Read The Perils and Adventures of Harry Skipwith by Land and Sea Page 19



  The winter at length came to an end. The snow began rapidly todisappear, and we commenced preparations for our journey across theRocky Mountains and British Columbia to Vancouver's Island. We busiedourselves in getting our carts and stores in order, while Stalker andGaroupe went out in search of the horses, which we knew had not strayedfar. The following day they appeared, driving the whole mob beforethem, every animal looking as fat as if stall-fed, and in far bettercondition for travelling. Our men we believed were stanch and true.Our party consisted of Stalker, Garoupe, Swiftfoot, the Indian, andQuick-ear, who professed to know the whole country down to the mouth ofthe Frazer. Thus we had four natives and three Englishmen--Trevor,myself, and Peter--with our faithful four-footed follower, Ready: anumber not so great as to provoke attack, yet sufficient to resistwanton aggression. On the last day of March we were up before daybreak,took our last meal in our winter abode, packed our carts, and then--carefully closing up the doorways and windows, so as to preserve thebuildings for the use of future travellers who might have to spend awinter in that region--with a feeling of regret bade farewell to thespot, knowing the improbability that we should ever again revisit it.

  We had four carts, and each of us was mounted, having a spare horseapiece, so that we formed no inconsiderable a cavalcade. We pushed onas fast as the nature of the ground--wet from the melting snow--wouldallow till we came to the north bank of the Saskatchewan River. For twodays we continued along it till it became necessary to cross for thesake of the more beaten track on the opposite bank. How was this to beaccomplished? The water was far too cold to make swimming pleasant. Ibethought me of the ancient British water conveyances, still in use inWales. Having seen an abundant supply of dry reeds and rushes in acreek a little way off, we unloaded a cart, and sent the men to bring itfull of them. Meantime, I employed myself in making a framework ofgreen willows, and in well greasing a buffalo hide, so as to prevent thewater getting through it. While I worked at the boat, Trevormanufactured a pair of paddles and a third for steering. By the timethe cart returned, we had done so much that all that remained was tomake the reeds and rushes up into bundles and to fasten them outside theframework on which I had stretched the buffalo skin.

  In this somewhat frail though buoyant canoe, resembling somewhat a Welshcoracle, we conveyed all our goods across the river, though with a verymoderate freight; it would only carry two people at a time. The carts,which were entirely of wood, floated easily, and were towed across atthe tails of the horses. All the party having got safe across, we againloaded and pushed on for another ten miles over a well-beaten track tillwe camped for the night. The difficulties we encountered in travellingacross the country were wonderfully few, and Trevor was constantlyexclaiming--

  "What a pity people at home don't know of this! A few thousand hardyfellows like us, who can stand cold and heat, would soon change the faceof the country, and make comfortable houses for themselves into thebargain."

  We stopped for two days at Edmonton, a large trading port or fort of theHudson's Bay Company. It stands on high ground above the Saskatchewan,is formed of rough palisades, with flanking towers, sufficiently strongto resist an attack of Indians, and contains a blacksmith's forge andcarpenter's shop, and some thirty families; while attached to it is alarge body of hunters, employed in collecting furs for the Company, orin killing buffalo for food. Bound the fort, wheat, potatoes, andvegetables of all sorts, are produced in abundance; indeed, the whole ofthe Saskatchewan district through which we passed is capable ofsupporting a dense population. I can state also, once for all, that thescenery, though not grand, is highly picturesque and beautiful, withwooded slopes, green meadows, sunny uplands, lakes, streams, groves, anddistant hills, yearning for an industrious population to give it life,and to fulfil the object of the beneficent Creator who formed it thus.

  At Edmonton we exchanged our carts for packs and pack horses, as withthose alone could we hope to pass over the Rocky Mountains, or, at allevents, traverse the region on the other side of them. We did not,however, travel faster, as the delay, when we had to cross rivers, inbuilding rafts to ferry over our goods, was greater.

  There was no great probability of our having to encounter any formidableenemies during our journey. We might, however, meet with Indians whowould perhaps set envious eyes on our horses, or with grizzlies, whichwould dispute our progress, or wish to appropriate our provisions. Ofcourse, we should have rivers to cross, floods from melting snow toencounter, thunderstorms, or prairie fires, maybe; perhaps evenavalanches and whirlwinds to battle with; or, at least, to reckon uponoverturns, breakdowns, and similar incidents, to which all exploringparties are liable. Indeed, I will not attempt to describe how we hadto cross and recross some of the rivers, or to follow through theprairie a track which only the practised eye of an Indian coulddistinguish.

  We had been travelling along the banks of a wide stream, which, with thebreaking up of the ice, had become too rapid to be navigable for ourcanoes, and had reached a small lake, on the shore of which we resolvedto camp before continuing our ascent. While supper was preparing, Itook my gun and strolled on by the shore of the lake, with Ready, hopingto get a shot at some wild fowl, or, if in luck, perhaps at a prongbuck, a big horn, as the sheep of the mountains are called, or at aRocky Mountain goat--all three most difficult to hunt. The scenery wasmagnificent--high mountain ranges rose on either hand, some directly outof the lake, with snow-capped peaks above standing out against thedeep-blue sky, their images reflected in the mirror-like water. Istrolled on; now glancing at the lake, now at the height nearest hand,where I fancied that I saw a fine mountain goat feeding. This was thefirst I had seen. It is the most wild, solitary, and unsocial of allanimals, and seldom found but at the summit of the Rocky Mountains. Allat once I was startled by the rustling of leaves near me, and wishing toascertain what animal was there, I climbed to the top of the fallentrunk of a tree which lay in my path. Bending aside the branch of atree before me, I saw--what I would rather not have seen so close athand--a huge brown creature, a monster grizzly, busily employed intearing open the rotten trunk of a tree for the sake of the insectstherein contained. I retreated, hoping that I had not disturbed thegentleman in his entomological researches. I was mistaken, however, foras the bough sprang back to its former position, he looked up, andbefore I could jump down, his quick eye had discerned me.

  To escape by flight was impossible. Had I attempted to run over therough ground he would have overtaken me, and as certainly squeezed thelife out of my body; so I stood still where I was, threw up my arms, andprepared to bring my rifle down to my shoulder to fire. I had heardthat the action I performed had usually the effect of making a grizzlybear stop and stand up on his hind legs, or rather sit down with hisfore paws up. This, to my infinite satisfaction, my friend did; but hecurled his lips, showing his teeth, and opening his huge mouth in a mostunpleasant manner. My safety depended on my putting a bullet into avital part. Should I only wound him, I knew that he would be upon me ina moment. It is not surprising that I hesitated. While I did so Iheard a loud rustling among the branches behind him, and from out of thebrushwood two other rather smaller bears appeared, squatting down by theside of their big companion, and looking at me savagely.

  Had there been only two of them I might, I thought, possibly kill onewith one barrel, and one with the other; but how could I hope to disposeof three? Even should I shoot two, the survivor would certainly pursueand attack me. All this time, Ready, who had jumped upon the log,stood, like a well-trained dog, by my side. There was not a particle offear in him. A word from me would have made him attack the bears, andproved his certain destruction. There they all three sat looking at meand grinning, and with Ready alongside I stood looking at them, thinkinghow I could best turn t
hem into meat fit to be eaten. At last Idetermined to risk a shot, or rather two shots. I levelled my rifle.The hammer came down as I pulled the trigger, but there was no report.The cap split and missed fire. The bears growled more fiercely thanever, and I thought were about to make a rush on me. I dared notattempt to fire the second barrel; for should that go off, I should havebeen entirely unarmed. I therefore gently lowered my rifle till I couldput on a new cap. The bears did not like the movement, and showed signsof advancing. I was afraid that Ready would have flown at them. Itwould have been all up with him and me had he done so. I stood stockstill for a moment; so did the bears. Then I rapidly capped my rifle--fired first at the big fellow, with a steady aim, and then at one of hiscompanions, and not stopping an instant to ascertain what effect myshots had taken, leaped down off the log, and ran off as fast as my legswould carry me, calling Ready to follow, loading my gun as I went. Aloud growl told me that I was pursued, and I then felt that I had done avery foolish thing in firing, and that I should be fortunate if Iescaped with life and limb. Had it not been for the tree, my escapewould have been impossible.

  The growls grew louder and fiercer. They were answered by a sharp bark.I turned my head. Two bears were following me--the large fellow and asmaller one. From the neck of the first the blood was trickling down.My faithful Ready, seeing my danger, was trying to draw off theirattention from me. He succeeded sufficiently, at the great risk of hislife, to enable me to load one barrel of my rifle. "Which of the twoshall I shoot?" I asked myself. I selected the one already wounded. Ifired. He stopped a second, and then came on more savagely than ever.He was close upon me--the other being only a little way behind. I mustkill the big one or be destroyed. I stopped, faced him boldly--asdangers should always be faced--and fired. Not another inch did headvance, but immediately rolled over--shot through the heart. Still hiscompanion remained unhurt. He continued to advance towards me, growlingfiercely. In vain did Ready, with wonderful activity, endeavour todistract his attention. Had I attempted to fly he would have been on mein a moment. My only chance was standing still and keeping him at bay.I threw up my arms as before--made as if I would run at him--though Ifelt much more inclined to leap backwards--and shouted at the top of myvoice, hoping to frighten him, but all to no purpose. On he came, andin another instant I should have been made into mincemeat, or into aperfect hash, at all events, when, just as the beast, having sent Readyflying on one side, was about to seize me in his terrible paws, a bulletwhistled past my ear, the powder almost singeing my whiskers, and overhe went, shot through the heart. I was safe, but so sensible was I ofthe danger I had incurred, that for a time I felt my knees tremblingunder me. On recovering myself I looked round to see who was mydeliverer.

  About a dozen yards behind me stood Swiftfoot, leaning quietly on hisrifle, with true Indian calmness, as if he had been there for the lastfew hours, his countenance expressive of utter indifference to what hadoccurred. He knew the danger I might incur should my path be crossed bybear or panther, and had most considerately followed in my wake, keepingjust within earshot without letting me know, and had heard my loudshouting at the grizzly. No words were spoken by either of us at themoment. A shake of the hand was all that passed; but it expressed farmore than words could then have done. It took some little time to stillmy nerves, and with excellent tact Swiftfoot set to work to cut up thegame which had thus fallen to our share, going about it as if nothinghad happened out of the common, in a businesslike manner carefullyselecting all that was to be carried into camp. Ready seemed to thinkthe operation excellent fun; indeed, he was able practically to enjoy ittill I was compelled to call him off from his banquet for fear that hewould over-eat himself. All this time I kept eyeing the neighbouringthicket lest the third bear might come to look for his companions andcatch us engaged in a manner which he might think fit to resent. Havingcut up the two bears, Swiftfoot made a number of thongs out of theirskins, and with these he slung as much of the bears' flesh as he couldcarry over his shoulders. I followed his example, and the remainder wehung up in a tree, that we believed we could again easily find when wereturned to fetch it.

  Our arrival at camp was heartily welcomed by our friends--not the lessso that we brought a handsome supply of fresh meat for all the party.The announcement that there was still more made our companions hurryoff, not waiting for their suppers, to bring it into camp.

  "If we don't make haste there'll be little else but the bones left forus to suck," observed Swiftfoot. "The eagles and vultures will soonscent it out, not to speak of those cunning little critters thewolverines."

  He then led the party back to the spot, whilst Trevor proposed that heand I should try to add some fish to the dainty banquet with which wedetermined to close the day. Leaving, therefore, Peter, assisted byReady, to guard the camp--the former being directed also to watch thepot boiling and the roast of bear's flesh--Trevor and I took our rods totry and catch some fish out of the lake. So full are these lakes offish that we soon caught a dozen fine trout and several other fish. Wehad time to prepare our supper before the return of Swiftfoot and theothers with the remainder of the bears' flesh.

  We had a most sumptuous supper, washed down by copious draughts of tea,added to which--"The feast of reason and the flow of soul" made thehours pass so quickly away that it was long past midnight before we wentto rest.

  The next day we met a party of seven men, well-armed, who had winteredat the foot of the Rocky Mountains, some distance to the south, and werenow on their way to the Saskatchewan to prospect for gold, of which theyhad heard there was an abundance. They had been very successful intheir buffalo hunting, and had also caught a large supply of fish beforethe stream froze over, so that they were all in good condition and highspirits. They camped with us, and as we all sat round our fire atnight, and song, tale, and anecdote succeeded each other, amid heartyshouts of laughter, no one would have supposed that tea was thestrongest beverage in which we were indulging, and that we all hadpassed through and were about to plunge again into perils and hardshipsof no ordinary kind.