Read The Past or The Coming Future Page 7


  “The noise was so loud I could not think. There were shouts of anger and I could hear people crying. Others were begging for their lives and saying they would do anything if they would not kill them. The guards walked by my cell and said, ‘Your turn will be coming soon.’

  “What was I doing here? I had done nothing that would cost me my life. I asked the man in the cell next to mine, ‘What is your crime, and do you know what my crime was?’

  “The man said, ‘Crime? I committed no crime! I am not a criminal!’

  “Some of the people the guards were taking said they would conform to the rule, if it meant they would live. One woman asked, ‘If you will, take me first. I’m ready to die.’ I watched as one by one, men, women and children were being led away.

  “One guard said, ‘You are going to be next. There is still time, if you want to live.’

  “I told the guard, ‘I do not understand. What must I do to live?’

  “He said, ‘All you have to do is to take the number.’

  “I asked, ‘What number?’

  “He stated, ‘The number of life; 666.’

  “‘Did I miss the rapture?’

  “The guard came to my cell and opened the door. There were four guards, one on each side of me. We walked out of the ready-made jail that used to be a church, and around one corner. When we circled the corner, I then saw the people standing around and cheering and calling me all kinds of names. I would be next. I had heard the sound, but could not figure out what it was. Then I saw it, it was the first time in my life I had ever seen a guillotine, and now I would have my head cut off just like those ahead of me. The guard asked if I would take the number. I said I would die before I took the number, 666. He said, so be it. My hands were tied behind my back. The guards put my head in the holder of the guillotine, and the top of the holder was closed. One guard said I would hear a ringing in my ears when the guillotine blade made the 15-foot drop, and right after that my head would be off. I started to sweat and I was breathing very, very heavily. I heard the ringing, but it would not stop; it kept ringing and ringing. At that time I awoke to the ringing of the telephone. I must have been dreaming, I was sweating and breathing very heavily. Never had a dream seemed so real.

  “The call was from my friend in New York. He asked if I had heard the news. I said, 'News about what?' He said, ‘The ICAN credit card was scheduled to go worldwide in October, but the official report says it is going worldwide in August.’

  “I asked if he had read or heard any reports on the usage of the card.

  “He said. ‘People all over the country are using the card. The commercials are making people believe they really do deserve to buy anything they want. People say they have not seen 8 percent interest on anything in years. Also, with the 5 percent interest on transferred balances, ICAN does not have enough people to process all the apps. Other credit card companies are losing money so quickly, there is fear one or more may go bankrupt within one year if something isn’t done.’

  “I asked Dan if he still owned stock in the company, and he said he had purchased as much as his billfold could afford.

  “I had two days left before I had to leave to go back to Jerusalem. My third year could be my last. I had to do something that would stop Michael. There were so many things that still had to happen. I began to think the situation through. The credit card company was now set up. Michael was talking about forming his own stock exchange company. His computer programs were so sophisticated, one computer friend of mind said he did not understand the language he was using. One area Michael would have a lot of trouble with was the currency of all the nations. The laser weapon that shoots fire from a satellite might be so far-fetched it would never take shape. The only thing that was still disturbing to me was his kindness to the burn children. The Antichrist was not supposed to be kind to anyone. Why would he develop a special solution and artificial skin unless there was something in it for him? It can’t be the money. The artificial skin has made him a millionaire, but the credit card company would make him a billionaire many times over.

  “The first day of school Michael was not there. I was told he was in Rome doing business. I went to Dr. Messenger’s room, but the sub said he was in Babylon. Both were supposed to back the next day. One boy in my class was a computer genius. I asked if he had ever seen Michael’s computer programs. He said he had, but the computer language was something new and he had never seen it before. The day flew by quickly, and before I knew it the day was over. The next day I would talk to Michael and try to find out if he was doing more research on the laser weapon.

  “The next day was going very slowly, but I guess it does when you want time to speed up. I wanted my sixth hour to arrive now, but I had two hours remaining until that time. Michael was in my sixth hour class this year, and I was curious about this trip to Rome. Class finally did arrive and I taught as normally as possible, yet anticipating the end when I could visit with Michael. After class I asked Michael, ‘How was Rome?’

  “He said, ‘The city is so beautiful and there are so many historical sites to see one does not know where to start.’

  “I told him someone said he was there on business. He chuckled and said, ‘You might call it business. I was getting the patent rights for my computer-related writings. The patent rights cover the computer program system, the new program language, the new computer games, the new user violation codes, and the new computer company I have just formed.’

  “‘Have you had any luck with the laser sound weapon?’

  “He said, ‘That has been put on the back burner at this time, but it will become functional very soon.’ The more questions I asked the less information he gave. He then told me he did not have the time to tell me anymore about his trip. I asked Michael if he would like to come over for supper and tell me everything about the patents and how it will impact the world. He said he would be over at six.

  “We ate at six and later sat down to talk. Michael began telling me of Rome and the sites he had seen and how he would love to live there someday. He said, ‘The city is so rich in history, and to be in the city that had conquered the known world was a real thrill.’ He told me about the international patents he received for all of his hard work. ‘The computer program system will replace all systems within five years.’ He said he needed the patent so pirates could not steal him blind. ‘The new adult games and children computer games will change the way people look at and play computer games.’

  “I stopped him and asked if he could give me details of what he was speaking about. ‘I know nothing of computers, and the more detail you give me the more I can understand what you are saying.’

  “Michael said he would start all over and make it easy for me to understand. Michael first started with his computer program system. He explained how systems work and how some companies prefer one system over another. He said his system works totally different than all others. ‘My system requires that when you first learn my program, one must put on the head phones and watch the video. The program teacher begins telling the person how to use the system. In the program teacher, there are subliminal messages that enhance the learning ability of the individual. There are 20 videos that have three one hour segments. Each video is loaded with subliminal messages. The subliminal messages activate the subconscious and motivate the person to over-achieve in whatever he or she is working on. I can take an average person, use the videos and head phones on them, and when they are finished with the course, they will have a working knowledge of the system that far exceeds someone else who did not use my system of teaching. You see, Professor Wilson, it is not the computer program that is so sophisticated and user friendly, it is the method of teaching the system and opening the mind to knowledge that is dormant.

  “‘The computer games will require a helmet that is similar to a virtual reality helmets. The difference is price. The computer ga
me and helmet will cost $100. Virtual reality helmets alone cost between $300 to $400.

  “‘The violation codes are very unique. Many people will buy a program, load it in their computer and let a friend load it in their computer also, which is a crime. When the program is first loaded, the violation code reads the internal serial number of the computer and puts it in memory in the program disk. The program disk is required to be in the computer when the computer is turned on. The disk reads the internal serial number to verify that it is the same serial number that was installed the very first time. The program will not operate if the serial number is different. If a person were to buy a new computer, they would have to call our 800 number to have a new code for their program. The new program language I invented is called VEAL. It stands for Voice Electronic Analytic Language.’

  “Michael said, ‘It is a new computer language that uses voice recognition to write programs. You speak into the microphone and tell the computer what you want. Within minutes it is done.’ He said all programmers will use this language in the near future.

  “Michael stated he needed to be under the umbrella of a company, so he set up his own computer company. He said he would put all computer companies out of business within ten years.

  “I thought to myself, ‘With what he has now, the only person who may go out of business is Michael.’

  “The next day I went by Dr. Messenger’s room to see how his trip was to Babylon. He said since Iraq started to rebuild the ancient city of Babylon many investors are looking at Babylon to invest in. ‘Babylon will be a very important city in the very near future.’ The more we talked the more I started to see a different side of Dr. Messenger. He was telling me about the Tower of Babel and how the world had almost had one religion. ‘If it is possible, Babylon will again be the place where one religion will be worldwide.’

  “I asked Dr. Messenger if he really believed what he had just said. ‘I believe it so much that I am going to move my headquarters to Babylon!’”

  I decided I would stop and see if anyone would like to ask a question. I had to leave so quickly yesterday, I did not take any questions. I asked if there were any questions.

  “Andy, you have a question?”

  “Yes, Brother Steven. Yesterday you said you had to go to a banquet. What kind of banquet did you go to, and does the Bible tell of this banquet?”

  “The Bible does not tell of this banquet. This banquet is held every month in heaven. Even though there is no time in heaven, it would be equal to your time on earth. We worship Christ with our hearts and with our singing. The banquet is a time of fellow shipping and praising the Lamb.

  “Wanda, what is your question?”

  “Sometimes you think that Michael was the Antichrist and other times you didn’t. Could you explain?”

  “The things Michael did and what he said made me believe he was the Antichrist, while other times I doubted that we Christians would know who the Antichrist would be before the rapture. The things that were being set up by Michael, such as the credit card company, the stock market company, the development of artificial skin, the computer programs and maybe a laser sound weapon could be used by the real Antichrist when he came on the scene. Perhaps Michael was the person who put everything together and the real Antichrist would manipulate them away from Michael. It could be the Antichrist might have had Michael killed for his inventions. I did not know if Michael was the Antichrist or if the Antichrist was still in the future. As Christians, we should not judge a person unless we are absolutely sure what we believe is true.”

  “There were so many questions I knew it could take hours to answer them all. The questions were coming from the people who were born in the millennium. The ones who became Christians during the tribulation had not asked one question. It may be too painful to think of that terrible time on earth when more than half the population died. The famines, the wars, the droughts and the starvation made people re-evaluate how precious life really is. Those who went through the tribulation know how difficult life was each day. No one knew if it would be their last day or maybe the next day would be their last. The only thing that was certain was, if you were a Christian and you died, you knew exactly where you were going.

  “Jerry, you have a question?”

  “A week ago you said the Antichrist gave people the number 666; why?”

  “When the Antichrist signed the peace treaty with Israel, that signing began the seven-year tribulation. The exact date was April 3, 2011. That date is very important because exactly three and one-half years from that date, the Antichrist would go into the rebuilt tribulation temple, sit on the throne and proclaim himself to be God. At that time the Antichrist required everyone who accepted him as God to take his number, 666, to show they did believe he was God. If a person took the number, he or she would be doomed for eternity. One reason the Jews knew the Antichrist was not god was because the Antichrist entered the temple on October 3, 2014, one of the most holy days in Israel, Yom Kippur. They knew the true God would not enter on a holy day, and also the true God would not have to proclaim Himself to be God; his prophets, His angels, and the Bible would proclaim who the true God was. And the Bible did exactly that.

  “The Bible states, in the Book of Daniel, what was about to happen. The Bible also said at the end of the tribulation Jesus would come back and destroy all of those armies that have gathered to make war. The Bible tells us who God is. In the Gospel of John, Chapter 1, verse 1, it says, 'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.’ Also in verse 14 it says, ‘And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father), full of grace and truth.’ There is only one person these two verses are talking about, and that is Jesus Christ. Jesus was the Word and He was made flesh.

  “Before the rapture, many people did not believe in Jesus or the Bible, but when the tribulation began, there were a multitude of people that believed. During the last 3 ½ years of the tribulation, a person had to have the number 666 in order to buy, trade or have a job. The Antichrist controlled every aspect of the world economy. The things I have told you about which were being set up by Michael were the beginnings of the control of the world’s economy. I did not know for certain at that time, but I had a feeling that somehow they could be used as the primary means of world power.

  “At this time I will continue telling what happened before the rapture, and you may ask more questions when I am finished.

  “Michael was a junior in the fall of 2002. The grades that he made were beyond words. Every test he took, every paper he wrote, and every assignment and class project he was involved with, was perfect. As a matter of fact, when he graduated, he was the only student in the history of Hebrew University who had a perfect score on everything. Michael never missed one question on a test, and he never had a paper that was grammatically incorrect. Hebrew University was given an anonymous $100 million gift the year Michael graduated. I had a good idea who would give the school that much money.

  “By the time Michael graduated he was a secret billionaire. His credit card company had already put one credit card company out of business. There were only four major credit card companies left in the world, and Michael’s main goal was to put them out of business also. He bought one square block of land in Rome. That would be the new location of his stock exchange company. The building of the new stock exchange started in March of 2003, and it took three years to finish. The grand opening was March 13, 2006. Dignitaries from all over the world came to the opening. It was billed as the only stock exchange in the world where an investor could not lose all his money in one day.

  “The name was kept secret until the day of the grand opening. There was a large sheet covering the name, and when Michael finished his speech, he said he would remove the sheet to reveal the name. When Michael pulled the sheet, the name was revealed. I could not bel
ieve what I saw. The name was the ‘Global Stock Exchange.’

  “I thought back to a dream Michael had shared with the class about a man telling him of a stock exchange company that Michael would own and how the name would be the Global Stock Exchange. Michael had put a lot of thought into his new company. He wrote a program that would stop all transactions if there was a 100-point drop. By having all business stopped if there was a 100-point drop, it would ensure that no one could lose all their money in one day. He also required all investors to have two or more accounts. For example, if a person opened an account and wanted to buy only IBM stock, he was forbidden. An investor had to have two accounts, one for IBM and another for some other stock. The investor also had to have equal shares of each stock. Michael said by having half of one’s money in one stock and half in another, there would be no way they would ever go bankrupt.

  “Not only did the plan work, but it started to hurt other stock exchanges. The rumors of unfair trades, stock manipulations, executive infighting and brokers who were cheating the customers brought the fall of all stock exchanges in the world by the end of 2009.

  “During Michael’s senior year, he had been working very hard at something secret. No one knew what he was working on except Dr. Messenger. Michael had purchased a building in southern Jerusalem where he and Dr. Messenger worked most weekends and three of four nights a week until midnight. In December of 2004 the news was released to the news media of a new laser weapon.

  “The weapon used low-pitch sound to destroy any object it hit and at any distance. Michael had talked the British government into giving him an old ship that was supposed to be destroyed by the British navy. The ship was taken out to sea some 1,000 miles from Israel. Michael typed in the coordinate numbers where the ship was, and fired. Within five minutes, the ship was destroyed by the laser sound wave. Michael thought it was a great invention, but the nations of the world did not think that way. The Arab nations did not know if Michael would give the new weapon to Israel or what he would do. Also, Israel did not know what Michael would do. Would he sell the new weapon to the highest bidder, or would he attempt to blackmail a country into thinking his way? At one point the Israeli Mossad had decided to have him assassinated, but the plan was mysteriously revealed to the media, and those involved were jailed. Michael was becoming one of the most important men in the world.

  “Because of the uproar of his new weapon, in 2005 he founded the “Brotherhood of Human Reasoning.” The goal of the Brotherhood was to reason things out in a peaceful manner. The cost to join the Brotherhood was $100,000. What the money bought was time, in case a country was about to go to war with another country. Michael would go and negotiate a peace treaty between the countries. His first test came right after 80 nations signed up to belong to the Brotherhood. India and China had a border fight over a small piece of land. Michael went immediately to Burma and met with both parties, and resolved the crisis in two days. After the China crisis, almost all the other countries joined the Brotherhood.

  “Michael continued to resolve disputes between nations, until he was known as the ‘Prince of Peace.’ The newspaper headlines and the news media would state, ‘The Prince of Peace has brought peace to two more countries that were on the verge of fighting.’ Michael’s slogan was, ‘Everything can be worked out in a peaceable manner.’ By the end of 2009 Michael was the most popular and important man in the world. He was acclaimed as the most likely person to be the president of the world, if a position like that ever came about.

  “Those of you who went through the tribulation know who the Antichrist was and what he did. Those of you who were never told the story of the tribulation or who the Antichrist was have no idea what his name was. It is best to reveal who the Antichrist was and what he did to humanity. The Antichrist was Michael D. Glispbe, and the False Prophet was Dr. Paul A. Messenger. These two men made up two-thirds of the false trinity. The other third was the Devil himself. The things Michael did in order to take control of the world were monstrous. Dr. Messenger did everything in his power to put Michael into the position of the Antichrist. People were murdered in order to take over companies and to accelerate Michael into the world’s eye. Dr. Messenger knew the time was near, so he set up the World Council of Religious Beliefs. The idea was to get everyone together for the one world religion during the tribulation period. God was allowing these two to work and pull everything together to get things ready for the tribulation. The false trinity was only a matter of years from becoming a reality.”






  And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and

  saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having

  seven heads and ten horns, and upon his

  horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the

  name of blasphemy.

  Revelation 13:1