Read The Past or The Coming Future Page 9


  “I said I would tell you about the years after Michael graduated, but if there are any questions, I will answer them first.

  “Clay, what is your question?”

  “When you are telling us of the things that occurred before the rapture, are you telling us as if it is first-hand knowledge, exactly like it happened, or are you using hindsight?”

  “Sometimes I am using first-hand knowledge, and other times I am using hindsight, while other times I am using the knowledge that I received when I was given my incorruptible body. I don’t think it is necessary or important for you to know if it is first-hand, hindsight, or if it is information I am now conscious about. What I am telling you is the truth about the actual events. I will answer more questions later.

  “May 20, 2004, Michael D. Glispbe graduated from Hebrew University. As I had told you previously, Michael was a billionaire when he graduated. Everything was going as planned. He and Dr. Messenger were manipulating, lying and using unscrupulous tactics to advance their goals. Dr. Messenger was not looking for any praise or acclamation for himself; he wanted all of that for Michael. Many things Dr. Messenger did, he would say Michael had done. This way Michael was the one in the limelight and the one who people were looking at. As the days went by, it was Michael who was gaining in popularity and becoming known all over the world.

  “The credit card company which Michael set up was making him so much money he would never be able to spend it all. Rumors swirled about the remaining credit card companies in the world. One rumor stated that the two largest credit card companies were going to merge and put ICAN out of business. It did not put ICAN out of business. It made people use their card more for fear the rumors were true. The more the ICAN card was used, the less the other cards were being used. The other four companies had assets far beyond the assets of ICAN. However, ICAN was moving up fast, but not as fast as Michael wanted.

  “Michael put together two new plans that would bring on the downfall of the other companies. The first thing Michael did was to give all customers a one-month grace period on the interest. When the billing went out in November, there would be no interest charged for December. In other words, a customer only paid interest 11 months out of the year. The second plan was to put the maximum limit on all cards at $200,000, in the event a person wanted to buy a new home. Also, by using the ICAN card to purchase a new home, he or she would not need a large down payment. The card covered everything.

  “If a person bought regular items, the interest would be the same as before, but if a person wanted to buy a house, the interest rate would drop to 6 percent. The plan worked to perfection. The people who could not afford to buy a new home because of the large down payment could now have their own home. Six percent interest for buying a house had not been seen since way back in 1969. Homes that Realtors could not sell were selling so quickly they had more people wanting to buy homes than were available. Builders were building homes as fast as they could. The boom was not only in the United States, but all over the world. The ICAN credit card made it possible for people everywhere to buy the things that were only a dream before.

  “Michael and Dr. Messenger contacted one of their friends who had ties to the underworld in New York. They needed some work done for them, and if the people in New York would do the work, it would pay $500,000, no questions asked and no traces should be left. The next day, their friend said his friends in New York would take the job, no questions asked. James J. Lucas was the person the New York group was supposed to eliminate. Mr. Lucas was the CEO of the largest of the four remaining credit card companies in the world.

  “James J. Lucas was one of those men who always kept everything exact. On Monday he would have breakfast at LaBrinks Restaurant at exactly 7:30. At 7:30 everything had better be on the table or there would be trouble. After breakfast, he would go to the office and have a staff meeting at exactly 9:00. Mr. Lucas was so precise; one could set their watch by him. On Friday, he would fly from New York to Seattle in his personal Lear Jet. The jet would leave at exactly 9:05. For one month Louie Sivella, the man who was supposed to eliminate James Lucas, logged everything his target did. The time, the method, the way and the purpose was logged, and finally it was determined what would be used to terminate Mr. Lucas.

  “Early Friday morning, Louie went to the airport and pretended to be a mechanic. He said he was going to check out Mr. Lucas’ jet before they left for Seattle. He placed a small piece of plastic explosive in the panel of the right engine. He then placed a 10-pound box of plastic explosives in the baggage area. The plane took off right on time and flew for two hours. At 11:05 the pilot radioed the nearest tower and informed them they had lost the right engine due to a fire. The tower asked if they were declaring an emergency, and the pilot said they could fly with one engine. While the tower was talking to the pilot, the radio went dead and the tower lost the plane on radar.

  “The next morning the newspapers called the crash pilot error. The pilot failed to shut off the flow of fuel to the burning engine, and the plane blew up in mid-air. It was the perfect crime. Five men died in order to put the largest credit card company out of business. Also, when Michael and Dr. Messenger said they did not want any traces, what they meant was to kill the person or persons who blew up the plane. When Louie Sivella went to pick up his money, he was shot five times in the head. All traces had been eliminated. Michael and Dr. Messenger were murderers. It would not be the last time they would kill to gain control of the world. Within two years, there would only be two credit card companies in the world for Michael to contend with.

  “Michael had almost accomplished what he had set out to do, and that was to have the only credit card company in the world. He also wanted to have the only computer company in the world also. In March of 2007, his scheme to put all the other computer companies out of business came to light. With all the games and other software programs he had developed, he decided he must do something drastic. He contacted a modem company and asked if they were interested in selling their company. The owner said it would cost more money than Michael had. Michael asked what the figure was, and he was told $80 million. Michael asked if he wanted it in cash or a check. Michael now owned the largest modem company in the world. He also bought a company that made keyboards. The only remaining company to buy was a monitor company. He inquired about different companies and finally decided on the one he thought was the best buy. Michael had everything he needed to put all computer companies out of business.

  “The companies that had been using his computer system were very numerous, but not the size that he wanted. The computer system, software programs, games and other computer-related items would be packaged into one package. Michael would rent his package for $50 a month. Any business or any person could rent his package deal. Everyone would receive a modem, a keyboard, a surge protector and a monitor. When you turned on the surge protector, everything would turn on. Once everything was on, the pass word would have to be typed in, in order to access the main computer at the headquarters. When access was established, the person had at his fingertips everything Michael had developed. The plan started slow, but in time it caught on, and people were renting his package deal instead of paying $2,000 or $3,000 for a new computer system that would be obsolete within six months.

  “By the end of 2008, Michael’s system was in almost half of the homes in the United States and in three-fourths of the homes in Great Britain. Michael’s computer system had taken over as the language of preference for almost all the companies in the world. There were some companies that were not willing to use Michael’s system, but it would just be a matter of time until that changed. Michael had given all companies in the world an ultimatum. By the end of 2009, if they had not changed over to his system, they would be totally locked out. Companies were changing over as fast as they could. They knew what the result would be if they did not change. Over 90 percent o
f all the companies in the world were using Michael’s system, and if the remaining companies did not change, they would go bankrupt.

  “By the end of 2009, Michael’s dream had come true. He had the only computer company in the world. He had put all the other computer companies in the world out of business. He could now manipulate the system the way he wanted. Some people still had old computer systems in their homes, but if they wanted to log onto the Internet or use games or do anything current, they had to rent Michael’s system. Many people continued to resist, but it was useless. Almost all transactions were done with the computer, and every company was using Michael’s system. It was inevitable if a person was going to use a computer they would have to have Michael’s system.

  “In 2010, the first price increase occurred since Michael had put the package deal on the market. Instead of paying $50 a month, everyone would be charged $100. With the increase in price, he was also upgrading the modems and monitors. The new modems would send and receive everything six times faster than before. The new monitors were also bigger and better. The monitors were a full 27 inches. Plus Michael’s new invention, which made monitors crystal clear, was better than the high resolution monitors they had replaced. One other thing Michael neglected telling anyone about was the camera that was installed in every monitor. The camera had a micro fiber-optic lens the size of pencil lead. This way, Michael could see into every home in the world and keep track of anyone he chose, providing they were in the room with the computer.

  “By July 2010, Michael did away with the pass words and gave everyone an access code in order to get into his main frame computer. His main idea was to keep track of people in case it was ever necessary to do so. Every country had a certain code. The United States would have the code of 555. Great Britain would have the code of 543. By every country having a code, Michael would know where the person was when he was accessing the main frame.

  “When a person or company was accessing the main frame, he or she would first type in the country’s number. Second, they would have to type in the telephone number they were calling from. Third, they would have to type in a 10-digit code that was assigned from Michael. If a person was calling from Kansas, they would type in the country number 555, the area code for Kansas (913), the telephone number they were calling from (799-9999), and their 10-digit number assigned from Michael (1234567890). The first thing Michael’s system did was to check to see if the call was placed from the correct country. If it was not, the system would require the caller to put in the correct country number. If the caller did not put in the correct country number, the system would tell the caller which country they were calling from, and the correct number for that country. They system would then check to see if the area code was correct and if the telephone number was correct. If they were correct, the only thing left to do was to put in your special 10-digit code. If everything checked out correctly, you could then access the main frame. It may seem as if it took forever to access the main frame, but to check all those numbers it only took 1.5 seconds.

  “With each system having a camera in the picture tube, Michael’s people could see the person who was using the main frame. Many times people would use false country numbers and false area codes to try to access the main frame, but with Michael’s system being foolproof, no one was able to break the system. Telephone fraud came to a dead stop. The system was also working to fight crime.

  “People thought the new system was great when it first came out, but as time went by people were hating the system more and more. The system knew who you were, where you were and what you were doing. If the people had known about the hidden cameras, they would have stopped using Michael’s system immediately. Michael had a system main frame in every country in the world. By having a system main frame in every country, the system could check out the numbers quickly and accurately.

  “Michael and Dr. Messenger used $200 million to place their satellites into orbit around the earth. They paid the French government to place 20 satellites around the world. The way the satellites were placed into orbit, any place in the world had instant access to Michael’s headquarters. Also, within each satellite, a canister was placed that contained a special type of chemical that would be used in the near future. In the future countries would fear the satellites that Michael had place in orbit. Even though Michael and Dr. Messenger did not know when the rapture would occur, they knew the time was very close. Within eight months, the trumpet would sound and the Christians would be removed from the face of the earth.

  “Michael and Dr. Messenger would do anything to help their program of world control. The Global Stock Exchange was working just the way Michael had hoped it would work. Michael and Dr. Messenger used their friends in New York to place bugs in the offices of every stock exchange in the world. They knew everything that was being said and every plan that was being implemented. There wasn’t anything they did not know. They had friends in the newspaper business, and when they heard of company infighting they would tell their friends and it would be front page news. Also, the stock exchanges throughout the world did not know Michael was the writer of the computer system they were using. The only thing the companies knew was the name of the owner, Diabolos. They never put Diabolos with Michael. The only person in the world, besides Dr. Messenger, who knew Michael was Diabolos, was me. Michael’s goal was to put all stock exchanges out of business by 2010. If he did not have all the stock exchanges out of business by 2010, he had only one plan left to put them out of business. He would inform the stock exchanges they would not be able to rent the computer system to them because of a conflict of interest. The stock exchanges would have to find another computer system to use. Since Michael’s computer system was the only one in use by all the companies in the world, the stock exchanges would go bankrupt. And, as Michael put it, ‘That’s terrible.’

  “Before 2010, Michael had put six stock exchanges out of business. The Arab Stock Exchange, located in Cairo, was the first to go out of business. Michael had friends in different stock exchanges to start a rumor that the Arab Stock Exchange was cheating investors out of millions. Michael accessed the computer for the Arab Stock Exchange and put figures in that showed how they were cheating customers. In order to prove they were not cheating, they asked for an international investigation and a check of their books and records. When the investigation started, there was nothing found that proved they had cheated their customers. One investigator asked if he could get into their computer and see if there was anything there. With officials looking on, the investigator found records of cheating and corruption: Hidden bank accounts, hidden or stolen stocks and bonds and secret Swiss bank account numbers. Everything that was found was proof beyond a shadow of a doubt. The Arab Stock Exchange went out of business within one week of the finding. Michael had planted all the information; he also had the money put into the bank accounts and into the Swiss accounts. The hidden stocks and bonds were all part of Michael’s plan.

  “In July of 2008, there remained only three stock exchanges in the world. Michael was going to do whatever had to be done to put the other two out of business. Michael and Dr. Messenger had talked about different methods they could use on the two remaining companies. One method that had worked before to put another company out of business was to spread rumors about company mergers and companies trying a hostile takeover. Michael decided he wanted something a little more sophisticate than to spread rumors.

  “The CEO of Cambridge Stock Exchange, located in England, was a very young man by CEO standards. He was 42 years old. The plan would be for Michael to write a computer program that would use the image of a person’s picture and transpose it to a plastic mold. The plastic mold could then be filled with a thin layer of rubber to make an exact image of the person in the picture. Dr. Messenger asked one of his photographer friends if he could get four or five good pictures of Melvin A. Brooks. The pictures were taken at
various functions and given to Dr. Messenger. Michael took the pictures that had been taken of Mr. Brooks and entered them into his program. The mold had a thin layer of rubber placed inside, and a perfect image of Mr. Brooks was the result. After painting and putting hair on the rubber image, it could pass for the CEO of the Cambridge Stock Exchange.

  “On Friday night there was a banquet that Mr. Brooks went to. His wife had to stay home with one of their sick children, so he went by himself. At the banquet, someone placed a drug in Mr. Brook’s drink that made him nauseated. He left, but had to stop every minute in order to throw up. The 10-minute drive home took two hours. During the two hours, Michael had another man put on the image of Mr. Brooks and go to a hotel where there was a young, beautiful woman. There was a camera inside the room and everything they did was recorded. The next morning, the newspapers showed two pictures of Mr. Brooks inside a hotel with a 23-year-old model. The source of the pictures said they had more pictures and for the right price they would sell them. The pictures were sold to the newspaper, and questions were being asked about the CEO of the Cambridge Stock Exchange. The young woman said she and Melvin had been having an affair for almost six months. She also said she told Melvin she was going to have a baby, and Melvin had agreed to leave his wife for her. When questioned by his wife, he denied everything that had been said. When she watched the video, she was convinced he was cheating and had lied about Friday night. She took the three kids, left the home and filed for divorce. The Board of Directors fired Mr. Brooks and began looking for a replacement when their clients starting leaving and going to the other stock exchanges. The scandal was too much for the exchange. They closed the doors two weeks after the scandal went public.

  When the Cambridge Stock Exchange closed its doors, there was only one stock exchange left to put out of business. That would be the next challenge for Michael. The handwriting was already on the wall. The remaining stock exchange could not last for long. Within six months, the only stock exchange company in the world was the Global Stock Exchange. The dream Michael shared with the class at the beginning of his second year at Hebrew University came true."

  “I have shared with you the things that occurred during those years after Michael graduated. At the end of 2010, everything was set up so the one world government could come into being and the tribulation was less than four months away.

  “I will now take a few questions.

  “Teresa, what is your question?”

  “Everything you have told us about the things Michael wanted to accomplish in a short period of time was accomplished. Is there anything else Michael wanted to accomplish in the time that was left?”

  “First, let me remind you that Michael, nor Dr. Messenger, not anyone in the world knew when the rapture would occur. Michael and Dr. Messenger knew the time was very close; that was the reason they were trying to get everything accomplished as quickly as possible. There were still a number of things Michael knew would have to be finished within a short period of time. The first thing he wanted to do was to perfect the robot that looked exactly like him. He knew the robot might come in handy in the future. The second was to set up branch offices in every country of the world. The third thing he wanted to do was to be president of the Revised Roman Empire, better known as the European Common Market. He remembered the things I had told him about the Common Market and how the world ruler would be the president of the Revised Roman Empire during the tribulation. The last area he wanted was one of the first four things I had suggested he would have to control in order to take over the world. The currency. If there was one currency for the whole world, he could control the world economy.”

  “Will there be one currency in the world?”

  “Yes. During the tribulation the ECU dollar will be the only currency used during the last 3 ½ years.”

  “Can you tell us more about the robot or the image?”

  “Yes, I will be telling you about the robot and the other things I just mentioned in the days to come.

  “Joshua, do you have a question?”

  “You have not said much about Tom and Debbie before the rapture. Why?”

  “The reason I have not said much is because there is not much that Tom and Debbie did before the rapture. If you remember, I told you they accepted Christ the day the rapture occurred. What they did after the rapture, I will cover in more detail.

  “Let me backtrack and tell you what happened to Tom and Debbie during the last four or five years before the rapture, which made it possible for them to make it through the tribulation.”