Read The Point of View Page 7


  When Stella found the automobile drawing up at a strange hotel's doorsher tremors broke out afresh, until she saw the face of Ivan, who, withthe porter, came forward to meet her, saying respectfully in French,would mademoiselle be pleased to mount directly to the rooms reservedfor the Princess Urazov? And soon, without anyone questioning her, shefound herself being taken up in the lift, and finally ushered into acharming sitting-room full of flowers.

  Here she sat down and trembled again. The wildest excitement filled herveins. Would Sasha never come! She could not sit still, she walked frombouquet to bouquet of roses and carnations, sniffing the scent, and atlast subsided into a big armchair, as the waiters brought in some tea.

  He thought of everything for her, then--her lover. But oh, why did henot come!

  She had finished her tea and had begun her restless pacing again, when,with a gentle tap, the door opened, and Count Roumovski appeared.

  "Sasha!" she cried, and advanced toward him like a frightened child.

  His usually calm blue eyes were blazing with some emotion whichdisturbed her greatly, she knew not why, and his voice seemed to havetaken a tone of extra deepness, as he said:

  "Stella! My little star! And so you are really here--and my own!"

  He put his strong hands down and held on to the back of a chair, andsimple as she was she knew very well that otherwise he would have takenher into his arms, which was where she was longing to be, if she hadknown.

  "Yes, I have come," she whispered, "I have left them all--for you. Oh!when will your sister be here?"

  "Not until six o'clock, darling," he answered, while his eyes meltedupon her with passionate love. "There is an hour yet to wait. I hadhoped you would not have been forced to leave your aunt's care untilthen."

  "Oh! I am delighted to have come away," Stella answered, regaining someof her composure. "I was shut into my room and watched by a servant. Itwas awful! But do--you know what has happened now? since I left? Arethey tearing about after me, or what?"

  Count Roumovski still held on to the back of the chair, and his voicewas still deep, as he said:

  "I believe they have gone to your Embassy in a band--and much good maythey get there. You are of age, you see. Besides, I have taken carethat no one at the Grand Hotel knows where we have gone, and it willtake them quite an hour or two to telephone about and find out--and bythat time my sister will have arrived, and we can defy them."

  "Yes," said Stella, and then, nervously, "won't you have some tea?"

  He sat down, still constrainedly and clasped his hands, and womanlike,when she saw his agitation, her own lessened, and she assumed command,while she asked almost archly if he took cream and sugar.

  He liked neither, he said, and with the air of a little hostess shehanded him the cup. Then she smiled softly and stood quite near him.

  He drew himself together and his face looked almost stern as he tookthe tea, and over Stella there crept a chill--and the gay little speechthat had been bubbling to her lips died there, and a silence fell uponthem for a few moments. Then he put down his cup and crossed to thestiff sofa where she was, and sat down beside her.

  "Sweetheart," he said, looking deeply into her eyes, "it is a colossaltemptation, you know, to me to make love to you. But I am not going topermit myself that happiness yet. I want to tell you all about what weshall do presently, and see if it pleases you." He did not even takeher hand, and Stella felt rather aggrieved and wounded. "I propose thatas soon as the formalities can be got through, and the wedding can takeplace, that we go straight to Paris--because you will want to get allkinds of clothes. And it will be such a delight to me to give youeverything you wish for."

  Stella smiled shyly. It seemed suddenly to bring realities of thingsbefore her with keen force. He would have the right to give hereverything in the world--this man whom she did not really know, butwhom she felt she loved very much. She clasped her hands and a thrillran through her. What, what did it all mean? The idea of her marriagewith Eustace Medlicott had always appeared as an ugly vision, an end toeverything, a curtain which was yet drawn over a view which could onlybe all dusk and gray shadows, and which she would rather notcontemplate. But now the thought of going away and beginning a newexistence with Sasha Roumovski was something so glorious and deliciousthat she quivered with joy at any reference to it.

  Her little movement and the clasping of her hands affected himprofoundly. He, too, quivered, but with the stern effort to controlhimself. It was part of his code of honor. Not the slightest advantagemust be taken of the situation while Stella was alone and unchaperoned,although the very fact of their propinquity and the knowledge of theirsolitude were extremely exciting to him, who knew the meaning of everyemotion. He drew a little away from her, and said in a voice thatsounded cold:

  "I have seen the consul this afternoon. It will take three weeks, I amafraid, before we can be legally married here in Rome. It seems aneternity to me."

  "Yes," agreed Stella, and suddenly looked down. She wished intenselythat he would caress her a little--although she was unaware of thedesire. She wondered vaguely--was it then very wicked to make love,since Sasha, too, like Eustace, seemed as if he were resistingsomething with all his strength? And unconsciously she pouted her redunderlip, and Count Roumovski moved convulsively.

  "My sister's room is next to this," he said, "and yours is beyond. Ihave had only roses put there, because you are like a sweet June rose."

  "Am I?" said Miss Rawson, and raised her head. She had grown extremelyexcited and disappointed, and, she knew not what, only that she did notlike this new lover of hers to be sitting there constrained and aloof,talking in a stiff voice unlike his usual easy grace. It was perfectlyridiculous to have run away with some one with whom she waspassionately in love, if he were going to remain as cold as ice!

  She got up and took a rose from a vase and fastened it in her dress.The whole movement and action had the unconscious coquetry of a woman'smethods to gain her end. Totally unaccustomed as Stella was to allartifices, instinct was her teacher.

  Sasha Roumovski rose suddenly.

  "Come and sit here beside me again, heart of mine," he commanded withimperious love, and indicated the stiff Louis XIV sofa. "I must explaineverything to you, it would seem."

  Stella had never heard this tone in his voice before; it caused herstrange delight, and she shyly took her seat at one end of the sofa,and then, as he flung himself down beside her, she looked up at him.

  "What must you explain?" she asked.

  "First, that I love you madly, that it is sickening temptation to bewith you now every instant without holding you in my arms," and hisvoice trembled, while his blue eyes glowed. "That I do not know how toresist the wild passion which is overcoming me. I want to kiss you soterribly, more than I have ever wanted anything in my life."

  "We-ll?" said Stella, with a quiver of exquisite joy. "And--" she hadalmost spoken her thought of, "Why do you not do so, then?"--but theburning passion she read in his made her drop her eyes. This was toomuch for him. He understood perfectly, and, with a little cry, he drewher to him, and his lips had almost touched her red, young, poutinglips when he suddenly controlled himself and put her from him.

  "No, sweetheart," he said hoarsely, "you would never respect me anymore if I took advantage of your tenderness now. As soon--as soon as Ireally may, I will teach you every shade of love and its meanings. Iwill kiss those lips and unloosen that hair; I will suffocate you withcaresses and make you thrill as I shall thrill until we both forgeteverything in the intoxication of bliss," and he half-closed his eyes,and his face grew pale again with suppressed emotion.

  "Oh, I do not understand at all," Stella said, in a disappointed andperplexed voice. "Since we are going to be married, why would it be sovery wrong for you to kiss me? I--I--" her small rueful face, with itssweet childlike irregular curves, looked almost pathetically comic, andSasha leaned forward and covered his eyes with his hands. And then hemastered himself and la
ughed softly.

  "Oh, you adorable one!" he said. "It is not wrong--not the least wrong.Only presently, when you do understand, you will realize how very muchI loved you to-day."

  But Stella was still pouting--and got up restlessly and went to thewindow.

  "What can they do when they get to the Embassy?" she asked. "Could theyreally take me back if they found me by telephoning round?"

  "I do not think so--if you are past twenty-one."

  "I was twenty-one in April. I am not a bit afraid of them, but I do notwant to have any row."

  "When my sister has arrived you must write to your aunt, and tell whereyou are and what are your intentions, then all will be finished."

  "Oh, I wish she would come, don't you?" Stella said.

  "More than I can say, darling," he answered, fervently. "You will not,I hope, find me so incomprehensible then."

  He walked about the room once or twice, and at last paused in front ofher.

  "Stella," he whispered, while his eyes blazed again, "I cannot bear it,little sweetheart, to stay all alone with you here. Will you forgiveme, if I leave you until Anastasia has arrived? Go and rest in yourroom, darling, and I will go to the station to meet her. Ivan willremain outside your door and you will be quite safe."

  But Stella put out her hands like a frightened baby.

  "Oh. must you leave me?" she cried, pettishly. "You are very cruel! Youmake me almost wish I had not come."

  From having swum with love and passion his eyes suddenly gave forth aflash of steel, and his voice was like ice as he answered:

  "If that is so, mademoiselle, it is not too late. I would not exact anyunwilling sacrifice. Shall I take you back again?"

  And then Stella's childishness melted and fell from her, and she becamea real woman as she looked into his stern face.

  "No--" she said, "I will not go back. I am sorry I was so uncontrolled,but I am nervous--and I do not know exactly what I am--Sasha, pleasetake care of me," and she held out her hands with a piteous gesture ofasking for his protection, and moved beyond all power of furthercontrol he folded her in his arms.

  "My darling, my darling!" he murmured, frantically kissing her hair.But his iron will reasserted itself in a few seconds, and while hestill held her he said with more calm:

  "Little star, you must never speak to me like that again, as you didjust now, I mean. It was unreasonable and not kind, if you but knew!And I have a very arrogant temper, I fear, although I am nearly masterof it, and shall be quite in time, I hope. We might have parted thenand spoilt both our lives. Won't you believe me that I love--I adoreyou!" he went on tenderly. "I am madly longing to be for you the mostpassionate lover a woman ever had. It is only for your sake and forhonor and our future happiness that I restrain myself now. You see I amnot an Englishman who can accept half-measures. Do not make itimpossible for me, sweet love!"

  His voice was almost a sob in its deep notes of pleading, and Stellawas touched.

  "Oh! you are so dear and great," she answered fondly. "I am perhapsvery wicked to have tempted you. If it would be wrong for you to kissme, which I cannot understand, it is--oh, it is because I love you likethat, too!"

  At this ingenuous admission, passion nearly overcame him again, and heheld her so tightly it seemed as if he must crush out her very breath.Then he put her from him and walked toward the door.

  "I dare not stay another second," he said, in a strangled voice. "Ivanwill guard your room, and my sister will come to you soon. Do as I tellyou, beloved one, and then all will be well."

  With which he opened the door, and left her standing by the sofaquivering with a strange joy and perplexity--and some other wildemotion of which she had not dreamed.


  It seemed an endless time the hour that she waited in her room, andthen a knock came to the door, and Ivan's voice saying his masterdesired her presence in the sitting-room at once, and she hurriedlywent there to find Count Roumovski standing by the mantelpiece lookingvery grave.

  "Stella," he said, "there has been an accident to the train my sisterwas to have arrived by--it is not serious, but she cannot be here nowuntil the early morning perhaps--unless I send the automobile toViterbo for her. The line is blocked by a broken-down goods train whichcaused the disaster," he paused a moment, and Stella said, "Well?"rather anxiously.

  "It will be impossible for us to remain here," he continued, "becauseit may be that your relations, aided by the Embassy, will have tracedus before then, and if they should come upon us alone together, nothingthat I could say or prove could keep the situation from lookingcompromising,"--he now spoke with his old calm, and Stella felt herconfidence reviving. He would certainly arrange what was best for them,she could rely upon that.

  "What must we do then?" she asked gently, while she put her head on thesleeve of his coat.

  "I will wrap you up in the fur cloak, darling," he said, "and you mustcome in the automobile with me to meet Anastasia. Your family must notfind you again until your are in my sister's company. We ought to startat once."

  It spoke eloquently for the impression which he had been able to createin Stella's imagination of his integrity and reliability, for thethought never entered her brain that it was a most unusual and evenhazardous undertaking to start out into the night in a foreign landwith a stranger she had not yet known for a week. But that was theremarkable thing about his personality; it conveyed always anatmosphere of trust and confidence.

  It was not long before Miss Rawson was ready, wrapped in the long graycloak she had worn before, and with the veil tied over her hat, and wasdescending in the lift alone with Ivan--her lover having gone on by thestairs.

  Their departure was managed with intelligence. Stella and the servantsimply walking out of the hotel and down the street to where the carwaited, and then presently Count Roumovski joined them, and theystarted.

  "Ivan will remain behind to answer any questions if the reverendclergyman and your aunt do come," he said, when they were seated in thecar in the settling sunlight. "And now, sweetheart, we can enjoy ourdrive."

  Stella felt deliciously excited, all the exultation of adventurethrilling her, and the joy of her lover's presence. She cared not wherethey were going, it was all heaven.

  "We shall stop at a little restaurant for some dinner," he said, "itwill be rather bad, but we must not mind, it would not have been wiseto risk any well-known place," and soon they drew up at a small cafe onthe outskirts of Rome, where there were a few people already seated atlittle tables under the trees. They were all Italians, and took nonotice of the Russian and his lady.

  It was the greatest amusement to them both, this primitive place, andto be all alone ordering their first meal together, and Sasha Roumovskiexerted himself to charm and please her. He had recovered completemastery of himself, it would seem, and his manner, while tenderlydevoted, had an air of proprietorship which affected Stella exceedingly.

  They spent an enchanting half hour, as gay as two children, with allthe exquisite under-current of love in their talk; and then they gotinto the motor again.

  "Let us have it open," Count Roumovski said. "The evening drive will bedivine."

  And Stella agreed.

  The road to Viterbo is far from good, one of those splendid routeswhich lead from Rome which ought to be so perfect and in reality are amass of ruts and pitfalls for the unwary. The jolting of the carconstantly threw Stella almost into her lover's arms, who was sittingas aloof as possible. He had gradually become nearly silent, and satthere holding her hand under the rug, using the whole of his strongwill to suppress his rising emotion.

  The beautiful colors of the lights of evening over the Campagna; thesense of the spring time and the knowledge that she belonged to himheart and body and soul were madly intoxicating as they rushed throughthe air. He dared not let himself caress her gently, which he mighthave permitted himself to do, and he held her little hand so tightly itwas almost pain to her.

  As for Stella, she was profoundly in lov
e. Her whole nature seemed tobe awaking and blooming with a new grace and meaning. Her soft eyes,which glanced at him in the glowing dusk, swam with tenderness andunconscious passion, and once she let her head rest upon his shoulder,when a violent jerk threw her toward him, and at last he encircled herwith his arm and there they sat trembling together, she with she knewnot what, and he very well knowing, and fighting with temptation.

  Thus they spent an hour in a bliss that was growing to agony for him,and then it grew perfectly dark, and the stars came out in myriads inthe deep blue sky, and on in front of them the headlights of the motormade a flaming path in the night.

  And all this while he had resisted his strong desires, and never evenkissed her.

  At last human endurance came to an end, and he said to her almostfiercely:

  "Stella, my beloved one, I cannot bear this, I can no longer answer formyself. I shall settle you comfortably among the furs where you musttry to sleep, and I shall go outside with the chauffeur. If I were tostay--"

  And something in the tone of his voice and in his eyes made her at lasthave some dim, incomprehensible fear, and yet exaltation, and so shedid not try to dissuade him, and soon was alone endeavoring to collecther thoughts and understand the situation.

  Thus eventually they reached Viterbo, and drew up at the station door,when Count Roumovski seemed to have regained his usual calm as hehelped her out with tender solicitude. The passengers, they learned,were still in the train, half a mile up the line, waiting until it wascleared to go on to Rome.

  At last, after generous greasing of palms, permission was given forCount Roumovski to walk on and find his sister. And Stella was put backinto the motor to await their coming.

  Her heart began to beat violently. What would she be like, this futuresister-in-law? She must be very fond of Sasha to have come from Parisat a moment's notice like this, to do his bidding. It seemed a longtime before she heard voices, and saw in the dim light two figuresadvancing from the station entrance, and then Count Roumovski openedthe door of the automobile, and Stella started forward to get out.

  "Anastasia, this is my Stella," he said, in his deep voice. "You cannotsee her plainly, but I tell you she is the sweetest little lady in theworld, and you are to hasten to love each other as much as I love youboth."

  Then in the half dark Stella stepped down and found herself embraced bya tall woman, while a voice as deep for a feminine one as CountRoumovski's was for a man whispered kind, nice things in the fluentEnglish which brother and sister both used. And a feeling of warmth andsecurity and happiness came over the poor child, to be in a haven ofrest at last.

  "Now we shall all pack in and get to Rome before dawn," the princesssaid. "Sasha assures me the automobile will be faster than the train."

  So it was arranged, and, with Stella between them, the two Russians satin the commodious back seat, and this time Count Roumovski allowedhimself to encircle his beloved with his arm--and very oftensurreptitiously kissed her little ear and that delicious little curl ofhair in her neck. She had taken off her hat, that its brim might nothit the princess, and had only the soft veil wound round her head,which loosened itself conveniently. This drive back to Rome was a timeof pure enchantment to them both. And when the first streaks of dawnwere coloring the sky they arrived at the door of the Excelsior Hotel,where Ivan had supper ordered and awaiting them.

  The princess proved to be a handsome woman when they got into thelight, with the same short face and wide eyes as her brother. Stellaand she made immediate friends, and before they parted to try and sleepthe princess said:

  "Stella, that my brother loves you proves that you must be a very deargirl, that is what made me come from Paris at his instantaneousbidding. He is the most splendid character in the world, only don'tcross his wishes. You will find it is no use, for one thing," and shelaughed her deep laugh. "He always knows best."

  "I am sure he does," said Stella shyly. "I felt that at once, and so Idid not hesitate."

  Next morning, when the three were seated at a merry early breakfast inthe sitting-room discussing what should be said in Stella's letter toher Aunt Caroline, a loud knock came to the door, and, without waitingfor a response, Canon Ebley and Stella's cousin, Mr. Deanwood, enteredthe room.

  The princess rose with dignity, draping her silk morning wrapper roundher like a statue, and Stella stepped forward with outstretched hand.

  "Oh, Uncle Erasmus," she said gaily, before any of the party couldspeak, "I am so glad to see you. I was just going to write to AuntCaroline to tell her where I am, quite safe, in case she was worriedabout me. Let me introduce you to my future sister-in-law, PrincessUrazov, with whom I am staying. My fiance, Count Roumovski, you havemet before."

  Afterwards she often wondered how this emancipated spirit of daring hadever come to her. But she felt so joyous, so full of love andhappiness, that it seemed that she could not be afraid or annoyed withanyone in the world.

  "Stella, you are a shameless girl," Canon Ebley retorted in a horrifiedvoice. "I refuse to admit that you are engaged to this gentleman. Yourwhole conduct has been a scandalous series of deceptions and you mustbe ready to return at once with your aunt and your affianced husband.They are following us here now."

  Then Stella used a weapon that she had more than once found effectualwith her uncle. She flung herself into his arms and clasped him roundthe neck. He was a short, portly man, and from this position she beganto cajole him--while Count Roumovski looked on with amused calm, andhis sister, following his lead, remained unmoved also.

  Mr. Deanwood was the only restless person; he felt thoroughlyuncomfortable and bored to death. He hated having been dragged intothis family quarrel, and secretly sympathized with his cousin in herrevolt at the thought of being Eustace Medlicott's wife.

  "Oh, dear Uncle Erasmus!" Stella purred, from the highly perturbedclergyman's neck, where she was burrowing her sweet head, rubbing herpeach-like cheek against his whiskered cheek. "Don't say those dreadfulthings, I have not deceived anybody, I have known Count Roumovski sincethe day after we came to Rome, and--and--I love him very much, and youknow I always thought Eustace a bore, and you must agree it is wickedto marry and not to love, so it must be good to, oh!--well, to marrythe person you do love. What have you to say against it?"

  Canon Ebley tried to unclasp her arms from round his neck. He wasterribly upset. To be sure, the girl was very dear to him, and hadalways been so sweet a niece, a truthful, obedient child from earlyinfancy. Caroline had perhaps been a little hard--he had better hearthe facts.

  "Dear me, dear me," he blurted out. "Well, well, tell me everythingabout the case, and, though I cannot consent to anything, I must do youthe justice of hearing your side."

  "Won't you sit down here, sir?" Princess Urazov said, "and let mybrother and your niece tell you their story. Mr. Deanwood, we met atBuda-Pesth two years ago--" and she turned to the young man andindicated that he should join her in the far window embrasure, which hedid with alacrity, and from there they heard, interpolated in theirpersonal conversation, scraps of the arguments going on between thethree.

  Stella, assisted by her lover, told of her first talk and her drive,and their rapidly ripening affection for each other, and the girllooked so happy and so pleading. Then Count Roumovski took up thethread. He explained his position, and how his view of life had alwaysbeen direct in its endeavor to see the truth and the meaning of things,and how to him love was the only possible reason in ethical moralityfor any marriage between two people.

  "It is merely a great degradation, otherwise, sir," he said earnestly.

  But here Canon Ebley was heard to protest that he could not understanda love which had sprung into being with such violence in the space ofthree days, and he felt very suspicious of its durability.

  "Oh, Uncle Erasmus, how can you say that!" Stella interrupted him."Why, you have often said that you yourself fell in love with AuntCaroline from the moment your eye lighted upon her in church--inchurch, remember, you old darling!" and s
he nestled up against hisshoulder again. Caresses like these she was always obliged to suppressin her austere aunt's presence; they were only to be indulged in upongreat occasions, and to gain an important end, she knew! So the roguesmiled archly as she went on. "You could hardly wait until you wereintroduced at the garden party the next day, and Aunt Caroline said youproposed to her before the end of the week!"

  "Come, come," the cornered uncle growled, bridling, but a smile grew inhis kindly eyes.

  "There!" exclaimed Miss Rawson, triumphantly. "You cannot have anotherthing to say, except that you consent and wish us happiness."

  "It is true you are of age, Stella," Canon Ebley allowed, "and if youlike to take the law into your own hands, we cannot legally preventyou, as I have tried to explain this morning to your aunt and Eustace,but it is all very shocking and unusual, and very disturbing. You mustremember, Count Roumovski is a foreigner, and we English people areprejudiced. I--fear for your happiness, my dear child!"

  "You do not pay me a high compliment, sir," Count Roumovski said, butwithout resentment. "Time, however, will prove whether I can take careof your niece or no. Do you feel any fear for yourself, Stella?"

  "Not in the least," Miss Rawson said, and they clasped fond hands. "Iwould go away with you, Sasha, to the ends of the earth now at once,and never ask you a single question. And I should certainly die if Iwere forced to go back to Eustace Medlicott."

  "Then I suppose there is nothing more to be said," Canon Ebleystammered, upon which Stella again flung herself into his arms.

  "Indeed, sir--I give you my word that you will not regret thisdecision," Count Roumovski said gravely. "I believe your niece and Iwere made for one another."

  "We will hope so," returned Canon Ebley, who could no longer keep up astern resistance in the face of perfectly logical arguments and a witchof a girl purring over him and patting his cheek. He would have givenin with a fair grace but for the awful knowledge that his stern spouseand the irate late fiance would arrive at any moment, and reproach himfor his want of strength.

  At this juncture of the affair, Princess Urazov came forward, and saidwith a gracious smile:

  "Now I think you and I should agree with each other, sir; I had just asgreat cause for surprise as you had at the news of my brother'sengagement to your niece, but I know and love him so well that I didnot question the wisdom of his choice. And as you know and love yourniece, can we not agree to try and make them happy together by givingthem our blessing? After all, it is no crime for two young people tolove each other!" and she put out her hands, which Canon Ebley, whowas, after all, longing for peace, was obliged to take. Then with acharm and dignity that he was forced to admire, she drew him to thepair and placed his hand on their clasped hands, and her own over it.

  "See," she said, "Sasha and Stella, we both wish you all happiness andjoy--is it not so?"

  And Canon Ebley was constrained to murmur, "Yes."

  At this instant the door was opened violently, and the Aunt Carolinefollowed by the Reverend Eustace Medlicott burst into the room,brushing aside the frightened waiter, who would have prevented them;then they stopped dead short, petrified with astonishment, and beforeshe could prevent herself, Stella had pealed a silvery laugh, while sherushed forward and affectionately kissed her aunt.

  "Dear Aunt Caroline," she said. "Uncle Erasmus understands quite, andhas given us his blessing, so won't you, too?"

  But Mrs. Ebley was made of sterner stuff--she was horribly shocked, herfeelings had been bruised in their tenderest parts, the laws ofconvention had been ruthlessly broken by her niece, and forgiveness wasnot for her.

  She drew herself up with disgusted hauteur, while the Rev. Mr.Medlicott stood there glaring at the party too speechless withhumiliation and pain to utter a word.

  "Erasmus," Mrs. Ebley said with scathing contempt. "I do not know howyou have let yourself countenance this disgraceful scene, but I shallnot do so. And if my niece still persists in bringing shame upon us allI must beg you to conduct me back to our hotel--I wash my hands of herand shall no longer own her as my sister's child, come."

  At this, Stella gave a pitiful little cry and turned tender, beseechingeyes to her lover, and the sound of her voice touched that chord whichwas fine in Eustace Medlicott's heart. He seemed suddenly to see thingsas they were, and to realize that love had indeed come to hisbetrothed, though not for him, so he rose above the pain thisconviction caused him and let justice have sway.

  He strode forward and joined the group.

  "You must not say that, Mrs. Ebley," he said, "since your husband seemssatisfied, there must have been some proper explanation made. Youshould hear them first. But I, for my part, wish to state now, in thepresence of everyone, that if Miss Rawson can assure me she has madethis choice of her own free will, and because she loves thisgentleman--" here there was a break in the tones--"I can have nothingfurther to say and will give her back her freedom and make my retreat."

  "Oh, Eustace, thank you," said Stella, gratefully holding out her hand."I knew I could eventually count upon your goodness. I do indeed loveCount Roumovski, and why should not we all be happy together? You willfeel with me, I am sure, that our engagement was always a mistake andnow won't you be friends?"

  She still held out her timid hand, and Mr. Medlicott took it at lastand wringing it silently turned and drew toward the door, making hisexit.

  Silence fell upon the company until he had gone and then CountRoumovski whispered in his harassed little fiancee's ear:

  "Never mind his point of view, darling--yonder goes an Englishgentleman, and since I have gained my star and he has lost his, he hasmy deepest sympathy."

  Then everyone seemed to talk at once, and the Princess Urazov at lastappeared to be in some degree appeasing Mrs. Ebley.

  There is very little more to tell of this comedy of a spring holiday inRome. It ended with a quiet wedding and two young people going offtogether in the blue automobile.

  And when Count Roumovski clasped his newly made bride in his arms, hewhispered with a tenderly sly smile:

  "At last, sweetheart, there are no barriers, and I can show you that Iam at least not as cold as ice!"


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