Read The Pilot: A Tale of the Sea Page 11


  ----"And kindness like their own Inspired those eyes, affectionate and glad, That seem'd to love whate'er they looked upon; Whether with Hebe's mirth her features shone, Or if a shade more pleasing them o'ercast-- Yet so becomingly th' expression past, That each succeeding look was lovelier than the last." _Gertrude of Wyoming_.

  The western wing of St. Ruth house or abbey, as the building wasindiscriminately called, retained but few vestiges of the uses to whichit had been originally devoted. The upper apartments were small andnumerous, extending on either side of a long, low, and dark gallery, andmight have been the dormitories of the sisterhood who were said to haveonce inhabited that portion of the edifice; but the ground-floor hadbeen modernized, as it was then called, about a century before, andretained just enough of its ancient character to blend the venerablewith what was thought comfortable in the commencement of the reign ofthe third George. As this wing had been appropriated to the mistress ofthe mansion, ever since the building had changed its spiritualcharacter for one of a more carnal nature, Colonel Howard continued thearrangement, when he became the temporary possessor of St. Ruth, until,in the course of events, the apartments which had been appropriated forthe accommodation and convenience of his niece were eventually convertedinto her prison. But as the severity of the old veteran was asoften marked by an exhibition of his virtues as of his foibles, theconfinement and his displeasure constituted the sole subjects ofcomplaint that were given to the young lady. That our readers may bebetter qualified to judge of the nature of their imprisonment, we shalltransport them, without further circumlocution, into the presence of thetwo females, whom they must be already prepared to receive.

  The withdrawing-room of St. Ruth's was an apartment which, traditionsaid, had formerly been the refectory of the little bevy of fair sinnerswho sought a refuge within its walls from the temptations of the world.Their number was not large, nor their entertainments very splendid, orthis limited space could not have contained them. The room, however,was of fair dimensions, and an air of peculiar comfort, mingled withchastened luxury, was thrown around it, by the voluminous folds of theblue damask curtains that nearly concealed the sides where the deepwindows were placed, and by the dark leathern hangings, richly stampedwith cunning devices in gold, that ornamented the two others. Massivecouches in carved mahogany, with chairs of a similar material andfashion, all covered by the same rich fabric that composed the curtains,together with a Turkey carpet, over the shaggy surface of which allthe colors of the rainbow were scattered in bright confusion, united torelieve the gloomy splendor of the enormous mantel, deep heavy cornices,and the complicated carvings of the massive woodwork which cumbered thewalls. A brisk fire of wood was burning on the hearth, in compliment tothe willful prejudice of Miss Plowden, who had maintained, in her mostvivacious manner, that sea-coal was "only tolerable for blacksmithsand Englishmen." In addition to the cheerful blaze from the hearth, twowaxen lights, in candlesticks of massive silver, were lending their aidto enliven the apartment. One of these was casting its rays brightlyalong the confused colors of the carpet on which it stood, flickeringbefore the active movements of the form that played around it with lightand animated inflections. The posture of this young lady was infantilein grace, and, with one ignorant of her motives, her employment wouldhave been obnoxious to the same construction. Divers small square piecesof silk, strongly contrasted to each other in color, lay on every sideof her, and were changed, as she kneeled on the floor, by her nimblehands, into as many different combinations as if she was humoring thefancies of her sex, or consulting the shades of her own dark but richcomplexion in the shop of a mercer. The close satin dress of this youngfemale served to display her small figure in its true proportions,while her dancing eyes of jet black shamed the dyes of the Italianmanufacturer by their superior radiance. A few ribbons of pink,disposed about her person with an air partly studied, and yet carelesslycoquettish, seemed rather to reflect than lend the rich bloom thatmantled around her laughing countenance, leaving to the eye no cause toregret that she was not fairer.

  Another female figure, clad in virgin white, was reclining on the end ofa distant couch. The seclusion in which they lived might have renderedthis female a little careless of her appearance, or, what was moreprobable, the comb had been found unequal to its burden; for hertresses, which rivaled the hue and gloss of the raven, had burst fromtheir confinement, and, dropping over her shoulders, fell along herdress in rich profusion, finally resting on the damask of the couch, indark folds, like glittering silk. A small hand, which seemed to blush atits own naked beauties, supported her head, embedded in the volumes ofher hair, like the fairest alabaster set in the deepest ebony. Beneaththe dark profusion of her curls, which, notwithstanding the sweepingtrain that fell about her person, covered the summit of her head, laya low spotless forehead of dazzling whiteness, that was relieved bytwo arches so slightly and truly drawn that they appeared to have beenproduced by the nicest touches of art. The fallen lids and long silkenlashes concealed the eyes that rested on the floor, as if their mistressmused in melancholy. The remainder of the features of this maiden wereof a kind that is most difficult to describe, being neither regular norperfect in their several parts, yet harmonizing and composing a wholethat formed an exquisite picture of female delicacy and loveliness.There might or there might not have been a tinge of slight red in hercheeks, but it varied with each emotion of her bosom, even as she musedin quiet, now seeming to steal insidiously over her glowing temples, andthen leaving on her face an almost startling paleness. Her stature,as she reclined, seemed above the medium height of womanhood, and herfigure was rather delicate than full, though the little foot that restedon the damask cushion before her displayed a rounded outline that any ofher sex might envy.

  "Oh! I'm as expert as if I were signal officer to the lord high admiralof this realm!" exclaimed the laughing female on the floor, clappingher hands together in girlish exultation. "I do long, Cecilia, for anopportunity to exhibit my skill."

  While her cousin was speaking, Miss Howard raised her head, with a faintsmile, and as she turned her eyes toward the other, a spectator mighthave been disappointed, but could not have been displeased, bythe unexpected change the action produced in the expression of hercountenance.

  Instead of the piercing black eyes that the deep color of her tresseswould lead him to expect, he would have beheld two large, mild, blueorbs, that seemed to float in a liquid so pure as to be nearly invisibleand which were more remarkable for their tenderness and persuasion,than for the vivid flashes that darted from the quick glances of hercompanion.

  "The success of your mad excursion to the seaside, my cousin, hasbewildered your brain," returned Cecilia; "but I know not how to conqueryour disease, unless we prescribe salt water for the remedy, as in someother cases of madness."

  "Ah! I am afraid your nostrum would be useless," cried Katherine;"it has failed to wash out the disorder from the sedate Mr. RichardBarnstable, who has had the regimen administered to him through manya hard gale, but who continues as fair a candidate for Bedlam as ever.Would you think it, Cicely, the crazy one urged me, in the ten minutes'conversation we held together on the cliffs, to accept of his schooneras a shower-bath!"

  "I can think that your hardihood might encourage him to expect much, butsurely he could not have been serious in such a proposal!"

  "Oh! to do the wretch justice, he did say something of a chaplainto consecrate the measure, but there was boundless impudence in thethought. I have not, nor shall I forget it, or forgive him for it, thesesix-and-twenty years. What a fine time he must have had of it, in hislittle Ariel, among the monstrous waves we saw tumbling in upon theshore to-day, coz! I hope they will wash his impudence out of him! I dothink the man cannot have had a dry thread about him, from sun to sun.I must believe it as a punishment for his boldness, and, be certain, Ishall tell him of it. I will form half a dozen signals, this instant, tojoke at his moist condition, in very revenge."

Pleased with her own thoughts, and buoyant with the secret hope that Heradventurous undertaking would be finally crowned with complete success,the gay girl shook her black locks, in infinite mirth, and tossed themimic flags gaily around her person, as she was busied in forming newcombinations, in order to amuse herself with her lover's disastroussituation. But the features of her cousin clouded with the thoughts thatwere excited by her remarks, and she replied, in a tone that bore somelittle of the accents of reproach:

  "Katherine! Katherine! can you jest when there is so much to apprehend?Forget you what Alice Dunscombe told us of the gale, this morning? andthat she spoke of two vessels, a ship and a schooner, that had been seenventuring with fearful temerity within the shoals, only six miles fromthe abbey, and that unless God in his gracious providence had been kindto them, there was but little doubt that their fate would be a sad one?Can you, that know so well who and what these daring mariners are, bemerry about the self-same winds that caused their danger?"

  The thoughtless, laughing girl was recalled to her recollection by thisremonstrance, and every trace of mirth vanished from her countenance,leaving a momentary death-like paleness crossing her face, as sheclasped her hands before her, and fastened her keen eyes vacantly onthe splendid pieces of silk that now lay unheeded around her. At thiscritical moment the door of the room slowly opened, and Colonel Howardentered the apartment with an air that displayed a droll mixture ofstern indignation, with a chivalric and habitual respect to the sex.

  "I solicit your pardon, young ladies, for the interruption," he said;"I trust, however, that an old man's presence can never be entirelyunexpected In the drawing-room of his wards."

  As he bowed, the colonel seated himself on the end of the couch,opposite to the place where his niece had been reclining, for MissHoward had risen at his entrance, and continued standing until her unclehad comfortably disposed of himself. Throwing a glance which was notentirely free from self-commendation around the comfortable apartment,the veteran proceeded, in the same tone as before:

  "You are not without the means of making any guest welcome, nor do I seethe necessity of such constant seclusion from the eyes of the world asyou thus rigidly practise."

  Cecilia looked timidly at her uncle, with surprise, before she returnedan answer to his remark.

  "We certainly owe much to your kind attention, dear sir," she at lengthuttered; "but is our retirement altogether voluntary?"

  "How can it be otherwise! are you not mistress of this mansion,madam? In selecting the residence where your and, permit me to add, myancestors so long dwelt in credit and honor, I have surely been lessgoverned by any natural pride that I might have entertained on sucha subject, than by a desire to consult your comfort and happiness.Everything appears to my aged eyes as if we ought not to be ashamed toreceive our friends within these walls. The cloisters of St. Ruth, MissHoward, are not entirely bare, neither are their tenants wholly unworthyto be seen."

  "Open, then, the portals of the abbey, sir, and your niece will endeavorto do proper credit to the hospitality of its master."

  "That was spoken like Harry Howard's daughter, frankly and generously!"cried the old soldier, insensibly edging himself nearer to his niece."If my brother had devoted himself to the camp, instead of the sea,Cecilia, he would have made one of the bravest and ablest generals inhis majesty's service--poor Harry! he might have been living at thisvery day, and at this moment leading the victorious troops of hissovereign through the revolted colonies in triumph. But he is gone,Cecilia, and has left you behind him, as his dear representative, toperpetuate our family and to possess what little has been left to usfrom the ravages of the times."

  "Surely, dear sir," said Cecilia, taking his hand, which, hadunconsciously approached her person, and pressing it to her lips, "wehave no cause to complain of our lot in respect to fortune, though itmay cause us bitter regret that so few of us are left to enjoy it."

  "No, no, no," said Katherine, in a low, hurried voice; "Alice Dunscombeis and must be wrong; Providence would never abandon brave men to socruel a fate!"

  "Alice Dunscombe is here to atone for her error, if she has fallen intoone," said a quiet, subdued voice, in which the accents of a provincialdialect, however, were slightly perceptible, and which, in its lowtones, wanted that silvery clearness that gave so much femininesweetness to the words of Miss Howard, and which even rang melodiouslyin the ordinarily vivacious strains of her cousin.

  The surprise created by these sudden interruptions caused a totalsuspension of the discourse. Katherine Plowden, who had continuedkneeling in the attitude before described, arose, and as she lookedabout her in momentary confusion, the blood again mantled her facewith the fresh and joyous springs of life. The other speaker advancedsteadily into the middle of the room; and after returning, with studiedcivility, the low bow of Colonel Howard, seated herself in silence onthe opposite couch. The manner of her entrance, her reception, andher attire, sufficiently denoted that the presence of this female wasneither unusual nor unwelcome. She was dressed with marked simplicity,though with a studied neatness, that more than compensated for theabsence of ornaments. Her age might not have much exceeded thirty, butthere was an adoption of customs in her attire that indicated she wasnot unwilling to be thought older. Her fair flaxen hair was closelyconfined by a dark bandeau, such as was worn in a nation farther northby virgins only, over which a few curls strayed, in a manner that showedthe will of their mistress alone restrained their luxuriance. Her lightcomplexion had lost much of its brilliancy, but enough still remained toassert its original beauty and clearness. To this description might beadded, fine, mellow, blue eyes; beautifully white, though large teeth;a regular set of features, and a person that was clad in a darklead-colored silk, which fitted her full, but gracefully moulded formwith the closest exactness.

  Colonel Howard paused a moment after this lady was seated, andthen turning himself to Katherine with an air that became stiff andconstrained by attempting to seem extremely easy, he said:

  "You no sooner summon Miss Alice, but she appears, Miss Plowden--readyand (I am bold to say, Miss Alice) able to defend herself against allcharges that her worst enemies can allege against her."

  "I have no charges to make against Miss Dunscombe," said Katherine,pettishly, "nor do I wish to have dissensions created between me and myfriends, even by Colonel Howard."

  "Colonel Howard will studiously avoid such offences in future," said theveteran, bowing; and turning stiffly to the others, he continued: "I wasjust conversing with my niece as you entered, Miss Alice, on the subjectof her immuring herself like one of the veriest nuns who ever inhabitedthese cloisters. I tell her, madam, that neither her years, nor myfortune, nor, indeed, her own, for the child of Harry Howard was notleft penniless, require that we should live as if the doors of the worldwere closed against us, or there was no other entrance to St. Ruth's butthrough those antiquated windows. Miss Plowden, I feel it to be my dutyto inquire why those pieces of silk are provided in such an unusualabundance, and in so extraordinary a shape?"

  "To make a gala dress for the ball you are about to give, sir," saidKatherine, with a saucy smile that was only checked by the reproachfulglance of her cousin. "You have taste In a lady's attire, ColonelHoward; will not this bright yellow form a charming relief to my brownface, while this white and black relieve one another, and this pinkcontrasts so sweetly with black eyes? Will not the whole form a turbanfit for an empress to wear?"

  As the arch maiden prattled on in this unmeaning manner, her rapidfingers entwined the flags in a confused maze, which she threw over herhead in a form not unlike the ornament for which she intimated it wasintended. The veteran was by far too polite to dispute a lady's taste,and he renewed the dialogue, with his slightly awakened suspicioncompletely quieted by her dexterity and artifice. But although it wasnot difficult to deceive Colonel Howard in matters of female dress, thecase was very different with Alice Dunscombe, This lady gazed with asteady eye and reproving countenance on the fantastical tur
ban,until Katherine threw herself by her side, and endeavored to leadher attention to other subjects, by her playful motions and whisperedquestions.

  "I was observing, Miss Alice," continued the colonel, "that although thetimes had certainly inflicted some loss on my estate, yet we were notso much reduced as to be unable to receive our friends in a manner thatwould not disgrace the descendants of the ancient possessors of St.Ruth. Cecilia, here, my brother Harry's daughter, is a young lady thatany uncle might be proud to exhibit, and I would have her, madam, showyour English dames that we rear no unworthy specimens of the parentstock on the other side of the Atlantic."

  "You have only to declare your pleasure, my good uncle," said MissHoward, "and it shall be executed."

  "Tell us how we can oblige you, sir," continued Katherine, "and if itbe in any manner that will relieve the tedium of this dull residence, Ipromise you at least one cheerful assistant to your scheme."

  "You speak fair," cried the colonel, "and like two discreet and worthygirls! Well, then, our first step shall be to send a message to Dillonand the captain, and invite them to attend your coffee. I see the hourapproaches."

  Cecilia made no reply, but looked distressed, and dropped her mild eyesto the carpet; Miss Plowden took it upon herself to answer:

  "Nay, sir, that would be for them to proceed in the matter; as yourproposal was that the first step should be ours, suppose we all adjournto your part of the house, and do the honors of the tea-table in yourdrawing-room, instead of our own. I understand, sir, that you have hadan apartment fitted up for that purpose in some style; a woman's tastemight aid your designs, however."

  "Miss Plowden, I believe I intimated to you some time since," said thedispleased colonel, "that so long as certain suspicious vessels wereknown to hover on this coast, I should desire that you and Miss Howardwould confine yourselves to this wing."

  "Do not say that we confine ourselves," said Katherine, "but let it bespoken in plain English, that you confine us here."

  "Am I a jailer, madam, that you apply such epithets to my conduct? MissAlice must form strange conclusions of our manners, if she receive herimpressions from your very singular remarks. I----"

  "All measures adopted from a dread of the ship and the schooner thatran within the Devil's Grip, yester-eve, may be dispensed with now,"interrupted Miss Dunscombe, in a melancholy, reflecting tone. "Thereare few living who know the dangerous paths that can conduct even thesmallest craft in safety from the land, with daylight and fair winds;but when darkness and adverse gales oppose them, the chance for safetylies wholly in God's kindness."

  "There is truly much reason to believe they are lost," returned theveteran, in a voice in which no exultation was apparent.

  "They are not lost!" exclaimed Katherine, with startling energy, leavingher seat, and walking across the room to join Cecilia, with an air thatseemed to elevate her little figure to the height of her cousin. "Theyare skilful and they are brave, and what gallant sailors can dowill they do, and successfully; besides, in what behalf would a justProvidence sooner exercise its merciful power, than to protect thedaring children of an oppressed country, while contending againsttyranny and countless wrongs?"

  The conciliating disposition of the colonel deserted him, as helistened. His own black eyes sparkled with a vividness unusual for hisyears, and his courtesy barely permitted the lady to conclude, ere hebroke forth:

  "What sin, madam, what damning crime, would sooner call down the justwrath of heaven on the transgressors, than the act of foul rebellion? Itwas this crime, madam, that deluged England in blood in the reign of thefirst Charles; it is this crime that has dyed more fields red than allthe rest of man's offences united; it has been visited on our race asa condign punishment, from the days of the deservedly devoted Absalom,down to the present time; in short, it lost heaven forever to some ofthe most glorious of its angels, and there is much reason to believethat it is the one unpardonable sin named in the holy gospels."

  "I know that you have authority for believing it to be the heavyenormity that you mention, Colonel Howard," said Miss Dunscombe,anticipating the spirited reply of Katherine, and willing to avert it;she hesitated an instant, and then drawing a heavy shivering sigh, shecontinued, in a voice that grew softer as she spoke: "'tis indeed acrime of magnitude, and one that throws the common blackslidings ofour lives, speaking by comparison, into the sunshine of his favor. Manythere are who sever the dearest ties of this life, by madly rushing intoits sinful vortex; for I fain think the heart grows hard with thesight of human calamity, and becomes callous to the miseries its ownerinflicts; especially where we act the wrongs on our own kith and kin,regardless who or how many that are dear to us suffer by our evil deeds.It is, besides, Colonel Howard, a dangerous temptation, to one littlepracticed in the great world, to find himself suddenly elevated intothe seat of power; and if it does not lead to the commission of greatcrimes, it surely prepares the way to it, by hardening the heart."

  "I hear you patiently, Miss Alice," said Katherine, dancing her littlefoot, in affected coolness; "for you neither know of whom nor to whomyou speak. But Colonel Howard has not that apology. Peace, Cecilia, forI must speak! Believe them not, dear girl; there is not a wet hairon their heads. For you, Colonel Howard, who must recollect that thesister's son of the mothers of both your niece and myself is on boardthat frigate, there is an appearance of cruelty in using such language."

  "I pity the boy! from my soul I pity him!" exclaimed the veteran, "heis a child, and has followed the current that is sweeping our unhappycolonies down the tide of destruction. There are others in that vesselwho have no excuse of ignorance to offer. There is a son of my oldacquaintance, and the bosom friend of my brother Harry, Cecilia'sfather, dashing Hugh Griffith, as we called him. The urchins left hometogether and were rated on board one of his majesty's vessels on thesame day. Poor Harry lived to carry a broad pennant in the service, andHugh died in command of a frigate. This boy, too! He was a nurtured onboard his father's vessel, and learned, from his majesty's discipline,how to turn his arms against his king. There is something shockinglyunnatural in that circumstance. Miss Alice, 'tis the child inflictinga blow on the parent. 'Tis such men as these, with Washington at theirheads, who maintain the bold front this rebellion wears."

  "There are men, who have never won the servile livery of Britain, sir,whose names are as fondly cherished in America as any that she boastsof," said Katherine, proudly; "ay, sir, and those who would gladlyoppose the bravest officers in the British fleet."

  "I contend not against your misguided reason," said Colonel Howard,rising with cool respect. "A young lady who ventures to compare rebelswith gallant gentlemen engaged in their duty to their prince, cannotescape the imputation of possessing a misguided reason. No man--I speaknot of women, who cannot be supposed so well versed in human nature--butno man who has reached the time of life that entitles him to be calledby that name, can consort with these disorganizers, who would destroyeverything that is sacred--these levellers, who would pull down thegreat, to exalt the little--these jacobins, who--who----"

  "Nay, sir, if you are at a loss for opprobrious epithets," saidKatherine, with provoking coolness, "call on Mr. Christopher Dillon forassistance; he waits your pleasure at the door."

  Colonel Howard turned in amazement, forgetting his angry declamations atthis unexpected intelligence, and beheld, in reality, the sombre visageof his kinsman, who stood holding the door in his hand, apparently asmuch surprised at finding himself in the presence of the ladies, as theythemselves could be at his unusual visit.