Read The Pirate City: An Algerine Tale Page 12



  An agreeable surprise is something like sunshine in November; it warmsup the constitution, mentally and physically.

  Such a surprise did Mrs Langley receive the morning that followed theevening on which Achmet Dey and his Sultana held their privateconversation on the affairs of state. "Agnes!" she exclaimed, reading anote with elevated eyebrows, "just fancy! here is an invitation for youand me to dine with the Dey's wife or wives!"

  "Oh! _won't_ that be delightful?" cried Agnes, coming from the courtinto the room where her mother sat, with such a bound, that she filledwith sympathetic excitement the heart of the small negro girl frombeyond the Zahara, and caused her to rock the cradle too violently.

  "There, you've bumped it again; I knew you would!" said Mrs Langley, intones of despair.

  Poor Zubby's first awful glance of mingled deprecation and self-reproachwas so touching that no one but a hardened monster could have withstoodit; but the look, with the feelings which it implied, was short-lived.It passed like a summer cloud, and was replaced by an expression ofsupreme contentment and self-satisfaction when it became apparent thatMaster Jim was _not_ going to awake, and that Mrs Langley's despair wasvanishing. Indeed, that lady's despair was at all times remarkablyshort-lived. She had been trained in a school of dire adversity eversince the arrival of the coal-black one from beyond the Zahara, and hadlearned to hope against hope in an extraordinary degree in a case whichwas absolutely hopeless, for, whatever others might think or hope, Zubbyknew herself to be incurable! Not that she was unwilling; on thecontrary, there never was a more obliging or amiable creature among thesable daughters of Ham, but she had a tendency to forget herself, (aswell as her charge), in moments of sudden emotion or delight, and gaveway to burstlets of action, which, if slight, were always inopportune,and sometimes, though not often, disastrous.

  "We must get ready immediately," continued Mrs Langley, with acautioning shake of the head at Zubby, as she turned to Agnes; "because,you know, we may as well take the opportunity to do a little shoppingbefore dinner."

  "What! `shopping' in the pirate city?" we hear you exclaim, reader.

  Yes, there _was_ shopping there in those days, though it did not bearmuch resemblance to shopping in more civilised lands. There were nowide fronts or plate-glass windows in those days. Indeed, then, as now,a shop in the Moorish town might be fitly described as a hole in thewall. It was, as it were, a deep window without an interior to speakof. A square hole, six feet by six, and from four to ten feet deep,without glazing or protection of any kind from the weather, except, insome cases, an awning, was a fair average shop; one of eight feetfrontage was rather a "grand shop," and one of twelve feet was quite a"bazaar."

  Of course such shops were stuffed, like eggs, to an excess of fulness.They gave one the impression that the goods had been packed into smallerspace than was possible, and that the introduction of another pin wouldinfallibly explode the whole affair. A passage among the goods in eachshop, just big enough to admit an ordinary man, was the scene of actionin which the owner disported. This passage did not begin at the street:so much valuable space could not be afforded. A counter laden withsmall wares had to be leapt in order to gain it, and a rope dependingfrom the ceiling rendered possible the acrobatic feat which wasnecessary to do so. Purchasers had to stand in the streets and transactbusiness, the said streets being so narrow that there was no room forlobbies or paved foot-paths. While engaged in traffic, buyers werecompelled more or less to block the way, and had their garments scrapedsuccessively by Turks and Moors and veiled Mohammedan females, byCabyles from the mountains, negroes from Timbuctoo, white slaves fromalmost every country in Europe, and donkeys of the most debased andabject type,--these latter, by the way, being quite as capable as thehuman--though not humane--beings who drove them of going up and downstairs. No slope short of a perpendicular dead wall appeared to be ableto stop them, and no wonder, poor wretches! for no torture short oftotal destruction was spared them.

  Ah! ye members of the "Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals"in Algiers, forgive us if we interject here the observation that thereis earnest need for your activities at the present day!

  Followed by the faithful though uncontrollable Zubby, with a hugetriangular grass basket, Mrs Langley entered the tortuous streets ofthe city, and proceeded to "shop."

  Fear not, reader! It is not our purpose to drag you through the detailsof the too well-known process. We pass onward to matters moreimportant.

  Having traversed several streets in which Moors sat cross-legged,embroidering purses and slippers with gold, in holes in the wall sosmall that a good-sized bust might have objected to occupy them; wherecobblers, in similar niches, made and repaired round-toed shoes ofmorocco leather, and the makers of horn rings for fingers, wrists, armsand ankles wrought as deftly with their toes as with their fingers;where working silversmiths plied their trade in precious metals and gemsin a free-and-easy open-air fashion that would have made the mouth of aLondon thief water; and where idle Arabs sipped coffee and smoked thelive-long day, as though coffee and tobacco were the aim and end oflife--which latter they proved indeed to many of them,--Mrs Langleywith Agnes, followed by Zubby, paused before a niche in which weredisplayed for sale a variety of curious old trinkets of a nondescriptand utterly useless character. In short, it appeared to be an Algerinecuriosity-shop. Here, while bargaining with the owner for some smallarticles, she was surprised to hear a voice at her ear say in French--

  "Madame, good morning; I have great pleasure in this unexpectedmeeting."

  She turned hastily, and found the Danish consul standing by her side.

  "Ah, monsieur," she said, returning his salutation, "it is indeed seldomthat I wander alone through this labyrinth, but necessity compels me.An English friend wishes me to send her a few characteristic articles,and I can trust no one to choose them for me. But, you look anxious."

  "Yes, excuse me," replied the Danish consul in haste, glancing round."I am followed, persecuted I may say. I had intended to call for yourhusband to-day to beg him to use his influence with the Dey in mybehalf, but I cannot--circumstances--in short, will you kindly mentionto him that I am in trouble because of the non-payment of the tributedue by our Government, and--"

  Breaking off suddenly, the Danish consul bowed low and hurried away.Mrs Langley observed that, immediately after, a chaouse, or executionerof the palace, passed her.

  This incident induced her to conclude her shopping rather quickly, andfurnished her with food for thought which entirely engrossed her minduntil Agnes exclaimed--

  "Oh mamma, look! look! they're going to shave a little boy!"

  Mrs Langley, directed by Agnes's finger, looked and found that this wasindeed true. A little boy, between eight and nine years of age, wasseated in a barber's shop near them, with a towel about his neck,glancing timidly, yet confidently, in the face of an elderly man whoadvanced towards him with an open razor, as though about to cut histhroat. As it turned out, however, neither throat nor chin were indanger of violation. It was the head that the barber attacked, and thishe scraped quite bare, without the aid of soap, leaving only a tuft ofhair on the top. This tuft, we have been informed, is meant as a handleby means of which the owner may, after death, be dragged up into heaven!but we rather incline to the belief that it is left for the purpose ofkeeping the red fez or skull-cap on the head.

  Be this as it may, no sooner did the urchin behold Mrs Langley, than,casting aside the towel and ignoring the barber, he rushed out andexclaimed--in a compound of French, Arabic, and Lingua Franca, of whichwe give a free translation--

  "Oh, missus, me massr, console Dansh, vants see ver moch your hosbund!"

  "Thank you; I know it," replied Mrs Langley, giving the boy a smallcoin and a bright smile.

  Quite satisfied that he had fulfilled his duty, the urchin returned tothe barber and the lady proceeded to the palace.

sp; Here she was received ceremoniously by the father of Ashweesha, SidiCadua, a mild, gentle-spirited, little old Turk, who would have made avery fine old English gentleman, but who was about as well fitted to befather-in-law to an Algerine Dey, and a man of position in the piratecity, as he was to be Prime Minister to the man in the moon.

  Sidi Cadua conducted her to the seraglio, where she was heartilywelcomed by the ladies, who expressed their delight at meeting her withgirlish glee. Ashweesha laughingly said that she was glad to see Agneshad become a Mohammedan, on which Mrs Langley related whatcircumstances had caused the change, and the Sultana listened to therecital with tears of laughter running down her cheeks.

  The English lady had naturally expected something gorgeous in thepalace, but she was not prepared for the lavish display of wealth thatmet her eyes everywhere.

  She found the Sultana and her six beautiful children in a room which,though not imposing in size, glittered with decoration. The ceiling andwalls were rich with tessellated and arabesque work. The floor wascovered with a carpet of cut velvet, with a pattern of the richest andmost brightly-coloured flowers; and this carpet was strewn with costlyjewels, which shone in the variegated light of the stained-glass windowsabove like glowing fire-flies. Around the walls were several recessesor niches, arched in the Moorish horse-shoe style. In one of these wasa glass cabinet, on the shelves of which were some splendid articles ofjewellery. In another recess hung a variety of swords and pistols,chiefly of Eastern manufacture, their handles and scabbards blazing withdiamonds. Opposite to these stood a gilt four-post European bedstead,with four mattresses of gold brocade, and curtains of blue tiffanyembroidered with gold sprigs. In fact, the apartment and its occupantswere adorned with so much magnificence that the genie of Aladdin'sfamous lamp would not have improved it, for, although that remarkablepersonage might have brought unlimited treasure to its decoration, hewould not have found a spare inch anywhere on which to bestow it!

  The Sultana and her children were alone, with the exception ofhalf-a-dozen beautiful Georgian slaves, and one or two negresses, whoattended on them. Of course no gentlemen were present!

  "My husband is very fond of yours," said Ashweesha, with a pleasantsmile, leading her guests to a large cushion on the floor, and squattingthem down beside her.

  "It gratifies me much to hear you say so," replied Mrs Langley.

  They spoke in a jargon of languages, and made up their deficiencies bysigns, of which we dare not attempt a characteristic translation.

  "He sent you a new slave-girl lately, I believe?" said the Sultana,beginning to feel her way.

  "Yes," exclaimed the guest with animation, "it was _very_ kind of him;and I find her _so_ sweet and amiable, and useful too. She assists mewith my dear baby so admirably, as well as with the household, that Ibegin already to feel as if I could not get on without her. Do you knowI have set my heart on raising sufficient money to ransom her and sether free?"

  "Then you will only lose her, for she will certainly go home to herhusband," observed Ashweesha, with a look of simplicity.

  "Of course; I count on that," returned Mrs Langley. "You know that weChristians differ from Mohammedans widely on the point of slavery; and Iam sure," she added playfully, "you will not think me rude when I saythat I mean to take advantage of your laws, and procure the ransom of asmany slaves as possible during my residence here."

  "If you had the wealth of a king," said Ashweesha, with a smile, "youcould not ransom the half of them, they are so numerous."

  "I am too well aware of that," rejoined the other sadly; "nevertheless,that does not exempt me from my duty. In the laws of my heavenly Kingand Saviour Jesus Christ it is written--`Whatsoever thy hand findeth todo, do it with thy might.'"

  The Sultana bent a keen look of interest on her guest, and was about toreply, but seemed to change her mind, and said:--

  "It was Sidi Hassan, I am told, who brought in this slave-girl; and, bythe way, I hear that he has become your janissary. Do you like him?"

  "I have seen so little of him that I can hardly tell.--You have walkedwith him in the garden, Agnes, several times; what do _you_ think ofhim?"

  "I don't like him at _all_!" answered Agnes, with powerful emphasis.

  Both ladies laughed, and so did the six little daughters of the Sultana,who had maintained a dignified silence while their elders wereconversing.

  "My little girl is rather given to take hasty prejudices," said MrsLangley apologetically.

  "Does your husband find him useful?" continued the Sultana, returning tothe charge.

  "No doubt he does, but I really cannot say, for my husband has onlymentioned him casually, and I never venture to speak of his businessaffairs unless called on to do so. The fact that Sidi Hassan has beenmuch oftener in town than at our residence since he was sent to us, mayaccount for my slight knowledge about him."

  "Oh! he has been very often in town, has he?" exclaimed Ashweesha.

  Before Mrs Langley could reply, an attendant announced that dinner wasserved in the adjoining room, whereupon the Georgian slaves were orderedto pick up the jewels that strewed the carpet. This they did, and,having locked them in the glass cabinet before mentioned, followed theparty into the dining-room.

  It was a somewhat peculiar dinner in many respects. There was greatvariety. Meat, poultry, pastry, and sweatmeats of strange kinds andforms, succeeded each other, and were done full justice to by allpresent. It was like a glimpse of paradise to little Agnes; for, havingbeen brought up in the simplest of styles, and forbidden pastry andsweatmeats altogether since the day of her birth, she absolutelyrevelled in new sensations.

  It must not be supposed that she violently broke through all restraintson this occasion; but her mother saw that if old rules were enforced,the child would be confused by the conflicting entreaties of herhostesses and the denials of her mother, while the Sultana might beoffended. Mrs Langley, therefore, gave her _carte-blanche_ to eat whatshe pleased.

  The party all sat on embroidered cushions on the floor, round a smalllow table made of silver and mother-of-pearl. On this, each dish wasplaced separately; and all ate out of the same dish, after the Moorishfashion. The spoons were made of rosewood, tipped with amber, and thenapkins were richly embroidered in gold, silver, and variously colouredsilk on a curiously-wrought linen ground. All the vessels used were ofthe most elaborate and costly description, and we need scarcely add thatthe viands were good. Among other things there was fish, which wasserved and eaten with honey! but the chief among the dishes waskooskoos. This was the _piece de resistance_ of the Moorishdinner-table, the substance on which the ladies chiefly fed andflourished. To be fat was, in those days, the most desirable attributeof a wife in the eyes of an Algerine husband, therefore kooskoos waseaten in quantity. It was made largely of flour, rolled, in somemystical manner, into the form of little pellets, like small sago; this,boiled with butter and other fatty substances, with bits of meat andchicken, and other viands mixed through it,--the whole being slightlyseasoned and spiced,--was deemed food fit for a Sultana.

  During the meal they became very chatty, and the young people paid muchattention to Agnes, who, being a sensitively good girl, felt, every timethat she experienced a new taste, as though she were breaking all theTen Commandments, notwithstanding the permission of her mother!

  Several times Ashweesha turned the conversation on the home affairs ofher guests, and attempted to gain further information about SidiHassan's doings, but found, much to her annoyance, that Mrs Langleyknew little more than she had already communicated. Her good-humourwas, however, restored by that lady's unaffected admiration of thenumerous lovely things by which she was surrounded. She speciallypraised the splendid napkins and the spoons before referred to, and whenthey rose from table, the Sultana presented her and Agnes with thosethat they had used.

  After giving them coffee and making another vain attempt to extractinformation, Ashweesha dismissed her guests, who returned home charmedwith the novelty
of their reception and entertainment.