixedly that I could not lookaway. There could no longer be any doubt how "it stood with us;" myheart went out to him then and there, and I nodded involuntarily, morein answer to his own thoughts than his suggestion. I knew from thegladness on his frank, handsome face that he understood and rejoiced.

  "You see," he went on, quickly, dealing with the pressing matter inhand, "I know all about the place. I have soldiered at Gibraltar andoften went over to Africa. It's not half bad, Tangier, decent hotels,villas furnished if you prefer it. Sport in the season, and plenty ofgalloping ground. The point is, how we should travel?"

  I could be of service in this; my inquiries at Cook's had qualified meto act as a shipping clerk, and we soon settled to take a steamer ofthe Bibby Line due that afternoon, which would land us at Gibraltar intwo or three days. Thence to Tangier was only like crossing a ferry.The Colonel's man, l'Echelle, was sent to secure cabins, and we caughtthe ship in due course. Three days later we were soon comfortablysettled in the Hotel Atlas, just above the wide sweep of sands thatencircle the bay. It was the season of fierce heat, but we faced thenorthern breezes full of invigorating ozone.