Read The Pirates of Shan: A Rick Brant Science-Adventure Story Page 19


  Chahda Sweeps the Sea

  The exchange of rifleshots lasted only a few moments without causingcasualties to either side. Scotty had fired more in warning than toscore a hit. The Spindrifters had taken cover behind the rocks, and theprotection had been enough.

  Rick sized up the situation. More vintas were crowding into the cove.There were so many now they got in each other's way. Before long theentire cove would be jammed with vintas and the Moros would comeswarming ashore. Unfortunately, the sea was calm, with only low surf onthe eastern shore. Heavy breakers would have been helpful in keeping thepirates busy, Rick thought.

  One thing was clear as glass. They couldn't wait for the pirates tooverrun them. Rick hurried to Zircon's side. "Professor, can you carryShannon? We've got to get to the other side of the cove, then across therocks to the sea. It's a better position to defend, and we might have achance to get to the water when Chahda comes. I've called him. He's onthe way in."

  "Rick's right," Scotty chimed in. "Get going and I'll cover you."

  Zircon nodded without speaking. He stepped swiftly to Shannon's side andpicked the zoologist up. Then he followed Rick to the end of the coveand started the climb over the tiny spit of land that separated the covefrom the open sea.

  It was rough going. Tony Briotti gave Zircon a hand over the roughestplaces, while Rick and Elpidio Torres stood by to assist where needed.Scotty stayed at the edge of the cove, rifle at the ready.

  The pirates hadn't gotten organized yet. The Spindrifters were still indeep shadow and not clearly visible. Now and then a pirate took arifleshot, but that was more from lack of discipline than a target atwhich to shoot.

  Rick hoped that the Spindrift group could reach the seaward side of thespit they were now climbing before the pirates swarmed ashore. There wasa good chance of defending the spit, particularly with Scotty's rifle.

  Zircon reached the top and went over, and Rick called, "Scotty! Comeon!"

  Scotty instantly turned and ran.

  A hail of badly aimed rifle slugs spattered off the rock across an areaforty feet wide as the pirates shot at the sound of Rick's voice. Nonecame near the mark. Then, a few pirates, smarter than the rest, realizedwhat was going on. As Tony Briotti and the Torres boy were silhouettedbriefly against the sky at the top of the rise, the handful of alertpirates fired. Most shots missed, but Rick heard the Filipino boy gasp.

  Scotty reached Rick's side and said softly, "Let's go, and slide overthe top on your stomach."

  Rick didn't need the advice. He had no intention of letting the piratescatch him in silhouette. He crouched low and moved the few feet to thetop, found a boulder, and slipped quickly around it. Scotty followed amoment later.

  "I'm staying here at the top," Scotty said. "If any pirates try to comeafter us, I'll have a clear shot. And when they get wise and come aroundto the sea side, I can shoot down on them. How are we going to get outof this?"

  "You tell me," Rick suggested. "I don't know."

  The pirates hadn't been long in catching on. A few vintas were alreadyrounding the cove point heading for the party now huddled behindboulders on a ledge just above the sea. Rick hurried down to join theothers, leaving Scotty to guard the rear.

  Tony Briotti greeted him. "Look."

  Rick's eyes followed the archaeologist's pointing finger. Off to thesoutheast, on a sea tinted pink from the rising sun, he saw the lowlines of the _Swift Arrow_. Chahda was on his way!

  Zircon bellowed, "Watch it!" He echoed his words with the flat slap of apistol shot. The first vinta had reached the group and was standing onlya few feet offshore. Others were crowding in behind it. Rick got readyto shoot again, and saw that the Torres boy, a bloody handkerchief tiedaround his upper arm, was throwing rocks with his good hand. TonyBriotti followed suit, picking up large chunks of lava and slamming theminto the pirate craft.

  Rick spotted a rifleman in the nearest vinta and sent a broadhead arrowat him. The arrow passed between the pirate's arm and side, but pinnedhim by his shirt to the vinta mast. Rick quickly nocked another arrowand waited for a clear shot.

  Behind him, Scotty's rifle spoke once, twice, then a third time. Yellsfrom beyond the spit of land showed that the pirates had tried to comeat them overland. Rick hoped Scotty's single rifle would be enough. Atleast his pal was shooting from cover, while the pirates were in theopen.

  A vinta tried to approach and Rick sent an arrow into the helmsman'sshoulder. The vinta sheered off and collided with another.

  It was only a question of time before the pirates were forced ashore bytheir very numbers. Rick knew that his small group wouldn't last long,not against barongs and krises. He shot again, and took a piraterifleman out of the action. Zircon's heavy automatic picked off thefirst pirate that tried to climb ashore, and slammed him back onto hisfellows.

  Tony Briotti aided the sudden pile-up of pirates with a chunk of lavathe size of a basketball. Sudden screams of pain and rage came from themass of struggling Moros.

  Other vintas had pulled into shore farther away and Rick saw piratesscrambling up the rock unhindered. He got two with arrows, then Scottyfired from his vantage point and drove them to cover.

  Above the Moro battle cries and screams of rage Rick suddenly heard thehorn blast of the _Swift Arrow_. He looked up in time to see Chahdadriving at full speed, parallel with the beach. As the Hindu boy drewclose, the _Swift Arrow's_ saluting cannon suddenly erupted a load oftacks into the cluster of vintas. The pirates scrambled to cover againstthis new menace as the MTB swept by. The terrific bow wave lifted thevintas high and sent them crashing into one another. Two of them turnedover.

  Rick fell back and grabbed his radio unit, quickly plugging in theearphone. "Chahda! That was great!"

  The Hindu boy sounded excited. "I make short turn now, do same thingagain, only closer. You get ready. When I toot horn, you get to watersomehow. Okay?"

  "We'll try," Rick answered grimly. He beckoned to Scotty, who came downto join him, keeping a watchful eye to the rear in case a pirate triedto come over the rise. The two hurried to Zircon's side. Rick saidswiftly, "We've got to get to the water. Chahda's coming back right now.We have to be ready when he toots."

  Zircon handed Tony the pistol. "Keep their heads down, Tony. I'm goingto take Howard up the shore to that nearest vinta. The rest of you comeafter me. Hurry it up! We'll have to swim for it, unless we can grab thevinta."

  The big scientist reached Shannon's side just as Chahda started hissecond run. Again the Hindu boy opened with a blast from the salutingcannon, then crowded close inshore, letting his bow wave drive thevintas hard against each other and the shore. The crashing vintas senttheir crews down in heaps. The MTB was so close to shore that Rick couldsee the string Chahda had rigged to trigger the cannon by remotecontrol.

  The pirates were too busy to worry about the Spindrifters for themoment. Zircon scooped Shannon up and hurried along the shore, ignoringthe wash from the MTB that lashed over the rocks. Rick and Scotty wereright behind him, weapons ready.

  A vinta with only two pirates aboard was scraping back down over therock. The rest of its crew were struggling in the water.

  "Get them!" Zircon yelled.

  Rick caught one with an arrow just as the man rose to a sitting positionon the gunwale. The heavy shaft carried him over the side. Scotty'srifle sent the other one to the bottom of the vinta in a heap.

  The boys moved fast, grabbing the vinta before the retreating wavescarried it away. Zircon jumped in, turning as he did so. He fell, thezoologist in his arms. The mast took the blow of the scientist's greatweight and broke off short, leaving a tangle of sail, mast, and boom.

  "Get in!" Scotty yelled at Tony and Torres. His rifle barked at thepirates further up the beach, driving them to cover again. Zircon putShannon down and heaved the pirate Scotty had wounded onto the shore.

  Rick followed Tony and Torres into the boat, then yelled for Scotty topush off. He grabbed the radio unit again and called, "Chahda! What do
we do now?"

  "Get little way from shore and go into water. Catch rope when I come.All must catch! You watch when I toot horn, and you see."

  Rick yelled the instructions to the others, then stuffed the set backinto his pocket, dropped his bow, and took a paddle. Scotty knelt besidehim, a length of board in his hand. "Let's go, boy," he said urgently.

  Under the impetus of Scotty's initial shove and the boys' paddles thevinta moved slowly out until it was a good thirty feet from shore. Thenearest of the pirate craft moved to intercept it, four Moros at thepaddles.

  Scotty stopped paddling and started shooting. The pirates droppedpaddles and dove to the bottom of the vinta.

  Rick looked about anxiously. Where was Chahda?

  Then he saw the MTB making a sweeping turn at the northern tip of theisland. As he watched, Chahda straightened out and the bow wave of theMTB curled as he picked up speed.

  "Better get in the water!" Rick called. "Tony, give me the pistol, andtake Shannon's bow and quiver. Better hang them both on your back.Scotty and I will stay in the vinta and cover you!"

  Tony nodded and exchanged weapons. "I'll help Zircon with Shannon. Comeon, Pete. Over the side and swim out a little way."

  The Torres boy responded at once, diving headlong into the water. Tonyfollowed and took Shannon as Zircon handed the injured man down. ThenZircon got into the water, too, and led the four away from the vinta.

  Rick and Scotty watched the tangle of pirate craft, waiting for the nextpirate boat to get untangled and make a try for them. Chahda's bow wavehad left the pirate fleet in a shambles, some of the vintas turned over,nearly all with sails and booms in a heap on deck or over the pirates.

  One vinta extricated itself and the pirates suddenly located the boys. AMoro raised his rifle to fire and found it smashed in his hands asScotty snapped off a shot. The pirate's stock splintered and the forceof the slug smashed the barrel across his face. He went down.

  Then one of the pirates on shore made a try. He stood upright, riflepoised. Rick fired with the heavy automatic. He missed. The piratelooked at the silvery spatter of lead on a rock two inches from hisright knee and dove for cover.

  Chahda flashed by, and the bow wave lifted Rick and Scotty high into theair. They grabbed at the vinta with their free hands and had to griptightly to keep from being thrown as it rolled wildly. Rick snapped thesafety on and lowered the hammer to half cock, then tucked the pistolsecurely in his belt. For a moment he hung on with both hands, thencalled to Scotty.

  "Let's hit the drink!"

  Scotty was trying to sling his rifle on his back while holding on withone hand. He gave it up and went over the side. Once in the sea, he roseto the surface and got the rifle sling into position. Rick waited untilthe vinta was on the downward slope of the backwash from the shore, thenwent in headfirst. The cool water engulfed him and he twisted upward andbroke the surface.

  Scotty was waiting. The two of them swam outward, to where the otherfour were treading water, waiting for Chahda.

  Rick heard the MTB's horn let go with a long blast, and he rose high outof the water to look. For a moment he thought Chahda was out of control,because the big boat was spinning in a tight circle. That could only bedone by putting one engine in full reverse and the other in fullforward!

  Then the boy saw what Chahda had done. The centrifugal force of thewhirling MTB sent a fifty-gallon drum dancing across the water to thefull length of a long rope. As the barrel swung wide, Chahdastraightened out and put on speed.

  "Come on!" Rick yelled at Scotty. He stretched out in the water for afast sprint. Leave it to Chahda! Had he tried to swing the barrel outwhile traveling in a straight line, it would merely have fallen astern.Circling the MTB at a fast speed was the only way to get the rope outfar enough from the boat to give them all a chance of grabbing it.

  Rick looked up and saw that both he and Scotty were just inside the paththat the barrel was traveling. It was falling astern now that Chahda wason a straight course, but it would still be far enough away from theside to catch them all.

  He stopped and looked at his friends, and saw that Zircon had locked hislegs around Shannon's chest and was ready. Tony and Torres were facingthe oncoming MTB, ready to grab.

  "Stand by," he called to Scotty.

  "Don't miss it," Scotty called back.

  Chahda flashed by.

  Rick had a quick glimpse of Zircon being hauled along like an oversizedsurfboard, then the rope was on him. He grabbed with both hands andbraced himself for the shock. The jerk on his arms was tremendous, buthe held tight and flailed his legs to get his head above water. Afterone gasping breath he managed to turn himself against the force of thewater and lay flat on his stomach. By arching his back, he brought hisface above water, and in a moment he was planing along like a water ski.Next to him on the rope Scotty had done the same.

  _Rick braced himself for the shock_]

  Rick counted anxiously, then heaved a relieved sigh. All present! Butunless Chahda slowed down soon, Shannon would be in serious trouble.Apparently the Hindu boy was keeping a close watch on his catch. Hedropped his speed until he was barely making headway, giving Zircon achance to pull Shannon up to the rope where the injured man could helphimself.

  Then Chahda hauled in on the rope until Zircon was directly alongside.The Hindu boy had thrown over the ship's boarding ladder. Zircon grabbedit and held.

  Rick and Scotty left the rope and swam rapidly toward the boat. Both hadrealized that Zircon would need help. So had Tony, who was alreadyhelping Shannon to the ladder.

  Chahda lowered a line with a bowline in the end, and Zircon slipped theloop over Shannon's shoulders and made sure it was secure under hisarms. Then the big scientist hurried up the ladder and called down,"Hold him away from the side! Rick, get on the ladder. Scotty, come helpme. Tony, keep his feet clear."

  In a moment all hands were in position. Rick wrapped one leg around awooden rung and slipped one arm behind the ropes. Then, as Scotty andZircon hauled, he held Shannon out from the boat so the injured legcould not strike the side or a rung.

  As soon as Shannon's shoulders were at the railing, Tony went by Rickand helped pull the scientist aboard. Rick waited to give Torres a hand,noting as the Filipino boy climbed up that the rough bandage on hiswounded arm was stained with fresh blood. The boy gave him a wide grinas he climbed to safety.

  A rifle slug interrupted Rick's answering grin. It slapped into the hullonly a few feet away. With his free hand he found his knife and severedthe rope that held the barrel, then he called, "Go, Chahda! Get out ofhere!"

  The roar of the twin engines was his answer. By the time he had climbedover the side and hauled in the ladder, the MTB was reaching top speedas Chahda put the pirate island astern.

  Rick glanced back. The pirate vintas were still clustered around theshore near the cove. Far above them, the black rock of the volcano waspink with the rays of the newly risen sun.

  For long moments Rick stared at Shan, then he turned with a grin toshake hands with his friends.


  The Patrol Takes Over

  Colonel Felix Rojas of the Philippines Constabulary paced the deck ofthe _Swift Arrow_ while he listened to the story related by theSpindrifters. Next to the MTB was a gunboat of the Philippines NavalPatrol, and beyond that a destroyer-escort loaded to the gunwales withconstabulary troopers.

  Rick and his friends had arrived at the port of Dalun, on Tawi Tawi,just in time to catch the two-ship convoy that was about to leave insearch of them. The presence of Colonel Rojas was a surprise, but, as heexplained, once reports of the pirates reached him, he had taken thenext plane home to assume command.

  The group in the pilothouse of the MTB was complete, except for Shannonand Elpidio Torres who were receiving medical treatment on the gunboat.

  Hobart Zircon covered the story from the point of view of the searchers,then Tony Briotti filled in the details of what had happened to him,Shannon, and "Pete" Torres.

lonel Rojas listened without interruption, then shook his head. "Ican't understand it. The pirates didn't want you and Dr. Shannon. Theywanted the Torres boy. Why didn't they simply kill the two of you?"

  Tony Briotti shrugged. "It wasn't simple humanity, believe me. They havenone. I think they realized that Pete Torres had to be returned alive.His father is too important a man in this country for Pete to be harmed.It would mean that the entire armed forces of the country would beturned loose to hunt the pirates down. So, if they planned to send Petehome after getting the ransom, they also had to return us."

  "Because young Torres would have reported your deaths, and thePhilippines armed forces would probably be augmented by Americanwarships," Colonel Rojas finished. "That's as good a reason as any.We'll accept it for lack of anything else."

  Rick spoke up. "There's one hole in Tony's reasoning. They also had toassume that once the prisoners were released, the authorities would havea description of the island. So it would only be a matter of time beforethe pirate hangout was located."

  "Sorry, Rick," Tony corrected. "None of us had the remotest idea ofwhere we were, or what the island looked like. We were brought in bynight, blindfolded, and taken to the cliff cave. From there we could seeonly the western shore. Why, we didn't even know we were on the side ofa volcano until you took us off."

  "That gives your reason even greater acceptance," Zircon boomed."Actually, what puzzles me is why the pirates kept you so long. Usually,if ransom isn't forthcoming pretty fast, the victims are never seenalive."

  Rojas answered, "That's generally true, I'm sure. But we have toremember the distances and lack of communications in this part of theworld. Also, the ransom was a million pesos. No one has that much incash, even a wealthy man like Torres. He had sent word that he wouldpay, but that it would take many days to raise the cash in small bills.His deadline was the day after tomorrow."

  The ransom would never be paid now, Rick thought. Cables had been sentto Manila and Spindrift the very first thing, while Shannon and Torreswere being moved to the gunboat's sick bay.

  Zircon waved a big hand. "Anyway, it's all over now, and reasons becomeless important. My question, Colonel Rojas, is what are you going to doabout these pirates? I'm sure you can wipe out the main island, butthere are groups on many other islands."

  The constabulary officer smiled grimly. "We will strike Shan just beforedawn tomorrow. I assure you that my men and the sailors of the patrolwill take pleasure in breaking up that little nest. As for the othergroups, that is a more difficult problem."

  "You need spies," Chahda stated.

  "We do," Rojas agreed. "However, once the main island is taken, thelocal groups will have no central leadership. I might add that PauloLacson has already broken up the Davao gang."

  "So fast?" Scotty asked incredulously.

  "Three days ago. The Bagobos had reasons to fear reprisals, you see, andPaulo took no chances. He kept a platoon with full automatic weaponshidden in the village houses. The pirate gang attacked and got a verywarm reception. Those who survived are prisoners."

  "Good for Major Lacson!" Rick exclaimed. "We were impressed by hisefficiency. You can see why."

  "How about Zamboanga?" Zircon boomed.

  "Apparently there is no gang there. Captain Lim released the Moro youcaught, but he's back in custody again, recaptured by Lim as soon asorders went out from Manila. Lim believes he's one of the main leadersof the pirates, partly because he personally checked on you in Manila,then followed you to Zamboanga. The gang nearest Zamboanga is the onethat tried to get you in the channel. Another gunboat is searching thearea right now, trying to locate an island fishing colony with too manyarmed vintas and too many rifles."

  "Maybe you can find pirate pigeons and turn loose," Chahda offered."Then planes could follow."

  Rojas stared at the boy thoughtfully. "Now there is a useful idea. I'llget off a general instruction to look for pigeon cotes."

  Tony Briotti chuckled. "He's full of ideas. Now, if he can only get oneabout cleaning the polish from Rick's face so we can recognize himagain, we can call this case closed."

  A hail from the gunboat brought the talk to a halt. Shannon and Torreswere ready to rejoin the party. The scientist's broken leg was in acast, with a steel brace at the bottom so that he would be able to walkaround, cast and all, in a few days. Pete Torres had a neat bandage onhis arm; apparently the Filipino Naval medico had removed the piraterifle slug easily enough.

  Once the group was assembled again, Rojas asked, "What are your plans?"

  "Back to Manila from Zamboanga, and then to Spindrift by the firstplane," Zircon stated.

  "Go if you like," Howard Shannon said calmly. "Tony and I haven't evenstarted our work here. We're staying."

  "You can't go rambling around with a broken leg," Zircon roared.

  "Whose leg is it? Besides, I work with my head, not my legs."

  Scotty whispered to Rick, "Who's going to win?"

  Rick grinned. "Shannon. Zircon's yelling too loud. That means he's onlyarguing for effect."

  His prediction was right. After a few more exchanges Zircon turned tothe boys. "You want to stay on with these stubborn idiots?"

  "Maybe for a little while," Rick said, and Scotty nodded.

  Zircon threw up his hands. "All right! If we all pitch in, maybe we canleave sooner."

  Chahda offered, "Pretty good vacation, maybe. I stay a while."

  "If you stay, you'll need a guide, won't you?" Elpidio Torres askedhesitatingly.

  The Spindrifters stared at him, then broke into laughter.

  "That makes it unanimous," Rick said with a grin. "If Pete can getpermission from his father."

  Colonel Rojas looked at the group with admiration. "Nothing stops you,does it? Not even being kidnaped by pirates and held for weeks."

  "It wasn't so bad," Tony Briotti replied. "They fed us, and we weren'tmistreated, except for being knocked around that first night. We'rehealthy enough, barring Howard's leg and Pete's arm."

  Zircon sighed. "Well, I suppose we can go back to Zamboanga and startover again. We'll have to talk with Santos about his missing boat. Let'shope you can recover it, through diplomatic channels, or something.Otherwise, I'm sure his insurance will take care of it."

  Colonel Rojas coughed. "This expedition against Shan won't take morethan a day or two, and I'm in need of a little rest myself. I may joinyou."

  His announcement was greeted with cheers.

  "There's only one thing that bothers me about this plan." Tony Briottisaid, "Howard and I are peaceful folk, on a peaceful mission. But weknow from long experience that when Rick, Scotty, and Chahda walk intoa place, peace flies out the window."

  "It's already flown for this trip," Rick pointed out. "We weren't theones who chased it, either."

  "No," Tony said warmly. "If we haven't really thanked you, it's onlybecause words just aren't adequate. You didn't drive peace away thistime, but you certainly brought it back!"



  Rick Brant is the boy who with his pal Scotty lives on an island calledSpindrift and takes part in so many thrilling adventures and bafflingmysteries involving science and electronics. You can share every one ofthese adventures in the pages of Rick's books. They are available atyour book store in handsome, low-priced editions.


















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