Read The Power of the Young: Dawn of an Era Page 11


  June 1st, 2034

  After about a week, everything was set up- the decorations, the space, and the lights. Somehow, Eli had gotten the fireflies to come back one last time.

  Jackie came down to Sara's room, wearing a purple spaghetti-strapped dress. She looked over Sara, and then shook her head slowly.

  “No, you have to look somewhat decent for tonight.”

  Sara looked at her ripped jeans and stripped shirt. It was a little bit trashy. Jackie grabbed her arm and opened the closet. There wasn't much. She ran out, and came back with a folded dress.

  “Just one time.”

  Sara gave her a hug, and then closed her door. Once she changed, Sara checked herself over: her dress was a midnight black, with a red bow across her waist. Her hair fell loosely about her shoulders, and she slipped on some yellow flats. Normally, Sara hated dresses, and wasn't much on dressing up. But she decided it would do for now.

  When she walked out, Jackie nodded approvingly.

  “Very nice. Come on, let's go blow some minds.”

  Matt had been walking for many hours an days. Once he came to the border, he sat down, rubbing his legs. His eyes stung with tears and he let one fall down cheek. This place hounded him with memories, and only one real good one: Reagan. He stood up and kept walking, his heart in pieces.

  At the same time, R was sitting outside the abandoned base. Flashes passed her eyes: the flames, the bodies, Matt's wild eyes as she kissed him and ran into the heat of battle. R felt a tear trickle down her cheek and splash onto the frame that she had brought out.

  She stood up, the wind blowing her hair back softly, and began to walk. R made her way to the remains of the old base, which was nothing but an old black frame now. Rob had died there; so many people had died...

  R sat down and began to scrape away the dirt. Holding the frame in her hands, looking at her dead love, she kissed it one last time, and then placed it in the hole.

  “It’s over now.” R whispered to herself.

  She stood up, and ran into someone. He was about her age, with stringy light, light brown hair and gray-blue eyes. R yelped a little, and then looked at him, wishing she had brought any kind of weapon.

  “If you got lost, I have more maps at the base. Name?”

  He stared at her, and then cracked a very small smile. “Matt.”

  Her eyes were as big as dinner plates. “Wha...? Matt?”

  Matt laughed a little and they both embraced each other. He couldn't believe it, and tears streamed down his face. He had found her: Matt had found Reagan.

  As the sun set, everyone began to come outside. Somehow, Will had gotten hold of speakers. Using a bunch of fancy tools and wires, and things no one else understood, he got the music.

  At first, the music was upbeat, and everyone was just talking and dancing. Sara and Jackie chatted near the corner. She told Jackie about what Eli did for her, and she covered her mouth, trying to stifle a laugh.

  “I knew it!” she squealed.


  “Don't you get it? He likes you! Isn't it obvious?”

  Sara blushed, and at that moment, Will whistled loud, and most everyone looked up at him.

  “Alright, we have a special request, and I think I found the perfect song. Here's an old Avril Lavigne record, now dance away.”

  With another tweak, what sounded like a violin or cello began to play. And, to Sara's horror, people bang pairing up and slow dancing.

  Then, someone tapped her shoulder. Another pure reflex made her backhand- you guessed it- Eli. He rubbed his cheek, smiling a little.

  “Do you do this to everyone or just me?” he teased.

  Sara looked down and smiled. He glanced at everyone, slowly swaying, and he held out his hand. She felt her cheeks flush as they stepped onto the dance floor. As Avril's voice flowed through the air, Sara put her arms around his neck, and Eli placed his hands on her waist.

  “With you by my side I will fight and defend.

  I'll fight and defend.

  Keep holding on.

  'Cause you know we'll make it though...”

  As they swayed, Eli looked at her. “Well, I think this is a good way to end, for now. I mean, we're not done yet.”

  Sara nodded. “It’s not gone, not really. The Smoke is going to be really mad when it comes back. And there's Matt, who we need to keep in touch with, on a regular basis.”

  “Not to mention the world all together.” Eli added, “There are lots of places left to explore, people we need to save, things we need to fight. We have our whole, short life ahead of us.”

  The song hit the bridge, and Eli twirled her slightly.

  “Hear me when I say I believe,

  Nothing gonna change destiny.

  Whatever is meant to be will work out perfectly.

  Yeah, yeah yeah!”

  Sara smiled, locking eyes with him. For the moment, things were going just fine.

  That same evening, Matt sat outside on the roof of H.A.N.D 2, looking at the stars and the clear sky. Reagan came up, pushing her hair back.

  “What're you thinking about?” she asked, sitting down next to him.

  “Someone back at the other base. I'm not sure yet, but, I think she might be it.”

  Reagan's eyes widened. “What? No, she can't be. What did she do to make you think that?”

  “Well, she fought off the Smoke, for one, and that was no easy task.”


  “And then, she pulled things out of reality and into her mind. Then, when she woke up, it came back to the corner of the room.

  “Eli also told me that she had seen the base before, without ever coming here. And in a dream I had, I could see her in it. Those three things could mean that she really is who we've been waiting for.”

  Reagan shifted uncomfortably. “But Matt, are you sure the oracle picked her? Already? And what if you're wrong?”

  Matt shrugged. “Then that would mean that the oracle was wrong, and that we'll all die in the end. But she isn't wrong about Sara- I can feel it.”

  “Mattie, please listen.” Reagan was becoming more on edge by the second, fearing for everyone she knew and held dear. “When you saw the oracle the first time, she nearly fried your mind. If you were to risk seeing her again-”

  “I can't.” Matt shook his head, “Even if I wanted too, people can only see her once. The journey to her realm is something no one can ever understand, or ever will.”

  “But, did you tell her? Sara?”

  “No, I think we need to wait until more proof. Maybe in a few years, we can send her to the oracle, to confirm. But Sara will need training, and her mind has to be focused.”

  Reagan sighed and rested her head on his shoulder. Just when things couldn't get crazier, the One might have come into the game.

  While the dancing continued at H.A.N.D, up in the trees, the leaves rustled, but froze. A small, nearly microscopic wisp of red smoke curled around the branch. If it could smile, it surely was- maybe even laughing! - because all of the humans' troubles were just beginning.

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