Read The Past or The Coming Future Page 11


  “Thank you, Tom. I know the time period Tom covered was very short, but a lot of things happened to prepare Tom and Debbie for the tribulation. Michael had no idea God would be using him to make it possible for Tom and Debbie to make it completely through the tribulation. They would lead multitudes of people to Christ and also make it possible for most of them to make it through the tribulation also.

  “When Tom told about the last four or five years of their life before the rapture, he did not let anyone ask any questions. I know many of you have a number of questions you want to ask, so at this time I will take as many questions as you want to ask. We will start with the first question from the front row and take them in order. Tom, please take the question and repeat it from the platform so everyone will know what was asked, I will then answer the question.”

  “The first question is why was Michael so nice to Tom and Debbie? I thought the Antichrist was mean and did not have any friends except the False Prophet, Dr. Messenger.”

  “What you have said is true. The only friend, if you could call him a friend, was Dr. Messenger. Before the rapture and the tribulation, Michael was just like any other human. He wanted to have friends and people to care about him and love him. His parents loved him, but when they were killed in the fire, that was the first time he felt loneliness. Most people would not blame God for the fire and continue to blame and hate God for everything that occurred in their lives. After a death in the family, the family usually draws closer together. If they do blame God, after a while they understand that God really did not cause the fire. God knew the heart of Michael and how he would react to any accident that occurred. God knew Michael would blame Him.

  “There are many times when an accident occurs and the person who is responsible for the death of one or more people cannot cope with the tragedy and blames God. For you see, it was Michael who was responsible for the deaths in his family, and he could not accept it was his fault.

  “Tony kept all his tools in a metal box and had told Michael, ‘Never take anything out of the box.’ The night of the fire, Sonny and Mary Beth were sick. Michael did not have anything to do, so he decided to take one of his ‘father’s toys’ out of the box and play with it. The toy he took was a soldering iron.

  “He had watched his father plug it into the wall socket and wait for a while, and then he would touch it to some metal and the metal would turn into liquid. Michael plugged the soldering iron into the wall socket just like his father had done, and he waited. After a couple of minutes, Michael touched a piece of metal with the iron but nothing happened. He tried it over and over, but the result was the same. It did not work for him the way it did for his dad. He decided to put it under his bed and find something else to do. He knew he could come back later and play with it whenever he wanted. Under his bed, there was a small, flat piece of metal, and when Michael put the iron under the bed, he dropped it on that piece of metal. When he dropped it, the button turned on.

  “Shannon had already called Kim and asked if she would let Michael stay with her because she did not want him to get sick like the other two kids. While Michael was at Kim’s house, he thought about the iron under the bed and hoped his father would not look for it until he could get home and put it back in the box.

  “The iron was not touching anything that could catch fire, but the metal plate was starting to heat up. After three hours, the metal plate was so hot, it caught the carpet on fire. In less than five minutes, the house was totally engulfed in flames.

  “In the back of Michael’s mind, he knew he was responsible for the fire, but he had to blame someone other than himself. He did what many others do, he blamed God for the fire. The guilt never left him. Every time he thought about what he had done, he would start to cry.

  “The day his grandmother died, he was not crying because she had died. He was crying because he had never told her he was the one responsible for the fire. For all those years, Kim did not want anything to do with God, because she thought God was responsible for the fire. Many, many times Michael was on the verge of telling her he had accidentally started the fire, but he could not accept the guilt he knew she would put on him. He thought she would hate him as she did God.

  “When Michael was at the burn unit with all those kids, the guilt came back. He purposed in his mind that if he could develop artificial skin which would take the place of real skin on burn victims, that would relieve him of his guilt. Even after he developed the artificial skin, it did not relieve his guilt. As I said, people want to blame God when God had nothing to do with the thing that happened. Tom, what is the next question?”

  “After Debbie and I accepted Christ, why did I call Michael the ‘Prince of Peace,’ and when did I know that Michael was the Antichrist?

  “I could let Tom answer those two questions, but I will answer them with the knowledge I received when we were given our incorruptible bodies.

  “Why did Tom call Michael the ‘Prince of Peace’? Tom had just become a Christian and did not know what the Bible said about Christ and His names. One thing Tom did not tell you about which occurred the day of the rapture was before they left to go to Rome, Tom put a Bible, which Charlie had purchased for him, in his suitcase. Within the next 45 days, Tom and Debbie read all the verses Charlie had highlighted in the Bible. Tom would never call Michael the ‘Prince of Peace’ again.

  “When did Tom know that Michael was the Antichrist?

  “During the 45-lull period, Tom read what was about to happen. If Michael was the Antichrist, he would be the one who would sign the peace treaty with Israel, and that would start the tribulation. Tom did not want to believe Michael was the dreaded man of sin, the Antichrist, but if he signed the treaty, that would prove who he was. On April 3, 2011, Michael signed the treaty with Israel and the surrounding Arab nations, which was to last for seven years. At that point, Tom knew that Michael was the Antichrist, and with the death of Dr. Mohammed, the only person that could be the False Prophet was Dr. Messenger.

  “Tom was in a real predicament. The tribulation had just begun, and he, being a Christian, was living in the same house with the Antichrist and the Antichrist’s best friend, the False Prophet. Tom thought about the personal tour Dr. Messenger had taken him on at his headquarters. Each room had hidden cameras and microphones to record anything that went on in the room. Tom wondered if Michael’s mansion had hidden cameras and microphones also. He decided he would put it in the hands of God. If he was caught reading the Bible, he did not know what Michael would do. We can say Tom and Debbie were in a real predicament at that point. What is the next question?”

  “When the rapture occurred, was Tom or Debbie looking at anyone when they disappeared?”

  “Tom, would you and Debbie answer that question?”

  “Yes, we will answer that one.”

  Debbie said, “I was talking to two of my grandsons, and they just disappeared right in front of my eyes, and the people who were standing in the same direction I was facing were gone also. When something like that happens, you are speechless. You can’t believe what your eyes just saw, and your mind is totally confused.”

  Tom said the same thing happened to him. “You have a number of your family members standing right in front of you one second, and the next second they are gone. Even as I tell you, I still do not have words to explain how I felt at that very moment.”

  “What is the next question?”

  “When you first started telling about the things that occurred just before the rapture and during the tribulation, you stated that those of us that accept Christ during this time will receive an incorruptible body. Were you referring to those of us that are in the Thousand Year Reign of Christ, or were you referring to those who accepted just prior to the rapture? I’m really confused.”

  “This is probably the most important question that will ever be answered about the things I am telling you. I am referring to YOU. Durin
g this Thousand Year Reign of Christ, you must make a decision. Will you accept Christ or will you reject Him? No one can make that decision for you. During the next 400 years, I will teach and tell you of that time at the end of the Thousand Years when the Devil is let out of the Bottomless Pit to turn your hearts from Christ. The ones who made it through the tribulation and were allowed to enter the millennium are Christians. They cannot be tempted by the Devil at the end of the millennium. They have been sealed. It is their job and your job to tell the ones who have been born during the last 200 years about the Devil and the things that will come to pass. During the last 200 years of the millennium it will be forbidden for the immortals to teach or say anything about the Devil and how he will tempt the unsaved.

  “I know during the last 200 years you will not teach or say much about the Devil or that he will be let out of the Bottomless Pit to tempt people with sin. I know this to be a fact because most of you stopped telling about the tribulation and how Christians gave their lives for their faith in Jesus Christ. If you had told those generations about that terrible time, it would not be necessary for me to tell of the things that happened during that period. Christ said we must teach and tell you who are born during this age, so that history would not repeat itself. But history will repeat itself in much the same way. During the time when the Devil is let loose for a short time, he will lead hundreds of millions into sin and death. That death is spiritual death.

  “You have Christ sitting on the throne in Jerusalem and yet some of you will reject. You have seen the miracles He has performed and you have seen that His judgments are holy, but some of you still reject. When Christ walked on earth just prior to His crucifixion, He called those who rejected Him a generation of vipers. They had prophets and books telling about His coming, but they rejected. You have Him on the throne and yet you still reject. You are worst than that generation of vipers.

  “Before I take another question I must say there are many of you who have accepted Christ. I am not speaking of you as vipers, but those who have not accepted. You know your hearts, and you know if you believe Christ is the Savior of the world. I will now take another question.”

  “Can you look into the future and see what is going to happen?”

  “The answer to that question is no. The only person who knows the future is God. I know what is going to happen in the future because the Bible teaches it. You can see what is going to happen by reading the Bible also. I am telling you about the Devil that is let out of the Bottomless Pit, because Revelation, chapter 20, verse 7, says it. Read it for yourselves, and also read the next three or four verses. It tells about the Great White Throne Judgment. Those of you who continue to reject Christ during this period of time will stand at the Great White Throne Judgment, and then be cast into Hell, forever and ever.

  “Tom, what is the next question?”

  “Jerry, why don’t you ask Brother Steven the question?”

  “Tom said Dr. Messenger knew that something was going to happen to Dr. Mohammed because of the statement about moving into Dr. Mohammed’s headquarters. Did Dr. Messenger really know something was going to happen, or was it just a good guess?”

  “What Tom said was true. Dr. Messenger knew something was going to happen to Dr. Mohammed. Michael and Dr. Messenger encouraged Dr. Mohammed to go to Brussels for a conference on the new religion that was sweeping the world. Dr. Messenger was running into a lot of problems with Dr. Mohammed. Dr. Messenger wanted the new religion to be the world religion during the tribulation, which Dr. Messenger knew was very close. Dr. Mohammed set the religion up with the idea of bringing everyone together so they could worship one God, as a whole. Under the religion of the tribulation, there would be no worshiping of God. It would be a worship of man as god. In that type of religion, there were no restrictions on sin or perversion. You did what you wanted to do. Dr. Mohammed totally rejected that point of view. He said everyone must be accountable to God, and with his religion it was possible.

  “The idea was to get Dr. Mohammed to the conference in Brussels. His plane would have engine problems, and the only way to get back to Babylon was to fly to London with the ECU officials. At London, he could catch one of the planes that flew to Babylon every two hours. Michael knew the time was very short and he had to become the president of the ECU in order to put together the peace treaty with Israel. If Michael and Dr. Messenger had a bomb place on board the plane, they could eliminate two problems at one time. They did not know the rapture would occur on the very day they had the bomb placed on board. The bomb went off 30 minutes before the rapture occurred. That did not make any difference. Dr. Messenger had many friends in the news media, and when the rapture occurred, he called his friends and asked about the ECU plane colliding in mid-air with the British Air Bus. That was all he had to say. His friends thought it was confirmed and they reported it that way. With all the chaos all over the world, the report was never investigated. Michael and Dr. Messenger had killed for their own benefit once again. It would not be the last time it would happen.

  “What is the next question?”

  “In Michael’s early school years, the Jewish kids did not accept him because they did not believe he was Jewish, but he was one-fourth. Why did they not accept him?”

  “In the eyes of the Jewish belief, his grandmother had defiled herself by marrying a Gentile. However, Omar was not a Gentile, he was Arab. He had been born in Jordan. Omar’s relatives visited Kim from time to time to see how Tony was doing. When Kim’s mother and father found out that she was not married to a Gentile, but to an Arab, it was worse than being defiled. Kim’s mother and father, as well as all of her relatives, did not want anything to do with her or her new husband, Omar, or her half-breed Arab son, Tony. To her family, they were dead. Then when Omar was killed, Kim married a Gentile. In the Jewish community the talk of Kim lasted for years. Even when Tony was married to Shannon, Tony was still an outcast. Tony was half Jewish and Half Arab, and he married a full-blooded Irish girl. The Jewish community knew that Tony’s sons and daughters would be one-fourth Jewish, and that was acceptable. They also knew they were one-fourth Arab, and that was not acceptable. To make matters worse, their children would be one-half Gentile. Their children would be defiled in the eyes of all the Jews in the community, including the children.

  “That is the reason they did not have anything to do with Michael. If one of the Jewish girls talked with Michael or had anything to do with him, it was spread all over the Jewish community. Every girl was told that her family would disown her if she were to date Michael. Kim was so hard-headed, she was not interested in the feelings of Michael, but only wanted to show to the community that her grandson was Jewish and had a right to be there. They never did accept Michael as a Jew.

  “However, being part Jewish would help Michael when it came time for the peace talks between Israel and the Arab nations. When the talks first began, the Arabs did not want Michael involved in the talks. They knew he attended a Jewish school all his life and he went to Hebrew University, where he received a degree. They said he would be pro-Israel. Michael put a stop to that thinking almost immediately. He told the Arab delegates at the peace conference that his grandfather was Omar Hassan and that Omar Hassan’s father was Kamiel Hassan. Kamiel Hassan was the most decorated soldier in the Jordanian army during the Israeli fight for independence. He became a general and was responsible for Jordan joining the Arabs in the ‘67 war. Once they were told who Michael’s ancestors were, they knew he would be pro-Arab during the peace talks.

  “Tom was asked a silly question according to one person, but I said you could ask any questions you wanted, so I will answer that question also. The question was, ‘How much money did Michael have?’ When the rapture occurred, he was the third richest man in the world. That would not be true for long. When the tribulation began, Michael had control of the economy of the world. He would be the richest man
in the world in two years.”

  “You have told us a lot about Michael, but you have told us nearly nothing about Dr. Messenger. Were you going to tell us anything about Dr. Messenger?”

  “Tomorrow, I will tell you about the False Prophet, Dr. Messenger.”





  And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke like a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them who dwell on it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

  Revelation 13:11, 12