Read The Pirate Page 42


  Clap on more sail, pursue, up with your fights, Give fire--she is my prize, or ocean whelm them all!


  A very handsome brig, which, with several other vessels, was theproperty of Magnus Troil, the great Zetland Udaller, had received onboard that Magnate himself, his two lovely daughters, and the facetiousClaud Halcro, who, for friendship's sake chiefly, and the love of beautyproper to his poetical calling, attended them on their journey fromZetland to the capital of Orkney, to which Norna had referred them, asthe place where her mystical oracles should at length receive asatisfactory explanation.

  They passed, at a distance, the tremendous cliffs of the lonely spot ofearth called the Fair Isle, which, at an equal distance from eitherarchipelago, lies in the sea which divides Orkney from Zetland; and atlength, after some baffling winds, made the Start of Sanda. Off theheadland so named, they became involved in a strong current, well known,by those who frequent these seas, as the Roost of the Start, whichcarried them considerably out of their course, and, joined to an adversewind, forced them to keep on the east side of the island of Stronsa,and, finally compelled them to lie by for the night in Papa Sound, sincethe navigation in dark or thick weather, amongst so many low islands, isneither pleasant nor safe.

  On the ensuing morning they resumed their voyage under more favourableauspices; and, coasting along the island of Stronsa, whose flat,verdant, and comparatively fertile shores, formed a strong contrast tothe dun hills and dark cliffs of their own islands, they doubled thecape called the Lambhead, and stood away for Kirkwall.

  They had scarce opened the beautiful bay betwixt Pomona and Shapinsha,and the sisters were admiring the massive church of Saint Magnus, as itwas first seen to rise from amongst the inferior buildings of Kirkwall,when the eyes of Magnus, and of Claud Halcro, were attracted by anobject which they thought more interesting. This was an armed sloop,with her sails set, which had just left the anchorage in the bay, andwas running before the wind by which the brig of the Udaller was beatingin.

  "A tight thing that, by my ancestors' bones!" said the old Udaller; "butI cannot make out of what country, as she shows no colours. Spanishbuilt, I should think her."

  "Ay, ay," said Claud Halcro, "she has all the look of it. She runsbefore the wind that we must battle with, which is the wonted way of theworld. As glorious John says,--

  'With roomy deck, and guns of mighty strength Whose low-laid mouths each mounting billow laves, Deep in her draught, and warlike in her length, She seems a sea-wasp flying on the waves.'"

  Brenda could not help telling Halcro, when he had spouted this stanzawith great enthusiasm, "that though the description was more like afirst-rate than a sloop, yet the simile of the sea-wasp served butindifferently for either."

  "A sea-wasp?" said Magnus, looking with some surprise, as the sloop,shifting her course, suddenly bore down on them: "Egad, I wish she maynot show us presently that she has a sting!"

  What the Udaller said in jest, was fulfilled in earnest; for, withouthoisting colours, or hailing, two shots were discharged from the sloop,one of which ran dipping and dancing upon the water, just ahead of theZetlander's bows, while the other went through his main-sail.

  Magnus caught up a speaking-trumpet, and hailed the sloop, to demandwhat she was, and what was the meaning of this unprovoked aggression. Hewas only answered by the stern command,--"Down top-sails instantly, andlay your main-sail to the mast--you shall see who we are presently."

  There were no means within the reach of possibility by which obediencecould be evaded, where it would instantly have been enforced by abroadside; and, with much fear on the part of the sisters and ClaudHalcro, mixed with anger and astonishment on that of the Udaller, thebrig lay-to to await the commands of the captors.

  The sloop immediately lowered a boat, with six armed hands, commanded byJack Bunce, which rowed directly for their prize. As they approachedher, Claud Halcro whispered to the Udaller,--"If what we hear ofbuccaniers be true, these men, with their silk scarfs and vests, havethe very cut of them."

  "My daughters! my daughters!" muttered Magnus to himself, with such anagony as only a father could feel,--"Go down below, and hide yourselves,girls, while I"----

  He threw down his speaking-trumpet, and seized on a handspike, while hisdaughters, more afraid of the consequences of his fiery temper tohimself than of any thing else, hung round him, and begged him to makeno resistance. Claud Halcro united his entreaties, adding, "It were bestpacify the fellows with fair words. They might," he said, "beDunkirkers, or insolent man-of-war's men on a frolic."

  "No, no," answered Magnus, "it is the sloop which the Jagger told us of.But I will take your advice--I will have patience for these girls'sakes; yet"----

  He had no time to conclude the sentence, for Bunce jumped on board withhis party, and drawing his cutlass, struck it upon the companion-ladder,and declared the ship was theirs.

  "By what warrant or authority do you stop us on the high seas?" saidMagnus.

  "Here are half a dozen of warrants," said Bunce, showing the pistolswhich were hung round him, according to a pirate-fashion alreadymentioned, "choose which you like, old gentleman, and you shall have theperusal of it presently."

  "That is to say, you intend to rob us?" said Magnus.--"So be it--we haveno means to help it--only be civil to the women, and take what youplease from the vessel. There is not much, but I will and can make itworth more, if you use us well."

  "Civil to the women!" said Fletcher, who had also come on board with thegang--"when were we else than civil to them? ay, and kind to boot?--Lookhere, Jack Bunce!--what a trim-going little thing here is!--By G--, sheshall make a cruize with us, come of old Squaretoes what will!"

  He seized upon the terrified Brenda with one hand, and insolentlypulled back with the other the hood of the mantle in which she hadmuffled herself.

  "Help, father!--help, Minna!" exclaimed the affrighted girl;unconscious, at the moment, that they were unable to render herassistance.

  Magnus again uplifted the handspike, but Bunce stopped hishand.--"Avast, father!" he said, "or you will make a bad voyage of itpresently--And you, Fletcher, let go the girl!"

  "And, d----n me! why should I let her go?" said Fletcher.

  "Because I command you, Dick," said the other, "and because I'll make ita quarrel else.--And now let me know, beauties, is there one of youbears that queer heathen name of Minna, for which I have a certain sortof regard?"

  "Gallant sir!" said Halcro, "unquestionably it is because you have somepoetry in your heart."

  "I have had enough of it in my mouth in my time," answered Bunce; "butthat day is by, old gentleman--however, I shall soon find out which ofthese girls is Minna.--Throw back your mufflings from your faces, anddon't be afraid, my Lindamiras; no one here shall meddle with you to doyou wrong. On my soul, two pretty wenches!--I wish I were at sea in anegg-shell, and a rock under my lee-bow, if I would wish a betterleaguer-lass than the worst of them!--Hark you, my girls; which of youwould like to swing in a rover's hammock?--you should have gold for thegathering!"

  The terrified maidens clung close together, and grew pale at the boldand familiar language of the desperate libertine.

  "Nay, don't be frightened," said he; "no one shall serve under thenoble Altamont but by her own free choice--there is no pressing amongstgentlemen of fortune. And do not look so shy upon me neither, as if Ispoke of what you never thought of before. One of you, at least, hasheard of Captain Cleveland, the Rover."

  Brenda grew still paler, but the blood mounted at once in Minna'scheeks, on hearing the name of her lover thus unexpectedly introduced;for the scene was in itself so confounding, that the idea of thevessel's being the consort of which Cleveland had spoken atBurgh-Westra, had occurred to no one save the Udaller.

  "I see how it is," said Bunce, with a familiar nod, "and I will hold mycourse accordingly.--You need not be afraid of any injury, father," h
eadded, addressing Magnus familiarly; "and though I have made many apretty girl pay tribute in my time, yet yours shall go ashore withouteither wrong or ransom."

  "If you will assure me of that," said Magnus; "you are as welcome to thebrig and cargo, as ever I made man welcome to a can of punch."

  "And it is no bad thing that same can of punch," said Bunce, "if we hadany one here that could mix it well."

  "I will do it," said Claud Halcro, "with any man that ever squeezedlemon--Eric Scambester, the punch-maker of Burgh-Westra, being aloneexcepted."

  "And you are within a grapnel's length of him, too," said theUdaller.--"Go down below, my girls," he added, "and send up the rare oldman, and the punch-bowl."

  "The punch-bowl!" said Fletcher; "I say, the bucket, d----n me!--Talkof bowls in the cabin of a paltry merchantman, but not togentlemen-strollers--rovers, I would say," correcting himself, as heobserved that Bunce looked sour at the mistake.

  "And I say, these two pretty girls shall stay on deck, and fill my can,"said Bunce; "I deserve some attendance, at least, for all mygenerosity."

  "And they shall fill mine, too," said Fletcher--"they shall fill it tothe brim!--and I will have a kiss for every drop they spill--broil me ifI won't!"

  "Why, then, I tell you, you shan't!" said Bunce; "for I'll be d----d ifany one shall kiss Minna but one, and that's neither you nor I; and herother little bit of a consort shall 'scape for company;--there areplenty of willing wenches in Orkney.--And so, now I think on it, thesegirls shall go down below, and bolt themselves into the cabin; and weshall have the punch up here on deck, _al fresco_, as the old gentlemanproposes."

  "Why, Jack, I wish you knew your own mind," said Fletcher; "I have beenyour messmate these two years, and I love you; and yet flay me like awild bullock, if you have not as many humours as a monkey!--And whatshall we have to make a little fun of, since you have sent the girlsdown below?"

  "Why, we will have Master Punch-maker here," answered Bunce, "to give ustoasts, and sing us songs.--And, in the meantime, you there, stand bysheets and tacks, and get her under way!--and you, steersman, as youwould keep your brains in your skull, keep her under the stern of thesloop.--If you attempt to play us any trick, I will scuttle your sconceas if it were an old calabash!"

  The vessel was accordingly got under way, and moved slowly on in thewake of the sloop, which, as had been previously agreed upon, held hercourse, not to return to the Bay of Kirkwall, but for an excellentroadstead called Inganess Bay, formed by a promontory which extends tothe eastward two or three miles from the Orcadian metropolis, and wherethe vessels might conveniently lie at anchor, while the roversmaintained any communication with the Magistrates which the new state ofthings seemed to require.

  Meantime Claud Halcro had exerted his utmost talents in compounding abucketful of punch for the use of the pirates, which they drank out oflarge cans; the ordinary seamen, as well as Bunce and Fletcher, whoacted as officers, dipping them into the bucket with very littleceremony, as they came and went upon their duty. Magnus, who wasparticularly apprehensive that liquor might awaken the brutal passionsof these desperadoes, was yet so much astonished at the quantities whichhe saw them drink, without producing any visible effect upon theirreason, that he could not help expressing his surprise to Bunce himself,who, wild as he was, yet appeared by far the most civil and conversableof his party, and whom he was, perhaps, desirous to conciliate, by acompliment of which all boon topers know the value.

  "Bones of Saint Magnus!" said the Udaller, "I used to think I took offmy can like a gentleman; but to see your men swallow, Captain, one wouldthink their stomachs were as bottomless as the hole of Laifell in Foula,which I have sounded myself with a line of an hundred fathoms. By mysoul, the Bicker of Saint Magnus were but a sip to them!"

  "In our way of life, sir," answered Bunce, "there is no stint till dutycalls, or the puncheon is drunk out."

  "By my word, sir," said Claud Halcro, "I believe there is not one ofyour people but could drink out the mickle bicker of Scarpa, which wasalways offered to the Bishop of Orkney brimful of the best bummock thatever was brewed."[38]

  "If drinking could make them bishops," said Bunce, "I should have areverend crew of them; but as they have no other clerical qualitiesabout them, I do not propose that they shall get drunk to-day; so wewill cut our drink with a song."

  "And I'll sing it, by ----!" said or swore Dick Fletcher, and instantlystruck up the old ditty--

  "It was a ship, and a ship of fame, Launch'd off the stocks, bound for the main, With an hundred and fifty brisk young men, All pick'd and chosen every one."

  "I would sooner be keel-hauled than hear that song over again," saidBunce; "and confound your lantern jaws, you can squeeze nothing else outof them!"

  "By ----," said Fletcher, "I will sing my song, whether you like it orno;" and again he sung, with the doleful tone of a north-easterwhistling through sheet and shrouds,--

  "Captain Glen was our captain's name; A very gallant and brisk young man; As bold a sailor as e'er went to sea, And we were bound for High Barbary."

  "I tell you again," said Bunce, "we will have none of your screech-owlmusic here; and I'll be d----d if you shall sit here and make thatinfernal noise!"

  "Why, then, I'll tell you what," said Fletcher, getting up, "I'll singwhen I walk about, and I hope there is no harm in that, Jack Bunce." Andso, getting up from his seat, he began to walk up and down the sloop,croaking out his long and disastrous ballad.

  "You see how I manage them," said Bunce, with a smile ofself-applause--"allow that fellow two strides on his own way, and youmake a mutineer of him for life. But I tie him strict up, and he followsme as kindly as a fowler's spaniel after he has got a good beating.--Andnow your toast and your song, sir," addressing Halcro; "or rather yoursong without your toast. I have got a toast for myself. Here is successto all roving blades, and confusion to all honest men!"

  "I should be sorry to drink that toast, if I could help it," said MagnusTroil.

  "What! you reckon yourself one of the honest folks, I warrant?" saidBunce.--"Tell me your trade, and I'll tell you what I think of it. Asfor the punch-maker here, I knew him at first glance to be a tailor, whohas, therefore, no more pretensions to be honest, than he has not to bemangy. But you are some High-Dutch skipper, I warrant me, that trampleson the cross when he is in Japan, and denies his religion for a day'sgain."

  "No," replied the Udaller, "I am a gentleman of Zetland."

  "O, what!" retorted the satirical Mr. Bunce, "you are come from thehappy climate where gin is a groat a-bottle, and where there is daylightfor ever?"

  "At your service, Captain," said the Udaller, suppressing with muchpain some disposition to resent these jests on his country, althoughunder every risk, and at all disadvantage.

  "At _my_ service!" said Bunce--"Ay, if there was a rope stretched fromthe wreck to the beach, you would be at my service to cut the hawser,make _floatsome_ and _jetsome_ of ship and cargo, and well if you didnot give me a rap on the head with the back of the cutty-axe; and youcall yourself honest? But never mind--here goes the aforesaid toast--anddo you sing me a song, Mr. Fashioner; and look it be as good as yourpunch."

  Halcro, internally praying for the powers of a new Timotheus, to turnhis strain and check his auditor's pride, as glorious John had it, begana heart-soothing ditty with the following lines:--

  "Maidens fresh as fairest rose, Listen to this lay of mine."

  "I will hear nothing of maidens or roses," said Bunce; "it puts me inmind what sort of a cargo we have got on board; and, by ----, I will betrue to my messmate and my captain as long as I can!--And now I thinkon't, I'll have no more punch either--that last cup made innovation, andI am not to play Cassio to-night--and if I drink not, nobody elseshall."

  So saying, he manfully kicked over the bucket, which, notwithstandingthe repeated applications made to it, was still half full, got up fromhis seat, shook himself a little to rights, as he expressed it, cockedhis hat, and, walking the quarter
-deck with an air of dignity, gave, byword and signal, the orders for bringing the ships to anchor, whichwere readily obeyed by both, Goffe being then, in all probability, pastany rational state of interference.

  The Udaller, in the meantime, condoled with Halcro on their situation."It is bad enough," said the tough old Norseman; "for these are rankrogues--and yet, were it not for the girls, I should not fear them. Thatyoung vapouring fellow, who seems to command, is not such a born devilas he might have been."

  "He has queer humours, though," said Halcro; "and I wish we were loosefrom him. To kick down a bucket half full of the best punch ever wasmade, and to cut me short in the sweetest song I ever wrote,--I promiseyou, I do not know what he may do next--it is next door to madness."

  Meanwhile, the ships being brought to anchor, the valiant LieutenantBunce called upon Fletcher, and, resuming his seat by his unwillingpassengers, he told them they should see what message he was about tosend to the wittols of Kirkwall, as they were something concerned in it."It shall run in Dick's name," he said, "as well as in mine. I love togive the poor young fellow a little countenance now and then--don't I,Dick, you d----d stupid ass?"

  "Why, yes, Jack Bunce," said Dick, "I can't say but as you do--only youare always bullocking one about something or other, too--but,howsomdever, d'ye see"----

  "Enough said--belay your jaw, Dick," said Bunce, and proceeded to writehis epistle, which, being read aloud, proved to be of the followingtenor:

  "For the Mayor and Aldermen of Kirkwall--Gentlemen, As, contrary to your good faith given, you have not sent us on board a hostage for the safety of our Captain, remaining on shore at your request, these come to tell you, we are not thus to be trifled with. We have already in our possession, a brig, with a family of distinction, its owners and passengers; and as you deal with our Captain, so will we deal with them in every respect. And as this is the first, so assure yourselves it shall not be the last damage which we will do to your town and trade, if you do not send on board our Captain, and supply us with stores according to treaty.

  "Given on board the brig Mergoose of Burgh-Westra, lying in Inganess Bay. Witness our hands, commanders of the Fortune's Favourite, and gentlemen adventurers."

  He then subscribed himself Frederick Altamont, and handed the letter toFletcher, who read the said subscription with much difficulty; and,admiring the sound of it very much, swore he would have a new namehimself, and the rather that Fletcher was the most crabbed word to spelland conster, he believed, in the whole dictionary. He subscribed himselfaccordingly, Timothy Tugmutton.

  "Will you not add a few lines to the coxcombs?" said Bunce, addressingMagnus.

  "Not I," returned the Udaller, stubborn in his ideas of right and wrong,even in so formidable an emergency. "The Magistrates of Kirkwall knowtheir duty, and were I they"----But here the recollection that hisdaughters were at the mercy of these ruffians, blanked the bold visageof Magnus Troil, and checked the defiance which was just about to issuefrom his lips.

  "D----n me," said Bunce, who easily conjectured what was passing in themind of his prisoner--"that pause would have told well on the stage--itwould have brought down pit, box, and gallery, egad, as Bayes has it."

  "I will hear nothing of Bayes," said Claud Halcro, (himself a littleelevated,) "it is an impudent satire on glorious John; but he tickledBuckingham off for it--

  'In the first rank of these did Zimri stand; A man so various'"----

  "Hold your peace!" said Bunce, drowning the voice of the admirer ofDryden in louder and more vehement asseveration, "the Rehearsal is thebest farce ever was written--and I'll make him kiss the gunner'sdaughter that denies it. D----n me, I was the best Prince Prettymanever walked the boards--

  'Sometimes a fisher's son, sometimes a prince.'

  But let us to business.--Hark ye, old gentleman," (to Magnus,) "you havea sort of sulkiness about you, for which some of my profession would cutyour ears out of your head, and broil them for your dinner with redpepper. I have known Goffe do so to a poor devil, for looking sour anddangerous when he saw his sloop go to Davy Jones's locker with his onlyson on board. But I'm a spirit of another sort; and if you or the ladiesare ill used, it shall be the Kirkwall people's fault, and not mine, andthat's fair; and so you had better let them know your condition, andyour circumstances, and so forth,--and that's fair, too."

  Magnus, thus exhorted, took up the pen, and attempted to write; but hishigh spirit so struggled with his paternal anxiety, that his handrefused its office. "I cannot help it," he said, after one or twoillegible attempts to write--"I cannot form a letter, if all our livesdepended upon it."

  And he could not, with his utmost efforts, so suppress the convulsiveemotions which he experienced, but that they agitated his whole frame.The willow which bends to the tempest, often escapes better than the oakwhich resists it; and so, in great calamities, it sometimes happens,that light and frivolous spirits recover their elasticity and presenceof mind sooner than those of a loftier character. In the present case,Claud Halcro was fortunately able to perform the task which the deeperfeelings of his friend and patron refused. He took the pen, and, in asfew words as possible, explained the situation in which they wereplaced, and the cruel risks to which they were exposed, insinuating atthe same time, as delicately as he could express it, that, to themagistrates of the country, the life and honour of its citizens shouldbe a dearer object than even the apprehension or punishment of theguilty; taking care, however, to qualify the last expression as much aspossible, for fear of giving umbrage to the pirates.

  Bunce read over the letter, which fortunately met his approbation and,on seeing the name of Claud Halcro at the bottom, he exclaimed, in greatsurprise, and with more energetic expressions of asseveration than wechoose to record--"Why, you are the little fellow that played the fiddleto old Manager Gadabout's company, at Hogs Norton, the first season Icame out there! I thought I knew your catchword of glorious John."

  At another time this recognition might not have been very grateful toHalcro's minstrel pride; but, as matters stood with him, the discoveryof a golden mine could not have made him more happy. He instantlyremembered the very hopeful young performer who came out in DonSebastian, and judiciously added, that the muse of glorious John hadnever received such excellent support during the time that he was first(he might have added, and only) violin to Mr. Gadabout's company.

  "Why, yes," said Bunce, "I believe you are right--I think I might haveshaken the scene as well as Booth or Betterton either. But I wasdestined to figure on other boards," (striking his foot upon the deck,)"and I believe I must stick by them, till I find no board at all tosupport me. But now, old acquaintance, I will do something for you--slueyourself this way a bit--I would have you solus." They leaned over thetaffrail, while Bunce whispered with more seriousness than he usuallyshowed, "I am sorry for this honest old heart of Norway pine--blight meif I am not--and for the daughters too--besides, I have my own reasonsfor befriending one of them. I can be a wild fellow with a willing lassof the game; but to such decent and innocent creatures--d----n me, I amScipio at Numantia, and Alexander in the tent of Darius. You rememberhow I touch off Alexander?" (here he started into heroics.)

  "'Thus from the grave I rise to save my love; All draw your swords, with wings of lightning move. When I rush on, sure none will dare to stay-- 'Tis beauty calls, and glory shows the way.'"

  Claud Halcro failed not to bestow the necessary commendations on hisdeclamation, declaring, that, in his opinion as an honest man, he hadalways thought Mr. Altamont's giving that speech far superior in toneand energy to Betterton.

  Bunce, or Altamont, wrung his hand tenderly. "Ah, you flatter me, mydear friend," he said; "yet, why had not the public some of yourjudgment!--I should not then have been at this pass. Heaven knows, mydear Mr. Halcro--Heaven knows with what pleasure I could keep you onboard with me, just that I might have one friend who loves as much tohear, as I do to recite, the choicest pieces of our finest dramat
icauthors. The most of us are beasts--and, for the Kirkwall hostageyonder, he uses me, egad, as I use Fletcher, I think, and huffs me themore, the more I do for him. But how delightful it would be in a tropicnight, when the ship was hanging on the breeze, with a broad and steadysail, for me to rehearse Alexander, with you for my pit, box, andgallery! Nay, (for you are a follower of the muses, as I remember,) whoknows but you and I might be the means of inspiring, like Orpheus andEurydice, a pure taste into our companions, and softening their manners,while we excited their better feelings?"

  This was spoken with so much unction, that Claud Halcro began to beafraid he had both made the actual punch over potent, and mixed too manybewitching ingredients in the cup of flattery which he had administered;and that, under the influence of both potions, the sentimental piratemight detain him by force, merely to realize the scenes which hisimagination presented. The conjuncture was, however, too delicate toadmit of any active effort, on Halcro's part, to redeem his blunder, andtherefore he only returned the tender pressure of his friend's hand, anduttered the interjection "alas!" in as pathetic a tone as he could.

  Bunce immediately resumed: "You are right, my friend, these are butvain visions of felicity, and it remains but for the unhappy Altamont toserve the friend to whom he is now to bid farewell. I have determined toput you and the two girls ashore, with Fletcher for your protection andso call up the young women, and let them begone before the devil getaboard of me, or of some one else. You will carry my letter to themagistrates, and second it with your own eloquence, and assure them,that if they hurt but one hair of Cleveland's head, there will be thedevil to pay, and no pitch hot."

  Relieved at heart by this unexpected termination of Bunce's harangue,Halcro descended the companion ladder two steps at a time, and knockingat the cabin door, could scarce find intelligible language enough to sayhis errand. The sisters hearing, with unexpected joy, that they were tobe set ashore, muffled themselves in their cloaks, and, when theylearned that the boat was hoisted out, came hastily on deck, where theywere apprized, for the first time, to their great horror, that theirfather was still to remain on board of the pirate.

  "We will remain with him at every risk," said Minna--"we may be of someassistance to him, were it but for an instant--we will live and die withhim!"

  "We shall aid him more surely," said Brenda, who comprehended the natureof their situation better than Minna, "by interesting the people ofKirkwall to grant these gentlemen's demands."

  "Spoken like an angel of sense and beauty," said Bunce; "and now awaywith you; for, d----n me, if this is not like having a lighted linstockin the powder-room--if you speak another word more, confound me if Iknow how I shall bring myself to part with you!"

  "Go, in God's name, my daughters," said Magnus. "I am in God's hand; andwhen you are gone I shall care little for myself--and I shall think andsay, as long as I live, that this good gentleman deserves a bettertrade.--Go--go--away with you!"--for they yet lingered in reluctance toleave him.

  "Stay not to kiss," said Bunce, "for fear I be tempted to ask my share.Into the boat with you--yet stop an instant." He drew the three captivesapart--"Fletcher," said he, "will answer for the rest of the fellows,and will see you safe off the sea-beach. But how to answer for Fletcher,I know not, except by trusting Mr. Halcro with this little guarantee."

  He offered the minstrel a small double-barrelled pistol, which, he said,was loaded with a brace of balls. Minna observed Halcro's hand trembleas he stretched it out to take the weapon. "Give it to me, sir," shesaid, taking it from the outlaw; "and trust to me for defending mysister and myself."

  "Bravo, bravo!" shouted Bunce. "There spoke a wench worthy of Cleveland,the King of Rovers!"

  "Cleveland!" repeated Minna, "do you then know that Cleveland, whom youhave twice named?"

  "Know him! Is there a man alive," said Bunce, "that knows better than Ido the best and stoutest fellow ever stepped betwixt stem and stern?When he is out of the bilboes, as please Heaven he shall soon be, Ireckon to see you come on board of us, and reign the queen of every seawe sail over.--You have got the little guardian; I suppose you know howto use it? If Fletcher behaves ill to you, you need only draw up thispiece of iron with your thumb, so--and if he persists, it is butcrooking your pretty forefinger thus, and I shall lose the most dutifulmessmate that ever man had--though, d----n the dog, he will deserve hisdeath if he disobeys my orders. And now, into the boat--but stay, onekiss for Cleveland's sake."

  Brenda, in deadly terror, endured his courtesy, but Minna, stepping backwith disdain, offered her hand. Bunce laughed, but kissed, with atheatrical air, the fair hand which she extended as a ransom for herlips, and at length the sisters and Halcro were placed in the boat,which rowed off under Fletcher's command.

  Bunce stood on the quarter-deck, soliloquizing after the manner of hisoriginal profession. "Were this told at Port-Royal now, or at the isleof Providence, or in the Petits Guaves, I wonder what they would say ofme! Why, that I was a good-natured milksop--a Jack-a-lent--anass.--Well, let them. I have done enough of bad to think about it; it isworth while doing one good action, if it were but for the rarity of thething, and to put one in good humour with oneself." Then turning toMagnus Troil, he proceeded--"By ---- these are bona-robas, thesedaughters of yours! The eldest would make her fortune on the Londonboards. What a dashing attitude the wench had with her, as she seizedthe pistol!--d----n me, that touch would have brought the house down!What a Roxalana the jade would have made!" (for, in his oratory, Bunce,like Sancho's gossip, Thomas Cecial, was apt to use the most energeticword which came to hand, without accurately considering its propriety.)"I would give my share of the next prize but to hear her spout--

  'Away, begone, and give a whirlwind room, Or I will blow you up like dust.--Avaunt! Madness but meanly represents my rage.'

  And then, again, that little, soft, shy, tearful trembler, for Statira,to hear her recite--

  'He speaks the kindest words, and looks such things, Vows with such passion, swears with so much grace, That 'tis a kind of heaven to be deluded by him.'

  What a play we might have run up!--I was a beast not to think of itbefore I sent them off--I to be Alexander--Claud Halcro,Lysimachus--this old gentleman might have made a Clytus, for a pinch. Iwas an idiot not to think of it!"

  There was much in this effusion which might have displeased the Udaller;but, to speak truth, he paid no attention to it. His eye, and, finally,his spy-glass, were employed in watching the return of his daughters tothe shore. He saw them land on the beach, and, accompanied by Halcro,and another man, (Fletcher, doubtless,) he saw them ascend theacclivity, and proceed upon the road to Kirkwall; and he could evendistinguish that Minna, as if considering herself as the guardian of theparty, walked a little aloof from the rest, on the watch, as it seemed,against surprise, and ready to act as occasion should require. Atlength, as the Udaller was just about to lose sight of them, he had theexquisite satisfaction to see the party halt, and the pirate leave them,after a space just long enough for a civil farewell, and proceed slowlyback, on his return to the beach. Blessing the Great Being who had thusrelieved him from the most agonizing fears which a father can feel, theworthy Udaller, from that instant, stood resigned to his own fate,whatever that might be.


  [38] Liquor brewed for a Christmas treat.