Read The Pillars of the House; Or, Under Wode, Under Rode, Vol. 2 (of 2) Page 1



  Under Wode, Under Rode.



  Author of 'The Heir of Redclyffe,' etc.

  In Two Volumes.


  London:Macmillan and Co.1875.








  'Know ye that Love is a careless child, And forgets promise past? He is blind--he is deaf where he list, And in faith never fast.' _Raleigh_.

  Captain Harewood was gone. There was a good deal of truth in Wilmet'splea that much pain might have been saved if she had been allowed toabide by her first answer; but by this time she would not have saved it.

  She was a brave woman, and never sought indulgence; and all sheaccepted was the spending his last Saturday and Sunday at his home withhim; and even on this she durst not venture without taking Alda, andexposing the dear untidy household to her disdain; but that OctoberSunday walk by the river was worth it all--worth infinitely more thanthe July walk; and they both declared it gave them strength.

  Wilmet returned in time for Monday's school, nor did she give in allthe week; but she looked whiter and whiter, and on Saturday morningturned so faint while dressing, that Alda in a great fright called inSibby; and the unprecedented event occurred of her spending two wholedays in bed. She only begged to be let alone; and after this space ofquiet came down again fully recovered, only, as Geraldine daily felt,softer, gentler, tenderer, less severely strict, and moreover a lesshard mistress to her own beauty.

  Meantime Alda grew increasingly restless and drooping as the autumnadvanced. The confined rooms and monotonous life really affectedhealth accustomed to variety, change, and luxury; nor could idleness,disappointment, or ill-humour be wholesome diet. Listless and weary,she dropped all semblance of occupation, except novel reading; andthere she perversely set her mind on whatever Froggatt and Underwoodwished to keep out of their library. If Ferdinand did come down for aSunday, they both looked at the end of it as if they had been worryingone another to death; if he did not come down, she was affronted andmiserable. Her restlessness was increased by the fact that people werereturning to their winter-quarters in London, and it was to be inferredthat the Thomas Underwoods might soon be there; but Marilda had notthe art of letter-writing, and though she had several times sent a fewwarm-hearted lines, encouraging Alda's correspondence, this had droppedsoon after the yearly migration to Spa; and no more was known of thefamily movements till there was a letter from Edgar to Cherry. He wasa very uncertain correspondent--always delightful, affectionate, andamusing, when he did write, but often not doing so for weeks together;and nothing had been heard of him since he had as usual gone abroad inthe middle of the summer.

  He now wrote from Spa, in amazement at the accumulation of familyevents which Marilda had poured upon him, and especially desirous toknow how _any_ captain of any service had ventured upon accosting W.W.He could not recover the loss it had been not to witness the siege andthe surrender! For himself, Cherry gathered that he had begun, as hehad led her to suppose he would, with the Channel Isles; but whetherhe had seen Alice she could not make out; and he had then made hisway, wandering and sketching in old Continental towns, as he had donelast year. He always declared that it answered; he could dispose ofhis sketches when he came home, and could likewise write clever brightdescriptions, that could usually command tolerable remuneration. Thistime, however, he had been nearly reduced to the condition of GeorgePrimrose, and had made his way to join the family caravan at Spa, byway of getting helped home.

  There he was hailed with delight, for Mr. Underwood was very unwelland irritable, prejudiced against German doctors, yet not choosingto have advice from England, and not fit for a journey without someeffective person to rule him and his wife; for resolute as Marildacould be, the passionateness of one parent, and the fat flabbyhelplessness of the other, had overcome her powers of management atsuch a distance from home. It was Edgar's private belief that 'thepoor old boy had had some kind of stroke;' but he had recommendedthe homeward journey, and under his escort it was to be immediatelyundertaken. A few days more, and tidings came that it had beensuccessfully accomplished. Mr. Underwood had grown better at everystage, and now scouted the notion of a doctor; Alda's letters ofinquiry were joyously answered and her spirits sank.

  One afternoon, however, a moon face beamed upon Felix, and a heartyvoice exclaimed, 'How d'ye do? This is a surprise, ain't it? My fatheris come down on business, so I made him bring me. I don't like Alda'saccount of herself.'

  'I'll take you to her,' said Felix, who decidedly disapproved ofprivate greetings in the present locality; so as soon as she had dealtwith her fly, he conducted her upstairs. Her father had gone to Mr.Bruce, and would come for her. Alda was alone in the drawing-room,but she sprang to her feet in ecstacy; and the two cousins were soonclinging together, and devouring one another with kisses. Felix askedwhere Cherry was.

  'Oh! for pity's sake, Felix, do let us have a little time toourselves!' said Alda; 'I'll call Cherry by the time she has done withStella.'

  Felix had come to trust nothing concerning Geraldine to Alda; so heshut the door, and found Cherry in her own room, overlooking Stella'scopy to the sound of Theodore's accordion, all three in warm jackets.Six months ago he would have made an authoritative remonstrance. Nowhe had learnt that cold and exile were more tolerable than Alda'sdispleasure.

  Stella leapt up, connecting Cousin Marilda's name with the choicestpresents; but Cherry was quite willing to withhold herself. It waseight years since she had seen Marilda, and she was conscious of morerepulsion than attraction. She was still debating between civility andconsideration for the _tete-a-tete_, when Wilmet, for whom Felix hadsent, came for her, with cheeks glowing from Marilda's energetic kissesand congratulations.

  There certainly was a treading on the delicate tips of the feelings.'O Geraldine, I am glad to see you getting about so well! You are acourageous girl.' Then to Stella: 'You little darling duck! Here is abox of goodies for you and the other poor little dear.--Where is he?You'll let me see him.--What, Lance! I've not seen you since I foundyou up a tree!'

  The cousinly cordiality was pleasant, and her patronage was not coarse,like her mother's; but there was a certain excess of frankness thatmade them feel like sensitive-plants, when she examined Wilmet howoften she heard from India, and how the Harewoods treated her--whenshe wanted to know exactly how matters stood between the Pursuivantand Tribune, whether Mr. Smith were to blame, why Lance had gone intothe business, and--worse than all--what was the measure of Theodore'sintellect.

  It was all meant in kindness and sympathy, but it was very trying toeach victim in turn; and the lookers-on found it as impossible to l
eadit away as to divert the rush from a pump. When Felix was about toreturn to his work, Marilda jumped up, exclaiming, 'Felix, I must speakto you;' and when she had him alone in the drawing-room, she began,'Felix, I must take Alda home. We can't get on without her; and shelooks very poorly, and all that nonsense is blown over.'

  'You know she is still engaged.'

  'Oh yes; but no one will think of that unless it is brought forward,and that she promises not to do.'

  'I believe it will be best,' he answered. 'Our life is not suited toher, and she is neither well nor happy; but it is very kind of you.'

  'Kind to ourselves. If Wilmet had married at once we should never havegot her back at all, and we want her sadly. I can help my father insome ways, but I can't amuse him as she can. You don't mind?'

  'Certainly not, if Mr. and Mrs. Underwood wish it,' said Felix,wondering how Alda made herself either amusing or useful; 'I suppose itis all right, and that they know how it stands.'

  'Of course they do. They will only be too glad to have her; and thoughit is better to say nothing about it just yet, very likely it may endin his coming into our house, and being what Edgar might have been. Howwell he has behaved!'

  'So has some one else,' thought Felix, as he saw her glistening eye;but he only answered, 'He is an excellent fellow.'

  'Another thing, Felix. This engagement of Edgar's--is it in earnest?'

  'Yes!' emphatically said Felix; 'I trust so.'

  'You! I should have thought nothing could be more foolish. Is she sucha nice girl, then?'

  He had had time to recollect himself, and answered in his set manner,'She is all that could be wished; and though of course there is acertain imprudence in the engagement, I can only wish to see Edgarpersevere honourably in what he has undertaken.'

  'But wouldn't it be great misery?'

  'It might be,' said Felix; 'but it is not going to happen yet. Ofcourse, no one could have wished it to begin; but having begun, heought to go on.'

  'Of course! I hate shilly-shally. My father would not believe therewas anything in it. But you are right, Felix; it has done Edgar good.Somehow there's more purpose in him; and I believe he has worked moresteadily this season. I am so glad you say she is a nice girl.'

  And Felix went down to his work happier than he had been for nearly ayear. What loss to himself equalled the gain of such a report of Edgar?

  Marilda insisted on being shown every corner of the house, and wasevidently full of enjoyment, like a child let loose from school,talking at random, so as to draw on herself more than one remonstrancefrom Alda, who had perfectly recovered her good-humour, and wasabsolutely gracious to Cherry.

  About four o'clock came Thomas Underwood, embracing Alda like anotherdaughter. 'My poor child, you are not looking well.'

  'Not at all, papa,' said Marilda. 'We will take her home, and set herup again.'

  'Ay, we will!' said her father. 'It has been a pretty muddlealtogether; but there--we'll say no more about it. You'll come home,and be a wise girl.'

  'O Uncle, how kind you are!' cried Alda.

  Wilmet and Cherry looked at each other in amaze. What might this mean?How could Alda bear to be received back on such terms? But they couldsay nothing; indeed, they were scarcely seen till the greeting to Aldawas over. Then, however, he made up for it by hearty kisses, for whichthey were not prepared; and Wilmet coloured crimson as she was againcongratulated and rallied on her slyness in making the most of her timeat Minsterham.

  The illness at Spa had told upon Thomas Underwood. He was still underfifty, but an elderly look and manner had come on him; he walkedfeebly, and seemed to look to his daughter to help him out withpurposes and recollections; while towards Alda there was an almostimploring tenderness, as if she had carried away with her a good dealof the enjoyment of his life, which he hoped to bring back again withher. He did not even seem to like leaving her for the evening to packup, but wanted her to come out to Centry Park, and caught eagerly atMarilda's proposal that Felix should come and spend the evening there.It was as if they were both afraid of their own dullness in the greatuninhabited house; and no doubt they would have caught at an invitationto share the family meal. Alda and Wilmet, for different reasons, satin dread of Felix, in the reckless hospitality of the male heart,making such an offer; and in very truth, he was only withheld bycertain authoritatively deprecating glances from those housewifely eyes.

  And let it be observed that Wilmet was right. She could not have fedMr. Underwood as would have suited him on such short notice, withouta great deal more expense and personal exertion than would have beenbecoming; and to his eyes, their ordinary fare would have seemedostentation of neediness.

  Needy was exactly what the Underwoods had never been. It was not merelythe effect of conscience and of resolution, but of Wilmet's more thanordinary power of method and adjustment, which had kept them from everbeing behindhand, or in difficulties requiring external aid; and it wasthis that had won them already respect that hardly belonged to theiryears.

  Thomas Underwood really respected Felix, as one who had never askedassistance from him, yet who had not declined what was offered ina friendly kinsman-like manner; and besides, had more than onceasserted--modestly indeed, but still asserted--an independent willand way of his own, and shown that he was capable of carrying it out.It was five years since Mr. Underwood's prediction that he would findthe attempt keeping house for such a family an utter failure, and wouldhave to fall back on help he had not deserved: and here he was, withouthaving made one demand, a partner in the business, and with so small afraction of the family apparent, that there was no air of oppression,no complaint, even though Thomas himself had returned on his hands boththose of whom he had meant to relieve him.

  No wonder, then, that without intending it, his manner to Felix wasnot that of patron, but of equal--of kinsman to kinsman, not of richman to struggling youth. And Felix, as he sat in the great handsomedining-room, could not help being amused at all the state that hadfollowed one man and his daughter for one dinner in their own house:the courses, and the silver, and the perplexing family of wine-glassesbeside every plate, and all with the Underwood rood and its mottoshining on him--whether on the servant's buttons, on the panels of theoak-wainscotted hall, and the very china from which he ate his dinner.

  Nothing interested Mr. Underwood more than the account of the visit toVale Leston; and warming up under the influence of dinner, he talkedmuch of the old times there, and with much disparagement of the twopresent Fulberts; but Felix was startled to find that he regardedhimself as next in the succession.

  'If you could only have gone into the Church, Felix, I could have givenyou the Vicarage. Or is not one of your brothers to be a parson?'

  'Yes, Sir--Clement,' said Felix, smiling, but feeling a sense of injurythat revealed to him how much more he must be reckoning on the chancesthan he had supposed himself to be doing. As Alda said, wealth flowedto wealth; and a little attention from Thomas to his cousins wouldeasily turn the scale.

  At any rate, poverty did not suit Alda. She was a different creaturenow that her exile was coming to an end.

  'It had been like Portsmouth to Fanny Price,' said Geraldine, notgreatly flattered by the overflow of benevolence, which Wilmet acceptedas the token of real affection.

  What would she do about Ferdinand? Wilmet ventured to ask.

  'He certainly must not call,' said Alda; 'that would never do; but withEdgar's help it will be manageable enough. It will do the gentleman noharm to have a few difficulties in his way. I don't want him to feelhis coming such a favour.'

  So Alda went; and must it be owned, if there was more peace inthe house, there was also a certain flatness after the incessantexcitements of the former part of the year. At least so Geraldinefelt, and hated herself for feeling, when the numbers had come down to'the peace establishment,' and she had no companions but Stella andTheodore through the greater part of the day. She had been recommendedto walk, when the weather permitted, for half an hour every day; a
ndwhenever it was possible, Felix contrived that he or Lance should beher companion; but as the days shortened, and it became less easy tocontrive this, the constitutional turns up and down the narrow gardenwere more dispiriting than sitting occupied upstairs, especially whenshe viewed this distaste as frightful unthankfulness; and even whenone of the brothers took her out in the street, or to the 'People'sPark,' though she was happy with them, the wearisome sameness anddull ugliness of the town oppressed and wearied her; and to be takenout by Wilmet on a Saturday was more wearing still. Each brother washer devoted cavalier; but Wilmet, though kind and considerate, madeairing Cherry a secondary object; and to be set upon a high chair ina shop, to see Wilmet bargain, was what she did not love. She mighthave admired to see Wilmet's perfect knowledge of articles and theirvalue, and the manifest esteem in which that experience was held bythe respectable tradesmen, who did not scruple to tell her that theyhad thought 'this will just suit Miss Underwood;' while her scorn andindignation at an encounter with a Cheap Jack were something rich. Butthough Cherry could describe such an expedition with humour that threwFelix and Lance into a convulsion of merriment, it was very wearisometo her; and the more she knew it ought to be instructive, the moreit depressed her, and made her feel, as never before, the straitnessof the family means. She longed wearily at times for the sight ofsomething beautiful. Edgar's descriptions came back on her with analmost sick longing. She had made much progress in drawing, but thewant of criticism, instruction, or models, made her feel baffled; andwhen her brothers and sisters admired most, she was most dissatisfied.Edgar's criticism alone was worth anything to her aesthetic sense, andgave her real assistance; and his not coming home was a great loss toher art, as well as to her affection and intellect. Those windows thathe opened to her of all lovely scenes and forms in nature or art, hisbrilliant stories of artist society and foreign manners, could notbut be greatly missed as she lived her monotonous life, not withoutintellectual interest, for that came to her through the help she wasable to render to Felix in his newspaper work, and the books shereviewed or discussed with him; but it was not the living interest ofactual communication at secondhand with that outer world, which lookedso full of beauty, and of all that was bright and charming; and thenpoor little Cherry applied to herself all the warnings about not lovingthe world.

  Her aspiring compositions and her studies in drawing she almost laidaside in a fit of hopeless disgust, and she applied herself to what wasless improving, but more immediately profitable. She and Lance took tothe manufacture of Christmas cards, she taking the sentiment and hethe comedy; and what they produced by their joint efforts were prettyand clever enough to bring in an amount of pocket-money that was veryagreeable to those who otherwise would have had no claim to any.

  The chief outer interest was, as usual, parish affairs. Mr. Bevan wastoo ill to come home; but Mr. Mowbray Smith's resignation was accepted,and he was to go at the beginning of the new year, while his successorwas reported to be elderly and wise.

  Another interest, that was not at all bad for Cherry, was stirred upby her brothers. There was an interminable family belonging to one ofthe printers, who died, leaving them in circumstances that somewhatparodied those of the Underwoods themselves; and in which the exampleas well as the counsel of the young master was no doubt a greatincentive and assistance to the pillars of the still humbler house.There was a perennial supply of 'little Lightfoots,' to fill the officeelegantly termed printer's devil; and the existing imp being takenyoung from school, Felix had his education on his conscience, and askedCherry to give him lessons after hours. She was at first desperatelyafraid of the boy, and only accepted the work when she found that ifshe did not, Felix would impose it on himself; but by-and-by she becameenough interested, and enjoyed enough devotion from her pupil, to makethe time she daily expended upon him not far from one of the pleasuresof her life.

  So came on a winter of unusual bitterness; and the holidays filledthe house, bringing Bernard back under an entirely new phase. AtStoneborough he had discovered that it was some distinction to be anUnderwood of Vale Leston, and his accession of dignity was enormous. Heregarded the Nareses from a monstrous elevation; and thus infinitelyscandalized Angela, who had a great hatred of pretension, and whoselaughter threatened to dissolve their mutual alliance, offensive anddefensive. Their janglings were a novelty, and not a pleasant one; andone bitter afternoon, when a sore throat had made Felix come up earlyfrom the shop, Cherry quite rejoiced that Bernard was reported to bereading downstairs.

  And there sat Felix by the fire, with Theodore at his feet, humming inrivalry of the big kettle, which had just been brought in, and was soonfollowed by Lance, whistling as he came upstairs.

  'Look here!' and Angela, who, for her bane at Brompton, had her fullshare of the family talent for caricature, showed him a likeness ofBernard strutting down the High Street, turning his back on certainfigures in the distance; and beneath was written--

  'There was a young Bear of Stoneborough, Who thought his gentility thorough; To his townsfolk he said, "Snobs! I'll cut them all dead," This high-bred young Bear of Stoneborough.'

  'Capital, Angel!' said Lance; 'but don't show it to him; he's a horridBear to poke fun at.'

  'Oh, but he does get into such jolly rages!'

  'It is beyond being jolly,' said Lance. 'I did this once too often lastholidays; and I don't think he has got over it yet, though I promisednever to do it again.'

  'The more reason I should,' said Angela, laughing saucily in his face,though both spoke under their breath.

  'No,' said Lance. 'Consider! He is absurdly stuck up; but anything todisgust him with the Nareses is good.'

  'I see no harm in Jem Nares,' said democratic Angela. 'I'll not havehim cut! give me my picture.'

  'No, I promised he should not be done again.'

  'Promise for yourself another time.'

  She snatched, and there was a sparring match. Lance held off with onehand, and with the other dashed her drawing into the fire, where itfell on the top of some black coals; and as he relaxed his grasp, shesprang to rescue it. Felix looked up in time to see the kettle topplingover. He flung Theodore out of the way of the boiling stream thatrushed from lid and spout as the whole descended on the hearth, amidcries from Angela and Theodore that brought all the others together;nor could the little one be pacified, even though Wilmet ascertainedthat he had only been touched by one boiling drop.

  'But Felix!' exclaimed Lance; and they all turned.

  'Never mind,' he said, but with more of a contraction of the lips thana smile; 'only my neck and arm. Here, Lance, help me;' presenting theend of his sleeve, and setting his teeth.

  The hasty vigorous pull, made in ignorance on both sides, removedthe coat; but Felix gave something between a gasp and a cry, triedto totter to a chair, and was caught by Clement as he fainted away;so much to the terror of Lance, that in three minutes' space he hadbroken in on Mr. Rugg's dinner with a peremptory summons. By the timehe crept into the room behind the doctor, he saw Felix on the sofa,white as a sheet, with closed eyes and drawn brow, Clement standingready with a roll of wadding, and Wilmet, having more gently removedthe shirtsleeve, regarding the injury with some perplexity, increasedby the tearful Sibby's voluble counsels.

  She welcomed the arrival with the anxious inquiry, 'O Mr. Rugg! I am soglad! Should the cotton touch where the skin is broken?--Here--insidehis elbow and hand.'

  'Broken! You have been tearing off the clothes, instead of cuttingthem! I thought you knew better, Miss Underwood.'

  'It was my own doing,' murmured Felix, so faintly, that Mr. Rugg, withhis usual roughness, scolded at his not having had some brandy atonce, and then at there being none nearer than the Fortinbras Arms,whence Clement brought some in about the time that a grand butler wouldhave taken to produce it. Felix choked at it like a child, but itbrought back his strength; and Wilmet and Clement were assistants toohandy to give much occasion for scolding. The shoulder and chest hadsuffered likewise,
though partly protected by the flannel shirt.

  On the patient asking how soon he might hope for the use of his arm,the gruff answer was, 'Not so soon as if you had not begun by tearingit to pieces. I can't tell. Depends on general health. May be threeweeks, may be six, may be three months, before you get these placeshealed, if you trifle with them. Now I'll stay and see you in bed, withthis arm properly settled.'

  This was real kindness for a man in the middle of his dinner; andFelix stood up, finding himself more shaken than he had expected, andcommanded by acclamation to betake himself to Mr. Froggatt's bedroom.He chose, however, first to go into the next room, where Cherry hadsunk down, trembling and overcome, and so hysterical that her utmostpowers had been taxed to prevent herself from disturbing those whocould be useful.

  'Here I am, all alive!' he said in a cheerful tone, that somehow had nosolidity in it, and which she could hardly bear. 'Why, Cherry, you poorlittle thing! you have come by the worst of it!'

  'Don't, Felix! Isn't it dreadful pain?'

  'Not now; I scarcely feel it. Never mind, Cherry; I'm all right now,only you will have to write those little fingers nearly off.'

  'Oh! Felix, if Wilmet had been gone!'

  'She wouldn't be looking Gorgons at me now. Where's Angel?'

  Angel had been seized by Robina, and forcibly withheld from flying outafter the doctor; and when assured that Lance was gone, she had dashedupstairs, and hidden herself in bed, so that Felix was obliged to go tosleep without seeing her. Remonstrate as he would, he was not allowedto get up the next morning. Mr. Rugg, who came very early, assured himthat the speed of his recovery greatly depended on perfect stillness atfirst, and told him that he would feel the injury if he tried to move;and Wilmet would not do anything but rejoice that he was compelled tosubmit to discipline that was so good for the cold, a much more realsubject of anxiety.

  'I must not grumble,' he sighed, as the doctor shut the door; 'but Idid not reckon on such a stupid disaster when I got two boys to lookafter everything.'

  'People will not mind for a few days.'

  'I hope not. Tell Lance to send Lamb up to me as soon as he comes in.And would Clem walk over to Marshlands? or the Froggery will be ingreat commotion.'

  'Perhaps Robina will go too; and they always like to have her.'

  'And Angel? Poor child! I wish she would come.'

  'I'll send her. I want you to talk to her. She is such a perplexity.'

  '_This_ was no fault of hers!' exclaimed Felix.

  'I don't know that. Lance takes it on himself, and says it was just asquabble; but that is sure to have been her fault.'

  'I shall not go into that,' said Felix.

  'It does seem a chance of making an impression, if you would try,' saidWilmet. 'Sibby says she was crying half the night, (you know she has tosleep in the nursery,) and you might get at her now. I don't know whatto do with her.'

  He looked up, astonished at this avowal, from her who had hithertoqueened it so easily.

  'Look at this letter,' she proceeded. 'I have been keeping it till youhad time to think about it.'

  He sighed, feeling, like many another head of the house, that time wasswept away from home responsibilities, and indeed, that great girlsneeded a more experienced guide. The letter was the school character,speaking most highly of Robina, who had quite reconquered esteem. Ifshe had not so much of any one talent as some of the others, she hadexcellent capacity, and studied in a business-like way, as one learninga profession; so that she had won her promotion into the first ranks,among elder girls.

  But Angela was one of those who will not or cannot do anythingtolerably except what they like; and she had only two tastes--formusic and fun--except perhaps for churches. She was a puzzle to everyone, by her eagerness for devout observances, and the very little goodthey seemed to do her, even by outrageous irreverence when the spiritof mischief was roused. Teachers detested her, but she was the idol ofhalf the school. All unclaimed misdeeds were laid to her share; and inrecklessness or generosity, she never troubled herself to disavow them,even when not her own. She was popularly believed to learn nothingbut music, and even in that to use talent to save pains; and she hada lead-like affinity to the bottom of her class, yet in the finalexamination she had surpassed far more diligent girls.

  Felix read, and puzzled himself, and did not refuse obedience whenWilmet insisted that he should 'talk to Angela;' though he was only toowell aware that reproof was that paternal duty to which he was leastadequate. First, however, he had time to despatch Robina and Clement ontheir mission to his partner, whose winter rheumatics had set in--toreceive young Lamb, laden with a pile of letters and papers, andlastly, to be cooed over and stroked by Theodore, who curled himself upat his feet in that perfect serenity that his presence always infused.

  At last Angela came in on tip-toe, looking immensely tall and lank,with Clement's propensity for longitudinal growth, and the sameinfantine smallness of feature, and much less brilliant colouring thanthe others; but while his hair was as closely cropped as if he werejust out of a cell, hers was as long and as unmanageable as herself;and she had moreover the beautiful large-pupilled, darkly-lashed,mischievous blue eyes that belonged to Edgar, only now their lidswere swollen, and all the colour in her face centred in two great redpatches beneath them--a scarlet garibaldi over a very old brown skirt,half-way up a long pair of grey legs, seeming to make the whole objectmore deplorable.

  'You poor Angel!' exclaimed Felix, his heart more than ever melted;'you look as if you had been crying all night. Why don't you come andgive me a kiss?'

  'I'll--I'll do anything you please, Felix, but I had rather not.'

  'But I do please! I want you,' said he, holding out his hand; so thatshe was forced to come, touch his cheek with her lips, and submit toa far heartier kiss. 'You are as cold as ice,' he added, trying tocapture the blue, chilly, long, sausage-like fingers, and warm them inhis grasp.

  'No, don't! it will only make my chilblains rage. Let me go, now you'veforgiven me for your own comfort.'

  'Forgiven you for my own comfort! I don't want to forgive you--'

  'Oh--h!' and the eyes disappeared, and the face puckered in unutterablewoe.

  'I haven't anything to forgive you, Angel.'

  'Oh, that's worse! when I've hurt you so terribly!'

  '_You_ didn't; you never meant it. Of course I never blamed you.'

  'Then,' said Angel, trying to get away her other hand, 'why did yousend for me to row me, for I don't call that forgiving.'

  'I heard you were unhappy.'

  'And did you think it would make me any happier to see you lying therefrowning with pain?' broke out Angela, with an angry sob.

  'If I frowned, it was not with pain, but because I don't know what tomake of you.'

  'I don't want to be made anything of!' she said pettishly. 'Wilmet toldme you wanted to talk to me. I suppose that meant she ordered you! Sonow you've done it, let me go.'

  'My dear Angel, don't you see that I am just as anxious about you asWilmet can be? and when there is plainly something amiss--'

  'Oh, it's old Ful and Fen's character of me, then?'

  'It is, Angela. Perhaps it does seem taking an unfair advantage of youto catch you now; but you see I so seldom get a chance of a talk withany one; and I must do the best I can for you, you poor little ones,who, I'm afraid, haven't even the faintest recollection of our fatherand mother to help you.'

  'I remember mamma, but after she was ill,' said Angela, probably tryingnot to be softened. 'But I don't think that has much to do with it. Youand Wilmet mind us as much, or more, than most people's born parents.Yes, Wilmet worrits twice as much as any rational mother does.'

  'That's the very thing, Angel; parents can do the thing withoutworrying.'

  'No, I didn't say you did,' said Angela; 'you never did till thisminute, and now you are _druv_ to it;' and she regarded him with acertain fellow-feeling so comical, that she nearly made him laugh,though he felt sad enough.

ve I neglected you then, Angel?'

  'Oh no; I think you do just as well as most fathers. You keep us allgoing,' said Angela, considering; 'and you look after us and set us agood example, as people say; and isn't that all that fathers have todo?'

  'My poor little sister! you just show that I cannot be really like afather to you.'

  'Would a father _do_ all the scolding?' asked Angela in an odd voice.

  'If we still had our own, you would be coming to him to help you, andtelling him freely what it is that makes things go wrong with you.'

  'I'm sure,' answered the girl, 'I'd just as soon tell you, Felix, ifI only knew; but there's only one thing that would do me any good, Ibelieve.'

  'And that?'

  'If I could only be a Trappist.'

  'A what?'

  'A Trappist, or one of those _Sepolte_ nuns, that never see anybody,and can't talk to their relations. Oh! I wish I was old enough to turnRoman Catholic! and then wouldn't I go and cut off this horrible hair,that is the plague and torment of my life, and never be naughty again!'

  'Which do you want to be rid of most--your hair or your relations?'asked Felix, half diverted, half dismayed and wholly at a loss.

  But Angela had passed the boundary of earnest now, and went on morefrom the heart. 'If I could but be in a real strict nunnery, it wouldbe so nice! It would always be church. Oh! if church could but lastalways!'

  He was more puzzled than ever at the intent yearning look that hadchanged the face. 'You could not keep up. It would lose effect,' hesaid.

  'I don't know. Lots of girls much better than I--Bobbie herself--don'tlike long services, and get tired, but I don't. I'm safe then; I'mhappy altogether. I seem to get wings inside--I could go on singing forever. I don't want to be bad; but the instant I go out, I can't livewithout fun; and so they think me a horrid false hypocrite--but I'mnot! Only unless I get shut up somewhere, I don't know what will becomeof me.'

  'You must try to make your life out of church suit your life inchurch,' said Felix, much puzzled how to answer.

  'I would, only I can't be half-and-half, and wishy-washy.'

  'I don't understand.'

  'Don't you? Why, if I have fun, I like to have it real fun. I can'tbe always drawing it mild! It is no real fun if one is to be alwaysthinking about who will be vexed, and what's lady-like, and all thatstuff!'

  'But that's what life in this world is made of.'

  'I know it is; so I hate life in this world, unless one could justhave no conscience at all;' then, as she caught his anxious eye, shewent on, trying to rattle, but with tears in her voice, and submittingto let him warm her hands all the time, 'Felix, you'd better let mego into a Sisterhood. It is the only chance for me! Thinking aboutbeing a horrid governess makes me wicked. When I'm good I do long fora Sisterhood; and when I'm bad I want to get some great rich duke tomarry me, and let me have no end of horses, and go to the races andthe opera--and I don't suppose he will ever come. And I sup_pose_ youare all too dull and tiresome to let me get to be a public singer! No,don't tell me to put it out of my head, for it is what I should likebest--best of all!'

  'Better than the duke?'

  'Oh yes! for I think he would be in the way--Felix! _do_ let me be aSister! You see it is the only chance.'

  'I can't, Angel; they would not accept a Sister at your age.'

  'Then let me think about it _really_, Felix. Promise that I may be whenI am old enough.'

  'It is impossible to promise that; but I do not think I am likely tohinder you, if you then wish it, and it seems right.'

  'I wish you would promise me. Look here, Felix,' and the eyes assumeda deep yearning expression; 'I always did think that if I had adedication, like Clement, I could be as good as he is. But I don'tthink anything else would put the duke or the opera out of my head.'

  'My dear Angel,' and Felix's eyes grew soft too, 'I could not wishanything better for you than to be such another as Sister Constance,but I do not know how you could be dedicated. Even Clement is not; hecould change his mind before he is three-and-twenty. It all depends onhow he goes on.'

  'And if I go on well, will you let me look to it?'

  'As far as may be right.'

  'Only then what is the use of my going to this school, if I am not toturn governess? It only makes me worse.'

  'No, Angela. It would not be right to stop your education. You musthave the means of maintaining yourself. It would be against my duty tohinder that. And remember--some Sisterhoods require an endowment. Youwould not wish to be a burthen. You may have to work to raise meansfor admission; and if you are set to teach, you will need all you arelearning now.'

  'May I think I am preparing?'


  'I will, I will--I mean, I will try,' said Angela. 'O Felix! I do likeyou now I find you don't want me to be respectable. No, don't saysomething grave and prosy, for I _do_ like you now; and never mindabout not being one's father, for I don't believe anybody could bebetter to me.' And she put her face down to his and kissed him as sheused when she was a baby girl; then ran away on thinking she heard someone coming.

  'So,' thought Felix, as he raised himself on his sound elbow, 'theupshot of it is that I don't want her to be respectable! I hope togoodness she won't take to being like Tina--though I don't know why Ishould either! Poor child! I'll write to Audley about her when I can.And here comes the dear little Cherry for her hard day's work.'

  With his dictation and superintendence, Geraldine was quite equal tothe Pursuivant's Friday requirements; and altogether this day of restand leisure was welcome. The sisters were much less anxious about thesore throat than if it had been in the shop! and indeed it was nearlywell, and no obstacle to his being talked to and amused, to thegeneral enjoyment, in the rare pleasure of having him at their mercy.In the afternoon came a message--'The Miss Pearsons' love, and if shecould leave Mr. Underwood, would Miss Underwood step up?' Such messageswere not infrequent, and this was supposed to spring from a desire toknow the particulars of the accident; so that on her return Wilmet wasgreeted with the inquiry whether she was considered responsible for thetea-kettle's misbehaviour, since she had been kept in so long.

  'No,' said Wilmet, gravely. 'Run away, little ones!'

  Stella alone accepted the epithet; but Wilmet was too much absorbed inher tidings to look about in the fire-lit twilight for further victims.

  'The Miss Pearsons are very much troubled by their letters from StHeliers,' she said. 'Alice Knevett is actually married.'

  'To Edgar?' Angela sprang up with a bound. 'Oh, what fun!'

  'No, indeed,' Wilmet replied in her most repressive tone. 'It is to aFrenchman of the name of Tanneguy, in the wine trade.'

  'The abominable girl!' cried Angela at the top of her indignant voice.'A Frenchman! I'll never believe in any one again.'

  'Yes, Angela,' said Wilmet; 'it is a lesson, indeed, of what tricks andsubterfuges--'

  'Never mind that, Mettie,' disrespectfully broke in Cherry, who hadquietly moved a curtain so as to cast a shade over Felix's face. 'Tellus about it. Who writes?'

  Wilmet told that Major Knevett, in a storm of fury, had written tothe aunts that the whole affair had been so secretly conducted, thatneither he nor his wife had guessed at it until his daughter's suddendisappearance, only sending home a letter to announce her marriage toM. Achille Tanneguy, with whom she had embarked for Havre, and given anaddress at Pau, where her husband was concerned in a wine agency. MajorKnevett had then found out that she had been in the constant habit ofmeeting this Tanneguy in the garden of their next neighbour, whichjoined to their own; and that she had entirely eluded the vigilance of'her second mother,' who had, however, never ceased to warn and watchher; but nothing had been capable of curing her of the coquetry andintrigue, with which in his passion he accused Bexley of inspiring her.

  'Too true.' The words were breathed on the back of a sigh suppressedwith difficulty.

  'Nonsense, Felix,' said Wilmet; 'It was in her before, or she could nothave so carried i
t on here. I am sure it had gone on at her horribleschool!'

  'What has she done about Edgar?' asked Clement.

  'The aunts doubt whether she has done anything.--Children, you ought tobe getting ready for tea;' then when Robin and Angel had obeyed thisvery broad hint--'I would not say so before them, but they believe thatthere is a sort of excuse in the unhappiness of her home.'

  'Of course,' said an almost grateful voice from the pillow.

  'Ever since Edgar was there in the summer,' said Wilmet, 'she has beendoubly watched and teased and scolded. Nothing she could do was right.The aunts heard from her last a fortnight ago, very miserable, andentreating them to believe that whatever might happen, she was drivento it by the unbearable wretchedness of home.'

  'Do you call that an excuse, Wilmet?' exclaimed Clement. 'Is theprivilege of suffering to be made an excuse for treachery?'

  'Much Clement knows of the privilege of suffering,' said Felix, lowand quietly; but Geraldine detected so much of that privilege in hisvoice, that she longed to clear the room for him; but though she roseto set the example, and laid her hand on Clement's arm, there was nopreventing his testimony from being delivered.

  'Personally I do not know it; but I do not understand Wilmet's loweringher standard to excuse disobedience and unfaithfulness.'

  'Come along, Clem,' entreated Geraldine; 'it is all most sad andgrievous, but the more we say about it the worse we make it;' and shesucceeded in dragging him out without a defensive reply from Wilmet.

  Presently she was sought out by Wilmet herself, to say, 'Cherry, do youknow, there's Felix looking as pale as when he fainted yesterday.'

  She could believe it; but she only ventured to ask, 'Did he sayanything?'

  'No, only to answer "No," when I asked if I hurt him as I was _doing_his arm. Cherry, can you tell me, or do you know--does this touch himfor himself?'

  Cherry could only look up with eyes swimming.

  'How blind I have been! Oh! if I had not come and told it so abruptly,before every one!'

  'Perhaps he liked the unconsciousness better!'

  'Were you in his confidence, or is it guess?'

  'Guessing at first; but we had a very few words about it when he camehome from consulting Dr. Lee last summer.'

  'Then it was that wretched child that hurt his health?'

  'So we thought. Dr. Lee asked him if there was not something on hismind.'

  'The little wretch! Oh! if I had never asked her here! she has donemore harm than she is worth!'

  'He had got quite well,' said Cherry; 'and now he has his cough backagain. O Mettie!'

  'No,' said Wilmet, 'it is not _that_ cough. It is only a chance cold;it is nearly gone. Besides, it cannot be the same as her first treasonto him must have been.'

  'That's true,' said Cherry, mournfully.

  'After all,' said Wilmet, 'it _is_ a happy escape for both our boys, ifthey can but feel it, poor fellows--but oh! to have been so deceived.And how ignorant one is--even living in the same house!' And Wilmet hada hearty fit of crying.

  'And Edgar!' sighed Cherry.

  'You must write. They all come to you, Cherry,' she added wistfully.'You shall sit with dear Felix this evening, and I will keep the othersaway.'

  This ordinance was carried out, but with no result as to conversation;for Felix's distress took the form of great tenderness as to the mannerin which the blow was to fall upon Edgar. Nothing would satisfy himbut Geraldine's writing immediately, under his own eye. Of coursehe ascribed all his own feelings to his brother; and though Cherrydoubted, and could have written much better as from herself, she couldbut patiently write and re-write, when poor Felix found--as he didwith everything that cost him consideration--that he was falling intohis leading-article style; while all the time she saw him becoming moreexcited and flushed, till at last Wilmet came in, put an end to it, andsent her to bed, almost brokenhearted for both brothers, and strugglingagainst her own hatred to the mischievous little witch who had playedwith their hearts.

  She took care that the letter should go by the earliest post, partly toensure Edgar's getting it without the Sunday's delay, but still morethat it might not be within Felix's power to recall for two whole days.He just inquired after it, and finding it was gone, said no more. Hewas not so anxious to get up as the day before; his arm had come to amore painful stage, and he had had a feverish sleepless night; so thathe looked so worn and depressed, that Mr. Rugg concluded that he hadbeen imprudent, and scolded him accordingly.

  When Geraldine came in to put the finishing strokes to the Pursuivant,she found him so silent and dreamy, that she did nearly the whole onher own responsibility; till at last he suddenly roused himself, beggedher pardon, and gave his whole mind to the dictation of the politicalsummary; then became dreamy again, and presently fell into a long soundsleep, after which he looked, even to the anxious eyes of his sisters,much better, and began to talk of getting up for the evening.

  At about five o'clock, just as Wilmet was laying his things ready forhim, the door was opened, and there entered first a perfume of tobacco,the next a lively voice--'What, Blunderbore, lying in state in Froggy'sfour-poster! Whom have you been getting into hot water with? Is theremuch the matter?' he added in a lower tone, as Wilmet kissed him.

  'Not much,' said Felix; 'it is nothing but a scald in a disabling placeon my arm.'

  'The tea-kettle ought to know its friends better. I met Jem Bruce andheard of it, so I ran down to see how much of you was boiled. I lookedinto the shop, but Master Lance was too important to vouchsafe me aword. Are you sure it is only your arm, old fellow? you look baddish.'

  'I'm well enough,' said Felix, shifting his head into the shadow ofthe curtain; and Wilmet, perceiving that he wished to have it out atonce, left them together. 'Edgar, do you know?' said Felix, earnestly.

  'I scent a crisis in the air, and am doubting whether the Pursuivant isup a tree, or Wilmet's engineer turned out no go.'

  'You have not had Cherry's letter?'

  'No. Don't torment yourself to beat about the bush. I'd stand anythingrather than see you look like that.'

  'Have you heard from Jersey?'

  'Oh! It is that, is it? I believe it has lasted twelve calendar months,and that is as much as is reasonable to expect. Little humbugging puss!What has she taken up with?'

  'Had you no idea that she had fallen in with--with a Frenchman?'

  'The beggar! How far has it gone? or is it only a report from the oldcats of aunts?'

  'It is too certain.'

  'Well, what is it? I suppose she hardly commissioned you to give me my_conge?_'

  'I fear that she commissioned no one. Harsh treatment seems to havedriven her to desperation. She was married privately, and has writtenfrom France to announce it.'

  Edgar gave a long whistle, then turned round and laid his hand on hisbrother's, saying with a short laugh, 'Cool and easy! Well, it waspretty sport; and this conclusion is unique for simplicity and savingof trouble. Dear old Fee, here's that pulse of yours going like a younglady's in a field with a mad bull. Have you been working yourself upall day to expect me to hang myself, or shoot the frog-eater? Didn't Ialways tell you that only the ancient chivalry of the Pursuivant couldtake the affair _au grand serieux?_'

  'Very well,' said Felix in a somewhat smothered voice, 'it is youraffair, and I must accept modern customs. I am glad you understood oneanother so well.'

  'Spoken with grave irony worthy of the heavy father, your laudablemodel. Dear old chap, you'll be better now.'

  There was something strange in the half-reverent, half-pitying tone ofthe tall powerful young man, as, with a sneer on his curling lip, buta tear in his softened eye, he stooped, pushed back the fair hair, andkissed the face which in its wistfulness looked younger than his own(having moreover the hirsuteness of only two days instead of two years).

  Felix fulfilled his intention of getting up, though he went no fartherthan his own fire-side, where soon after tea he was joined by Clement,looking very serious,
and armed with Bible, Prayer-book, and copy-book.He was to take Felix's Sunday class the next day; but whereas he haddone so for the two months of the Ewmouth visit in the summer, thereseemed no special necessity for a consultation, which in fact provedto be a rehearsal of the morrow's lesson, with various instructions toFelix himself, on what Clement called 'Church Teaching,' in oblivionthat the simple truths of religion are as much Church teaching as thedistinctive doctrines of his own set.

  As vehement laughter pealed across the passage, Felix ventured tosuggest that something was going on there.

  'Yes,' said Clement; 'they were beginning some game, but I distrustEdgar's wit.'

  'I don't think holding aloof always good.'

  'When one's presence is a stimulus to irreverence?'

  'Because you present yourself as a butt, instead of laughing with him,and giving things a turn.'

  'Impossible, where one feels deeply.'

  Felix believed it was impossible in the present case, and resignedhimself, though pricking up his ears at the ripples of mirth and theshrieks of ecstatic uncontrollable laughter that reached his ear; untilat last Lance burst in, laughing so that he could hardly stand upright,and bringing a paper in his hand for Felix's benefit.

  It had been the game of adjectives, and Edgar, the conductor, hadaudaciously made its framework the Pursuivant's report of thevaledictory sermon that Mr. Mowbray Smith was to preach on the morrow.It was a most comical combination, so well had Edgar's outline hit offthe editor's desire to make the best of it, coupled with personalitiesthat neither Mr. Smith would have preached nor he reported unless theyhad been in the palace of truth; the whole rendered the more grotesqueby the hap-hazard adjectives that seasoned the discourse, sometimesdeliciously inapposite, sometimes fantastically appropriate. Anaudience had stolen behind Lance to taste its sweets a second time; andthe drollery, the _vraisemblance_, and touches of malice, quite chokedhim as he read, and overpowered Felix with mirth, all the more at theshocked countenance that Clement preserved throughout, while in thebackground there was a renewed chuckling, roaring, and rolling, at themore brilliant sallies.

  The whole family had been viewing Edgar with more or less of awe, pity,and curiosity, as an injured hero, but had been beguiled into themaddest mirth, though as much disgusted with themselves for gigglingas with him for making them giggle. Wilmet herself had succumbed, andCherry had been in an almost hysterical transport of laughter, till herjaws ached, and her eyes were weak; and she was so exhausted that shecould hardly crawl into Felix's room to wish him good-night, and thenscarcely durst speak to him lest she should burst into tears; whileas to the younger ones, it was altogether delightful to them at themoment, and they regarded the transactions of February as a dream.

  When they met the next morning, Edgar professed that he could notventure on sitting under Mr. Smith's actual sermon, but should go toMinsterham, to pay his respects to Wilmet's future relations, if therewere a feasible train.

  'Yes,' said Clement, 'there's one in twenty minutes, which brings onein time for the Cathedral.'

  'Dr. Wilmet is engrossed with a distinguished patient. Eh? Come alongthen, Lance; I must have some one to present me.'

  Lance gave a joyful leap; but Wilmet interposed, 'Indeed, Lance, it ishardly safe. Remember how bad your head was after Christmas Day.'

  'It's my own head, and I may do as I like with it!'

  'That's just what you can't now. If you were knocked up to-morrow--asyou certainly would be, between the railroad and the organ--'

  'That would be what you _may_ call a fix,' observed Edgar. 'Knocked upbetween a railway and an organ! What a position!'

  'It is quite true, Edgar,' said Wilmet, the more severely for thelaughter of Lance and Angel. 'Lance knows very well that one of hisheadaches perfectly disables him. Felix would not be content to leaveMr. Lamb alone in the shop; and all the good of these three days wouldbe undone.'

  'Oh--h! it was a pillar of the state I was asking?' said Edgar. 'Isyour head really so ticklish, Lance?' as the boy made a gesture ofdisgust.

  'Don't persuade him, Edgar. He ought not to do it,' said Wilmet, in herblunt authoritative way.

  Lance kicked the heel of his boot against the floor, and said, 'Don't Ipity Jack Harewood, that's all!'

  'Well, a couple of ducks instead of a goose--Bob and Angel, you've noheads.--Come! I'm too modest to face the Librarian alone, much less thered-headed daughters.'

  The two girls eagerly looked at their sister.

  '"Gorgons and hydras and chimaeras dire!"' ejaculated Edgar. 'If I wereyou, W.W., I'd get up a little more charitably disposed towards mybrother on a Sunday morning!'

  'It is Angela's wildness that I am afraid of,' said Wilmet.

  'She sha'n't go near a tea-kettle,' said Edgar. 'Put on your hats,chick-a-biddies, if you wish to catch the Cathedral.'

  'May we? O Wilmet, pray!' entreated Robina.

  'I will see what Felix says.'

  'A graceful form of shifting the obloquy of the negative,' mutteredEdgar, as Wilmet disappeared.

  'Felix will decide as he thinks good,' said Robina with dignity.

  'As _she_ thinks good, you mean,' said Edgar. 'Well, I wonder how youall contrive to stand it. I couldn't, I know, even for a quiet life.'

  'You've not been broken in, you see,' said Lance, trying to answer withnonchalance.

  'No, I only see a specimen occasionally. What has she been doing to youthis morning, that has spoilt your appetite, and brought you under herthumb?'

  'Don't, Edgar!' burst out Lance, starting up and running away.

  'No, Edgar,' said Geraldine; 'it is not kind. It _is_ hard enough forhim as it is, and it is all for Felix's sake.'

  Luckily, Clement had the wisdom not to speak, and therefore Cherryobtained a more reasonable answer.

  'Well, that is a plea, Cherry; but it does rile me to see a fellowlike that dragooned over, and thrown away, to bolster up a wretchedlittle business such as this. It's a mistake, depend upon it, to letthe demon of present necessity engulf another of the best of us. Mysquibs are conscientious, I assure you.'

  'I don't care for her!' exclaimed Bernard: 'I'll go with you wheneveryou please, Edgar!'

  'Well, Wilmet, under what decent mask do you veil your stony heart?'asked Edgar, as she re-entered.

  'Felix sees no reason against their going,' said Wilmet, rathergloomily. 'Only, Edgar, pray don't encourage Angela to get into one ofher states. You don't know what they are.'

  For Felix had decided it against her. 'Yes, let them go. I don'tbelieve he can bear to face any one in the town, and the charge of themwill be a safe-guard.'

  'But Angela?'

  'My dear, the worst that can happen with her is that she should be alittle boisterous with the Harewoods;' and as Wilmet showed that theprospect was unpleasing, 'that is better than what he could do alone,or with Lance.'

  'Yes, I was resolved to stop Lance. I don't know whether to tell you,but I think you ought to know.'

  'What?' asked Felix anxiously,

  'Last night at half-past eleven--just when I had finished your hand--Ismelt smoke. So I went down to see what was on fire and--'

  'You found Edgar smoking in the kitchen.'

  'If it had been only Edgar, I should not have minded, but it was Lancetoo. I do think you ought to give him a warning, Felix, for they woulddo nothing but laugh at me. Edgar would only go into transports aboutmy hair, and say how long it was. I don't think I was ever so nearly ina passion in my life! If he is teaching Lance those ways--'

  'He is not Lance's first instructor in smoke,' said Felix; 'I believeyour own Harewoods were that, Mettie.'

  'Now you are laughing too, Felix! I don't know how you can. It seems tome that it is all up with us if Edgar is to lead away Lance; and Lancewas not up this morning for Church--the first time I have known himmiss.'

  'Well,' said Felix, rather hastily, 'it is of no use pulling reins tootight. Don't keep those poor children waiting, or you'll make them alltoo late.'

/>   Wilmet had to obey, with the fretted sense that she had not been metas she expected, and that her alarms were injudiciously made light of;and Geraldine meantime tried to explain Edgar's bitter mischief as painof heart; but it grieved her, whatever it was, and her spirits sankthe more for the physical exhaustion of yesterday's violent laughter.But Edgar, looking in to see whether the little girls were ready, andfinding her alone, leaning against the window disconsolately, came up,and putting his arm round her, said, 'So I scandalize you, Gerald? Ican't give my carcase to be battened on by the ghools, were they thebest family ghools in the world.'


  'Besides, you know all this was diligently fostered by oldBlunderbore's duteous intermeddling; and as it was not my fault that Ifurnished a spectacle for gods and men _then_, I _will_ not now.'

  'Only, Edgar, if you _do_ care for Felix, do not, pray do not spoil hiscomfort in Lance!'

  'If I don't, nature will, Cherry. That boy is not the stuff to make ajourneyman stationer, at Wilmet's orders. Oh! if you could but haveseen her, when she surprised us with our pipes last night! I couldn'tget her to stand still, or she would have been a perfect study forAntigone. She is a magnificent creature with her hair down!--Ha! littlekids, we must scamper for it for the train!'

  And off he went, leaving Geraldine not much less unhappy for hisapology. The long day alone with Felix was a better consolation. Shecould not leave the house in such cold as the present; and Felix wasdressed as soon as breakfast was over, and came into the drawing-room,where after their home service, and when he had proved his freedom fromcough by reading a grand sermon of Newman's, his reserve gave way inthe Sunday calm, and he asked, 'Did Edgar say anything to you, Cherie?'

  She repeated the saying about the ghools, as it was evidently meant forcirculation among those respectable parties.

  Felix smiled, and said, 'I thought so,' and told in return Edgar'sdefiant reception of the tidings.

  'I don't think,' said Cherry, 'that I was ever more uncomfortable thanthrough his fun. It felt like laughing-gas; it forced one on, and yetit was so unreal. He wants to treat it on the hawk-gone-down-the-windprinciple.'

  'It is the gallant and the wise one, Cherry. So you ought to admire itmore than you seem to do.'

  'It cannot be wise if it be not true. That is, if it ever went deepwith him.'

  'He never meant it to go deep,' said Felix; 'but the very extravaganceof his defiance makes me afraid it took stronger hold than he knew, andthat the shock may be very bad for him.'

  'But she--' and Cherry stopped, afraid to vex him by speaking ofAlice's incapacity to raise a character.

  He calmly finished. 'She was not all we thought her. True, poor child;but an attachment worthily and steadily maintained, as for all hisnonsense this has been, must be well for a man; and a disruption ofthis kind must be a breaking-up--whether he treat it lightly or no--offoundations such as one who seems to have little besides can ill affordto stand.'

  It was the first time that the secret anxiety had been openly named,and Cherry clasped her hands.

  'That is my chief anxiety,' resumed Felix. 'Otherwise the end of thismatter is of course an advantage.'

  'If she could use him so, she was not worth constancy,' said Cherry.

  'No!' It was a decided No, though it was followed by 'As they had madeher. Poor child! She was full of sweet womanly gifts, and might havebeen made everything excellent; but Edgar estimated her more trulythan I did. There was always a certain spirit of intrigue, and want ofsubstance, or she could never have so treated him.'

  'Entirely unfeeling.'

  'Or rather, too light to appreciate feeling otherwise than as a tributeto herself, or to dwell on the absent,' said Felix sadly. 'I nowbelieve that she was conscious of--of my liking. Indeed, I am sure ofit; I only tried to hope otherwise, though it was easy to forgive herpreference for one so much more attractive. There was no harm in that.But as things stood with him, to throw him over without a word showsan essential want of comprehension of what was due to others.'

  'She might at least have written through her aunts.'

  'With a right sense of honour she would; but I believe she had noeducation in such things. Poor little thing! I hope the Frenchman willdo well by her.'

  'Felix dear, may I ask you--this is not the pain that it was before?'

  'No' said Felix, looking steadily at her, with his chin on his hand.'No, certainly not. I was greatly shocked and upset at first, butnot personally; though of course I must always feel towards her asI never can for any other woman;' then, at Cherry's start, 'I meanthat the woman who fills one's life with a certain glory and radianceof--possibility, never can be the same as others to one, even though itlasted ever so short a time, and was ever so great a mistake. But thatdoes not mean wishing to begin it over again.'

  'Not with her.'

  'It is absurd to make auguries or protests,' said Felix quietly; 'butfrom a boy I knew well that that sort of thing could hardly be for me,and I am content to have returned to that conviction. Even ending, asit has done, the year of--of--perhaps fools' paradise was well worthhaving, but I hope it will serve me for life. If I can keep faithful towhat I once thought Alice, it will be best for all of us. So don't beanxious about me, my Whiteheart. The trouble of last winter was overlong ago, and the zest and spirit of life came back with strength andwork. I am quite as happy now as I was before--happier, I think.'

  'Then this need not make you ill,' breathed Cherry, aware that she wassaying something foolish. Indeed, Felix laughed a little.

  'Hardly,' he said playfully. 'Remember, Cherry, what a predicament Iwas in--obliged to act the heavy father, as Edgar calls it, when I wasso much concerned myself, and with him telling me I was a fool for mypains, as I believe I was. Besides, it was a good honest cold I caughtat Brompton, in a very sharp east wind. If you insist on going anyfurther, you will become a family ghool, Cherry.' She was obliged tolaugh; and he continued, 'No, don't be anxious. This was an opportunescald. I should have found the day's work severe, if I had not hadtime to face this thoroughly. Such a quiet day last spring would havebeen worth a quart of cod-liver oil later.'

  Therewith the pattering of many feet resounded on the frost-boundstreet; and the church-goers returned, averring that Mr. Smith'ssermon had been like enough to Edgar's to render it difficult to keeptheir countenances, and to make them rejoice in Angela's absence. Ofthis Felix might judge for himself, for not long after the preacherhimself arrived, offering the MS. for an abstract for the paper, allunconscious of the second-sight that had reported it already.

  There he lingered, trying to talk, as if he wanted to say somethingthat would not come out; and at last he was only driven from the fieldby the return of Edgar and the girls, who came in open-mouthed andeager out of the cold.

  Edgar had had a great deal of fun with Mrs. Harewood, and had on hisside fascinated all the family; so that Robina confided to Lance thatshe thought Grace Harewood ought to be warned, for Edgar went on withher like 'You know what.'

  'Make yourself easy,' said Lance; 'Grace and Lucy know all about thatbetter than any girl in Minsterham. What did old Bill say? and whatanthem did you have?'

  Felix and Geraldine spent the Evening Service hour in very differentfashion from the morning; for Edgar was their companion, and took theopportunity of making the remonstrance he had threatened about Lanceand his prospects. He had never been _fine_ in Alda's way, and hadnot her feelings about losing caste; but whereas his politics werediametrically opposed to those of the Pursuivant, he thought Felixranging himself, according to his essential Blunderbore nature, on theside of the old giants destined to destruction, and wasting talent andsubstance on a hopeless and thankless cause; but he knew his brother tobe past remonstrance, and to be perfectly well aware that this was thelosing side. Only Edgar entered a strong protest against Lance being,as he said, sacrificed just to make Wilmet's pot boil, and bolster upthe old Pursuivant a little longer.

  'You can't be more averse to it than I,' said
Felix. 'If he could onlygo back to his work, he might yet get to the University.'

  'Pshaw! that's not what I meant. He is not the stuff; you were the onlyone of us that had the making of a scholar. Now Lance has got just thetaste and the talent that were baulked in my case by old Tom's stickingme down to hides and tallow, when I ought to have been cultivatingthem.'

  'There's this difference,' said Geraldine; 'Cousin Thomas stuck you,but Lance sticks himself.'

  'Under moral compulsion, eh?'

  'The compulsion was on me,' said Felix. 'I was really afraid to denyhim; the idleness, and the fretting over it, were doing his head somuch harm.'

  'That's all very well. No harm done; but to let him go on here in thestodge is a bit of short-sightedness I can't understand. He'll never behappy in it; and you'd better let him go before it is too late.'

  'Go? but how, and where? His health is not fit for study, and his voiceought to rest for another year.'

  Then Edgar explained his own plan. Lance had already considerablemusical knowledge, and ability such that his way in the musical worldwould be secure. Amateur as he was himself, Edgar had such a footingthere that he could secure an introduction for his brother, who whilelearning would be able to maintain himself; and either by violin orvoice, if not by original composition, win name, fame, and fortune, ina few years. A manager of high reputation Edgar mentioned as likely toaccept and train the boy; and he added that for his own part he wouldwatch over the little fellow; and he added, with a look in his eyesthat went to Felix's heart, 'And nothing would do me so much good _now_as the charge of him.'

  'That I _do_ believe, Edgar,' said Felix warmly; 'but it would bethrowing the helve after the hatchet in a way you can't expect of aheavy father.'

  'Exactly what I knew you would say. You veil it a little more; but wepoor Bohemians don't meet with much more charity from you than from ourstately sister. Reprobates all--eh?'

  'Living a life of temptation enough to make me choose no one to bedrawn into it that I can prevent. Have you been talking to Lance aboutit?'

  'Well, it rose out of last night's talk to him. Not that he gave in toit. He's loyal to you to the back-bone, and all importance too with thecharge of the shop. Besides, that cathedral--it's a sort of mother'smilk to him, not out of his mouth.'

  'That's a good hearing!' said Felix, with a rather defiant smile.

  'But it won't last,' said Edgar; 'the drudgery and sameness will tell;and you'd better give in with a good grace in time, Blunderbore.'

  'You've been persuading him,' said Cherry reproachfully.

  'Well, Cherry, I'm not in the habit of confounding virtue with dulness;and when the little chap talked to me of the musical doings I had beenafter, I felt the sin and shame of getting a nightingale to make abarn-door fowl of.'

  'I can only tell you,' said Felix, with more annoyance than he usuallybetrayed, 'that if you took your nightingale to the din of London, andthe excitement of a concert, you'd have him with inflammation on thebrain before the week was out. Why, I sent him over to see his doctorat Minsterham, and he says it would be murder to send him back to hisbooks and the choir for this next quarter at least; and if cathedralmusic will not do for him, judge if London concerts would!'

  'And did you think I wanted to carry off your deputy right hand whileyour own is hung up in a bag, you jealous old giant? Why, I proposed todevote myself to the Pursuivant to-morrow!'

  'Thank you; I am afraid it would be taken for the Tribune.'

  'As if I couldn't hit off the complacent, gentlemanly, stick-in-the-mudstyle for squiredom! I'll write you a leader--on what shall it be,municipalities, or the smut in wheat?--that you shall not know fromyour own.'

  To wish Edgar away was impossible, and yet how feel willing that Lanceshould be under such influence? Withal there was the difficulty ofshowing Wilmet that to fret Lance with restrictions was a dangerousthing at such a moment. She would yield to Felix's desire that shewould not interfere with that orgie over the kitchen fire--which heregarded all the time with as much dread as herself--but she thoughthis concession weak: and Lance himself was perilously like Edgar in allhis bright pleasant qualities, talents, and tastes, so that the two hadan enjoyment in one another's company that it was painful to regardwith anxiety.