Read The Passenger from Calais Page 5


  The train reached Amiens punctually at 5 P.M., and a stoppageof five minutes was announced. I got out to stretch my legs on theplatform. No one took much notice of us; it must have been known thatthe train was empty, for there were no waiters from the buffet with_cafe au lait_ or fruit, or _brioches_--no porters about, or otherofficials.

  I had not expected to see any passengers come on board the train, athrough express, made up of sleeping-cars and a supplementary chargeon the tickets. But on running into the station (ours was the firstcarriage) I had noticed a man standing with a valise in his hand, andI saw him following the train down the platform when we stopped. Headdressed himself to a little group of conductors who had alreadyalighted, and were gossiping idly among themselves, having nothingelse to do. One of them indicated our particular attendant, to whomhe spoke, and who brought him directly to our carriage.

  Evidently the newcomer was bound for Lucerne _via_ Basle. Here was onemore occupant of our neglected train, another companion and fellowtraveller in our nearly empty sleeping-car. Curiosity and somethingmore led me to examine this man closely; it was a strange, undefined,inexplicable sense of foreboding, of fateful forecast, that he and Iwere destined to be thrown together unpleasantly, to be much mixed upwith one another, and to the comfort and satisfaction of neither.

  Who and what was he? His position in life, his business, trade orcalling were not to be easily fixed; a commercial man, an agent or"traveller" on his own account, well-to-do and prosperous, was thenotion borne out by his dress, his white waistcoat and coloured shirtof amazing pattern (a hint of his Italian origin), his rings and theshowy diamond pin in his smart necktie.

  I added to this, my first impression, by further observation, forwhich I soon had abundant opportunity. When the train moved on, hecame and took his seat on the flap seat (or _strapontin_) justopposite my compartment. I could not tell why, until presently hemade overtures of sociability and began a desultory talk across thecorridor. My cabin or compartment, it will be remembered, was the lastbut one; the newcomer had been given the one behind mine, and herefrom his seat he commanded the whole length of the carriage forward,which included the compartment occupied by Mrs. Blair and her party.

  I cannot say that I liked his looks or was greatly attracted by him.He was not prepossessing. Fair, with a flaccid unwholesome complexion,foxy haired, his beard cut to a point, small moustaches curled upwardshowing thin pale lips, and giving his mouth a disagreeable curve alsoupwards, a sort of set smile that was really a sardonic sneer,conveying distrust and disbelief in all around. His eyes were so deepset as to be almost lost in their recesses behind his sandy eyelashes,and he kept them screwed up close, with the intent watchful gaze of ananimal about to make a spring. His whole aspect, his shifty, restlessmanner, his furtive looks, all were antipathetic and to his greatadvantage. I did not take to him at all, and plainly showed him thatI had no desire for his talk or his company.

  It was not easy to shake him off, however. He would take no offence; Iwas cold to positive rudeness, I snubbed him unmercifully; I did notanswer his remarks or his questions, which were incessant andshamelessly inquisitorial. Nothing disconcerted him. I had all butshut the door of my compartment in his face, but it suddenly occurredto me that he was capable of wandering on, and when he found theladies inflicting his greasy attentions upon them.

  I felt that I had better submit to his unpalatable society than lethim bore Mrs. Blair with his colossal impudence.

  How right I was in this became at once apparent. He had taken out acigar-case and pressed one upon me with such pertinacious, offensivefamiliarity that I could see no way out of it than by sayingperemptorily:

  "You cannot smoke here. There are ladies in that compartment yonder."

  "Ladies indeed! You surprise me," but I saw a look on his face thatconvinced me he perfectly well knew they were there. "Ladies, aha! Howmany, may I ask?"

  "One at least, with her maid and a child," I replied gruffly.

  "And a child," he repeated, as if by rote. "Does monsieur, tell mequickly, I--I--beg--know them! Can he describe them to me?"

  "I shall tell you nothing about them. What the mischief do you mean byasking me questions? Find out what you want for yourself." I was hotand indignant with the brute.

  "By George, you're right. I'll go and ask for leave to smoke. I shallfind out then," and he jumped up, the spring seat closing with a bangfrom under him.

  The noise concealed the sound of the electric bell which I had pressedto summon the attendant, as I rushed out and caught the other man bythe arm.

  "You'll do nothing of the kind," I cried with very vigorous emphasis,backed by all my strength. "I'll shake you to a jelly if you dare tomove another inch."

  "Here, I say, drop it. Who the deuce are you? None of your ballynonsense. Hands off, or I'll make you."

  But he was too soft and flabby to avail much, and I dragged him backhelplessly with tightened grip, only too delighted to try conclusionswith him.

  At this moment the conductor appeared upon the scene, and began toexpostulate loudly.

  "Here, I say, what's all this? It can't be allowed. No fighting andquarrelling are permitted."

  "Well, then, people must behave themselves," I retorted. "Don't letthis chap annoy your passengers."

  "I have done nothing to annoy them," stammered the other. "You shallanswer for this. I've done no harm."

  "I'll see you don't. Get in there and stay there;" and with that Iforced him, almost flung him, into his compartment, where he fellpanting upon the velvet sofa.

  "You'd better keep an eye on him," I said to the conductor, who wasinclined to be disagreeable, and was barely pacified by a couple offive-franc pieces. "Fellows of this sort are apt to be a nuisance, andwe must take care of the ladies."

  As I said this I saw Mrs. Blair's face peering out beyond her door alittle nervously, but she ventured to come right out and along thepassage towards me.

  "What has happened? I heard some noise, high words, a scuffle."

  "Some ruffian who got in at Amiens, and who has had to be taughtmanners. I told him not to smoke here, and he wanted to intrudehimself upon you, which I prevented, a little forcibly."

  "Where is he? In here?" and she followed the indication of my thumb asI jerked it back, and looked over my shoulder into the compartment.

  "Ah!" The ejaculation was involuntary, and one of acute painfulsurprise, the gesture that accompanied it spontaneous and full ofterror.

  "That man! that man!" she gasped. "He must not see me; let me go, letme go!"

  But her strength failed her, and but for my supporting arm she wouldhave fallen to the ground. Half-fainting, I led her back to her owncompartment, where her maid received her tenderly and with comfortingwords. There was clearly a strong bond of affection between these two,possibly companions and confederates in wrong-doing; the delicate andrefined woman, tormented by the inner qualms of outraged conscience,relied and leant upon the stronger and more resolute nature.

  "What's come to you, ma'am? There, there, don't give way," said themaid, softly coaxing her and stroking her hands.

  "Oh, Philpotts, fancy! He is there! Falfani, the--the--you know--"

  Of course I saw it all now. Stupid ass! I might have guessed it allalong. I had puzzled my brains vainly trying to place him, to fix hisquality and condition in life, neglecting the one simple obvioussolution to which so many plain indications pointed. The man, ofcourse, was a detective, an officer or private agent, and his dirtybusiness--you see, I was already shaken in my honesty, and now withincreasing demoralization under seductive influences I was alreadyinclined to cross over to the other side of the frontier of crime--hisdirty business was the persecution of my sweet friend.

  "What are we to do now?" asked Mrs. Blair, her nervous trepidationincreasing. "I begin to think we shall fail, we cannot carry itthrough, we shall lose our treasure. It will be taken from us."

  "You cannot, you must not, shall not turn back now,"
said the maidwith great determination. "We must devise something, some way, ofoutwitting this Falfani. We did it before, we must do it again. Afterall he has no power over us; we are in France and shall be inSwitzerland by daylight."

  "We ought to go on, you think? Wouldn't it be better to slip out ofthe train at the first station and run away?"

  "He would do the same. He does not intend to let us out of his sight.And how much the better should we be? It would be far worse; we shouldbe much more at his mercy if we left the train. The journey wouldstill have to be made; we must get to the end, the very end, or we'dbetter not have started."

  "He will know then, if he sticks to us. We cannot hide it from him,nor where we have taken it; we shall never be able to keep it, theywill come and claim it and recover it;" and she cried hysterically: "Icannot see my way; it's all dark, black as night. I wish--I wish--"

  "That you had never done it?" quickly asked the maid; and I noticed aslight sarcasm in her tone that was not without its effect in bracingup and strengthening her companion's shattered nerves.

  "No, no, no; I do not regret it, and I never shall. I did itdeliberately, counting the cost fully, and it shall be paid, howeverheavy it may be. It is not regret that tortures me, but the fear offailure when so near success."

  "We will succeed yet. Do not be cast down, my sweet dear." The maidpatted her on the cheek with great affection. "We shall find a way.This gentleman, the colonel here, will help us, perhaps."

  "Will you?" Who could resist her pleading voice and shining eyes? If Ihad had any scruples left I would have thrown them to the winds.

  "Whatever lies in my power to do shall be done without stint orhesitation," I said solemnly, careless of all consequences, content tohold her hand and earn her heartfelt thanks. What though I werepawning my honour?