Read The Pillars of the House; Or, Under Wode, Under Rode, Vol. 1 (of 2) Page 12



  'Who haplesse and eke hopelesse all in vaine, Did to him pace sad battle to darrayne; Disarmd, disgraste, and inwardly dismayde, And eke so faint in every ioynt and vayne, Through that fraile fountaine which him feeble made.' _Spenser._

  Felix's majority made no immediate difference. His thirteenth part ofhis father's small property remained with the rest, at any rate untilhis guardian should return from his travels in the East; but in thecourse of the winter his kind old godfather, Admiral Chester, died, andhaving no nearer relation, left him the result of his small savings outof his pay, which would, the lawyer wrote, amount to about a thousandpounds; but there was a good deal of business to be transacted, and itwould be long before the sum was made over to him.

  Wilmet and Geraldine thought it a perfect fortune, leading to theUniversity, and release from trade; and they looked rather crestfallenwhen they heard that it only meant L30 per annum in the funds, orL50 in some risky investment. Mr. Froggatt's wish was that he shouldpurchase such a share in the business as would really give him standingthere; but Wilmet heard this with regret; she did not like his thusbinding himself absolutely down to trade.

  'You are thinking for Alda,' said Felix, smiling. 'You are consideringhow Froggatt and Underwood will sound in her ears.'

  'In mine, too, Felix; I _do_ not like it.'

  'I would willingly endure it to become Redstone's master,' said Felix,quietly.

  'Is he still so vexatious?' asked Geraldine; for not above once in sixmonths did Felix speak of any trials from his companions in business.

  'Not actively so; but things might be better done, and much ill bloodsaved. I cannot share W. W.'s peculiar pride in preferring to be anassistant instead of a partner.'

  'Then this is what you mean to do with it?'

  'Wait till it comes,' he said, oracularly. 'Seriously, though, I don'twant to tie it all up. The boys may want a start in life.'

  Neither sister thought of observing that the legacy was to one, notto all. Everybody regarded what belonged to Felix as common property;and the 'boys' were far enough into their teens to begin to make theirfuture an anxious consideration. Clement was just seventeen, and thoughhe had outgrown his voice, was lingering on as a sort of adopted childat St. Matthew's, helping in the parish school, and reading under oneof the clergy in preparation for standing for a scholarship. He triedfor one in the autumn, but failed, so much to his surprise and disgust,that he thought hostility to St. Matthew's must be at the bottom of hisrejection; and came home with somewhat of his martyr-like complacencyat Christmas, meaning to read so hard as to force his way in spiteof prejudice. He was very tall, fair, and slight; and his featureswere the more infantine from a certain melancholy baby-like gravity,which music alone dispersed. He really played beautifully, and beingentrusted with the organ during the schoolmaster's Christmas holidays,made practising his chief recreation. That Lance would often follow himinto church for a study, and always made one of the group round thepiano when Alice Knevett came to sing with them, was a great grievanceto Fulbert, who never loved music, and hated it as a rival for Lance'sattention.

  These two were generally the closest companions, and were alike inhaving more boyishness, restlessness, and enterprise than theirbrothers. This winter their ambition was to be at all the meets withinfive miles, follow up the hunt, and be able to report the fox's deathat the end of the day. Indeed, their appetite for whatever bore thename of sport was as ravenous as it was indiscriminate; and theirrapturous communications could not be checked by Clement's manifestcontempt, or the discouraging indifference of the rest--all but Robina,who loved whatever Lance loved, and was ready to go to a meet, ifWilmet had not interfered with a high hand.

  Before long Felix wished that his authority over the male part of thefamily were as well established as that in her department.

  One hunting day the two brothers came in splashed up to the eyes,recounting how they had found a boy of about their own age in a ditch,bruised and stunned, but not seriously hurt; how with consolation andschoolboy surgery they had cheered him, and found he was Harry Collis,whom they had known as a school-fellow at Bexley; how they had helpedhim home to Marshlands Hall, and had been amazed at the dreariness andwant of all home comfort at the place, so that they did not like toleave him till his father came home; and how Captain Collis had notonly thanked them warmly, but had asked them over to come and shootrabbits the next day.

  There was nothing to blame them for, but Felix had much rather it hadnever happened. Captain Collis was one of a race of squires who hadnever been very reputable, and had not risen greatly above the farmer.He had been in the army, and had the bearing of a gentleman; but eversince his wife's death, he had lived an unsatisfactory sort of lifeat the Hall, always forward in sport, but not well thought of, andbelieved to be a good deal in debt. His only child, this Harry Collis,had been sent somewhat fitfully to the St. Oswald's Grammar School,and had been rather a favourite companion of Lance's; but separationhad put an end to the intimacy, and this renewal was not at all to thetaste of their eldest brother.

  'It can't be helped this time,' he said, when he heard of theinvitation; 'I suppose you must go to-morrow, but I don't fancy theconcern.'

  Fulbert's bristles began to rise, but Lance chatted gaily on. 'But,Fee, you never saw such a place! Stables for nine hunters. Only think!And a horse entered for the Derby! We are to see him to-morrow. It isthe jolliest place.'

  'Nine hunters!' moralized Clement; 'they cost as much as three timesnine orphans.'

  'And they are worth a dozen times as much as the nasty little beggars!'said Fulbert.

  On which Angela put in the trite remark that the orphans had souls.

  'Precious rum ones,' muttered Fulbert; and in the clamour thus raisedthe subject dropped; but when next morning, in the openness of hisheart, Lance invited Clement to go with them to share the untold joysof rabbit-shooting, he met with a decisive reply. 'Certainly not! Ishould think your Dean would be surprised at you.'

  'Oh, the Dean is a kind old chap,' answered Lance, off-hand; 'wheneverhe has us to sing at a party, he tips us all round, thanks us, andtells us to enjoy ourselves in the supper-room, like a gentleman, as heis.'

  'Do you know what this Collis's character is?'

  'Hang his character! I want his rabbits.'

  And Lance was off with Fulbert; while Clement remained, to makeGeraldine unhappy with his opinion of the temptations of MarshlandsHall, returning to the charge when Felix came in before dinner.

  'Yes,' said Felix briefly, 'Mr. Froggatt has been telling me. It mustbe stopped.'

  'Have you heard of the mischief that--'

  'Don't be such a girl, Tina. I am going to do the thing, and there isno use in keeping on about it.'

  Felix had not called Clement Tina since he had been head of the family,and irritability in him was a token of great perplexity; for indeed hishardest task always was the dealing with Fulbert; and he was besidesvery sorry to balk the poor boys of one of their few chances of manlyamusement.

  He would have waited to utter his prohibition till the excitementshould have worked off, but he knew that Clement would never holdhis peace through the narrative of their adventures; so, as they hadnot come in when his work was over, he took Theodore on his arm, andretreated to the little parlour behind the shop, where he lay in wait,reading, and mechanically whistling tunes to Theodore, till he heardthe bell, and went to open the door.

  The gas showed them rosy, merry, glorious, and bespattered, onewaving a couple of rabbits, and the other of pheasants, and trying totickle Theodore's cheeks with the long tails of the latter, of coursefrightening him into a fretful wail.

  'Take Theodore upstairs, if you please, Lance,' said Felix, 'and thencome down; I want you.'

  'The Captain was going to dine at Bowstead's,' said Fulbert, 'so hedrove us in his dog-cart. If the frost holds, we are t
o go out andskate on Monday.'

  Felix employed himself in putting away his papers, without answering.

  'I had very good luck,' continued Fulbert, 'four out of six; wonderfulfor so new a hand, the Captain said.'

  'Such a lovely animal you never saw,' said Lance, swinging himselfdownstairs. 'You must walk out and see it, Fee, for you'll have it inthe Pursuivant some Saturday.'

  'Lance, I am very sorry,' said Felix, standing upright, with his backto the exhausted grate. 'Just attend to me, both of you.'

  'Oh!' said Lance, hastily, 'I know there's a lot of old women's gossipabout Collis; but nobody minds such stuff. Harry is as good a lad asever stepped; and there was no harm to be seen about the place;--wasthere, Ful?'

  'The old Frog has been croaking,' hoarsely muttered Fulbert.

  Boys of sixteen and fourteen were incapable of coercion by a youthof one-and-twenty, and the only appeal must be to conscience andreason; so Felix went on speaking, though he had seen from the firstthat Fulbert's antagonism rendered him stolid, deaf, and blind; andLancelot's flushed cheeks, angry eyes, impatient attempts to interrupt,and scornful gestures told of scarcely-repressed passion.

  'You may have seen no harm, I find no fault' (Fulbert scowled); 'butif I had known what I do now I should not have let you go to-day. Myfather would rather have cut off his right hand than have allowed youto begin an acquaintance which has been ruinous to almost all the youngmen who have been in that set.'

  'But we are not young men,' cried Lance; 'it is only for the holidays;and we only want a little fun with poor Harry, he is so lonely--andjust to go out rabbiting and skating. It is very hard we can't belet alone the first time anything worth doing has turned up in thisabominable slow place.'

  'It is very hard, Lance. No one is more concerned than I; but if thisintimacy once begins, there is no guessing where it will lead; and I donot speak without grounds. Listen--'

  'If it comes from old Frog, you may as well shut up,' said Lance.'There's been no peace at Marshlands since he took that cottage--aregular old nuisance and mischief-maker, spiting the Captain becauseone of the dogs killed his old cock, and bothering Charlie to no endabout him.'

  'I have heard from others as well,' said Felix; and he brieflymentioned some facts as to the scandals of the dissipated household,some of the imputations under which Captain Collis lay, and named twoor three of the young men whose unsatisfactory conduct was ascribed tohis influence.

  He saw that both lads were startled, and wound up with saying,'Therefore it is not without reason that I desire that you do not gothere again.'

  With which words, he opened the door, turned off the gas, and walkedupstairs, hearing on the way a growl of Fulbert's--'That's what comesof being cad to a stupid brute of an old tradesman;' and likewise abouncing, rolling, and tumbling, and a very unchorister-like expletivefrom Lance; but he hurried up, like the conclave from the vault atLindisfarn, only with a sinking heart, and looks that made his sisterssay how tired he must be. The boys were seen no more, but sent word byBernard that they were wet through, they should not dress, but shouldget some supper in the kitchen, and go to bed.

  On Sunday Lance had recovered himself and his temper, but in theevening he made another attempt upon Felix in private. His heart wasgreatly set upon Marshlands, and he argued that there was no evil atall in what they had been doing, and entreated Felix to be content withthe promise both were willing to make, to take no share in anythingdoubtful--not even to play at billiards, or cards--if that wouldsatisfy him, said Lance, 'but we will promise anything you pleaseagainst playing, or betting, or--'

  'I know, Lance, you once made such a promise, and kept it. I trust youentirely. But before, it would have been cruel to keep you from thatsick boy; now this would be mere running into temptation for your ownamusement.'

  'Harry is not much better off than Fernan was,' said Lancelot,wistfully.

  'Poor fellow! very likely not; but it would be more certain harm toyourself than good to him. Any way, no respectable person would chooseto be intimate there, or to let their boys resort there; and it is myduty not to consent.'

  'Ful is in such an awful way,' said Lance, disconsolately. 'Fee, youdon't know how hard it is, you always were such a muff.'

  'That is true,' said Felix, not at all offended; 'and I had my fatherand Edgar; but indeed, Lance, nothing ever was so hard to me to do asthis. I cannot say how sorry I am.'

  'You do really order me not?' said Lance, looking straight up at him.

  'I do. I forbid you to go into Captain Collis's grounds, or to do morethan exchange a greeting, if you meet him.'

  'I will not. There's my word and honour for it, since--since you are sointolerably led by the nose by old Frog;' and Lance flung away, withthe remains of his passion worked up afresh, and was as glum as hisnature allowed the rest of the evening; but Felix, though much annoyed,saw that the boy had set up voluntarily two barriers between himselfand his tempted will--in the command and the promise.

  But the command that was a guard to the one, was a goad to the other;for Fulbert had never accepted his eldest brother's authority, andcould not brook interference. Still his school character was good, andthere was a certain worth about him, which made him sometimes withdrawhis resistance, though never submit; and Felix had some hope that itwould be so in the present case, when, while speeding to church in thedark winter Monday morning, he overheard Lance say to Clement, 'I say,Clem, 'tis a jolly stinging frost. If you'll take your skates and giveus a lesson, we'll be off for the lake at Centry.'

  One of the Whittingtonian curates had taken the boys to the ice in theparks, and taught them so effectively, that Clement was one of the bestskaters in Bexley; but he was too much inclined to the nayward not toreply, 'I have to practise that anthem for Wednesday.'

  'Oh, bother the practice!'

  (Which Felix mentally echoed.)

  'I can play that anthem, if that's all,' said Lance; 'and I believe youknow it perfectly well. Now, Clem, don't be savage; I think, if youwill come, we _might_ put that other thing out of Ful's head.'

  'Well, if you think it is to be of use--'

  'That's right! Thank you,' cried Lance. 'And you won't jaw us all theway? He can't stand that, you know.'

  Clement winced; but in compensation, apparently, for this forbiddenlecture, he observed, 'I am glad you at least take it properly, Lance,though it would be worse in you than in him, considering your--'

  'Bother it!' unceremoniously broke in Lance; and the words of wisdomwere silenced.

  Lance did his best to organise his party, but it was a failure; Fulbertsaid he had made an engagement, and would not break it; he was notbound to toady old Froggy, nor in bondage to any old fogeys of a deanand chapter; and he walked off the faster for Clement's protest,leaving Lance to roll on the floor and climb the balusters backwardsto exhale his desire to follow. He was too much upset even to followClement to the organ, or to settle to the drawing which Cherry wasteaching him, and was a great torment to himself and his sisters tilldinner-time, when Clement had done his organ and his Greek, and wasready for a rush for the ice; and Robina went joyously with them.'Between two young ladies one can't well run into harm's way,' saidLance.

  So things went on for a fortnight. Fulbert never shuffled, he wentopenly to Marshlands Hall; and though not boasting of his expeditions,did not treat them as a secret. Wilmet and Geraldine each triedpersuasion, but were silenced rudely; and Felix, unable to enforce hisauthority, held his tongue, but was very unhappy, both for the presentand for the future. He did not believe much harm was doing now, but thetemptation would increase with every vacation as the boys came nearerto manhood; and he seemed to have lost all influence and moral powerover Fulbert.

  Good old Mrs. Froggatt gave a small children's party, to which, withmany apologies, she invited the lesser Underwoods, under charge ofWilmet. They were to sleep at the cottage, and Wilmet having offered tohelp in dressing the Christmas-tree, they set out early in the day towalk, escorted by the three brot
hers. That the trio did not return totea did not alarm Felix and Geraldine, who suspected that the dislikethe two elder expressed to the whole house of Froggatt had meltedbefore the pleasure of working at the tree.

  The evening was taken up in the discussion of a letter of Edgar's, morethan usually discontented with his employment; and another of Alda's,who had been laid under orders to write to her eldest brother, anddesire him to remonstrate with Edgar on his inattention, laziness, andpleasure-seeking. The anxiety had long been growing up; Felix had cometo write his difficult letter by the light of Geraldine's sympathy,and they were weighing what should be said, when the door-bell rang,some sounds puzzled them, and just as Felix was getting up to see whatwas the matter, Fulbert put his head in at the door, and said, low butearnestly, 'Step here, Felix, please.'

  He thought there must have been some terrible accident; but when fromthe top of the stairs he beheld Clement's aspect under the gas inthe passage, and heard the thick tones in which he was holding forthaccording to instinct, his consternation was almost greater than at anyinjury. Fulbert looked pale and astounded. 'I can't get him upstairs,'he said.

  However, sense enough remained to Clement to give effect to his eldestbrother's stern words, 'Be quiet, and come up;' and they dragged himstumbling upstairs without more words.

  'Where's Lance?' then asked Felix.

  'Stayed at the Froggatts'. I wish he hadn't. He will walk homeby-and-by.'

  'Now, Ful, run and tell Cherry that nobody is hurt. Do not let her getfrightened.'

  Felix spoke resolutely, but he felt so full of dismay and horror,that he hardly knew what he was doing till Fulbert had returned, andrepressing all poor Clement's broken moralities, they had deposited himsafely in bed, and shut the door on him. Then Fulbert gazed up at Felixwith eyes full of regret and consternation, and he gathered breath toenter his own room, and say, 'What is the meaning of this?'

  'His head must be ridiculously weak; or there was some beastly trick.Nobody else was the least queer!'

  'Marshlands Hall?'

  'Well, he had gone on at me so, that when Lance let himself bepersuaded into staying to hang up the lamps, it struck me what a larkit would be to take Tina across the Hall lands, and then tell him hehad been on the enemy's ground. So I told him of the old chantry thatis turned into a barn, and of course he must go and see it, and takesketches of the windows for his clergy. While he was doing it, up comesyoung Jackman. You know young Jackman at the Potteries--a regularclever fellow that knows everything?'

  'Yes, I know him.'

  'Well, they got into early pointed, and late pointed, and billets anddog-tooths, and all the rest, and Clem went on like a house on fire;and by that time we had got to the big pond, where Collis and halfa dozen more were, and he had got his skates, and I believe he didsurprise them; they called it first rate.'

  'Did he know where he was?'

  'Not at the beginning of the skating. I only wanted to get him downfrom his altitudes, and never thought it would come to this. Youbelieve that, Felix?'

  'Yes, I do. Go on.'

  'It was fine moonlight, and we stayed on ever so long, while Jackmanand Clem and two more danced a quadrille on the ice; and when it wasover everybody was horribly cold, and Captain Collis said we must allcome in and have something hot; and Jackman said he was going to drivehome to dinner at eight, and would take us, but every one got talking,and it was half-past eight before we started. It was all in such ascramble, that I had no notion there was anything amiss till Clem beganto talk on the way home.'

  'What were they drinking?'

  'Various things--brandy-and-water chiefly. I don't like it, and hadsome ale; but I was playing with Harry's puppies, and not much noticingClem.'

  'Do you think it was a trick?'

  'I can't tell. He is so innocent, he would have no notion how stiff tomake it. If any one meant mischief, it was Jackman; and I did thinkonce or twice he had found out Tina, and was playing him off. On theway home, when I was trying to hinder poor Clem from falling off, hewent on chaffing so, that I longed to jump off, and lay the whip abouthis ears.'

  'Poor Clem!' said Felix, more grieved and shocked than angry, and notinsensible to Fulbert's being even more appalled, and quite frightenedout of his sulkiness.

  'It is a bad business,' he sighed. 'It was all Lance's fault forletting himself be lugged into that baby party.'

  Even this was a great admission, and Felix would not blight it by aword.

  'It is well the girls are not at home,' was all he said.

  'I only told Cherry that Clem wasn't well. I can't face her; I shall goto bed. I would not have had this happen for the world.'

  'I shall say nothing to her,' said Felix, dejectedly, turning to leavethe room, under a horrible sense of disgrace and stain on the wholefamily; but at the door he was caught hold of by Fulbert, who looked upat him with a face quite unlike anything he had ever seen in the lad.

  'Felix, I never was so sorry in my life. I wish you would give me agood rowing.'

  Felix half smiled. 'I could not,' he said. 'You did not know what youwere doing. Good-night.'

  Fulbert gazed after him as he went downstairs, and went back, with agroan, to his own room.

  Felix had never before felt so hopeful about Fulbert; but still he wastoo much overset to talk to Cherry, and hurried her off to bed, soonfollowing her example, for he had not the heart to see Lance that night.

  Of course, the first hours of the morning had to be spent in attendingon the victim, whose misery, mental and bodily, was extreme, and wasaggravated by his engagement to the organ. Lance could supply his placethere, and was sent off to do so, but looking as subdued and guilty asif he had been making Fulbert's confession instead of hearing it, andstumbling uncomfortably over the explanation that Clement was not well,and that Felix could not leave him.

  For there was a fragility about Clement's long lank frame that made anyshock to it very severe, and he was ill enough to alarm his happilyinexperienced brothers, and greatly increase Fulbert's penitence; butby the time Mr. Froggatt drove the sisters home, and Wilmet wonderedthat she could not go out for a night without some one being ill, hehad arrived at a state which she could be left to attribute to Mrs.Froggatt's innocent mince-pies.

  He burrowed under his blankets, and feigned sleep and discomfort beyondspeech, whenever she came into the room, begging only that the lightmight be kept out, and that nobody would speak to him. He was tooutterly miserable for anger with Fulbert, but only showed a sort ofbroken-hearted forgiveness, which made Fulbert say in desperation toLance, 'I wish you would just fall upon me. I shall not be myself againtill I've been blown up!'

  'I suppose you are doing it for yourself, and that is worse,' saidLance.

  'And you know it was all your doing, for going to that disgusting oldPhilistine's tea and cake.'

  'What, you and Clem wanted me to lead you about, like two dogs in astring?' said Lance.

  'No; Tina would have kept the baby-bunting out of harm's way.'

  'More likely he would have bored me into going. Poor Tina! I shouldalmost like to hear him jaw again! After all, you and he neverpromised, and I did.'

  'I wish I had,' said Fulbert; 'I am awfully afraid they are gettinghold of it in the town.'

  'So am I. Mowbray Smith looked me all over, and asked me after Clement,when I met him just now in the street, as if he had some malice in hishead.'

  'What did you tell him?'

  'I said he was in a state of collapse, and that serious fears wereentertained for his life and reason; and then he warned me against thenineteenth-century manners, and I thanked him and made a bow, and now Isuppose he is gone to tell my Lady.'

  When Felix was free in the evening, he found Clement dressed, andsitting over the fire in his room--so well indeed, that he might havebeen downstairs, but that he shrank from every one; and that fire hadbeen the fruit of such persevering battles of Wilmet and Sibby with thesmoke and soot, that it would have been a waste of good labour to havedeserted

  'Well, Clem, you are better?'

  'Yes, thank you.'

  'Head-ache gone?'

  'Nearly,' with a heavy sigh.

  Felix drew an ancient straw-bottomed chair in front of the firebackwards, placed himself astride on it, laid his arms on the topand his forehead on them, and in this imposing Mentorial attitudebegan, 'After all, Clem, I don't see that you need be so desperatelybroken-hearted. It was mere innocence and ignorance. Water-drinkers athome are really not on a level with other people. I always have to bevery guarded when I have to dine with the other reporters.'

  'No,' said Clement, sadly; 'I do not regard the disgrace as the sin somuch as the punishment.'

  It was more sensible than Felix had expected. He was conscious of notunderstanding Clement, who always seemed to him like a girl, but iftreated like one, was sure to show himself in an unexpected light.

  'You did not know where you were going?'

  'Not at first. I found out long before I came off the ice; and then,like an absurd fool as I was, I thought myself showing how to dealcourteously and hold one's own with such people.'

  'You are getting to the bottom of it,' said Felix.

  'I have been thinking it over all day,' said Clement, mournfully. 'Isee that such a fall could only be the consequence of long-continuederror. Have I not been very conceited and uncharitable of late, Felix?'

  'Not more than usual,' said Felix, intending to speak kindly.

  'I see. I have been treating my advantages as if they were merits,condemning others, and lording it over them. Long ago I was warned thatmy danger was spiritual pride, but self-complacency blinded me.' And hehid his face and groaned.

  Felix was surprised. He could not thus have discussed himself, evenwith his father; but he perceived that if Clement had no one elseto preach to he would preach to himself, and that this anatomicalexamination was done in genuine sorrow.

  'No humility!' continued Clement. 'That is what has brought me to this.If I had distrusted and watched myself, I should have perceived whenI grew inflated by their flattery, and never--egregious fool that Iwas--have thought I was showing that one of our St. Matthew's choircould meet worldly men on their own ground.'

  Felix was glad that his posture enabled him to conceal a smile; butperhaps Clement guessed at it, for he exclaimed, 'A fit consequence, tohave made myself contemptible to everybody!'

  'Come, Clem, that is too strong. Your censorious way was bad foryourself, and obnoxious to us all, and it was very silly to go to thatplace after what you had heard.'

  'After telling Lance it was unworthy of a servant of the sanctuary,'moaned Clement.

  'Very silly indeed,' continued the elder brother, 'very wrong; but asto what happened there, it is not reasonable to look at it as more thanan accident. It will be forgotten in a week by all but Fulbert andyourself, and you will most likely be the wiser for it all your lives.I never got on so well with Ful before, or saw him really sorry.'

  Clement only answered by a disconsolate noise; and Felix was becominga little impatient, thinking the penitence overstrained, when he brokesilence with, 'You must let me go up to St. Matthew's!'

  'Really, Clement, it is hardly right to let you be always living uponMr. Fulmort now your occupation is ended, and it would be braver not torun away.'

  'I do not mean _that!_' cried Clement. 'I will not stay there. I wouldnot burthen them; but see the Vicar I _must!_ I will go third class,and walk from the station.'

  'The fare of an omnibus will not quite break our backs,' said Felix,smiling. 'If this is needful to settle your mind, you had better go.'

  'You do not know what this is to me,' said Clement, earnestly; 'Iwish you did.' Then perceiving the recurrence to his old propensity,he sighed pitifully and hung his head, adding, 'It is of no use tillSaturday, the Vicar is gone to his sisters.'

  'Very well, you can get a return ticket on Saturday--that is, if theorganist is come back.'

  'Lance must play; I am not worthy.'

  'You have no right to break an engagement for fancies about your ownworthiness,' said Felix. 'Rouse yourself up, and don't exaggerate thething, to alarm all the girls, and make them suspicious.'

  'They ought to know. I felt myself a wicked hypocrite when Wilmet_would_ come and read me the Psalms, and yet I could not tell her. Tellthem, Felix; I cannot bear it without.'

  'No, I shall not. You have no right to grieve and disgust them justbecause you "cannot bear it without." Cannot you bear up, instead ofdrooping and bemoaning in this way? It is not manly.'

  'Manliness is the great temptation of this world.'

  'You idiot!' Felix, in his provocation, broke out; then getting himselfin hand again, 'Don't you know the difference between true and falsemanliness?'

  'I know men of the world make the distinction,' said Clement; 'I am notmeaning any censure, Felix. Circumstances have given you a differentstandard.'

  Felix interrupted rather hotly: 'Only my father's. I have heard himsay, that if one is not a man before one is a parson, one brings theministry into contempt. The things the boys call you Tina for are notwhat make a good clergyman.'

  'I don't feel as if I could presume to seek the priesthood after that.'

  'Stuff and nonsense!' cried Felix. 'If no one was ordained who had evermade a fool of himself and repented, we should be badly off for clergy.You were conceited and provoking, and have let yourself be led into anasty scrape--that's the long and short of the matter; but it is onlyhugging your own self-importance to sit honing and moaning up here.Come down, and behave like a reasonable being.'

  'Let me stay here to-night, Felix, I _do_ need it,' said Clement, withtears in his eyes; 'if I am alone now, I think I can bring myself tobear up outwardly as you wish.'

  The affected tone had vanished, and Felix rose, and kindly put hishand on his shoulder, and said, 'Do, Clem. You know it is not only myworldliness--mere man of business as I am--that bids us to hide griefwithin, and "anoint the head and wash the face."'

  Just then an exulting shout rang through the house, many feet scuttledupstairs, knocks hailed upon the door, and many voices shouted, 'Mr.Audley! Felix, Clem, Mr. Audley!'

  'Won't you come, Clem?'

  'Not to-night; I could not.'

  Clement shut the door, and Felix hastened down among the dancingexulting little ones. 'I thought you were at Rome!' he said, as thehands met in an eager grasp.

  'I was there on Christmas Day; but Dr. White's appointment is settled,and he wants me to go out with him in June. My brother is gone on toLondon, and I must join him there on Saturday.'

  'I am glad it is to-day instead of yesterday,' said Wilmet. 'We wereall out but Felix and Cherry, and poor Clement was so ill.'

  'Clement ill? Is he better?'

  'He will be all right to-morrow,' said Felix.

  Mr. Audley detected a desire to elude inquiry, as well as a meaninglook between the two younger boys, and he thought care sat heavier onthe brow of the young master of the house than when they had partedeighteen months before.

  His travels were related, his photographs admired, his lodging arrangedin Mr. Froggatt's room, and after the general good-night, he drew hischair in to the fire, and prepared for a talk with his ex-ward.

  'You look anxious, Felix. Have things gone on pretty well?'

  'Pretty fairly, thank you, till just now, when there is rather an uglyscrape,'--and he proceeded to disburthen his mind of last night'smisadventure; when it must be confessed that the narrative of Clement'soverweening security having had a fall provoked a smile from hisguardian, and an observation that it might do him a great deal of good.

  'Yes,' said Felix, 'if his friends do not let him make much of hispenitence, and think it very fine to have so important a thing torepent of.'

  'I don't think they will do that. You must not take Clement as exactlythe fruit of their teaching.'

  'There's no humbug about him, at least,' said Felix. 'He is really cutup exceedingly. Indeed all I have been doing was to get him to
moderatehis dolefulness. I believe he thinks me a sort of heathen.'

  'Well,' said Mr. Audley, laughing, 'you don't seem to have taken theline of the model head of the family.'

  'The poor boys were both so wretched, that one could not say a wordto make it worse,' said Felix. 'This satisfies me that Fulbert is allright in that way. He would not have been so shocked if he had everseen anything like it before; but though he is very sorry now, I amafraid it will not cut the connection with those Collises.'

  'You do not find him easier to manage?'

  'No; that is the worst. He is not half a bad boy--nay, what is called awell-principled boy--only it is his principle not to mind me. I do notknow whether I am donnish with him, or if I bullied him too much whenhe was little; but he is always counter to me. Then he is one of thoseboys who want an out-of-door life, and on whom the being shut up in atown falls hard. The giving up sporting is real privation to him and toLance, and much the hardest on him, for he does not care for music ordrawing, or anything of that sort.'

  'How old is he?'

  'Just sixteen.'

  'Suppose I were to take him out to Australia?'


  'Yes; I always intended to take one if I went, but I waited tillmy return to see about it, and I thought Clement was of a moreinconvenient age; but you must judge.'

  'Poor Tina!' said Felix, smiling, 'he would hardly do in a colony. Heis heart and soul a clergyman, and whether he will ever be more of aman I don't know; but I don't think he could rough it as a missionary.'

  'Is he going to get a scholarship?'

  'He has tried at Corpus, and failed. He is full young, and I suppose heought to go to a tutor. I am afraid he learnt more music than classicsup at that place.'

  'Can the tutoring be managed?'

  'I suppose a hundred out of that thousand will do it.'

  'Is that thousand to go like the famous birth-day five?'

  'Five hundred is to be put into the business; but the rest I meant tokeep in reserve for such things as this.'

  'If all are to be helped at this rate, your reserve will soon come toan end.'

  'Perhaps so; but I have always looked on Clement as my own substitute.Indeed, I held that hope out to my father, when it distressed him thatI should give it up. So Clem is pretty well settled, thank you. BesidesI am not afraid of his not going on well here; but I do believe Fulbertwill do the better for being more independent, only it seems to me toomuch to let you undertake for us.'

  'They are all my charge,' said Mr. Audley; 'and as I am leaving youthe whole burthen of the rest, and my poor little godson is not likelyto want such care, you need have no scruple. One of the Somervilles isgoing out to a Government office at Albertstown, and perhaps may put mein the way of doing something for him.'

  Felix mused a moment, then said, 'The only doubt in my mind would bewhether, if it suited you equally, it might not be an opening forEdgar.'

  'Edgar! Surely he is off your hands?'

  'I am greatly afraid his present work will not last. He always hatedit, and I believe he always had some fancy that he could persuade TomUnderwood into making a gentleman of him at once, sending him to theUniversity or the like, and they petted and admired him enough toconfirm the notion. Mrs. Underwood makes him escort her to all herparties; and you know what a brilliant fellow he is--sure to be wantedfor all manner of diversions, concerts, private theatricals, and whatnot; and you can fancy how the counting-house looks to him after. TomUnderwood declares he requires nothing of him but what he would of hisown son; and I believe it is true; but work is work with him, and hewill not be trifled with. Here is a letter about it, one of many, Iwas trying to answer last night; only this affair of poor Clem's upseteverything.'

  'Six brothers are no sinecure, Felix.'

  'They are wonderfully little trouble,' said Felix, standing on theirdefence. 'They are all good sound-hearted boys; and as to Lance,there's no saying the comfort that little fellow always is. He has thatpeculiar pleasantness about him--like my father and Edgar--that onefeels the moment he is in the house; and he is so steady, with all hisspirits. The other two both say all this could not have happened withhim.'

  'High testimony.'

  'Yes, as both are inclined to look down on him. But think of that boy'sconsideration. He has never once asked me for pocket-money since hewent to the Cathedral. He gets something when the Dean and Canons havethe boys to sing, and makes that cover all little expenses.'

  'What do you mean to do with him?'

  'If he gets the scholarship, a year and a half hence, he will stay ontwo years free of expense. Unluckily, he says that young Harewood iscleverer than he, and always just before him: but I have some hope inthe hare-brains of Master Bill. If he do not get it--well, we must see,but it will go hard if Lance cannot be kept on to be educated properly.'

  Mr. Audley took the letters, and presently broke into an indignantexclamation; to which Felix replied--

  'The work is not good enough for him, that is the fact.'

  'If you are weak about any one, Felix, it is Edgar. I have no patiencewith him. His work not _good_ enough, forsooth, considering what yoursis!'

  'Mine has much more interest and variety; and he is capable of muchmore than I am.'

  'Then let him show it, instead of living in the lap of luxury, andmurmuring at a few hours at the desk.'

  'I ascribe that to his temperament, which certainly has a good deal ofthe artist; that desk-work is peculiarly irksome.'

  'Very likely; but it is his plain duty to conquer his dislike. No,Felix; I wish I could take him away with me, for I am afraid he will bea source of trouble.'

  'Never! Edgar is too considerate.'

  'But he is exactly what Australia is over-stocked with already--adiscontented clerk. If he be spoilt by luxury here, do you think hewould bear with a rude colony? No. Fulbert is a gruff, obstinate boy,but not idle and self-indulgent; and I am not afraid to undertake him,but I should be of Edgar.'

  Felix had flushed up a good deal, for his love for Edgar was lesspaternal and more sensitively keen than that for any of the others; buthe was more reasonable, and had more control of temper now, than whenMr. Audley had last crossed him; and he made answer, 'I believe you areright, and that Edgar could not be happy in a colony. Any way, you aremost kind to Fulbert. But I am afraid I must go now, or Theodore willwake.'

  'Do you still have him at night?'

  'He is not happy with any one else. You have not seen him yet? I amsure he is improving! There's his voice! Good-night.' And Felix hurriedaway, leaving Mr. Audley feeling that though here and there the youngpillar of the house might be mistaken, the daily unselfishness of hislife was a beautiful thing, and likewise impressed by his grave air ofmanly resolution and deliberation.

  By the morning, Clement had recovered his tone, so as not to obtrudehis penitence or to be much more subdued in manner than usual. Mr.Audley made him bring his books to the dining-room after breakfast, andthe examination quite exonerated the authorities at Oxford from anyprejudice except against inaccuracy, and showed that a thorough courseof study was needful before he could even matriculate; and Clement inhis present lowliness was not incredulous of any deficiency at St.Matthew's, but was only meek and mournful.

  'What shall I do?' he asked. 'Perhaps some school would take me toteach and study at the same time. Or I might get an organist's place,and read so that I might be ordained as a literate at last. It wouldcome when I was fit, I suppose.'

  Mr. Audley only said he would inquire, and talk to Felix; and Clementpleased him by answering that he could not bear to be an expense toFelix. The good principle in the boys was quite to be traced, whenpresently after it was necessary to put Fulbert to a severe trial. Ongoing to pay his respects at the Rectory, Mr. Audley found Mr. MowbraySmith there, and after some preliminaries, he was asked whether he knewhow the young Underwoods had been going on of late; of course, though,it would be concealed from him: but it was right, &c. Then Mr. Bevanfeebly suggested that he di
d not believe there was any truth in it, andwas sharply silenced; and Miss Caroline observed that she was alwayssure that Clement Underwood was a great humbug; whereupon, between themother, daughter and curate, the popular version of the MarshlandsHall affair was narrated--or rather versions, for all were beautifullyentangled and contradictory.

  Some one had been in the street, and had seen poor Clement's exit fromyoung Jackman's dog-cart, and reported indiscriminately that it was'young Underwood.' Lance had not been able to put a sufficiently boldface on his morning's report of Clement's indisposition and Felix'sabsence; and this, together with the boys' hunting propensities, andFulbert's visits to Marshlands, had all been concocted into a veryserious accusation of the whole of the brothers, including Felix, ofhaving entered into a dangerous friendship with Captain Collis, andunderhand enjoying the dissipations of the Hall, which had been thebane of many a young man of Bexley.

  There were different measures of indignation. Miss Price expected agrand series of denunciations--to Mr. Froggatt--to Miss Pearson, 'whoseniece was always there--most imprudent;'--nay, perhaps to the Dean, andto the Vicar of St. Matthew's. The least excitement she expected, wasFelix Underwood's expulsion from the choir.

  Lady Price merely believed it all, and thought the friends ought tointerfere, and save the poor young things while there was time for anyof them. She would never mention it so as to injure them, but nothingelse could be expected.

  Mr. Mowbray Smith supposed there must be some exaggeration, but hehad been surprised at Lancelot's manner, and he did not think Felix'sabsence accounted for; he did seem steady--but-- And there wassomething unnatural in the way of life at St. Matthew's, that wouldmake him never trust a lad from thence.

  Yes; and even Mr. Bevan did not like St. Matthew's (because it was notslack or easy), and he too could believe anything of Clement. No doubtpoor Felix found those great brothers getting too much for him.

  Mr. Audley was standing by the window. He saw Fulbert with Lance andlittle Bernard going down the street, and by one of the sudden dashesthat had often puzzled the Rectory, he flew out at the door, and thenext moment had his hand on Fulbert's shoulder.

  'Fulbert, they have made a terrible scandal of this affair atMarshlands Hall. They fancy Felix had something to do with it.'

  'Felix! I should like to punch their heads.'

  'You can do better. You can contradict it.'

  'But, Sir--'

  However, Fulbert, while still following to plead with Mr. Audley, foundhimself where he never recollected to have been in his life before,among the cushions, arm-chairs, and tables covered with knick-knacks,of the Rectory drawing-room. Mr. Bevan in an easy-chair; Mr. Smithstanding before the fire; Lady Price at work, looking supercilious; andher daughter writing notes at a davenport.

  Mr. Bevan half rose and held out his hand, the others contentedthemselves with a nod, while the big, stout lad stood rather like agreat dog under the same circumstances, very angry with everybody, andchiefly with Mr. Audley--to whom, nevertheless, he trusted for gettinghim safe out again.

  'Fulbert,' said Mr. Audley, 'Mr. Bevan would be better satisfied if hecould hear what intimacy there has been between your brothers and theCollises.'

  'None at all,' said Fulbert, bluntly.

  'My boy,' said the gentle Rector, deprecatingly, 'nobody ever suspectedyour eldest brother.'

  'I should think not!' exclaimed Fulbert, with angry eyes. 'All he everdid was to warn us against going. More fools not to mind him!'

  'Then,' said my Lady, 'it has been the insubordination and wilfulnessof you younger boys that has nearly involved him in so grave animputation.'

  'Of nobody's but mine,' returned Fulbert. 'The others would havenothing to do with it.'

  'That cannot be the literal fact,' said Mr. Smith, in a low voice, toLady Price. 'There were certainly two of them.'

  Fulbert heard, and turning to the Rector, as if he thought every oneelse beneath his notice, said, 'The long and short of it is this:Lance and I picked young Collis out of a ditch, and took him home.Then Captain Collis asked us rabbit-shooting. Lance never went again,because Felix did not choose it. I did; and, just by way of a joke, Itook Clement there without his knowing what place it was. We fell inwith them skating, and went into the house, the day before yesterday.That is,' said Fulbert, concluding as he had begun, 'the long and shortof it. Whatever happened was my fault, and no one else's.'

  'A very honest confession!' said kind Mr. Bevan, pleased to havesomething to praise.

  'And I hope it will act as a warning,' said Lady Price.

  'But,' said Mr. Smith, partly incited by Carry's looks, 'it was truethat you--two of you were brought home by young Jackman.'

  'Yes,' said Fulbert, growing crimson, 'he drove Clement and me home!'

  'And,' said Mr. Audley, 'it was Clement's great distress that keptFelix at home the next morning.'

  'Yes,' said Fulbert, 'there was nobody else but me, and Clem couldhardly bear the sight of me, because I had led him into it. We thoughtno one in the house would know it--and I don't believe they do.'

  'Ah!' said Lady Price, 'it is false kindness to attempt concealment.'

  'From lawful authority it is,' said Mr. Audley; 'but in this case itwas only from children and servants. However, Fulbert, I think you havefully satisfied Mr. Bevan as to the amount of intercourse between yourbrothers and Marshlands.'

  'Entirely,' said Mr. Bevan; 'in fact, you may assure your brother thatI never believed anything to his discredit.'

  'I shall say nothing about it,' said Fulbert, not choosing to see thehand held out to him. 'I should be ashamed!--May I go now, Sir?' to Mr.Audley; and with an odd sort of circular bow, he made his escape; andMr. Audley, having remained long enough to ascertain that the worstthat could be said of him was that he was a cub, and that it was aterrible thing to see so many great hulking lads growing up under nocontrol, took his leave, and presently came on the three boys again,consulting at the ironmonger's window over the knife on which Bernardwas to spend a half-crown that Mrs. Froggatt had given him.

  'Can Lance and Bernard settle that? I want you a moment, Fulbert. Notto confront the Rectory again,' he added, smiling. 'It was a horridbore for you, but there was no helping it.'

  'I suppose not,' said Fulbert, gloomily, as if he did not forgive theunpleasant moments.

  'It was not about that I wanted to speak to you, though,' said Mr.Audley. 'I wanted to know whether you have any plans or wishes for thefuture.'

  'I?' said Fulbert, looking up blank.

  'Yes, you. You are growing up, Fulbert.'

  'I suppose I must take what I can get,' said Fulbert, in the samesulky, passive voice.

  'That may be a wise determination; but have you really no choice?'

  'Well, when I was a little chap, and knew no better, I used to think Iwould be a soldier or a farmer--but that's all nonsense; and I supposeI must have some abominable little clerkship,' said Fulbert, with acertain steadiness for all the growl of his tone.

  'Well, Fulbert, have you a mind to try whether the other side of theworld would suit you better?'

  Fulbert looked up. 'You don't mean that you would take me out?'

  'Yes, I do, if you are inclined to come and try for work atAlbertstown.'

  Fulbert, instead of answering, quickened his pace to a walking run,dashed on, nearly upsetting half a dozen people, and was only checkedby a collision with a perambulator. Then he stood still till Mr. Audleycame up to him, and then again muttered under his breath, 'Go out toAlbertstown!'

  They walked on a little way, and then the boy said, 'Say it again,please.'

  Mr. Audley did say it again, in more detail; and Fulbert this timeexclaimed, 'It is the very thing! Thank you, Mr. Audley;' and his faceclearing into a frank, open look, he added, 'I'll try to do my bestthere. I wonder I never thought of it before. I would have worked myway out as a cabin-boy if I had. Where is Lance? Does Felix know?'

  There was no sentiment about Fulbert. He jumped at the offer asi
nstinctively as a young swallow would prepare to migrate, seemed tobrighten all over, and shake off his dull, defiant mood, and gaveno sign of feeling about brother or sister--except that he said hebelieved Felix would get on better without him; and that he told Lancethat they would have splendid fun together when he was big enough tocome out and ride a buck-jumper.