Read The Pirate of the Mediterranean: A Tale of the Sea Page 22


  "One summer's evening, my sister and I were seated with our father at anopen window of our apartment in the castle, whence we could enjoy a viewof the calm waters of the Adriatic. He was more cheerful than he hadbeen for a long time; and Nina took her guitar, and sang to him some ofthe songs in which he used formerly to delight.

  "While we sat there I observed a white sail in the far distance; and itseemed to me to approach nearer and nearer the land. I pointed it outto Nina; and it struck me afterwards that she grew pale as I spoke, andplaced her hand on her heart, as if to stop its throbbing. Yet at thetime I thought nothing of it. For a few minutes she was silent, andlost in meditation, but at length recovered herself, and continuedsinging. I remarked this, and I remember rallying her on the subject,saying that her songs were all those she knew of a sad and plaintivecharacter.

  "The time for sleep arrived, and we retired to our chambers. Ninakissed our father's cheek, and was going, but went back and kissed himagain, and he blessed her at parting. I had slept some hours, I knownot how long, when I awoke, feeling hot and feverish. I tried again tosleep, but could not; and at length I arose for the purpose of taking awalk round the battlements, thinking that the cool night air, which cameoff the sea, would calm and refresh me.

  "On my way to the small turret gate, which led from a tower to the topof the castle wall, I had to pass Nina's chamber. The door was open. Ilooked in--the chamber was vacant. Surprised, though not much alarmed,for I thought she had, unknown to me, gone to occupy the one which hadbeen our sister's, I continued my progress.

  "As I opened the gate, the night air, which blew in and circled roundthe bower, struck my feelings as peculiarly cold and damp, and a low,moaning sound came across the waters. There was no moon, and the starswere obscured by a veil of clouds which had gathered in the sky, sothat, to my eyes, accustomed to the light of the lamp I had carried thusfar, the darkness seemed almost palpable. I, however, could have goneround the walls blindfold, so that this was to me a matter ofindifference, and I stepped out on the battlements. I had proceededsome way, when I was startled by seeing the bright rays of a lightflashing across the courtyard before me. I stopped, and watched, withastonishment, for I could not surmise who could be in that part of thecastle at that hour of the morning. I must state that on the side ofthe castle nearest the sea, within the outer walls, was a small chapel,dedicated to our Lady of the Rock, and here, on saints' days andSundays, and on certain other occasions, the priests from a neighbouringconvent used to come and perform the services of the Church; for myfather did not keep a regular chaplain, as is generally the custom. Hewas not a man to support the drones they usually are. The light, I wasconvinced, whose beams I saw, was in the chapel, through the windows ofwhich it must come. By going on a little further along the battlements,I had a more extensive view of the chapel; and I now beheld a brightlight streaming from all the windows. My astonishment was still furtherincreased by hearing the voices of persons within: they were silent, andI then distinguished the voice, I thought, of a priest, engaged in theperformance of a service. From a turret, some way on, a stone stair leddown into the chapel; and as the key of the door was attached to the oneI held in my hand, I determined at once to solve the mystery. Hasteningon, I opened the door in the turret, and descended noiselessly. Ireached the bottom of the steps, and a few paces more brought me to thedoor which opened into the chapel.

  "I confess that, at that moment, all the stories I had ever heard of thepower of the spirits of evil to assume the human form, or of thedeparted to return on earth, or of horrors mysterious and undefined,rushed into my mind, and, for a time, I stood irresolute and trembling.

  "At length, I mustered courage and burst open the door. The scene whichmet my sight made me recoil with a feeling very different to what Iexpected.

  "A priest was at the altar--a stranger, whom I knew not; and before himstood my young sister Nina, her hand clasped in that of the man whoselife I had saved--of whom I had now so many dark suspicions, ArgiriCaramitzo. I rushed forward with a cry of rage, and would have borneNina off from him. He put me aside with a contemptuous smile, for I wasunarmed, and far weaker than he. I snatched a dagger from a manstanding near, and would have plunged it in his heart, when the voice ofthe priest arrested my hand, uttering the word--


  "Nina had looked confused and alarmed; she shrieked out--

  "`Oh! injure him not, Paolo, he is my husband--my life; till me, if Ihave done wrong; but he would have it so.'

  "`She speaks truly,' said the priest. `She is the wedded wife of SignorArgiri Caramitzo, or by whatever name this signor is known.'

  "`I can bear much from you, Paolo,' said Caramitzo, speaking to me forthe first time; `but you must not interfere in a case of this sort.Your sweet sister has bestowed on me her hand, as she has long given meher heart; and this very night I bear her hence to my home upon thewaves.'

  "As he said this, he pressed Nina to his bosom, and seemed about to bearher away, while he stretched out his other hand, as if to prevent myapproach. `Whether wife or not, she leaves not this castle without herfather's consent--with one, too, whose name and profession aredoubtful,' I again exclaimed, springing forward, and attempting to seizeher.

  "`If you will have it so, you must take the consequences,' he replied,in the same cool tone. `Seize that young signor, and bring him along; Iwill not be interfered with.' He turned, and spoke to a number of menwho stood round, armed to the teeth, and whom I had not before remarked.They immediately seized me, and I saw at once that resistance would beuseless.

  "`It is folly, Nina, to be alarmed,' I heard the Greek say, in answer tomy sister's tears and remonstrances. `No injury shall be done him, andwe will shortly return and claim your father's pardon, and explain thereasons of my present proceedings.'

  "Nina was not convinced, for she had not expected to be thus suddenlycarried off; and she made every resistance in her power to what wasbeing done, entreating also that I might be set at liberty.

  "The Greek, however, was deaf to all her entreaties, and soon succeededin pacifying her fears. Had I indeed been able to arouse the otherinmates of the castle, it would have been of no avail, for it was nowcompletely in the power of Caramitzo, as I have hitherto called him--forunder that name I then knew him; though I need scarcely tell you that hewas no other than the pirate Zappa. He had, it appeared, during hisformer stay at our castle, secured the key of a small postern-gate,through which he and his followers had gained admittance. For a longtime his arrival had been looked forward to by my deluded sister, as hehad arranged the means of communicating with her before his departure;and he had persuaded her of the necessity of a private marriage, all thearrangements of which he promised to make, provided she would undertaketo follow his directions. The priest he had brought with him from adistant part of the coast, having induced him, by high bribes, toaccompany him, and, I believe, keeping him in ignorance as to the placeto which they had come, or who was the lady he had married. A book,however, was left on the altar in the chapel, with the signatures of themarried couple, the priest, and witnesses; either intended as aconsolation or an insulting mockery to the unhappy father who had beendeprived of his child. My eyes were instantly blindfolded, and I feltmyself lifted up and carried along for some distance, till I was placedin a boat, from which, after rowing for some distance I was hoisted onboard a vessel, and placed by myself in a cabin, the door of which wasfastened on me. After a vain attempt to get out, I threw myself down ona couch in the cabin, and considered how I should proceed to liberate mypoor sister and myself. The rippling noise of the water against thesides of the vessel showed me that she was under weigh, and I felt howhopeless was our fate. The morning must have been far advanced when thedoor of the cabin was opened by two powerful men, with arms in theirbelts. A third person appeared behind them, who spoke a little brokenItalian.

  "`We have come,' he said, `Signor Paolo, to request y
ou to take theoath; without signing which no person is allowed to remain alive onboard this vessel beyond twelve hours. When you have been longer withus you will see the necessity of our rule. You will not refuse to takeit.'

  "`I shall certainly refuse to take any oath which may restrain myliberty,' I answered; `I desire that my sister and myself be at oncerestored to our home.'

  "`Whatever we may ultimately do, it is necessary for you to take theoath before you can quit the cabin. It is the rule of the ship, and thecaptain himself, as well as any of his friends must abide by it.'

  "`What is the character of the ship I am on board, then?' I asked--thedreadful truth for the first time flashing across my mind.

  "`That you will be told when you have taken the oath,' replied theinterpreter. `The captain has brought you on board, and will not haveyou injured; but we claim our privilege, which he cannot refuse us. Theoath to betray neither vessel nor crew, by sign, by word, or deed; toobey our chief in all things, and to abide by the laws of the ship,or,'--and the two men drew out their glittering daggers from theirsashes--`death. You preserved our captain's life, he says; but hecannot save yours, unless you accept our terms, and then, on thataccount, we will gladly receive you as a brother.'

  "I considered, as well as I was able, under the circumstances, how Ishould act. I was young--life seemed full of charms. They were inearnest, and I saw nothing unreasonable in the oath they imposed on me.I had no longer any doubt that I was on board a piratical vessel. Icould not expect her crew to act otherwise than they were doing towardsme; and the true character of Caramitzo now appearing more evident, Ifelt that there was greater reason to rescue my betrayed sister from hispower; and I thought that the only way of so doing would be to affect nohesitation even in joining them.

  "`I consent to take the oath,' I replied, with as firm a voice as Icould command. Had I known the abject slavery to which those wordswould reduce me, I would have died sooner than utter them.

  "`Come,' said the men, `we are prepared to administer it without delay,'and, blindfolding me, they led me into another cabin, where I wasordered to kneel down on a cushion, and a book was placed in my hands,which I was told was the Bible. The oath was then administered, and itmade me call down the most dreadful maledictions on my head, and on theheads of all those dear to me, should I ever break it. The bandage wasthen removed from my eyes, and I found myself in a large cabin,surrounded by men with drawn swords in their hands, and at the head ofthem appeared the pirate Zappa.

  "A cross was then formed by the swords of the two men standing nearestto me, which I was compelled to kiss, and then to sign my name in a bookwith my own blood. The ceremony completed, I was told to rise, a swordwas placed in my hands, and I was hailed as a comrade. I shuddered atthe name. Zappa then advanced towards me, and, with the same smilewhich had once fascinated me, he exclaimed. `Welcome, my dear Paolo,now doubly my brother. I have been compelled to use a little gentleforce to win you to me as I have long been anxious to do. You are yetunable to appreciate the advantages I can offer you, so I will notcomplain of your angry looks. Now come on deck, and I will introduceyou to your brother officers--for I consider you one of this ship, and Iwill try and make a seaman of you.'

  "I was meditating, while he spoke, whether I should fly at him, andendeavour to wreak the bitter vengeance I felt at the moment; but theoath I had just uttered came to my mind, and for my sister's sake, by aviolent effort, I restrained my passion.

  "`I cannot pretend, Signor Caramitzo, not to complain of the violence towhich you have subjected me, and of the deceit you have practised on mysister,' I replied; `yet, I am in your power, and I trust to your honourto make the best amends you can--to treat her with tenderness, since shehas given herself to you--and to allow me the opportunity ofcommunicating with our unhappy father, and of endeavouring to mitigatethe grief he will feel at the loss of his children.'

  "`I do not forget that you saved my life, Paolo, and that alone wouldmake me obey your wishes,' he answered, in a mild, conciliating tone.`Your sister is dearer far than that life, and, therefore, you need notfear for her. I will not pretend to disguise from you, Paolo, what Iam; but that she need not know. The world calls me and my companionspirates.--Let them--the lion is a nobler animal than the beast on whichit preys. Ours is a glorious life; you will learn to think so, too.There is danger, it is true. But there is excitement far higher thanthat the gambler, who stakes his fortune on a cast, can enjoy, and whogenerally, when he loses, seeks the worst that can befall us--a speedydeath. But I will not now stay to sing the praises of the life I havedestined you to lead, till, grown weary, we some day retire from thebusy scene, and become honoured chiefs and nobles in our own country,with lands and wealth, and surrounded by our family and dependents. Eh,Paolo, I draw the picture well! But we will on deck, and see how ourbarque speeds over the waters.'

  "I repeat his words, to show the character of the man in whose power myunhappy sister was placed. For myself I feared not, nor grieved--Icould easily break my bonds; but she, alas! hers were indissoluble.Fortunately for her, she did not guess who he was, nor the character ofhis ship. She believed, and I trust, to this day believes, that hecommanded a Greek man-of-war, and is all he represented himself to her.

  "We sailed on, meeting with various adventures, till we reached thisisland, where, in a neighbouring tower, he at once established mysister. I felt also that it would be cruelty to undeceive her, andwould answer no good object. My sister, I believe, he really loves, ordid love, as far as his nature would allow; but lately I have fanciedhis affection was decaying, and he has always treated me withoutseverity, and generally with kindness, though my spirit has rebelledagainst the shackles which galled me, but which I had no power to shakeoff.

  "My story is drawing to an end; but I have still more to say. I urgedZappa, day after day, to allow me to return to my paternal home, andendeavour to comfort my father, if consolation was still to be found forhim on earth, and to explain to him the cause of my sister's absence,with the wish of palliating the folly of her conduct in his eyes, vowingsolemnly at the end of four months again to return to the island. To mysurprise, he at last consented to comply with my wish, undertaking toland me on the coast of Italy, and to call again for me at a spot and aperiod he would afterwards fix on. His object in so doing was, not toallow me to know the position of this island. He fulfilled his promise,and I at length returned to the castle. Alas! though my father stilllived, I saw at once by the pallor on his cheek, and trembling voice,that his days were numbered. I appeared to him like one returning fromthe dead; for he had believed that I was slain in endeavouring toprevent my sister from being carried off. He blamed her not--hepardoned her weakness and folly, and his longing desire was to see heronce more before he died.

  "I had yet another blow to receive. My eldest brother, whom I loveddearly, had been slain by the dagger of an assassin at Naples, and Ibecame the heir to the family property, which I neither wished for norcould enjoy. My whole anxiety was now to return to the island, and toendeavour to persuade the pirate to allow my sister to accompany me backto see our father ere he died.

  "At last I received a letter desiring me to repair to a certain port,where I was to be met by a person who would convey me on board afelucca, whence I was to be transferred to the pirate vessel. I thoughtnot of the dangers and difficulties of the undertaking, but, embracingmy father, with a bleeding heart I tore myself from him, and hastened tothe appointment. Zappa received me cordially, and I was in hopes, wouldconsent to my request; but when I at length made it, he at oncepositively refused to grant it.

  "He said that Nina was now happy and contented; and that she knew not ofher father's illness; and that if she was allowed to leave him she wouldhear things to his prejudice, and might refuse to return; and that, asshe was only going to see her father die, it could not possibly benefither. The more I urged my request, the more he appeared determined torefuse it, till at length I saw that all attempts to ga
in him to consentwould be worse than futile, so I ceased from importuning him. I did notthe less meditate how I could best accomplish my object.

  "As soon as I reached the island, I told Nina, the first time I wasalone with her, of our father's wish to see her, at the same timebinding her not to mention the subject to her husband, as I assured herhe would not consent to part from her. As soon as I explained ourfather's state to her, and told her he was heartbroken at her loss, shewept bitterly, and promised to enter into any plan I might arrange toenable her to visit him, fully intending again to return here. Mypurpose was, to separate her from the pirate for ever, by informing her,though at the risk, I knew, of blasting her happiness, of his truecharacter; but yet, signora, I knew that the evil day must come, andthat, when he deserted her, I might not be by to protect her.

  "I had brought a considerable sum of money with me, which I hadconcealed about my person for any emergency, and with it I bribed twomen of the village on the opposite side of the bay, to prepare a boat,in which, with their aid, I hoped to reach either the main land, or oneof the larger islands, or to get on board some vessel which would conveyus to some civilised place, whence I might find the means of reachingItaly. I waited for an occasion when Zappa should have gone on one ofthe piratical expeditions he was in the habit of taking, and when,according to custom, he would have compelled me to accompany him. Toavoid this I had planned to feign illness, and, as soon as I saw thepreparations making for embarking, I pretended to be seized with adangerous sickness. He expressed great regret, and so convinced me thathe regarded me with affection, that I felt some qualms of conscience atdeceiving him, stained, though I knew him to be, with a thousand crimes.He even delayed his departure, and I saw it would be necessary topretend to recover to get him off.

  "The night at last came, in which the enterprise was to be attempted. Ileft my room, to which I was supposed to be confined by illness, and,going down to the bay, I found the boat and the men in readiness. Ithen returned to my sister's tower, whence I bore her trembling withalarm, and overwhelmed with grief at the thoughts of quitting the manwhom she so fatally loved, we safely reached the boat. We were notobserved, for no one suspected us, and we launched forth into the deep.I had arranged for an ample supply of provisions, and I had previouslycarried down the means of sheltering my sister from the weather; so wewere prepared for a long voyage. For three days we steered to the westand south, with the sea calm, and the wind favourable and moderate,passing only small islands, where the men assured me we should have nochance of assistance. By this calculation, it would take us two daysmore before we could reach the main land; when, on the fourth day, asthe morning broke, I discerned a vessel standing towards us. As shedrew nearer, my horror, as well as that of the islanders, may besupposed, when they pronounced her to be Zappa's own brig, the _SeaHawk_. It was hopeless to expect to escape her by outstripping her insailing; so, we lowered the sail on the chance of our remainingunobserved, while Nina and I crouched down in the bottom of the boat, inorder that, if the pirate vessel should pass at some little distance, wemight be mistaken for one of the fishing-boats of the neighbouringislands. All our care was futile. On so smooth a sea, and in so brightan atmosphere, an object as large as we presented might be seen at agreat distance, and we had not escaped the vigilant eyes of the pirates.On came the vessel. Nina was bathed in tears; the Greeks trembled, forthey knew their lives were at stake. I nerved myself for the worst, forI knew not what the rage of Zappa might prompt him to do, though Ifeared for my sister more than for myself.

  "The boat was not only seen but recognised, and the _Sea Hawk_ ran upclose to us. The men were ordered to pull alongside, and we all soonstood on the deck of the brig.

  "`Such, then, is the love you bear me, that the first moment of myabsence you would desert me,' said the pirate, looking reproachfully atNina, without taking any notice of me and my companions. `I believed, Ifelt sure, that you loved me, but now I know that I was bitterlymocked.'

  "`Oh, no, no!' exclaimed Nina, who had stood trembling and abashedbefore him, `I loved you better than life itself. I love you now, andno human power should have prevented me from returning to you. Do withme as you will, but do not wring my heart with greater anguish than nowit suffers by believing that I do not love you. My duty to a dyingparent would alone have prompted me to take the step I have done.'

  "`I believe you, Nina,' said Zappa, taking her in his arms. `I will notpart with you. As to you, Paolo, you have deceived me, and haveinstigated your sister to leave me. I shall take means to prevent yourbehaving thus in future.'

  "Saying this, he carried my sister below, and placed her in his cabin;he then returned on deck, and walked up to where the two Greeks werestanding, awaiting their sentence. I had never before seen his fiercerpassions aroused.

  "`You know what you have to expect,' he exclaimed, in a voice ofthunder. `You have broken the laws of our community. You would havedeprived me of the two persons I most regard in the world, andpurposed--nay, deny it not--for I know your vile natures, to havemurdered them for the sake of the gold still in their possession. Take,therefore, the consequences.'

  "As he uttered these words he drew two pistols from his belt, one ineach hand, and, levelling them at the heads of the men, they uttered ashriek for mercy, as their eyes caught the direction of his hands; butit was too late. Ere they could spring back, he fired, and they felldead at his feet.

  "`Cast the bodies overboard, and let their boat go adrift. We will keepno memorial of the wretches,' he exclaimed; then, turning to me, heobserved, `You see, Paolo, how we treat traitors; and let me tell you,you have had a narrow escape; and your sweet sister--I tremble to thinkwhat her fate would have been. Had I not fortunately found you, youwould not have been allowed to live another day, and let this be alesson to you for the future.'

  "Two days afterwards we reached the island, and Zappa quieted mysister's anxiety, by promising to gain information respecting ourfather's health. He did so, and the reply was, that he was dead. Iremained still subservient to the pirate. I would not desert my unhappysister, and I could not break through the fetters the pirate had thrownaround me. He confides in me, and insists on my accompanying him on hisexpeditions, when I can render great assistance to his men from myknowledge of surgery; and I am at times able to mitigate the fate ofthose who fall into his power. Had I the will also, my oath wouldprevent my betraying him, and thus, signora, you will be able to accountfor my appearance on board the speronara, and afterwards in the _SeaHawk_. Such, lady, is the outline of my unhappy history--"

  "And one on which it would have been wiser for you to have heldsilence!" exclaimed a voice behind him; and, looking up, he and Adabeheld the tall form of Zappa standing in the doorway. He advanced intothe room, making a low reverence towards her, at the same time that hestretched out his hand in the direction Paolo was standing. "Go,foolish youth!" he exclaimed, in a tone in which contempt blended withanger. "You will some day try my patience more than I can bear."

  The young Italian stood for an instant irresolute--his bosom heavingwith emotions of pride and indignation, and his lips parted, as if hewould have defied his tyrant; he felt, too, that he was in the presenceof the woman for whom he had declared his love, and all the more manlyqualities of his nature rose up to his aid; but he had been too longaccustomed to yield to the influence which the pirate had gained overhim--he quailed before the stern, unrelenting eye fixed on him, and hissoft, unresisting character, too similar to that of his unfortunatesister, made him falter in his half-formed purpose. With an expressionof agony, of shame, and humiliation on his countenance, he turned andfled down the steps.

  Ada at once felt the importance of maintaining her own dignity. Sherose, and as calmly as she could command her voice, she asked,--"May Iknow, signor, to what cause I am indebted for this visit?"

  "Beautiful lady!" said the pirate, still standing at a distance, whichwould have showed respect had his words been different, "can you suppose
it possible that I should always resist the influence of yourattractions. Am I to be the only one in this island who is to bedebarred the happiness of basking in your smiles? Is yon weak youthever to be preferred to me?"

  "In pity's name, cease this insulting mockery, signor," said Ada, herheart at the same time sinking with a fear she had hitherto happily notyet experienced. "Does not every manly quality of your heart rebel atthe thought of thus addressing one so totally unprotected, so helplessas I am. With regard to the unhappy gentleman who has just quitted theroom, I am innocent of any other feeling than profound pity for hismisfortunes; and with regard to yourself, how can you expect me to feelother than indignation at the outrage to which you have subjected me.Every day that I am kept here a prisoner can but serve to increase thatfeeling; and my only request is, that I may not be insulted by thepresence of one who has been the cause of the misery I endure."

  There is a majesty and dignity, a commanding power in the eye andexpression of a pure, high-minded, resolute woman, which will abash eventhe boldest and most unscrupulous men. That is their shield andbuckler, their defence against the attacks of the profligate. It islike the steadfast gaze of a dauntless man, which is said to have thepower of awing even the fiercest of the beasts of the forest; but lether beware how for an instant she withdraws it, how she allows thesofter feelings of her woman's nature to shake her firmness; heropponent is ever watchful, and should she allow the faintest gleam ofhope to enter his bosom, the potent charm is broken. Thus, in thebright dignity of her nature, stood Ada Garden.

  The blood-stained, reckless pirate advanced not a step nearer; he stoodabashed and confused, nor gave utterance to a word of remonstrance ather resolution. He seemed to feel that it was she, indeed, whose rightit was to command--his duty to obey. He hesitated as he spoke.

  "Pardon me, signora, I came not to offend you, but to endeavour to winyour regard and esteem. Time may reconcile you to your lot--may softenyour feelings--may create a tenderer sentiment in your heart than youare now disposed to entertain. I am not one who is in the habit ofyielding a point on which I have once determined; I must be content,however, to look forward to the future, while I submit to your dictatesfor the present. Farewell, signora, I acknowledge myself conquered; butanother time, be not too confident that you will gain the victory."

  Ada endeavoured to maintain her composure, but the tone assumed by Zappaalarmed her more than he was probably aware of. Silence she felt wasnow her best safeguard. She placed her hands before her eyes to shutout his hateful sight, while she endeavoured to nerve herself for whatmight next occur.

  The Greek, however, it appeared, had no wish to proceed to extremities.Perhaps he really felt affection for her; perhaps he calculated onreceiving a handsome ransom for her. Whatever was his motive, hedetermined to persecute her no more for the present, and he took theopportunity to quit the chamber.

  When she removed her hands from her eyes she was alone. She heard thepirate descending the steps of the tower, and when she had ascertainedthat he had to a certainty left it, she knelt down, and her deep sobstold of her outraged feelings, and the anguish of her heart. She wasaroused by the return of Marianna, who promised never again to betempted to leave her.