Read The Pilot: A Tale of the Sea Page 30


  "_Don Pedro_. Welcome, Signior: you are almost come to part almost a fray." _Much Ado About Nothing._

  "Down with your arms, you Englishmen!" said the daring intruder; "andyou, who fight in the cause of sacred liberty, stay your hands, that nounnecessary blood may flow. Yield yourself, proud Briton, to the powerof the Thirteen Republics!"

  "Ha!" exclaimed Borroughcliffe, grasping a pistol, with an air ofgreat resolution, "the work thickens--I had not included this man inmy estimate of their numbers. Is he a Samson, that his single arm canchange the face of things so suddenly! Down with your own weapon, youmasquerader! or, at the report of this pistol, your body shall be made atarget for twenty bullets."

  "And thine for a hundred!" returned the Pilot.--"Without there! windyour call, fellow, and bring in our numbers. We will let this confidentgentleman feel his weakness."

  He had not done speaking, before the shrill whistle of a boatswainrose gradually on the ears of the listeners, until the sense of hearingbecame painfully oppressed by the piercing sounds that rang underthe arched roof of the hall, and penetrated even to the most distantrecesses of the abbey. A tremendous rush of men followed, who drove inbefore them the terrified fragment of Borroughcliffe's command, that hadheld the vestibule; and the outer room became filled with a dark mass ofhuman bodies.

  "Let them hear ye, lads!" cried their leader; "the abbey is your own!"

  The roaring of a tempest was not louder than the shout that burst fromhis followers, who continued their cheers, peal on peal, until the veryroof of the edifice appeared to tremble with their vibrations. Numerousdark and shaggy heads were seen moving around the passage; some casedin the iron-bound caps of the frigate's boarders, and others glitteringwith the brazen ornaments of her marine guard. The sight of the latterdid not fail to attract the eye of Manual, who rushed among the throng,and soon reappeared, followed by a trusty band of his own men, who tookpossession of the post held by the soldiers of Borroughcliffe, while thedialogue was continued between the leaders of the adverse parties.

  Thus far Colonel Howard had yielded to his guest, with a deep reverencefor the principles of military subordination, the functions of acommander; but, now that affairs appeared to change so materially, hetook on himself the right to question these intruders into his dwelling.

  "By what authority, sir," the colonel demanded, "is it that you darethus to invade the castle of a subject of this realm? Do you come backedby the commission of the lord lieutenant of the county, or hasyour warrant the signature of his majesty's secretary for the homedepartment?"

  "I bear no commission from any quarter," returned the Pilot; "I rankonly an humble follower of the friends of America; and having led thesegentlemen into danger, I have thought it my duty to see them extricated.They are now safe; and the right to command all that hear me rests withMr. Griffith, who is commissioned by the Continental Congress for suchservice."

  When he had spoken, he fell back from the position he occupied in thecentre of the room, to one of its sides, where, leaning his body againstthe wainscot, he stood a silent observer of what followed.

  "It appears, then, that it is to you, degenerate son of a most worthyfather, that I must repeat my demand," continued the veteran. "By whatright is my dwelling thus rudely assailed? and why is my quiet and thepeace of those I protect so daringly violated?"

  "I might answer you, Colonel Howard, by saying that it is according tothe laws of arms, or rather in retaliation for the thousand evils thatyour English troops have inflicted between Maine and Georgia; but I wishnot to increase the unpleasant character of this scene, and I thereforewill tell you that our advantage shall be used with moderation. Theinstant that our men can be collected, and our prisoners properlysecured, your dwelling shall be restored to your authority. We are nofreebooters, sir; and you will find it so after our departure. CaptainManual, draw off your guard into the grounds, and make your dispositionsfor a return march to our boats--let the boarders fall back, there! outwith ye! out with ye--tumble out, you boarders!"

  The amicable order of the young lieutenant, which was delivered afterthe stern, quick fashion of his profession, operated on the cluster ofdark figures that were grouped around the door like a charm; and as themen whom Barnstable had led followed their shipmates into the courtyard,the room was now left to such only as might be termed the gentlemen ofthe invading party, and the family of Colonel Howard.

  Barnstable had continued silent since his senior officer had assumedthe command, listening most attentively to each syllable that fell fromeither side; but now that so few remained, and the time pressed, hespoke again:

  "If we are to take boat so soon, Mr. Griffith, it would be seemly thatdue preparations should be made to receive the ladies, who are to honorus with their presence; shall I take that duty on myself?"

  The abrupt proposal produced a universal surprise in his hearers; thoughthe abashed and conscious expression of Katherine Plowden's featuressufficiently indicated that to her, at least, it was not altogetherunexpected. The long silence that succeeded the question was interruptedby Colonel Howard.

  "Ye are masters, gentlemen; help yourselves to whatever best suits yourinclinations. My dwelling, my goods, and my wards, are alike atyour disposal--or, perhaps Miss Alice here, good and kind Miss AliceDunscombe, may suit the taste of some among ye! Ah! Edward Griffith!Edward Griffith! little did I ever--"

  "Breathe not that name in levity again, thou scoffer, or even youryears may prove a feeble protection!" said a stern, startling voice frombehind. All eyes turned involuntarily at the unexpected sounds, andthe muscular form of the Pilot was seen resuming its attitude of reposeagainst the wall, though every fibre of his frame was working withsuppressed passion.

  When the astonished looks of Griffith ceased to dwell on thisextraordinary exhibition of interest in his companion, they were turnedimploringly towards the fair cousins, who still occupied the distantcorner, whither fear had impelled them.

  "I have said that we are not midnight marauders, Colonel Howard," hereplied: "but if any there be here, who will deign to commit themselvesto our keeping, I trust it will not be necessary to say, at this hour,what will be their reception."

  "We have not time for unnecessary compliments," cried the impatientBarnstable; "here is Merry, who, by years and blood, is a suitableassistant for them, in arranging their little baggage--what say you,urchin, can you play the lady's maid on emergency?"

  "Ay, sir, and better than I acted the peddler boy," cried the gayyoungster; "to have my merry cousin Kate and my good cousin Cicely forshipmates, I could play our common grandmother! Come, coz, let usbe moving; you will have to allow a little leeway in time, for myawkwardness."

  "Stand back, young man," said Miss Howard, repulsing his familiarattempt to take her arm; and then advancing, with a maidenly dignity,nigher to her guardian, she continued, "I cannot know what stipulationshave been agreed to by my cousin Plowden, in the secret treaty she hasmade this night with Mr. Barnstable: this for myself, Colonel Howard, Iwould have you credit your brother's child when she says, that to her,the events of the hour have not been more unexpected than to yourself."

  The veteran gazed at her, for a moment, with an expression of his eyethat denoted reviving tenderness; but gloomy doubts appeared to crosshis mind again, and he shook his head, as he walked proudly away.

  "Nay, then," added Cecilia, her head dropping meekly on her bosom, "Imay be discredited by my uncle, but I cannot be disgraced without someact of my own."

  She slowly raised her mild countenance again, and bending her eyes onher lover, she continued, while a rich rush of blood passed over herfine features:

  "Edward Griffith, I will not, I cannot say how humiliating it is tothink that you can, for an instant, believe I would again forget myselfso much as to wish to desert him whom God has given me for a protector,for one chosen by my own erring passions. And you, Andrew Merry! Learnto respect the child of your mother's sister, if not for her own sake,at
least for that of her who watched your cradle!"

  "Here appears to be some mistake." said Barnstable, who participated,however, in no trifling degree, in the embarrassment of the abashedboy; "but, like all other mistakes on such subjects, it can be explainedaway, I suppose. Mr. Griffith, it remains for you to speak--damn it,man," he whispered, "you are as dumb as a codfish--I am sure so finea woman is worth a little fair-weather talk:--you are muter than afour-footed beast--even an ass can bray!"

  "We will hasten our departure, Mr. Barnstable," said Griffith, sighingheavily, and rousing himself, as if from a trance. "These rude sightscannot but appall the ladies. You will please, sir, to direct the orderof our march to the shore. Captain Manual has charge of our prisoners,who must all be secured, to answer for an equal number of our owncountrymen."

  "And our countrywomen!" said Barnstable, "are they to be forgotten, inthe selfish recollection of our own security?"

  "With them we have no right to interfere, unless at their request."

  "By heaven! Mr. Griffith, this may smack of learning," cried the other,"and it may plead bookish authority as its precedent; but let me tellyou, sir, it savors but little of a sailor's love."

  "Is it unworthy of a seaman, and a gentleman, to permit the woman hecalls his mistress to be so, other than in name?"

  "Well, then, Griff, I pity you, from my soul. I would rather have had asharp struggle for the happiness that I shall now obtain so easily, thanthat you should be thus cruelly disappointed. But you cannot blame me,my friend, that I avail myself of fortune's favor. Miss Plowden, yourfair hand. Colonel Howard, I return you a thousand thanks for the careyou have taken, hitherto, of this precious charge; and believe me, sir,that I speak frankly, when I say, that, next to myself, I should chooseto entrust her with you in preference to any man on earth."

  The colonel turned to the speaker, and bowed low, while he answered withgrave courtesy:

  "Sir, you repay my slight services with too much gratitude. If MissKatherine Plowden has not become under my guardianship all that her goodfather, Captain John Plowden, of the Royal Navy, could have wished adaughter of his to be, the fault, unquestionably, is to be attributed tomy inability to instruct, and to no inherent quality in the young ladyherself. I will not say, Take her, sir, since you have her in yourpossession already, and it would be out of my power to alter thearrangement; therefore, I can only wish that you may find her as dutifulas a wife as she has been, hitherto, as a ward and a subject."

  Katherine had yielded her hand, passively, to her lover, and sufferedhim to lead her more into the circle than she had before been; but nowshe threw off his arm, and shaking aside the dark curls which she hadrather invited to fall in disorder around her brow, she raised her faceand looked proudly up, with an eye that sparkled with the spirit of itsmistress, and a face that grew pale with emotion at each moment, as sheproceeded:

  "Gentlemen, the one may be as ready to receive as the other is toreject; but has the daughter of John Plowden no voice in this cooldisposal of her person? If her guardian tires of her presence, otherhabitations may be found, without inflicting so severe a penalty on thisgentleman as to compel him to provide for her accommodation in a vesselwhich must be already straitened for room!"

  She turned, and rejoined her cousin with such an air of maidenlyresentment as a young woman would be apt to discover, who found herselfthe subject of matrimonial arrangement without her own feelings beingat all consulted. Barnstable, who knew but little of the windings ofthe female heart, or how necessary to his mistress, notwithstanding herprevious declarations, the countenance of Cecilia, was to any decidedand open act in his favor, stood in stupid wonder at her declaration.He could not conceive that a woman who had already ventured so much insecret in his behalf, and who had so often avowed her weakness, shouldshrink to declare it again at such a crisis, though the eyes of auniverse were on her! He looked from one of the party to the other, andmet in every face an expression of delicate reserve, except in those ofthe guardian of his mistress, and of Borroughcliffe.

  The colonel had given a glance of returning favor at her whom henow conceived to be his repentant ward, while the countenance of theentrapped captain exhibited a look of droll surprise, blended with theexpression of bitter ferocity it had manifested since the discovery ofhis own mishap.

  "Perhaps, sir," said Barnstable, addressing the latter, fiercely, "yousee something amusing about the person of this lady, to divert you thusunseasonably. We tolerate no such treatment of our women in America!"

  "Nor do we quarrel before ours in England," returned the soldier,throwing back the fierce glance of the sailor with interest; "but I wasthinking of the revolutions that time can produce; nothing more, I doassure you. It is not half an hour since I thought myself a most happyfellow; secure in my plans for overreaching the scheme you had laidto surprise me; and now I am as miserable a dog as wears a singleepaulette, and has no hope of seeing its fellow!"

  "And in what manner, sir, can this sudden change apply to me?" askedKatherine, with all her spirit.

  "Certainly not to your perseverance in the project to assist my enemies,madam," returned the soldier, with affected humility; "nor to your zealfor their success, or your consummate coolness at the supper-table! ButI find it is time that I should be superannuated--I can no longer servemy king with credit, and should take to serving my God, like allother worn-out men of the world! My hearing is surely defective, or apaddock-wall has a most magical effect in determining sounds!"

  Katherine waited not to hear the close of this sentence, but walked to adistant part of the room to conceal the burning blushes that coveredher countenance. The manner in which the plans of Barnstable had becomeknown to his foe was no longer a mystery. Her conscience also reproachedher a little with some unnecessary coquetry, as she remembered thatquite one-half of the dialogue between her lover and herself, under theshadow of that very wall to which Borroughcliffe alluded, had been on asubject altogether foreign to contention and tumults. As the feelings ofBarnstable were by no means so sensitive as those of his mistress, andhis thoughts much occupied with the means of attaining his object, hedid not so readily comprehend the indirect allusion of the soldier, butturned abruptly away to Griffith, and observed with a serious air:

  "I feel it my duty, Mr. Griffith, to suggest that we have standinginstructions to secure all the enemies of America, wherever they maybe found, and to remind you that the States have not hesitated to makeprisoners of females in many instances."

  "Bravo!" cried Borroughcliffe; "if the ladies will not go as yourmistresses, take them as your captives!"

  "'Tis well for you, sir, that you are a captive yourself, or you shouldbe made to answer for this speech," retorted the irritated Barnstable."It is a responsible command, Mr. Griffith, and must not bedisregarded."

  "To your duty, Mr. Barnstable," said Griffith, again rousing from deepabstraction; "you have your orders, sir; let them be executed promptly."

  "I have also the orders of our common superior, Captain Munson, Mr.Griffith; and I do assure you, sir, that in making out my instructionsfor the Ariel--poor thing! there are no two of her timbers hangingtogether--but my instructions were decidedly particular on that head."

  "And my orders now supersede them."

  "But am I justifiable in obeying a verbal order from an inferior, indirect opposition to a written instruction?"

  Griffith had hitherto manifested in his deportment nothing more than acold determination to act, but the blood now flew to every vessel inhis cheeks and forehead, and his dark eyes flashed fire, as he criedauthoritatively:

  "How, sir! do you hesitate to obey?"

  "By heaven, sir, I would dispute the command of the Continental Congressitself, should they bid me so far to forget my duty to--to--"

  "Add yourself, sir!--Mr. Barnstable, let this be the last of it. To yourduty, sir."

  "My duty calls me here, Mr. Griffith."

  "I must act, then, or be bearded by my own officers. Mr. Merry, directCaptain
Manual to send in a sergeant and a file of marines."

  "Bid him come on himself!" cried Barnstable, maddened to desperation byhis disappointment; "'tis not his whole corps that can disarm me--letthem come on! Hear, there, you Ariels! rally around your captain."

  "The man among them who dares to cross that threshold without my order,dies," cried Griffith, menacing with a naked hanger the seamen who hadpromptly advanced at the call of their old commander. "Yield your sword,Mr. Barnstable, and spare yourself the disgrace of having it forced fromyou by a common soldier."

  "Let me see the dog who dare attempt it!" exclaimed Barnstable,flourishing his weapon in fierce anger. Griffith had extended his ownarm in the earnestness of his feelings, and their hangers crossed eachother. The clashing of the steel operated on both like the sound of theclarion on a war-horse, and there were sudden and rapid blows, and asrapid parries, exchanged between the flashing weapons.

  "Barnstable! Barnstable!" cried Katherine, rushing into his arms, "Iwill go with you to the ends of the earth!"

  Cecilia Howard did not speak; but when Griffith recovered his coolness,he beheld her beautiful form kneeling at his feet, with her pale facebent imploringly on his own disturbed countenance. The cry of MissPlowden had separated the combatants, before an opportunity for sheddingblood had been afforded; but the young men exchanged looks of keenresentment, notwithstanding the interference of their mistresses. Atthis moment Colonel Howard advanced, and raising his niece from herhumble posture, said:

  "This is not a situation for a child of Harry Howard, though she kneltin the presence, and before the throne, of her sovereign. Behold, mydear Cecilia, the natural consequences of this rebellion! It scattersdiscord in their ranks; and, by its damnable leveling principles,destroys all distinction of rank among themselves; even these rash boysknow not where obedience is due!"

  "It is due to me," said the Pilot, who now stepped forward among theagitated group, "and it is time that I enforce it. Mr. Griffith, sheatheyour sword. And you, sir, who have defied the authority of your seniorofficer, and have forgotten the obligation of your oath, submit, andreturn to your duty."

  Griffith started at the sounds of his calm voice, as if with suddenrecollection; and then, bowing low, he returned the weapon to itsscabbard. But Barnstable still encircled the waist of his mistress withone arm, while with the other he brandished his hanger, and laughed withscorn at this extraordinary assumption of authority.

  "And who is this," he cried, "who dare give such an order to me!"

  The eyes of the Pilot flashed with a terrible fire, while a fierce glowseemed to be creeping over his whole frame, which actually quivered withpassion. But, suppressing this exhibition of his feelings, by a suddenand powerful effort, he answered in an emphatic manner:

  "One who has a right to order, and who _will_ be obeyed!"

  The extraordinary manner of the speaker contributed as much as hissingular assertion to induce Barnstable, in his surprise, to lower thepoint of his weapon, with an air that might easily have been mistakenfor submission. The Pilot fastened his glowing eyes on him, for aninstant, and then turning to the rest of the listeners, he continuedmore mildly:

  "It is true that we came not here as marauders, and that our wish isto do no unnecessary acts of severity to the aged and the helpless. Butthis officer of the crown, and this truant American in particular,are fairly our prisoners; as such, they must be conducted on board ourship."

  "But the main object of our expedition?" said Griffith.

  "'Tis lost," returned the Pilot, hastily--"'tis sacrificed to moreprivate feelings; 'tis like a hundred others, ended in disappointment,and is forgotten, sir, forever. But the interests of the Republics mustnot be neglected, Mr. Griffith.--Though we are not madly to endangerthe lives of those gallant fellows, to gain a love-smile from one youngbeauty, neither are we to forget the advantages they may have obtainedfor us, in order to procure one of approbation from another. ThisColonel Howard will answer well in a bargain with the minions of theCrown, and may purchase the freedom of some worthy patriot who isdeserving of his liberty. Nay, nay, suppress that haughty look, and turnthat proud eye on any, rather than me; he goes to the frigate, sir, andthat immediately."

  "Then," said Cecilia Howard, timidly approaching the spot where heruncle stood, a disdainful witness of the dissensions among his captors;"then will I go with him! He shall never be a resident among his enemiesalone!"

  "It would be more ingenuous, and more worthy of my brother's daughter,"said her uncle, coldly, "if she ascribed her willingness to depart toits proper motive." Disregarding the look of deep distress with whichCecilia received this mortifying rejection of her tender attention, theold man on receiving this order, rushed into the room in a medley; but,notwithstanding the surly glances, and savage characters of their dressand equipments, they struck no blow, nor committed any act of hostility.The ladies shrank back appalled, as this terrific little band tookpossession of the hall; and even Borroughcliffe was seen to fallback towards a door which, in some measure, covered his retreat. Theconfusion of this sudden movement had not yet subsided, when soundsof strife were heard rapidly approaching from a distant part of thebuilding, and presently one of the numerous doors of the apartment wasviolently opened, when two of the garrison of the abbey rushed into thehall, vigorously pressed by twice their number of seamen, seconded byGriffith, Manual, and Merry, who were armed with such weapons ofoffence as had presented themselves to their hands, at their unexpectedliberation. There was a movement on the part of the seamen who werealready in possession of the room, that threatened instant death tothe fugitives; but Barnstable beat down their pikes with his sword, andsternly ordered them to fall back. Surprise produced the same pacificresult among the combatants; and as the soldiers hastily sought arefuge behind their own officers, and the released captives, with theirliberators, joined the body of their friends, the quiet of the hall,which had been so rudely interrupted, was soon restored.

  "You see, sir," said Barnstable, after grasping the hands of Griffithand Manual in a warm and cordial pressure, "that all my plans havesucceeded. Your sleeping guard are closely watched in their barracksby one party; our officers are released and your sentinels cut off byanother; while, with a third, I hold the centre of the abbey, and am,substantially, in possession of your own person. In consideration,therefore, of what is due to humanity, and to the presence of theseladies, let there be no struggle. I shall impose no difficult terms, norany long imprisonment."

  The recruiting officer manifested a composure throughout it, and thelatter laughing, and indulging those buoyant spirits that a boy of hisyears and reflection might be supposed to feel even in such a scene.It was fortunate for her cousin that Katherine had possessed so muchforethought; for the attention of Cecilia Howard was directed much moreto the comforts of her uncle than to those which were necessary forherself. Attended by Alice Dunscombe, the young mistress of St. Ruthmoved through the solitary apartments of the building, listening tothe mild religious consolation of her companion in silence, at timesyielding to those bursts of mortified feeling, that she could notrepress, or again as calmly giving her orders to her maids, as if theintended movement was one of but ordinary interest. All this time theparty in the dining-hall remained stationary. The Pilot, as if satisfiedwith what he had already done, sank back to his reclining attitudeagainst the wall, though his eyes keenly watched every movement of thepreparations, in a manner which denoted that his was the master spiritthat directed the whole. Griffith had, however, resumed, in appearance,the command, and the busy seamen addressed themselves for orders to himalone. In this manner an hour was consumed, when Cecilia and Katherineappearing in succession attired in a suitable manner for theirdeparture, and the baggage of the whole party having been alreadyentrusted to a petty officer and a party of his men, Griffith gave forththe customary order to put the whole in motion. The shrill, piercingwhistle of the boatswain once more rang among the galleries and ceilingsof the abbey, and was followed by the deep, hoarse c
ry of:

  "Away, there, you shore-draft! away, there, you boarders! ahead, heaveahead, sea-dogs!"

  This extraordinary summons was succeeded by the roll of a drum and thestrains of a fife, from without, when the whole party moved from thebuilding in the order that had been previously prescribed by CaptainManual, who acted as the marshal of the forces on the occasion.

  The Pilot had conducted his surprise with so much skill and secrecyas to have secured every individual about the abbey, whether male orfemale, soldier or civilian; and as it might be dangerous to leave anybehind who could convey intelligence into the country, Griffith hadordered that every human being found in the building should be conductedto the cliffs; to be held in durance at least until the departure ofthe last boat to the cutter, which, he was informed, lay close in tothe land, awaiting their re-embarkation. The hurry of the departure hadcaused many lights to be kindled in the abbey, and the contrast betweenthe glare within and the gloom without attracted the wandering looks ofthe captives, as they issued into the paddock. One of those indefinableand unaccountable feelings which so often cross the human mind inducedCecilia to pause at the great gate of the grounds, and look back at theabbey, with a presentiment that she was to behold it for the lasttime. The dark and ragged outline of the edifice was clearly delineatedagainst the northern sky, while the open windows and neglected doorspermitted a view of the solitude within. Twenty tapers were sheddingtheir useless light in the empty apartments, as if in mockery of thedeserted walls; and Cecilia turned shuddering from the sight, to pressnigher to the person of her indignant uncle, with a secret impressionthat her presence would soon be more necessary than ever to hishappiness.

  The low hum of voices in front, with the occasional strains of the fife,and the stern mandates of the sea-officers, soon recalled her, however,from these visionary thoughts to the surrounding realities, while thewhole party pursued their way with diligence to the margin of the ocean.