Read The Pirate of the Mediterranean: A Tale of the Sea Page 20


  We left Ada Garden virtually a prisoner on board a vessel which shebelieved a Greek man-of-war. Day after day the voyage continued withoutthe anchor being dropped. Sometimes the vessel was steered in onedirection, sometimes in another; but, as she judged by the appearance ofthe sun, as it was seen from the cabin windows at sunset, they wereverging towards the east and north. Fortunately the weather continuedfine, and they were able to have the ports open the whole of the day,which in a slight degree made her amends for being deprived of the freeair of the deck. Generally, also, the wind was fair, when it came incool and refreshing through the ports; but some days it blew more ahead,and then Ada could feel the vessel heel over as the canvas felt itsforce; and, at times, she judged that they were beating along somecoast, or through a narrow passage, as the continuation of the same landwas seen on every alternate tack.

  Signor Paolo had visited the cabin every day; but he was silent andreserved as at first, and she failed to obtain any information fromhim--though, latterly, she thought he appeared as if he would havespoken more; but, each time he was about to do so, fear seemed to makehim hesitate, and he said nothing.

  Her health, under his judicious treatment, had gradually improved tillshe had recovered as much of her accustomed strength as she could expectto do, without the benefit of more air and exercise than she could enjoyin the cabin. But her spirits remained much depressed at theuncertainty of her own future fate, of that of her uncle, and with thethoughts of the anguish she knew Fleetwood would endure at her loss.

  "Could I but let him know," she thought, "that I am alive, and amsuffering no great inconvenience, oh, how it would relieve my heart!"

  She little thought that at that very time her lover was scouring theseas on board his ship in search of her.

  At last the vessel was once more before the wind, slowly gliding throughthe water. There seemed to her more bustle and animation than usual ondeck. The faint sound of a gun came off from the shore--it was answeredby a loud report from on board, accompanied by a wild cheer from thoseon deck; and, a short time afterwards she felt that the anchor was letgo; strange voices were heard alongside--and looking out of thestern-ports, high cliffs arose before her eyes. She and Mariannacontinued gazing out of their prison at the strange scent before them,and at the number of boats filled with uncouth, savage-looking beingspulling in boats round the ship. Among others, one appeared to leavethe vessel and take a direct course towards the shore.

  "Oh! signora, look there--look there!" cried Marianna. "There is SignorPaolo going to leave us."

  Ada did look, but her eye scarcely rested on Paolo, for it caught sightof one who sat next to him in the boat. She grasped her attendant's armas she whispered, "My worst fears are realised. There goes the pirateZappa, and we are his prisoners."

  "Oh! don't say such a thing, signora," cried Marianna, trembling; "Ishall die of fright. Yet, surely he could not have had any command onboard such a quiet, well-ordered vessel as this has been?"

  "I fear that I am not mistaken in his identity--and his appearanceexplains everything," said Ada. "What can he intend now by leaving thevessel? Try the doors and see if we are still prisoners in the cabin."

  Marianna found the door closed as before, and she and her mistress satdown more alarmed than they had been hitherto; Ada feeling that her lasthope of escape had vanished.

  They remained thus for some time, till they were startled by the abruptentrance of Paolo into the cabin. He apologised, on seeing Ada's lookof surprise.

  "Pardon me, signora; I have been sent by the captain of the ship toexpress his regret that your apartments on shore are not arranged, andto regret that you will have to remain some time longer on board."

  "Excuses are superfluous, when no choice is allowed me but to obey,"returned Ada, with more haughtiness in her manner than usual; for,having seen Paolo in company with the pirate, she could no longer regardhim in the same light she had before done.

  The young man seemed at once to observe and feel the change.

  "I deeply regret, signora, that you should have cause to complain," heexclaimed, in a voice in which sorrow mingled with passion; "but, oh!believe me, that I am not more free than you, and act under the ordersof one who has the power to compel were I to prove disobedient."

  "I believe you," said Ada; "and now tell me, who is this person whoventures to hold me a prisoner?"

  "You will know too soon, lady, but my lips must not inform you,"returned Paolo. "However, if it can afford you any satisfaction to knowit, be assured that I will watch carefully over you, and that mydirections are, not to quit the vessel except to accompany you onshore."

  "It must be a satisfaction to those in distress to know that they have afriend who interests himself in their welfare," replied Ada, in asoftened tone, as Paolo, with an inclination of his head, withdrew.

  For two whole days did Ada Garden and her attendant remain inmates ofthe vessel. On the third Paolo made his appearance to announce thataccommodation was prepared for them on shore, and that a boat waswaiting alongside the vessel to convey them there. For the first timeAda stepped on the deck of the vessel, and, after having been shut up solong below, the full, bright glare of the sun almost dazzled her eyes,and prevented her seeing objects clearly. As she recovered her sight,she observed that the vessel, on board which she had spent so long atime, was a brig, that she was in beautiful order, and had eight gunsrun out on either side. A few seamen in Greek costume were employed inthe fore part of the vessel in repairing the rigging, but none of themtook the slightest notice of her, as Paolo handed her to the gangway,followed by Marianna. At his summons two men came aft, and brought upher boxes from below, which were lowered into the boat alongside, intowhich he then assisted her and her attendant. He then gave the signalto shove off, and a few strokes of the oars carried the boat to theshore. Ada looked round her with surprise at the wild beauty andperfect tranquillity of the scene. In the centre of the bay lay thebrig at anchor, her hull and tall masts, and the tracery of her sparsand rigging reflected in the calm clear water. Her sails were closelyfurled, and no one appeared above the bulwarks to show that she wastenanted by human beings. The two misticoes lay inside of her, withoutsign of any one being on board them, and the boats belonging to the covewere drawn up on the beach, but the fishermen had deserted their nets,and not a person appeared in any direction. She gazed up at the loftycliffs, and at the picturesque ravine towards which Paolo pointed, asthey landed, to indicate their path, at the same time expressing hisregret that there were no means of conveying her up it except by alitter borne by men.

  The perfect calmness of the whole scene, its unusual beauty, and thefreshness of the air served to reassure her, and she began to experiencean elasticity of spirits she had not for a long time felt. Paolo ledher up the path I have before described, to the platform on the summitof the cliffs on which the ruined castle stood.

  "This is a wild spot, lady, but not wanting in beauty; and the tower yousee before you is to be your abode while you remain on the island," saidPaolo, pointing to a tower which was nearer the causeway, and had not soextensive a view as the one I have described, but yet it overlooked thesea, and more of the interior of the island. Paolo knocked at a door atthe base, and it was opened by the young Greek girl Mila, who salutedthe strangers with a smile of welcome, and then led them away up aflight of steps to an upper story, where, throwing open another door,she ushered them into a chamber, at the appearance of which Ada couldnot help uttering an exclamation of surprise; and Marianna, who hadcompletely lost all her fears in company with Signor Paolo, clapped herhands with delight. The time had, indeed, been well employed, whichhad, since their arrival, converted that ruined tower into somagnificent an abode.

  The pirate must have ransacked all his stores of silks and satins to fitup the room.

  "The roof has probably been formed some time, but all else has beenaccomplished during the last three days," said Paolo, as they entered
."That was the reason, lady, of your not landing before."

  The style was very similar to that of the other tower; but the hangingswere, perhaps, richer, and the carpets more valuable; attention had beenpaid to what might be supposed English taste. There were a greaternumber of tables and chairs, and there was even a book-case fastenedagainst the wall, though the books it contained were few, and not of avery select description.

  There were two guitars and a music-book on one of the tables, and thewalls were adorned with pictures, and a magnificent silver lamp hungfrom the centre; and, indeed, everything had been done to give the rooma cheerful and habitable appearance. On either side were curtainsacross a corner of the room; and, on drawing them, Ada perceived thatthere were couches arranged, and furnished with the finest linen,showing that the chamber was intended for their exclusive residence,perhaps also, their prison. Mila busied herself in showing thearrangements of the room, and Paolo explained that she was anxious toserve the stranger in the best way she could. Ada intimated that shecould not but be satisfied with the care taken for her comfort, andPaolo, suspecting that she would prefer being left alone, called Mila,and took his departure.

  Paolo had been gone some time, when a knock at the door was heard, andMarianna ran to open it. As she did so, she started back with a cry ofsurprise, for there stood before her the pirate Zappa.

  Ada rose as she saw him, for she felt that, from the first, it would benecessary to assume a dignity and fearlessness of manner, in order togain any influence over him.

  "The Prince Argiri Caramitzo, I believe I have the honour of seeing,"she said, bowing.

  "The same, signora, who has the happiness of welcoming you to Greece,and has had that of rescuing you from a great danger," replied Zappa, inhis most courteous tone, advancing a step only into the chamber. "Henow comes to express a hope that you are satisfied with the arrangementsmade for you, and will be contented to remain an inhabitant of thisisland till communications can be opened with your friends, in order torestore you to them."

  "I need not tell you, prince, that I am most anxious to communicate withmy friends, and must beg you to tell me by what means I can do so," saidAda.

  "The opportunity will, doubtless, soon occur," replied the pirate."But, in the mean time, I have to assure you that I have taken measuresto let your friends know of your safety--though, for reasons which I mayhereafter explain to you, not the place of your abode."

  "I understand you, signor; and I beg now to thank you for the courtesyand delicacy with which you have treated me," said Ada. "And I will askyou as a farther favour, to tell me what has become of the relative wholeft Malta with me. Is he still living?"

  As she spoke her voice trembled, and a tear started in her eye.

  "Indeed, lady, I would gladly answer your question if I could. I knownothing of your relative," replied Zappa. "But I am wearying you withmy presence. I came but to ascertain that you were satisfied with suchhumble accommodation as I could afford you, and will no longer intrudemyself on your presence. Lady, farewell; and should any suspicionsenter your mind about me, I entreat you to banish them; and to believethat, however much appearances are against me, I am not guilty."

  It would be difficult to describe the tone with which those words wereuttered, or the polished bow Zappa gave as he quitted the room, fullybelieving that he had made a great stride in winning over the feelingsof his prisoner, to look on him with regard.

  A whole day passed away without the appearance of Paolo, or any personexcept little Mila. The young Greek girl was her only attendant,besides Marianna; but as she could not make herself understood, sheseldom remained long together in the room. Had she even not feltherself a prisoner, the day would have passed wearily away with so fewmeans of amusing herself at her disposal. She examined the books whichhad been placed on the shelves: they were mostly Italian, though sherecognised a few as having been on board the _Zodiac_. In vain,however, she tried to give her attention to them, for whenever she didso her thoughts wandered away till they were lost in the painfulreflection which her position naturally suggested. Among her luggagewere the means of employing herself in such fancy-work as was thefashion in those days, but she soon threw it down in despair, as ratherincreasing than relieving her anxiety.

  Such was not the case with Marianna, who quickly recovered her spirits,and plied her needle with her usual diligence, and laughed and sang, asif nothing out of the way had occurred. One of her great sources ofpleasure was, in the intervals of her work, to look through a telescopewhich Paolo had placed in the room; it was on a brass stand, and hadbeen, probably, among the cargo of some vessel plundered by Zappa or hisassociates. The view, as I have said, from the window, extended over awide range of sea, along the greater part of the east side of the islandand into the interior; and a glimpse could just be caught of the mouthof the harbour, though the vessels lying there were not visible. It wasin the afternoon of the second day after their arrival that Marianna wasamusing herself with looking through the glass, when she uttered anexclamation of delight.

  "Oh, signora, signora--do come, and look!" she cried. "There is avessel coming to the island; for I see her white sails just rising outof the water. She is coming to take us home--I know she is."

  Ada flew to the telescope--her heart beating with agitation at the verymention of release, though her hopes were not so sanguine as those ofher damsel. She looked earnestly for some time at the sail whichMarianna had observed; but, as she withdrew her eye from the tube, sheshook her head with a look of disappointment.

  "The sail looks very small," she said. "So I fear, Marianna, it cannotbe a ship of war, and no other can afford us assistance."

  "Oh, but it is yet a long way off, signora," urged the Maltese girl."When it comes nearer it will appear much bigger, as I have oftenobserved from the windows of your uncle's house in Valetta a little sailno bigger than a pocket-handkerchief, which has grown larger, andlarger, and larger, till it has become a mighty ship with a hundredgreat guns looking out of her sides. Who knows but what this may turnout a big ship sent out by the King of England, with Signor Fleetwood ascaptain, to look after you? My heart tells me that she is a friend."

  Ada smiled mournfully at her young attendant's over sanguineprognostications, in which she could so little participate.

  "I fear you are wrong in this case, my good Marianna," she answered."You observe that the vessel we see is small, but we can alreadydistinguish three distinct sails, and soon the hull itself will rise outof the water, and then we shall be better able to judge of its properdimensions. I can already see her without the glass. Tell me if thebulwarks are not in sight."

  "Yes, signora, I can distinguish the dark mark of the body of thevessel, and she seems to come on quickly towards us," answered theMaltese girl, who was bending down upon a table drawn towards thewindow, with her eye to the glass.

  The vessel they were looking at was rather to the west of the island,towards which she was standing close-hauled beating up against aneasterly wind, bound probably up the Dardanelles. The sea was calm, andglittering in the sunbeams, which gave it the appearance of a plain ofmolten silver sprinkled with diamonds--for to nothing else can I compareits dazzling lustre. The breeze had been uncertain all the morning, nowso light as not to disturb the mirror-like surface of the sea, nowfreshening up again so as to send the vessel along rapidly through thewater. It had, however, lately, in shore, given signs of dying awayaltogether. The stranger stood on till she fetched up, almost lookinginto the mouth of the concealed cove, either totally unconscious of thedanger of her proceeding, or indifferent to the consequences.

  The latter could scarcely be the case; for, as Ada again looked at herthrough the telescope, she observed that she was a vessel apparently oflittle more than a hundred-and-twenty or thirty tons burden. Her rigwas that of a brigantine--the foremast having the top and spars of abrig, the mainmast carrying fore-and-aft sails like a schooner. Whenshe had stood in within a quarter of a mile of the
shore she tacked,either fearing to get becalmed should she approach nearer, or being,uncertain of the depth of water. If it was to avoid the formerinconvenience, it was too late, for, scarcely had she gone about thanher sails flapped idly against the masts, and she lay unable to make anyway at all.

  Ada was now convinced that she was a stranger--a merchantman, probably,as she judged by the cut of the sails, the short yards, and the few menwho appeared on her decks. She had two guns, it is true, but they wereof little weight of metal, and could have been of slight use inrepelling a really determined attack.

  Ada trembled for her fate, when she recollected her suspicions of thelawless character of the inhabitants of the island. As she was watchingthe persons on the deck of the vessel, she saw that there was suddenlysome confusion among them; several persons hurried from below, and someappeared to be surveying the mouth of the harbour with their telescopes.The cause was soon apparent, for as she looked in that direction, along low dark object was seen to steal out from behind the rocks, like asnake from the grass, and dart towards them.

  It was one of the misticoes, with her yards and sails stowed along thedeck, and impelled by twenty long oars, pulled by twice that number ofmen, while as many more stood in the after part, and at the bows, withtheir matchlocks in their hands ready for use. In the bow, also, was along brass gun on a swivel, pointed towards the doomed vessel.

  The stranger was, however, manned by no cowardly hearts. As soon asthey saw the nature of their enemy, they cast loose their two guns,loaded them, and ran them both out on the port side, which was the onethen bearing on the shore. They knew that escape was impossible, andthat they had little hope of mercy, so they lost no time in firing, onthe chance of striking the enemy between wind and water, and compellinghim to return. Unhappily, neither shot told with much useful effect.One struck the water just ahead of her, the other hit her gunnel andkilled two of the people, which only exasperated the others, and madethem pull the harder to get on board before receiving any other similarvisitors.

  "Oh! Jesu Maria," exclaimed Marianna, hiding her eyes in her hands."What can be the reason that the vessel there should fire at the boat?"

  "I am afraid we shall be witnesses of a dreadful scene," said Ada; "andyet I cannot withdraw my eyes from it. Oh! what will become of the poorpeople on board the vessel if those wretches in the mistico get nearher? See! they are my countrymen, too, for there flies the red ensignof England."

  The ensign had been hoisted as the brigantine fired; but while watchingthe Greek vessel she had not observed it. The English, undaunted, setup a loud cheer, as they again run out their guns; but the pirates,taught by experience, pulled round under her stern, where her guns couldnot reach them, and let fly their own long pieces at them. As they weremuch lower than she was, the shot injured no one on deck; but flewthrough the fore-topsail. They did not again attempt to fire; buttrusting to their vast superiority of numbers, they dashed boldlyalongside, with the object of carrying her by boarding. The English hadtime to get one of their guns over to the starboard side, on which themistico boarded them, and to fire directly down into her, before thepirates were able to leap up their side.

  It was too late, however, to save them. The Greeks swarmed over thebows and quarters, and up the side, their swords in their teeth, andthough the English seamen fought in a manner worthy of their name, Adasaw, with anguish, that they were quickly cut down or overpowered,pressed upon by overwhelming numbers, and in three minutes the islandershad full possession of the vessel. It made her heart sick as she beheldthe catastrophe, which she had hoped against probability, might havebeen averted. Intensely interested as she was to learn the fate of hercountrymen, her agitation prevented her from seeing more, and obligedher to withdraw her eyes from the painful sight. Marianna, however,took her place at the telescope.

  "Oh, signora!" she exclaimed, "the saints protect us! But those cruelwretches are throwing the bodies of the poor English they have murderedoverboard, before even their hearts can have ceased to throb. Wickedvillains! I hope they won't treat the living in the same way."

  "I'm afraid none remained alive," said Ada, shuddering. "But what arethey doing now?"

  "They seem engaged in making their own vessel fast to the other, toprevent her from sinking, I suppose. I wish they may both go down tothe bottom together. It would serve the wretches right."

  "God will punish them in His own good time, or the power of civilisednations will be exerted to perform His will," replied Ada. "Ourreligion teaches us, remember, not to wish evil even to our worstenemies. But, ah, there comes out the other mistico to the assistanceof their friends."

  In a short time the last-named vessel had reached the brigantine, and assoon as she was lashed alongside, all hands were busily engaged intransferring the cargo to their own craft, for they had managed to stopthe shot-hole in the side of the one which had been engaged. Thebrigantine's anchor had been dropped, and her sails clewed up; and assoon as the two misticoes were laden, they returned to the harbour. Inanother hour or so, they were again alongside the prize, and engaged intheir work of plunder. They laboured hard till they had transferredeverything of value from her hold, and they then commenced stripping hermasts of the sails and rigging; and in collecting other things from herdeck and cabin which might be useful--not forgetting her guns, and hersmall store of powder and shot. By the time they had completed theirwork the sun had set, and loaded with plunder they returned to port. Asthey left the side of the unfortunate vessel, a shout of exultationescaped them; and soon after, Ada perceived through the gloom a thicksmoke ascending from the hatchways, followed quickly by forked flames,which leaped upwards, and rapidly enveloped the masts and lower,rigging. The whole hull was rapidly in a blaze, which lighted up with alurid glare the two misticoes; the grim visages of their fierce crew,their red caps, and varied-coloured costume being clearly visible atthat distance through the telescope. The fiery tinge falling also onthe rocky cliffs, and the towers and walls of the castle, and convertingthe tranquil surface of the ocean into, seemingly, a sea of blood.

  The brigantine burned fiercely--there must have been some inflammablesubstance which had formed part of her cargo remaining in her hold.From the two small stern-ports, which had been left open, the flamesburst forth in jets of fire, as also from every hatchway, fore and aft,till the decks fell in, and the masts, like two pillars of fire, camerushing down, and hissing into the water. At length the empty hull sunkbeneath the surface, and all was again dark.

  "I fear, signora, we are in a complete nest of pirates," said Marianna,breaking the silence which she had maintained after the catastrophe.

  "I fear so, too," replied Ada; "but that burning vessel may prove abeacon to light our friends to our rescue."