Read The Pobratim: A Slav Novel Page 23



  Milenko had been most lucky in his voyages, and had reaped a goldenharvest. As steamers had not yet come into any practical use, and theAdriatic trade was still a most prosperous one, ship-owners andcaptains had a good time of it. In fact, his share of the profits wassuch as to enable him to buy the ship on his own account. Still, nowthat the _karvarina_ business was settled and Uros' death wasavenged, he did not care any more for a seafaring life; and,moreover, his heart was at Nona with the girl he loved.

  The time he had been away had seemed to him everlastingly long, and,besides, he had been all these months without any news from hisfamily. He was, therefore, overjoyed upon reaching Trieste to find awhole packet awaiting him.

  The very first letter that caught his sight was one in a handwritingwhich, although familiar, he could not recognise. Could it be fromIvanka? Now that they were engaged, she, perhaps, had written to him;still, it hardly seemed probable. Perhaps it was from Giulianic, for,indeed, it was more of a man's than a woman's handwriting. Looking atit closer, he thought, with a sigh, that if poor Uros were alive, hewould surely believe it came from him. At last he tore the letteropen. It began:

  "_Ljubi moj brati._"

  "Can it be possible," said Milenko to himself, "that Uros is stillalive?"

  He gave a glance at the signature; there was no more doubt about it,the writer was Uros himself. In his joy, he pressed the letter to hislips; then he ran over its contents, which were as follows:

  "MY BELOVED BROTHER,--You will, doubtless, be very much surprised toget this letter from me, as I do not think anybody has, as yet,written to you; nor is it likely that you have met anyone from Buduagiving you our news. Therefore, as I think you believe me in mycoffin, it will be just like receiving a letter from beyond thegrave. Anyhow, if I am still alive, it is to you, my dear Milenko,that I owe my life, nay, more than my life, my happiness.

  "The day you went away I remained for several hours in afainting-fit, just like a dead man. My heart had ceased to beat, mylimbs had grown stiff and cold; in fact, they say I was exactly likea corpse. I think that, for a little while, I even lost the use ofall my senses. At last, when I came to myself, I could neither feel,nor speak, nor move; I could only hear. I lived, as it were, ratherout of my body than within it. I heard weeping and wailing, and theprayers for the dead were being said over me. My mother and Milenawere kissing my face and hands, and their tears trickled down on mycold lips and eyelids. It was a moment of bitter anguish andmaddening terror. Should I lie stiff and stark, like a corpse, andallow myself to be buried? The idea was so dreadful that it quiteparalysed me. I again, for a little while, lost all consciousness.Little by little I recovered my senses; I could even open my eyes; Iuttered a few faint words. In fact, I was alive. From that moment Ibegan to recover my strength. In less than a fortnight I was able torise from my bed. From that day my mother's visits not only wereshorter, but Milena ceased to come. They told me that the monks hadobjected to her presence. I was afraid this was an excuse, and, infact, I soon found out that she had been at the point of death, and,as she was at our house now, my mother was taking care of her. Herillness protracted my own, and my strength seemed once more to passaway. But Milena returned to me, and soon afterwards I was able toleave the convent.

  "Can I describe my happiness to you, friend of my heart? You yourselfwill shortly be married to the girl you are fond of, and then youwill know all the bliss of loving and being loved.

  "But enough of this, for you will say that either my illness or mystay in the convent has made me maudlin, sentimental--and, perhaps,you will not be quite wrong.

  "Let me rather ask you, captain, how you have been faring, and onwhat seas you have been tossing. Oh! how I long to hear from you, andto see you. I hope you will soon be back amongst us, where a greathappiness is in store for you; but more than that I cannot say.

  "I sincerely trust you have not met with my enemy, and that yourhands are not stained with blood. God has dealt mercifully towardsme; He has raised me, as it were, from the dead. Let us leave thatwretched wanderer to his fate. Moreover, the first day I was able toleave my cell I walked, or rather I should say I crawled, to churchto hear Mass. It was on Rose Sunday, which, as you know, is a weekafter Easter, and the convent garden was in all its youthful beauty.The priest recited the Scriptures for the day, and amongst the otherbeautiful things that he read were these words, which seemedaddressed to me; they were: 'Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord.'Hearing them in church, I almost fancied it was God Himself speaking;and they made such an impression upon me, that I swore to forego allthoughts of _karvarina_, feeling sure that the Almighty will, sooneror later, keep the promise He made to me.

  "If I did not know you, my dear Milenko, I might imagine you sayingto yourself: 'His illness has crushed all manly spirit out of him.'Still, I feel sure you will not say that of me.

  "How often I have been thinking of you, especially the day I left theconvent; and on my wedding-day my thoughts were more with you than athome.

  "Have your ventures been prosperous? Anyhow, do not invest more moneyin new ships, for our fathers have just bought a very large schooner.It had been built for a ship-owner, who, having laid out more moneyin his trade than he could afford, was only too glad to dispose ofit. The christening will take place as soon as you come back. Ofcourse, the name chosen is _The Pobratim_.

  "I do not write to you anything about your family, for your fatherhas written to you several times, although, by the letters we havefrom you, none of them seem to have reached you as yet. "UROS."

  Milenko hastened to open his father's letters, and he found there the"happiness which was in store for him," to which Uros alluded, forBellacic wrote:

  "You will be surprised to hear that we have a new addition to ourcircle of friends, a family you are well acquainted with. I do notask you to guess who these people are, for you would never do so.Therefore, I shall tell you Giulianic has come to settle in Budua.The country round Nona, which, as you know, is rather marshy andconsequently unhealthy, never agreed with any of them; for reasonsbest known to themselves they have chosen Budua as their residence. Ihad known Giulianic years ago, and I was very glad to renew hisacquaintance; your mother is greatly taken up with his daughter, whoseems to cling to her as to a mother. It appears that when Uros metthem last, he played some practical kind of joke upon them andrendered himself rather obnoxious; but his marriage has settled thematter to everybody's satisfaction, especially to Ivanka's, for sheand Milena are already great friends. I need not tell you how muchyour mother longs to have you back."

  Milenko, after reading all his letters, could hardly master hisimpatience any longer; a feeling of home-sickness oppressed him tosuch a degree that, in his longing, he almost felt tempted to leavehis ship and run away. But as ill-luck would have it he could notfind a cargo either for Cattaro or Budua; therefore, having unloadedhis ship, he bought a cargo of timber, which then found a readymarket everywhere, and sailed at once for his native town.

  "The north-easterly wind 'll just last all the way out of theAdriatic," said Janovic, the new boatswain they had engaged inTrieste, "and we'll get to Budua in three days, so we'll have justtime to unload and go to Cattaro for the feast of San Trifone and thegrand doings of the _marinerezza_, that is, if the captain 'll giveus leave."

  "Oh, that 'll be delightful," replied Peric, "for I've not seen ityet. What is it like?"

  "The feast of the _marinerezza_," said Janovic, sententiously, "ismore beautiful than any kind of pageantry I've seen; why, thecarnival of Benetke" (Venice), "the procession of _Corpus Domini_ inTrst" (Trieste), "or the feast of the _Ramazan_, at Carigrad"(Constantinople), "cannot be compared to it. So it's useless mydescribing it to you; it's a thing you must see for yourself."

  Five days after their departure from Trieste, the _Giustizia di Dio_was casting her anchor in the roads of Budua. Although winter was notyet over, spring seemed already to have set in; the sky was of afathom
less blue, the sun was warm and of an effulgent brightness, thebrown almond-trees were covered with white blossoms; Nature hadalready put on her festive garb.

  His two fathers, his brother of adoption, Giulianic, Danko Kvekvic,and a host of friends, were waiting on the shore to welcome him back.Then they accompanied him all in a body to his house. His mother,Mara Bellacic and Milena were waiting for him on the threshold.Presently, Giulianic went to fetch his wife and daughter. Ivanka cametrying to hide her blushes; nay, to appear indifferent and demure. Infront of so many people, Milenko himself felt awkward, and stillthere was such a wistful, longing look of pent-up love in hissearching glances as he bashfully shook hands with her, that, in hermaidenly coyness, her eyelids drooped down, so that their long darklashes kissed her blushing cheeks.

  That day seemed quite a festivity for the little town. The _pobratim_had many friends; and besides, all the persons who had taken theawful oath of the _karva tajstvo_ were anxious to know if CaptainMilenko had met Vranic during the many months that he had been away;therefore, Markovic's house was, till late at night, always crowdedwith people.

  When Milenko related to them how he had tried to save Vranic, and howmiserably the poor wretch had perished, everybody crossed himselfdevoutly, and extolled the God of the Orthodox faith as the true Godof the _karvarina_.

  A few days after Milenko's arrival, his father went to Giulianic andasked him for Ivanka's hand.

  "I am only too happy to give her to the man of her choice," saidGiulianic, "for although I had, indeed, accepted Uros for myson-in-law, still I did so only in mistake. Not only was it Milenkowho first gallantly exposed his life to save us, but Ivanka, as sheconfessed to her mother, fell in love with him the very moment sheawoke from her fainting-fit and found herself in his arms. Of course,she ought never to have done so, for no proper girl ought ever tofall in love but with the man chosen by her parents; still, youngpeople are young people all the world over, you know," saidGiulianic, apologisingly.

  After that, the fathers discussed the dower, and the mothers talkedabout the outfit, the kitchen utensils, and the furnishing of thehouse.

  Then followed a month of perfect bliss. During that time, they wentoccasionally to look after the schooner, which was being fitted upwith far more luxury than sailing ships usually were; they visitedtheir fields and their vineyards; but most of their time was spent inmerry-making.

  One day they all went on a pilgrimage to the Convent of St. George,where they left rich gifts to the holy caloyers for Uros' recovery;another day they visited the famous subterranean chapel of Pod-Maini,adorned with beautiful Byzantine frescoes. They also showed Ivankathe tower where Boskovic, the great magician, lived; but she, being astranger, had never heard of him; and so they told her that he was anastrologer who possessed a telescope with which he read all the namesof the stars.

  Another time they went for a sail on the blue, translucent waters,and Milenko showed his bride that high rock jutting over the sea,which is situated half-way between Castel Lastua and Castel Stefano,and known as the Skoce Djevojka (The Young Girl's Leap).

  "Did a young girl jump down from that height?" asked Ivanka,shuddering.

  "Yes. She was a young girl of exceeding beauty, from the neighbouringterritory of Pastiovic, and to escape from a Turk who was pursuingher she threw herself down into the abyss beneath. But I'll tell youher story at full length some other time."

  Although the hand of time seemed to move very slowly, still the monthof courtship came to an end. Now all the preparations for the weddingwere ready, for the nuptials were to be solemnised with great pompand splendour.

  On the morning of that eventful day, everyone connected with thewedding had risen at daybreak to attend to the numerous preparationsrequired. The principal room in Giulianic's house had been cleared ofall the furniture, so as to make room for the breakfast table, whichwas to be spread there. At that early hour, already the lady of thehouse was presiding over the women in the kitchen, who were cooking anumber of young lambs and kids, roasting huge pieces of beef,numberless fowls on spits, or baking _pojace_ (unleavened bread) onheated stones.

  The men, as a rule, fussed about, creating much confusion, as menusually do on such occasions. They fidgeted and worried lesteverything should not be ready in time. They delayed everything, and,moreover, kept wanting and asking for all kinds of impossible things.The barbers' shops were all crowded. At a certain hour--when thebridegroom was expected--a number of people had gathered round aboutthe house to see him come. At the gate, for Giulianic's villa was outof the town walls, two sentinels were placed to keep watch. The elderwas Zwillievic, Milena's father, who had come from Montenegro for thepurpose; tall and stalwart, with his huge moustache and hisglittering weapons at his belt, he was a fierce guard, indeed. Theother was Lilic, only a youth, who for self-defence had but a strongstick.

  Both of them were very merry, withal they seemed to be expecting somepowerful foe against whose assault they were well prepared. Theyouth, especially, was so full of his mission, that he hardly daredto take any notice of the loungers who crowded thereabouts.

  At last there was a bustle, and the guards were on the alert.

  "Here they are, here they are!" shouted the children.

  The persons expected were in sight, and, except for their richfestive attire, they looked, indeed, as if they were bent upon somepredatory expedition, so manly and warlike was their gait.

  The persons expected were about twelve in number; that is to say, thebridegroom and his followers--the _svati_, or knights.

  Milenko wore the beautiful dress of the Kotor. Like his train, he hadsplendid bejewelled daggers and pistols stuck in his leather girdle,and a gun slung across his shoulder.

  They all walked gravely, two by two, up to the garden-gate ofGiulianic's house; there they were stopped by the sentinels.

  "Who are you?" said Zwillievic. "Who are you, who, armed to theteeth, dare to come up to this peaceful dwelling?"

  "We are," answered the _voivoda_, the head of the _svati_, "all menfrom this beautiful town of Budua."

  "And what is your motive for coming here?"

  "We are in search of a beautiful bird that inhabits thisneighbourhood."

  "And what do you wish to do with the beautiful bird?"

  "We wish to take it away with us."

  "And supposing you succeeded in finding it, are you clever enough tocapture it?"

  "All men of the Kotor are clever hunters," answered the _voivoda_,proudly, and showing Milenko. "This one is the cleverest of all."

  "If you are not only clever in words, show us your skill."

  An old red cap was brought forth and placed upon a stone--itrepresented the allegorical bird--and the young men fired at it. Asalmost all of them were excellent marksmen, the cap was soonafterwards but a burning rag.

  Having thus shown their skill, they were allowed to enter within theyard, where more questioning took place. At the door of the housethey were met by Giulianic and his wife, by whom they werecross-examined for the last time.

  Having once more proved themselves to be a party of honest hunters,they were all welcomed and allowed to go into the house to see ifthey could find the beautiful bird.

  The _svati_ were led into the principal room, where the table waslaid, and there begged to sit down and partake of some refreshments.All the young men sat down, each one according to his rank, allkeeping precisely the same order as they had done in marching.

  Milenko alone did not join his friends at table, for he had at oncegone off in search of the allegorical bird. The breakfast having atlast reached its end, and the company seeing that, apparently, thehunter had not been very fortunate in his search, two of the_svati_--the _bariactar_ and the _ciaus_--volunteered to go to hisassistance; and soon afterwards they reappeared, bringing back withthem the beautiful, blushing girl decked out in her wedding attire.Her clothes were of red velvet, brocade and satin, richly embroideredin gold, heirlooms which had been in the family for, perhaps, morethan a centu
ry, and worn by the grandmother and the mother on similaroccasions.

  For the first time Ivanka now appeared without her red cap, which inDalmatia is only worn by girls as the badge of maidenhood. Her longtresses formed a natural coronet; they were interwoven with ribbonsof many colours, and adorned with sprays of fresh flowers.

  A universal shout greeted her appearance, and when thecongratulations came to an end, the bride got ready to leave herhome. Before going away she went to receive her father's blessing;then her mother clasped her in her arms and kissed her repeatedly.Then, after having expressed her wishes for her future happiness inhomely though pathetic words, she reminded her of her duties as awife and as a bride.

  "Remember, my daughter," said she, "that you must love your husbandas the turtle-dove loves her mate, for the poor bird pines away anddies in widowhood rather than be unfaithful. Milenko might have manydefects--what man is perfect?--but you should be the first toextenuate them, the last to proclaim them to the world; moreover,whatever be his conduct to you, bear in mind that you must neverrender evil for evil. The heart of a man is moved by patience andlong-suffering, just as huge rocks are moved by drops of rain fallingfrom the sky. When a husband comes back to his senses, then he isgrateful to his wife, and cherishes her more than before."

  Ivanka was afterwards reminded of her duties to her near relations,for, in those times, and amongst those primitive people, the wit of anation did not consist in turning mothers-in-law into ridicule.

  She then finished her short speech, drawing tears, not only from herdaughter, but even from the eyes of many a swarthy, long-whiskeredbystander.

  Before starting, however, another ceremony had to be performed. Itwas that of taking possession of the chest containing all the bride'sworldly goods, and on which were displayed the beautiful presents thebride had received. Amongst these were, as usual, two distaffs and aspindle, for spinning had not yet entirely gone out of fashion.Still, these were only the signs of the bride's industry.

  A little imp of a boy,

  "Hardi comme un coq sur son propre fumier,"

  was seated on the chest, and he kept a strict watch over it. He hadbeen told to fight whosoever attempted to lay hands on it, and he,therefore, took his part seriously. He scratched, bit, kicked andpummelled all those who attempted to come near it. At last, havingreceived some cakes and a piece of silver money, he was induced togive up the trunk to the _svati_, who carried it off.

  The bride then left the house amongst the shouting and the firing ofthe multitude, and the whole train, walking two by two, proceeded tochurch.

  Lilic and Zwillievic likewise joined the train, for now that the birdhad flown away from the nest their task was over.

  As they walked along together, the youth said to the old man:

  "I am sorry for poor Milenko, after all."

  "Why?" asked Zwillievic.

  "Eh! because Ivanka 'll bury him."

  "How do you know that?" quoth the Montenegrin, astonished.

  "Because, you see, Ivanka's name has an even number of letters;therefore, she'll outlive her husband."

  "I see," replied Zwillievic; "I had never thought of that."

  After the lengthy Orthodox service, and its chorographic-likeevolutions, Danilo Kvekvic made a short speech to the newly-marriedcouple, whom he blessed, and then the wedding ceremony came to anend.

  The nuptial party finally arrived at Milenko's house, followed by anever-increasing crowd, and when the shouting and the firing begananew, the whole town knew that the bride had arrived at her new home.

  Ivanka was received at the door of Milenko's house by his father andmother, and there, after the usual welcome, she was presented withtwo distaffs, two spindles, and a baby-boy, borrowed for theoccasion. The child is to remind her that she is expected to be themother of many boys, for children are still, in Dalmatia, consideredas blessings.

  Here, also, the principal apartment had been cleared of all itsfurniture to make room for the wedding table. At this feast, thegivers being people who had seen a great deal of the world and whohad adopted new-fangled ideas, married women were also invited.

  The banquet, if not exactly choice, was certainly copious, and itreminded one more of the grand Homeric feasts than the moderndinner-parties. It was composed chiefly of huge dishes of rice, wholelambs roasted, fish and fowl; and it was a great joy for the giversof the feast to see that host of friends eating with a good appetiteand enjoying themselves.

  Before they had sat down a _dolibasa_, or head-drinker, had beenchosen. His functions corresponded, in some degree, with those of thesymposiarch of the ancient Greeks. He now presided over the table asan autocrat, and ordered the number of toasts which he thought fitshould be drunk.

  No sooner had they sat down than the _dolibasa_ uttered a loud"_Zivio!_" in honour of the beautiful bride; pistols were fired, andforthwith all the guests emptied their glasses. The ladies, however,were excluded from the drinking, for, whenever a "Hip, hip, hurrah!"was uttered, the guests had to drain the contents of their tumblers,and not simply to lift them up to their lips, or, at most, sip a fewdrops of the wine. As for the poor wretch who could not comply withthe _dolibasa_'s orders, he had to leave the table, and somehumiliating punishment was invented for him.

  As the feast lasted for several days, the dinner did not really cometo an end at once. The eating and drinking were, however, interruptedfor a short time by the _Kolo_, which took place in the yard,festively decorated with lanterns, flags and greenery. The ball, ofcourse, was opened by Ivanka and Milenko. The _Kolo_ they danced thistime was the graceful _skocci-gorri_, or the jumping step, which issomething like a _Varsovienne_, only that the couples, instead ofclasping hands, dance it holding the ends of a twisted kerchief.

  As the newly-married couple danced, the _bariactar_, or flag-bearer,followed every step they made, waving his banner, holding a decanterof wine upon his head, and performing behind them various antics toamuse the crowd.

  When the _Kolo_ had lasted long enough--for, as the proverb says,"Even a fine dance wearies"--the bride and bridegroom retired intothe house, and eating and drinking began again with renewed mirth. Atlast, when the merriment had become uproarious, the young couple roseand left the table. They went and knelt down before Janko Markovic,who blessed them, holding a small loaf of bread over their heads;then, having given it to them, he bade them begone, in the name ofGod.

  They were then accompanied to their bridal chamber by Uros andMilena, who helped them to undress, though, according to thetraditional custom, this office belonged to the _voivoda_, the_bariactar_, and several of the other _svati_.

  The _dolibasa_ thereupon uttered a loud "_Zivio!_" which was echoedby everyone in the room, and bumpers were again quaffed down.

  The _bariactar_ thereupon made some appropriate and spicy jokes, the_svati_ did their best to outwit him, the youths winked at the girls,who tried to blush and look demure.

  The music played, the _guzlars_ sang an epithalamium, to whicheveryone present joined in chorus. At last the _voivoda_ and theprincipal _svati_ went and knocked at the door of the bridal chamber,and asked the hunter to relate his adventures and his success. Thenthe proofs of the _consummatum est_ having been brought forth,pistols, blunderbusses, and guns were fired, to announce the happyevent to the whole town, and the drinking began again.

  Eight days of festivities ensued, during which time--although theeating and drinking continued in the same way--the scene varied fromone house to the other.

  At last, the new ship being christened and launched, it was soonrigged out, all decked with flags and streamers. Then Milenko andUros embarked with their wives, delighted at the prospect of seeingsomething of the world. On a beautiful May morning the white sailswere unfurled, the anchor was heaved, and the beautiful vessel beganto glide slowly on the smooth, glassy waters, like a snowy swan. Thecrowd gathered on the beach fired off their pistols and shouted withjoy. The women waved their handkerchiefs.

  Soon, nothing more was seen but a
dim speck in the grey distance.Then the crowd wended their way homewards, for they had seen the lastof the _pobratim_.



  Transcriber's Changes:

  Chapter 1

  Uros and Milenko, therefore, begged the good old womanwas originallyIvo and Milenko, therefore, begged the good old woman

  Chapter 2

  "Oh, I see, you don't want to tell me;was originally"Oh, I see, you dont want to tell me;

  your wife is honest,"was originallyyour wife is honest,'

  The bard thereupon scraped his _guzla_,was originallyThe bard thereupon scraped his _guzlar_,

  and stop him on his way. Uros in the meanwhile took to his heels.was originallyand stop him on his way Uros in the meanwhile took to his heels.

  stop talking," said Radonic, sullenly.was originallystop talking," said Radonic, sullenly,

  Chapter 3

  the yule-log, the huge bole of an olive tree,was originallythe yule-log, the huge bowl of an olive tree,

  Whilst their own curses were their only knell!was originallyWhilst their owh curses were their only knell!

  Chapter 4

  related to his hosts the story of his adventures,was originallyrelated to his guests the story of his adventures,

  "'I thought you were a Slav;was originally"I thought you were a Slav;

  Chapter 6

  Once she is in my stronghold of Stermizzawas originallyOnce she is in my stronghold of Sternizza

  "The father looked at his child, astonished.was originallyThe father looked at his child, astonished.

  "Sare heaved a deep sigh of relief.was originallySare heaved a deep sigh of relief.

  Chapter 7

  and other such omens of ill-luck.was originallyand other such omens o ill-luck.

  I can tell you; will you have some more?'was originallyI can tell you; will you have some more?

  You hear, madam? you hear, darling?was originallyYou hear, madam? you hear darling?

  Chapter 8

  I have lulled all his suspicions,was originallyI have lulled all his susspicions,

  "'Tis well,But on the holy Cross now take an oath."was originally "'Tis well,"But on the holy Cross now take an oath."

  Then, waking up as from some frightful dream:was originallyThen, waking up as from some frightful dream .

  "Here," said Bellacic, "have a glasswas originally"Here," said Bellacic. "have a glass

  "There! listen," said he, staring vacantly; "did you not hear?"was originally"There! listen, said he," staring vacantly; "did you not hear?"

  "I heard a loud voice; didn't you hear it?"was originally"I heard a loud voice; did'nt you hear it?"

  Chapter 10

  "I was marvelled to hear how you fell in with the Giulianics,was originally"I was marvelled to hear how you fell in with the Giulanics,

  not having heard of the Giulianics for so many years,was originallynot having heard of the Giulanics for so many years,

  Chapter 12

  Milenko was set free, the _pobratim_ set sailwas originallyMilenko was set free the _pobratim_ set sail

  about whom Captain Panajotti had often spokenwas originallyabout whom Captain Vassili had often spoken

  I told you I'd not brook contradiction to-day.was originallyI told you I'd not brook contradiction to day.

  Milos Bellacic, I'm quite satisfied."was originallyMilos Bellacic, I'm quite satisfied.'

  Chapter 13

  she would have to keep away from the sightwas originallyshe would have keep to away from the sight

  Chapter 15

  Sit down and rest," said she, "and let me give youwas originallySit down and rest," said she, and let me give you

  Chapter 18

  turning to Milenkowas originallyturning to Milos

  And then he said: "My daughter, as thy suite,was originallyAnd then he said: "My daughter as thy suite,

  And as she crossed the squares, the crowded streets,was originallyAnd as she crossed the squares, the crowded streets

  As well as every lady of her suite,was originallyAs well as every lady of her suite

  She hastened to reply unto the saint,was originallyShe hastened to reply unto the saint

  Chapter 19

  young man"--pointing to Milenko--"were alsowas originallyyoung man--pointing to Milenko--"were also

  I, Milenko Markovic, his _pobratim_;was originallyI, Milos Markovic, his _pobratim_;

  Chapter 21

  at least three times what he would have askedwas originallyas least three times what he would have asked

  That evening they made a hearty meal,was originally"That evening they made a hearty meal,

  Chapter 22

  seated by a newly-dug grave?"was originallyseated by a newly dug-grave?"

  the Count was to call on the Ambassadresswas originallythe Count was to call on the Ambrssadress

  for a few weeks afterwards we were married."was originallyfor a few week's afterwards we were married."

  "After some years the Count died,was originally"After some years the Baron died,

  Chapter 23

  Danilo Kvekvic made a short speech to the newly-married couplewas originallyDanilo Kvekvic made a short speech to the newly-married coupled

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