Read The Passenger from Calais Page 34


  Carolina LeeWith a frontispiece in color from an oil painting by Dora WheelerKeith.

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  "A charming portrayal of the attractive life of the South, refreshingas a breeze that blows through a pine forest."--_Albany Times-Union._

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  Library 12mo, cloth, decorative cover $1.50

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  Library 12mo, cloth, decorative cover $1.50

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  Library 12mo, cloth, decorative cover $1.50

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  The Interference of PatriciaWith a frontispiece from drawing by Frank T. Merrill.

  Small 12mo, cloth, decorative cover $1.25

  "There is life and action and brilliancy and dash and cleverness and akeen appreciation of business ways in this story."--_Grand RapidsHerald_.

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  Small 12mo, cloth, decorative cover $1.25

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  "Lilian Bell surely understands girls, for she depicts all thevariations of girl nature so charmingly."--_Chicago Journal._

  _The above two volumes boxed in special holiday dress, per set, $2.50_

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