Read The Pirate Page 26


  A', all.

  Ae, one.

  Aff, off.

  Afore, before.

  Aigre, sour.

  Aik, the oak.

  Ain, own.

  Air, an open sea-beach.

  Airn, iron.

  A-low, ablaze.

  Amang, among.

  An, if.

  Ance, once.

  Ane, one.

  Anent, regarding.

  Aneugh, eneugh, enow, enough.

  Angus, Forfarshire.

  Aroint, avaunt.

  Aught, to possess or belong to.

  Auld, old.

  Auld-world, ancient, old-fashioned.

  Aver, a cart-horse.

  Awa, away.

  Awmous, alms.

  Awn, a beard (of grain).

  Awsome, fearful.

  Back-spauld, the back of the shoulder.

  Bailie, a magistrate.

  Bairn, a child.

  Baith, both.

  Banning, cursing.

  Bauld, bold.

  Bear, a kind of barley.

  Bear-braird, barley-sprouting.

  Bee-skep, a bee-hive.

  Bell-the-cat, to contend with.

  Bern, a child.

  Bicker, a wooden dish.

  Bide, to stay.

  Big, to build.

  Biggin, a building.

  Biggit, built.

  Billie, brother.

  Bittle, a wooden bat for the beating of linen.

  Bland, a drink made from butter-milk.

  Bleeze, blaze.

  Blithe, glad.

  Blurt, to burst out speaking.

  Bonally, a parting drink.

  Bonnie, pretty.

  Bonnie-die, a toy, a trinket.

  Bonnie-wallies, good things, gewgaws.

  Bourasque, a sudden squall.

  Braid, broad.

  Braws, fine clothes.

  Breekless, trouserless.

  Burn-brae, the acclivity at the bottom of which a rivulet runs.

  Callant, a lad.

  Canna, cannot.

  Canny, prudent.

  Canty, lively and cheerful.

  Carles, farm servants.

  Carline, a witch.

  Cart-avers, cart-horses.

  Cateran, a Highland robber.

  Cauld, cold.

  Caup, a cup.

  "Causeyed syver," a cause-wayed sewer.

  Certie--"my certie!" my faith!

  Change-house, an inn.

  Chapman, a small merchant or pedlar.

  Chield, a fellow.

  Claith, cloth.

  Clatter, to tattle.

  Claver, to chatter.

  Clavers, idle talk.

  Clog, a small short log, a billet of wood.

  Coal-heugh, a coal-pit.

  Coble, a small boat.

  Cog, a wooden bowl.

  Cogfu', the full of a wooden bowl.

  Coorse, coarse.

  Coup, to exchange.

  Crack, to boast.

  Creel, a basket. "In a creel," foolish.

  Croft-land, land of superior quality, which was still cropped.

  Crowdie, meal and water stirred up together.

  Cummer, a gossip.

  Curch, a kerchief for covering the head.

  Cusser, a stallion.

  Daffing, larking.

  Daft, crazy.

  Daikering, sauntering.

  Dead-thraw, the death-throes.

  Deftly, handsomely.

  Deil, the devil.

  Ding, to knock.

  Dinna, do not.

  Dirk, a dagger.

  Doited, stupid.

  Doun, down.

  Dour, sullen, hard, stubborn.

  Dowlas, a strong linen cloth.

  Drammock, raw meal and water.

  Drouth, thirst.

  Duds, clothes.

  Een, eyes.

  Embaye, to enclose.

  Equals-aquals, in the way of division strictly equal.

  Fa', fall.

  Factor, a land steward.

  "Farcie on his face!" a malediction.

  Fash, fashery, trouble.

  Ferlies, unusual events or things.

  "Ferlies make fools fain," wonders make fools eager.

  Fey, fated, or predestined to speedy death.

  Fifish, crazy, eccentric.

  Fir-clog, a small log of fir.

  Flang, flung.

  Flichter, to flutter or tremble.

  "Flinching a whale," slicing the blubber from the bones.

  "Floatsome and jetsome," articles floated or cast away on the sea.

  "Fool carle," a clown, a stupid fellow.

  Forby, besides.

  Forpit, a measure = the fourth part of a peck.

  Fowd, the chief judge or magistrate.

  Frae, from.

  Freit, a charm or superstition.

  Fule, a fool.

  Gaberlunzie, a tinker or beggar.

  Gaed, went.

  Gait, gate, way, direction.

  Gane, gone.

  Gang, go.

  Ganging, going.

  Gangrel, vagrant.

  Gar, to oblige, to force.

  Gascromh, an instrument for trenching ground, shaped like a currier's knife with a crooked handle.

  "Gay mony," a good many.

  Gear, property.

  Gie, give.

  Gills, the jaws.

  Gin, if.

  Gio, a deep ravine which admits the sea.

  Girdle, an iron plate on which to fire cakes.

  Glamour, a fascination or charm.

  Glebe, land belonging to the parish minister in right of his office.

  Glower, to gaze.

  Gowd, gold.

  Gowk, a fool.

  Gowpen, the full of both hands.

  Graip, a three-pronged pitch-fork.

  Graith, furniture.

  Grew, to shiver. The flesh is said to _grew_ when a chilly sensation passes over the surface of the body.

  Grist, a mill fee payable in kind.

  Gude, good.

  Gudeman, gudewife, the heads of the house.

  Gue, a two-stringed violin.

  Guide, to treat, to take care of.

  Guizards, maskers or mummers.

  Gyre-carline, a hag.

  Haaf, deep-sea fishing.

  Haaf-fish, a large kind of seal.

  Hae, have.

  Haft, to fix, to settle.

  Hagalef, payment for liberty to cast peats.

  Haill, whole.

  Hald, hold.

  Halier, a cavern into which the tide flows.

  Hallanshaker, a vagabond, a beggar.

  Halse, the throat.

  Hand-quern, a hand-mill.

  Happer, the hopper of a mill.

  Harry, to plunder.

  Har'st, harvest.

  Hasp, a hank of yarn. "Ravelled hasp," everything in confusion.

  Haud, hauld, hold.

  Havings, behaviour.

  Hawkhen, hens exacted by the royal falconer on his visits to the islands.

  Helyer, a cavern into which the tide flows.

  Hialtland, the old name for Shetland.

  Hinny, a term of endearment=honey.

  Hirple, to halt, to limp.

  Hirsel, to move or slide down.

  Housewife-skep, housewifery.

  Hout! tut!

  Howf, a haunt, a haven.

  Ilk, of the same name.

  Ilk, ilka, each, every.

  Ill-fa'red, ill-favoured.

  "In a creel," foolish.

  Infield, land continually cropped.

  In-town, land adjacent to the farmhouse.

  Isna, is not.

  Jagger, a pedlar.

  Jaud, a jade.

  Jougs, the pillory.

  Kail-pot, a large pot for boiling broth.

  Kain--"to pay the kain," to suffer severely.

  Ken, to know.

  "Ken'dfolks," "ken'dfreend," well-known people, a well-known friend.

  Kiempe, a Norse champion.

  Kist, a chest.

  Kittle, difficult, ticklish.

  Kittywake, a kind of sea-gull.

  "Knapped Latin," spoke Latin.

  Knave, a miller's boy.

  Knaveship, a small due of meal paid to the miller.

  Kraken, a fabulous sea-monster.

  Kyloes, small black cattle.

  Lad-bairn, a male child.

  Lair, learning.

  Lang, long.

  Langspiel, an obsolete musical instrument.

  Lave, the rest.

  Lawright-man, an officer whose chief duty was the regulation of weights and measures.

  _Lawting_, a court of law.

  _Limmer_, a woman of loose character.

  Lispund, the fifteenth part of a barrel, a weight used in Orkney and Shetland.

  List, to wish, to choose.

  Loan, a lane, an enclosed road.

  Lock, a handful.

  Loo'ed, loved.

  Loom, a vessel.

  Loon, a lad, a fellow.

  Lowe, a flame.

  Lug, the ear.

  Lum, a chimney.

  Mair, more.

  "Mair by token," moreover, especially.

  Maist, most.

  Markal, the head of the plough.

  Maun, must.

  Mearns, Kincardineshire.

  Meltith, food, a meal.

  Mense, manners.

  "Merk of land," originally equal to 1600 square fathoms.

  "Miching malicho," lurking mischief.

  Mickle, much.

  Mill-eye, the eye or opening in the _hupes_ or cases of a mill at which the meal is let out.

  Mind, to remember.

  Mony, many.

  "Morn, the," to-morrow.

  "Mould board," the wooden board of the plough which turns over the ground.

  Muckle, much, big.

  Multures, dues paid for grinding corn.

  "My certie!" my faith!

  Na, nae, no, not.

  Nacket, a portable refreshment or luncheon.

  Naig, a nag.

  Nane, none.

  Napery, household linen.

  Natheless, nevertheless.

  Neist, next.

  Nievefu', a handful.

  Noup, a headland precipitous to the sea and sloping inland.

  Nowt, black cattle.

  Ony, any.

  Or, before.

  O't, of it.

  Out-taken, except.

  Out-town, land at a distance from the farmhouse.

  Ower, over.

  Owerlay, a cravat.

  Owsen, oxen.

  Parritch, porridge.

  Partan, a crab.

  Pawky, wily, slyly.

  Peat-moss, the place whence peats are dug.

  Peltrie, trash.

  Pit, put.

  "Plantie cruive," a kail-yard.

  Pleugh, a plough.

  Pouch, a pocket.

  Puir, poor.

  Pund Scots = 1_s._ 8_d._ sterling.

  Quaigh, a small wooden cup.

  Quean, a disrespectful term for a woman.

  Quern, a hand-mill.

  Raddman, a councillor.

  Randy, riotous, disorderly.

  Ranzelman, a constable.

  Redding-kaim, a wide-toothed comb for the hair.

  Reek, smoke.

  Reimkennar, one who knows mystic rhyme.

  Reset, a place of shelter.

  Rigging, a ridge, a roof.

  Ritt, a scratch or incision.

  Riva, a cleft in a rock.

  Rock, a distaff.

  Rokelay, a short cloak.

  "Roose the ford," judge of the ford.

  Roost, a strong and boisterous current.

  Rotton, a rat.

  Sackless, innocent.

  Sae, so.

  Sain, to bless.

  Sair, sore.

  Sall, shall.

  Sandie-lavrock, a sand-lark.

  Sang, a song.

  Saul, the soul.

  Saunt, a saint.

  Saut, salt.

  Sax, six.

  Scald, a bard or minstrel.

  Scart, a cormorant.

  Scart, to scratch.

  Scat, a land-tax paid to the Crown.

  Scathold, a common.

  Scaur, a cliff.

  "Sclate stane," slate stone.

  Scowrie, shabby, mean.

  Scowries, young sea-gulls.

  Sealgh, sealchie, a seal.

  Setting, fitting, becoming.

  "Sharney peat," fuel made of cow's dung.

  Sheltie, a Shetland pony.

  Shouldna, should not.

  Shouthers, the shoulders.

  Sic, siccan, such.

  Siccar, sure.

  Siever, a sewer.

  Siller, money.

  Sillocks, the fry of the coal-fish.

  Skeoe, a stone hut for drying fish.

  Skerry, a flat insulated rock.

  Skirl, to scream.

  Skudler, the leader of a band of mummers.

  Slap, a gap or pass.

  Slocken, to quench.

  Sneck, the latch of the door.

  Sock, a ploughshare.

  Sole-clout, a thick plate of cast metal attached to that part of the plough which runs on the ground, for saving the wooden heel from being worn.

  Sorner, a sturdy beggar, an obtrusive guest.

  Sorning, masterful begging.

  Sort, a small number.

  Sough, a sigh; to emit a rushing or whistling sound.

  Spreacherie, movables.

  Spunk, a match.

  Stack, an insulated precipitous rock.

  "Stilts of plough," handles.

  Stithy, an anvil.

  Stot, a bullock.

  Streek, to stretch.

  Striddle, to straddle.

  Sucken, mill dues.

  Suld, should.

  Sumph, a lubberly fellow.

  Sune, soon.

  Swalled, swollen.

  Swap, to exchange.

  Syne, since, ago.

  Syver, a sewer.

  Tacksman, a tenant of the higher class.

  Taen, taken.

  Tane, the one.

  Tangs, tongs.

  Thae, these, those.

  Theekit, thatched.

  Thegither, together.

  Thigger, a beggar.

  Thigging, begging.

  Thirl, the obligation on a tenant to have his flour ground at a certain mill.

  Thirled, bound to.

  Thole, to endure.

  Thrawart, forward, perverse.

  Tither, the other.

  Tittie, a little sister.

  Tocher, dowry, estate.

  Toom, empty.

  Tows, ropes.

  Toy, a linen or woollen headdress hanging down over the shoulders.

  "Tree and tow," the gallows.

  Trindle, to trundle.

  Trock, to barter.

  Trow, to believe, to think, to guess.

  Trow or Drow, a spirit or elf believed in by the Norse.

  Twa, two.

  Twal, twelve.

  Twiscar, tuskar, a spade for cutting peats.

  Udaller, a freeho
ld proprietor.

  Ultima Thule, farthest Thule.

  Ulzie, oil.

  Umquhile, the late.

  Uncanny, dangerous; supposed to possess supernatural powers.

  Unce, ounce.

  Unco, very, strange, great, particularly.

  Ure, the eighth part of a merk of land.

  Usquebaugh, whisky.

  Vivers, victuals.

  Voe, an inlet of the sea.

  Wad, would.

  Wadmaal, homespun woollen cloth.

  Wakerife, watchful, wakeful.

  Wan, won, got.

  Warlock, a wizard.

  Watna, know not.

  Wattle, an assessment for the salary of the magistrate.

  Waur, worse.

  Wee, small, little.

  Weel, well.

  Well, a whirlpool.

  Wha, who.

  Whan, when.

  "What for," why.

  Wheen, a few.

  Whigamore, a term of the same meaning with _Whig_, applied to Presbyterians, but more contemptuous.

  Whiles, sometimes.

  Whilk, which.

  Whingers, hangers, knives.

  Whittie-whattieing, shuffling or wheedling.

  Whittle, a knife.

  Wi', with.

  Wick, an open bay.

  Win, to get.

  Withy, a rope of twisted wands.

  Wot, to know.

  Wowf, crazy.

  Yarn-windle, a yarn-winder.

  Yestreen, yesterday.

  Yett, a gate.


  * * * * *


  Nothing in him---- But doth suffer a sea-change.
