Read The Poor Little Rich Girl Page 16


  She moved her head from side to side slowly. And felt the cool touch ofthe pillow against either cheek. Then she tried to lift her arms; butfound that one hand was still in a big grasp, the other in a clasp thatwas softer.

  Little by little, and with effort, she opened her gray eyes. In thedimness she could see, to her left, scarcely more than an outline of adark-clad figure, stooped and watchful; of that other slender figureopposite. After all the fatigue and worry of the night, her father andmother were with her yet! And someone was standing at the foot of herbed, leaning and looking down at her. That was the Doctor.

  She lay very still. This was a novel experience, this having bothfather and mother in the nursery at the same time--and plainly in nohaste to depart! The heaviness of deep sleep was gradually leaving her.Yet she forbore to speak; and as each moment went she dreaded thepassing of it, lest her wonderful new happiness come to an end.

  Presently she ventured a look around--at the pink-tinted ceiling, withits cluster of full-blown plaster roses out of which branched thechandelier; at the walls of soft rose, met here and there by the deeperrose of the brocade hangings; at the plushy rug, the piano, the largetable--now scattered with an unusual assortment of bottles and glasses;at the dresser, crystal-topped and strewn daintily, the deep upholsteredchair, and the long cushioned seat across the front window, over which,strangely enough, no dome-topped cage was swinging.

  And there was the tall toy-case. The shelves of it were unchanged. Onthat one below the line of prettily clad dolls were the toys she favoredmost--the black-and-red top, the handsome soldier in the scarlet coat,the jointed snake beside its pipe-like box, and the somersault man,poised heels over head. Beyond these, ranged in a buff row, were the sixsmall ducks acquired at Easter. She gave each plaything a keen glance.They reminded her vividly of the long busy night just past!

  Her small nose wrinkled in a quizzical smile.

  At that the three waiting figures stirred.

  Her look came back to them, to rest first upon her father's face, notinghow long and pale and haggard it was, how sunken the temples, howbloodless the tightly pressed lips, how hollow the unshaven cheeks. Whenshe turned to gaze at her mother, as daintily clad as ever, and asdelicately perfumed--showing no evidence of dusty travel--she saw howpitifully pale was that dear beautiful face. But the eyes were no longerproud!--only anxious, tender and purple-shadowed.

  Next, Gwendolyn lifted her eyes to the Doctor, and felt suddenlyconscience-stricken, remembering how she had always dreaded him, hadtaken the mere thought of his coming as punishment; remembering, too,how helpful and kind he had been to her through the night.

  He began to speak, low and earnestly, and as if continuing somethingalready half said:

  "Pardon my bluntness, but it's a bad thing when there's too much moneyspent on forcing the brain before the body is given a chance--or thesoul. Does a child get food that is simple and nourishing, and enough ofit? Is all exercise taken in the open? Too often, I find, where there'sa motor at the beck and call of a nurse, the child in her charge isutterly cut off--and in the period of quickest growth--from a normalsupply of plain walking. Every boy and girl has a right" (his voicedeepened with feeling) "to the great world out of doors. Let the warmsun, and the fresh air, and God's good earth--"

  Gwendolyn moved. "Is--is he praying?" she whispered.

  There was a moment of silence. Then, "No, daughter," answered herfather, while her mother leaned to lay a gentle hand on her forehead.The Doctor went aside to the larger table and busied himself with somebottles. When he came back, her father lifted her head a trifle bylifting the pillow--her mother rising quickly to assist--and the Doctorput a glass to Gwendolyn's lips. She drank dutifully, and was lowered.

  At once she felt stronger. "Is the sun up?" she asked. Her voice wasweak, and somewhat hoarse.

  "Would you like to see the sky?" asked her father. And without waitingfor her eager nod, crossed to the front window and drew aside the heavysilk hangings.

  Serenely blue was the long rectangle framed by curtains and casing.Across it not a single fat sheep was straying.


  "Yes, darling?"

  "Is--is always the same piece of Heaven right there through the window?"

  "No. The earth is turning all the time--just as your globe in theschool-room turns. And so each moment you see a new square of sky."

  The Doctor nodded with satisfaction. "Um! Better, aren't we?" heinquired, smiling down.

  She returned the smile. "Well, _I_ am," she declared. "But--I didn'tknow you felt bad."

  He laughed. "Tell me something," he went on. "I sent a bottle ofmedicine here yesterday."

  "Yes. It was a little bottle."

  "How much of it did Jane give you? Can you remember?"

  "Well, first she poured out one teaspoonful--"

  The Doctor had been leaning again on the foot of the white-and-gold bed.Now he fell back of a sudden. "A _teaspoonful!_" he gasped. And toGwendolyn's father, "Why, that wretched girl didn't read the directionson the bottle!"

  There was another silence. The two men stared at each other. ButGwendolyn's mother, her face paler than before, bent above the yellowhead on the pillow.

  "After I drank _that_ teaspoonful," went on Gwendolyn, "Jane wouldn'tbelieve me. And so she made me take the other."

  "_Another!_"--it was the Doctor once more. He pressed a trembling handto his forehead.

  Her father rose angrily. "She shall be punished," he declared. And beganto walk to and fro. "I won't let this pass."

  Gwendolyn's look followed him tenderly. "Well, you see, she didn't knowabout--about nursery work," she explained. "'Cause before she came hereshe was just a cook."

  "Oh, my baby daughter!" murmured Gwendolyn's mother, brokenly. She bentforward until her face was hidden against the silken cover of the bed."Mother didn't know you were being neglected! She thought she was givingyou the _best_ of care, dear!"

  "Two spoonfuls!" said the Doctor, grimly. "That explains everything!"

  "Oh, but I didn't want to take the last one," protested Gwendolyn,hastily, "--though it tasted good. She made me. She said if I didn't--"

  "So!" exclaimed the Doctor, interrupting. "She frightened the poorlittle helpless thing in order to get obedience!"

  "Gwendolyn!" whispered her mother. "She _frightened_ you?"

  The gray eyes smiled wisely. "It doesn't matter now," she said, a hintof triumph in her voice. "I've found out that P'licemen are nice. Andso are--are Doctors"--she dimpled and nodded. "And all the bears in theworld that are outside of cages are just Puffy Bears grown up." Thenuncertainly, "But I didn't find out about--the other."

  "What other?" asked her father, pausing in his walk.

  The gray eyes were diamond-bright now. "Though I don't _really_ believeit," she hastened to add. "But--_do_ wicked men keep watch of thishouse."

  "_Wicked men?_" Her mother suddenly straightened.


  This innocent statement had an unexpected effect. Again her father beganto stride up and down angrily, while her mother, head drooping oncemore, began to weep.

  "Oh, mother didn't know!" she sobbed. "Mother didn't guess whatterrible things were happening! Oh, forgive her! Forgive her!"

  The Doctor came to her side. "Too much excitement for the patient," hereminded her. "Don't you think you'd better go and lie down for a while,and have a little rest?"

  A startled look. And Gwendolyn put out a staying hand to her mother.Then--"Moth-er _is_ tired," she assented. "She's tireder than I am.'Cause it was hard work going round and round Robin Hood's Barn."

  The Doctor hunted a small wrist and felt the pulse in it. "That's allright," he said to her mother in an undertone. "Everything's stillpretty real to her, you see. But her pulse is normal," He laid coolfingers across her forehead. "Temperature's almost normal too."

  Gwendolyn felt that she had not made herself altogether clear. Shehastened to explain. "I mean," she said, "w
hen moth-er was carrying thatsociety bee in her bonnet."

  Confusion showed in the Doctor's quick glance from parent to parent.Then, "I think I'll just drop down into the pantry," he said hastily,"and see how that young nurse from over yonder is getting along." Hejerked a thumb in the direction of the side window as he went out.

  Gwendolyn wondered just who the young nurse was. She opened her lips toask; then saw how painfully her mother had colored at the mere mentionof the person in question, and so kept silence.

  The Doctor gone, her father came to her mother's side and patted ashoulder. "Well, we shan't ever say anything more about that bee," hedeclared, laughing, yet serious enough. "_Shall_ we, Gwendolyn!"

  "No." She blinked, puzzling over it a little.

  "There! It's settled." He bent and kissed his wife. "You thought youwere doing the best thing for our little girl--_I_ know that, dear. Youhad her future in mind. And it's natural--and _right_--for a mother tothink of making friends--the right kind, too--and a place in the socialworld for her daughter. And I've been short-sighted, and neglectful,and--"

  "Ah!" She raised wet eyes to him. "You had your worries. You were doing_more_ than your share. You had to meet the question of money. WhileI--"

  He interrupted her. "We _both_ thought we were doing our very best," hedeclared.

  "We almost did our worst! Oh, what would it all have amounted to--whatwould _anything_ have mattered--if we'd lost our little girl!"

  The pink came rushing to Gwendolyn's cheeks. "Why, I wasn't lost atall!" she declared happily. "And, oh, it was so good to have myquestions all answered, and understand so many things I didn't once--andto be where all the put-out lights go, and--and where soda-water comesfrom. And I was _so_ glad to get rid of Thomas and Jane and Miss Royle,and--"

  The hall-door opened. She checked herself to look that way. Someone wasentering with a tray. It was a maid--_a maid wearing a sugar-bowl cap_.

  Gwendolyn knew her instantly--that pretty face, as full and rosy as theface of the French doll, and framed by saucy wisps and curls as fair asGwendolyn's own--and freckleless!

  "Oh!" It was a low cry of delight.

  The nurse smiled. She had a tray in one hand. On the tray was a bluebowl of something steaming hot. She set the tray down and came to thebed-side.

  Gwendolyn's eyes were wide with wonder. "How--how--?" she began.

  Her mother answered. "Jane called down to the Policeman, and he ran tothe house on the corner."

  Now the dimples sprang into place, "Goody!" exclaimed Gwendolyn, andgave a little chuckle.

  Her mother went on: "We never can feel grateful enough to her, becauseshe was such a help. And we're so glad you're friends already."

  Gwendolyn nodded. "She's one of my window-friends," she explained.

  "I'm going to stay with you," said the nurse. She smoothed Gwendolyn'shair fondly. "Will you like that?"

  "It's fine! I--I wanted you!"

  The Doctor re-entered. "Well, how does our sharp little patient feelnow?" he inquired.

  "I feel hungry."

  "I have some broth for you," announced the pretty nurse, and broughtforward the tray.

  Gwendolyn looked down at the bowl. "M-m-m!" she breathed. "It smellsgood! Now"--to the Doctor--"if I had one of your nice bread-pills--"

  At that, curiously enough, everyone laughed, the Doctor heartiest ofall. And "Hush!" chided her mother gently while the Doctor shook ateasing finger.

  "Just for that," said he, "we'll have eating--and _no_ conversation--forfive whole minutes." Whereupon he began to scribble on a pad, laughingto himself every now and then as he wrote.

  "That must be a cheerful prescription," observed Gwendolyn's father. Hehimself looking happier than he had.

  "The country," answered the Doctor, "is always cheerful."

  Gwendolyn's spoon slipped from her fingers. She lifted eager, shiningeyes. "Moth-er," she half-whispered, "does the Doctor mean _JohnnieBlake's?_"

  The Doctor assented energetically. "I _prescribe_ Johnnie Blake's," hedeclared.

  "A-a-ah!" It was a deep breath of happiness. "I _promised_ Johnnie thatI'd come back!"

  "But if my little daughter isn't strong--" Her father gave a sidewiseglance at the steaming bowl on the tray.

  Thus prompted, Gwendolyn fell to eating once more, turning herattention to the _croutons_ bobbing about on the broth Each was squareand crunchy, but not so brown as a bread-pill.

  "I shall now read my Johnnie Blake prescription," announced the Doctor,and held up a leaf from the pad. "Hm! Hm!" Then, in a business-liketone; "_Take two pairs of sandals, a dozen cheap gingham dresses withplenty of pockets and extra pieces for patches, and a bottle ofsomething good for wild black-berry scratches_." He bowed. "_Mix alltogether with one strong medium-sized garden-hoe_--"

  "Oh, fath-er," cried Gwendolyn, her hoarse voice wistful with pleading,"_you_ won't mind if I play with Johnnie, _will_ you?"

  "Play all the time," answered her father. "Play hard--and then playsome more."

  "He _isn't_ a common little boy." Whereupon, satisfied, she returned tothe blue bowl.

  "And now," went on the Doctor, "as to directions." He held up otherleaves from the pad. "First week (you'll have to go easy the firstweek), use the prescription each day as follows; When driving; also whenlying on back watching birds in trees (and have a nap out of doors ifyou feel like it); also when lighting the fire at sundown. Nurse, here,will watch out for fingers."

  At that, another pleased little chuckle.

  "Second week:" (the Doctor coughed, importantly) "When riding your ownfat pony, or chasing butterflies--assisted by one good-natured, common,ordinary, long-haired dog; or when fishing (stream or bath-tub, itdoesn't matter!) or carrying kindling in to Cook--whether you're tiredor not!"

  "I _love_ it!"

  "Third week: When baking mudpies, or gathering ferns (but put 'em inwater when you get home); when jaunting in old wagon to hay-field,orchard or vegetable-patch--this includes tomboy yelling. And gobarefoot."

  Gwendolyn's spoon, _crouton_-laden, wabbled in mid-air. "Go _barefoot?_"she repeated, small face flushing to a pleased pink. "Right _away?_Before I'm eight?"

  "Um!" assented the Doctor. "And shin up trees (but don't disturb eggs ifyou find 'em). Also do barefoot gardening,--where there isn't a plant tohurt! _And wade the creek_."

  Again the dimples came rushing to their places. "I like squashing," shedeclared, smiling round.

  "Then isn't there a hill to climb?" continued the Doctor, "with your hatdown your back on a string? And stones to roll--?"

  The small face grew suddenly serious. "No, thank you," she said, with aslow shake of the head, "I'd rather not turn any stones."

  "Very well--hm! hm!"

  "Oh, and there'll be jolly times of an evening after supper," broke inher father, enthusiastically. The stern lines of his face were relaxed,and a score of tiny ripples were carrying a smile from his mouth to histired eyes. "We'll light all the candles--"

  "Daddy!" She relinquished the bowl, and turned to him swiftly. "Not--notcandles that burn at both ends--"

  "No." He stopped smiling.

  "You're a wise little body!" pronounced the Doctor, taking her hand.

  "How's the pulse now?" asked her mother. "Somehow"--with a nervouslittle laugh--"she makes me anxious."

  "Normal," answered the Doctor promptly. "Only thing that isn't normalabout her is that busy brain, which is abnormally bright." Thereupon heshook the small hand he was holding, strode to the table, and picked upa leather-covered case. It was black, and held a number of bottles. Inno way did it resemble the pill-basket. "And if a certain person is toleave for the country soon--"

  Gwendolyn's smile was knowing. "You mean 'a certain party.'" He wastrying to tease her with that old nursery name!

  "--She'd better rest. Good-by." And with that mild advice, he beckonedthe nurse to follow him, whispered with her a moment at the door, andwas gone.

  Gwendolyn's father resumed his place beside the bed. "She
_can_ rest,"he declared, "--the blessed baby! Not a governess or a teacher is toshow as much as a hat-feather."

  She nodded. "We don't want 'em quacking around."

  Someone tapped at the door then, and entered--Rosa, bearing a card-trayupon which were two square bits of pasteboard. "To see Madam," she said,presenting the tray. After which she showed her white teeth in greetingto Gwendolyn, then stooped, and touched an open palm with her lips.

  Gwendolyn's mother read the cards, and shook her head. "Tell theladies--explain that I can't leave my little daughter even for a momentto-day--"

  "Oh, yes, Madam."

  "And that we're leaving for the country _very_ soon."

  Rosa bobbed her dark head as she backed away.

  "And, Rosa--"

  "Yes, Madam?"

  "You know what I need in the country--where we were before."

  A bow.

  "Pack, Rosa. And you will go, of course."

  "And Potter, Madam?"

  "Potter, too. You'll have to pack a few things up here also." A whitehand indicated the wardrobe door.

  "Very well, Madam."

  As the door closed, the telephone rang. Gwendolyn's father rose toanswer it. "I think it's the office, dear," he explained; and into thetransmitter--"Yes?... Hello?... Yes. Good-morning!... Oh, thanks! She'sbetter.... And by the way, just close out that line of stocks. Yes.... Ishan't be back in the office for some time. I'm leaving for the countryas soon as Gwendolyn can stand the trip. To-morrow, maybe, or the nextday.... No; don't go into the market until I come back. I intend toreconstruct my policy a good deal. Yes.... Oh, yes.... Good-by."

  He went to the front window. And as he stood in the light, Gwendolyn layand looked at him. He had worn green the night before. But now there wasnot a vestige of paper money showing anywhere in his dress. In fact, hewas wearing the suit--a dark blue--he had worn that night she penetratedto the library.


  "Well, little daughter?"

  "I was wondering has anybody scribbled on the General's horse?--withchalk?"

  Her father looked down at the Drive. "The General's there!" heannounced, glancing back at her over a shoulder. "And his horse seems in_fine_ fettle this morning, prancing, and arching his neck. And nobody'sscribbled on him, which seems to please the General very much, for he'sgot his hat off--"

  Gwendolyn sat up, her eyes rounding. "To hundreds and hundreds ofsoldiers!" she told her mother. "Only everybody can't see the soldiers."

  Her father came back to her. "_I_ can," he declared proudly. "Do youwant to see 'em, too?--just a glimpse, mother! Come! We'll play the gametogether!" And the next moment, silk coverlet and all, Gwendolyn wasswung up in his arms and borne to the window-seat.

  "And, oh, there's the P'liceman!" she cried out.

  "His name is Flynn," informed her father. "And _twice_ this morning he'sasked after you."

  "Oh!" she stood up among the cushions to get a better view. "He takeslost little boys and girls to their fath-ers and moth-ers, daddy, and hetakes care of the trees, and the flowers, and the fountains, and--- andthe ob'lisk. But he only likes it up here in summer. In winter he likesto be Down-Town. And he _ought_ to be Down-Town, 'cause he's got a_really_ level head--"

  "Wave to him now," said her father. "There! He's swinging hiscap!--When we're out walking one of these times we'll stop and shakehands with him!"

  "With the hand-organ man, too, fath-er? Oh, you like him, _don't_ you?And you won't send him away!"

  "Father won't."

  He laid her back among the pillows then. And she turned her face to hermother.

  "Can't you sleep, darling?--And don't dream!"

  "Well, I'm pretty tired."

  "We know what a hard long night it was."

  "Oh, I'm _so_ glad we're going back to Johnnie Blake's, moth-er. 'Cause,oh, I'm tired of pretending!"

  "Of pretending," said her father. "Ah, yes."

  Her mother nodded at him. "I'm tired of pretending, too," she said in alow voice.

  Gwendolyn looked pleased. "I didn't know you ever pretended," she said."Well, of course, you know that _real_ things are so much nicer--"

  "Ah, yes, my little girl!" It was her father. His voice trembled.

  "Real grass,"--she smiled up at him--"and real trees, and real people."After that, for a while, she gave herself over to thinking. Howwonderful that one single night could bring about the changes for whichshe had so longed!--the living in the country; the eating at thegrown-up table, and having no governess.

  One full busy night had done all that! And yet--

  She glanced down at herself. Under her pink chin was the lace and ribbonof a night-dress. She could not remember being put to bed--could noteven recall coming up in the bronze cage. And was the plaid gingham withthe patch-pocket now hanging in the wardrobe? Brows knit, she slippedone small foot sidewise until it was close to the edge of thebed-covers, then of a sudden thrust it out from beneath them. The footwas as white as if it had only just been bathed! Not a sign did it showof having waded any stream, pattered through mud, or trudged a forestroad!

  Presently, "Moth-er,"--sleepily.

  "Yes, darling?"

  "_Who_ are Law and Order?"

  A moment's silence. Then, "Well--er--"

  "Isn't it a fath-er-and-moth-er question?"

  "Why, _yes_, my baby. But I--"

  "Father will tell you, dear." He was seated beside her once more. "Yousee it's this way:"

  "Can you tell it like a story, fath-er?"


  "A once-upon-a-time story?"

  "I'll try. But first you must understand that law and order are not twopeople. Oh, no. And they aren't anything a little girl could see--as shecan see the mirror, for instance, or a chair--"

  Gwendolyn looked at the mirror and the chair--thence around the room.These were the same things that had been there all the time. Now howdifferent each appeared! There was the bed, for instance. She had neverliked the bed, beautiful though it was. Yet to-day, even with the sunshining on the great panes of the wide front window, it seemed good tobe lying in it. And the nursery, once a hated place--a veryprison!--the nursery had never looked lovelier!

  Her father went on with his explaining, low and cheerily, and asconfidentially as if to a grown-up. Across from him, listening, was hermother, one soft cheek lowered to rest close to the small facehalf-hidden in the pillow.

  When her father finished speaking, Gwendolyn gave a deep breath--ofhappiness and content. Then, "Moth-er!"

  "Yes?"--with a kiss as light as the touch of a butterfly.

  Her eyelids, all at once, seemed curiously heavy. She let them flutterdown. But a drowsy smile curved the pink mouth. "Moth-er," shewhispered; "moth-er, the Dearest Pretend has come true!"

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