Read The Perfect Gift Page 22

  THE PRIEST looked up at the small congregation. Naomi stood square to Trent at the altar. Her silk and lace wedding dress looked picture-perfect. The atmosphere in the church felt electrifying.

  Naomi gave Kaite a satisfied look. Glancing about the small beautiful old chapel, built decades earlier in one corner of the Oasis, Naomi looked out of the small plain glass window at the blue sky. Her eyes widened in disbelief when she saw a leaf fall from the large apple tree. She squealed. Tears streamed down Naomi’s face as she ran past the astonished family members on her way out into the warm sunlight. She sprinted to where the leaf floated to the ground. Sobbing, Naomi knelt on the carpet style grass.

  Trent raced to her side. “Naomi, what’s happened?” his voice sounding hurt.

  “I can’t marry you. I’m so sorry.” She lowered her head further to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. Her whole body trembled underneath her wedding dress.

  “I don’t understand. I thought you and I were the happiest couple on the planet? You said those words to me only last night when we walked in the dark holding hands while watching the moon slowly rise.”

  “I am, at least I thought I was.”

  “Naomi, please look at me. Whatever has caused you this pain you’re going through I’m here to help?”

  “I saw a falling leaf. It’s a bad omen from years ago. Now it has happened again.”

  Trent gently cupped Naomi’s chin to lift her head. He kissed her forehead, looking at her water soaked eyes. He didn’t joke or say anything to put her down. Instead, his words were honey smooth. “A leaf, that falls off a tree signals it is autumn. In America, they call it the fall. A falling leaf has no other significance than to help the tree to grow.”

  Naomi slowly relayed the story of Bill and his bigamist ways and how much he deeply hurt her. Every autumn, no matter how hard she tried to forget the haunting thoughts of her disastrous wedding day, the vivid, painful memories came flooding back. She’d been totally devastated by his lies. His deceitfulness caused her heart to be torn in two.

  Trent lifted his bride off the ground, showing her the Oasis.

  “This is your home now. You belong here. Today is the first day of a new season. It also signals a new life for the both of us. I will be by your side every day for the remainder of our lives. You have no need to fear anything from your past. Come, let us start our journey.”

  “Thank you for your kind thoughtful words,” whispered Naomi.

  Trent placed her gently on her feet. He stooped to pick up two leaves from the ground. He handed one to Naomi, the other he held.

  “When I look at these leaves, I see a brand-new season is not far away. I know winter will be first, but spring is just around the corner.”

  Naomi turned the brown leaf over in her hand.

  “See,” whispered Trent. “It’s only a leaf. It came from the tree you’re standing next under. It decomposes which helps the tree to grow.” He scrunched the dry leaf in his hand and let the flakes fall to the ground.

  He nodded.

  Naomi scrunched her leaf, opened her hand, watching the flakes she created fall about her feet.

  “From this moment forth, I Naomi will never let the bad memories of years gone by upset me again.”

  Trent swept Naomi off her feet, kissing his bride.

  “Take me back into the church; it’s time we were married.”

  The wedding ceremony successfully came to the finale. The priest who’d been flown out to the Oasis for the special occasion seemed pleased.

  Trent looked longingly at Naomi. His eyes weren’t hiding the inner man anymore.

  “You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met. I promise to love and cherish you from this moment forward. Even after death, I will love you.”

  “I Naomi will love and cherish you till the day I die and beyond.”

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife,” said the priest.

  He radiated a proud look as Trent and Naomi kissed for the first time since being married.

  To the cheering of the small group, Trent escorted Naomi from the small cottage style church in one corner of the Oasis to the lush green lawn where a white marquee was set up ready for the wedding reception. Every flower appeared to be in full colour. The sun quickly warmed the air. The sparkling river slowed to a crawl. It looked inviting even to Naomi. After the wedding photos, had been completed. The Oasis could not have looked any more spectacular.

  In the trees, the birds were singing their love song. Naomi felt a brand-new life being laid out before her, one she only ever dreamt about. She felt a warm tingling sensation travel throughout her body. In a strange way, she wanted her life to speed along so she could read about her exciting adventures she had with Trent by her side. Naomi grinned at the years which were to come. She turned her back on the crowd of single women and got ready to throw the bridal bouquet high over her shoulders.

  Kaite leapt through the air, grabbing the bouquet of flowers in full flight, before being flung to the ground by a disappointed group of eager ladies of various ages. She stood triumphant facing Mitch. He sprinted to her side, scooped her up one handed and carried her to a vacant chair.

  “Trent, does the scene remind you of anything?” asked Naomi, laughing.

  He scooped her up, white-laced wedding dress, train and all.

  “I’ve taught my brother everything I know.”

  “It seems another wedding is blowing in from the north sooner than expected,” chirped Naomi.

  “It’ll have to wait until we get back from our honeymoon.”

  “You haven’t let a syllable of a single word escape your mouth on where you intend to take me,” scolded Naomi. “You really should say.”

  “It’s a big surprise,” said Trent. “After all, I need to have a least one secret left.”